MTL - Peerless Martial God-Chapter 2834 Lone

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Lin Feng’s existence broke the battles of the blood sacred two. They stopped their hands suddenly and looked at Lin Feng in a cold eyes.

"You killed me!" The person who fights with the blood saint is a wild old man, a long beard, a thick eyebrow, very majestic, good at the power of the gold system, the peak of the peak, the attacking tyranny, the defense is difficult, only the speed is weak, He has been suppressing the blood saint in battle. If Lin Feng’s appearance distracts him and wants to rescue him, the blood sanctuary may have been defeated.

Lin Feng stood in the void and asked the two people: "What is the purpose of the invasion and plunder of the nine major regions? What is the use of personal merits?"

"You want to know, I will tell you that the nine major regions invade and plunder each other in order to accumulate enough merits. If the tomb of the fire is used to suppress the opponents in the war, the merits of the accumulation will be accumulated to a certain extent, and these merits can be gathered together. The remains of God, as for personal merits, it is said that when your personal merits reach a fear value, you can get the guidance of the gods alone." The old eyebrows are facing Lin Fengdao.

"The miracle, everyone in the tomb of the gods believes that there are miracles." Lin Feng's eyes condensed, only the old man said: "In the tomb of the gods, the gods set the rules, the same level of people killed opponents, get The merits of the martial arts are the most. This is the time when our tomb of gold will not be able to deal with the people of the emperor with the saints. Therefore, the merits are too few, so it is better to let our emperors kill. The emperor's character in the tomb of the fire, that is to say, although you killed a lot of people just now, but you can't accumulate much merits for the tomb of the fire, it is a waste. You are killing the people of the emperor, it is against the tomb of the god. rule."

"Rules, gods, can you give you guidance? Why didn't I get guidance." Lin Feng sneered.

"Oh, as long as you have been in the tomb of God for a long time, you will naturally know that this is also to balance and prevent the strong people in the high realm from slaughtering people in low realms. With such rules, they can balance, even those that are extremely strong. The sacred territory exists, and they will not go to the other side’s geographical slaughter. Once that, the other regional strong will kill, so that the people of the tomb will be extinct, let alone the relics of God.” The old man snorted : "The nine supreme powers in the tomb of the gods, even if they are the masters, they never shoot, just let the tomb of the gods, according to the rules."

"Lin Feng, in the war, the saints, there are very few shots of the emperors. Therefore, the people of the emperor are actually real cannon fodders, because they have the most number. According to the rules he said, they want to open the relics. Must kill enough emperor characters, few saints, to the level of the Holy, to rely on the massacre of peers but to accumulate personal merits, extremely difficult, the higher the level, the greater the difficulty." Lin Yi told Lin Feng .

Lin Feng, he is more and more convinced that the gods may actually exist. Such rules are very balanced. The people in the emperor are cannon fodder, and the nine supreme, they control everything, but they never shoot because of their same realm. There are not many people at all. It is useless to kill all others, so that only those who are on their own side will plunder and accumulate enough merits. Once the relics of God appear, they are profitable parties.

"Your realm, if you are like us, is a small sacred king, all the people killed, the plundering of the merits, there are very few, contrary to the underlying rules, you damn." The old man and the blood saint are faintly released towards Lin Feng Terror, ready to marry Lin Feng.

“Rare?” Lin Feng showed a smug color. When he killed the people of the Holy Land, he felt that the power was quite large. Is that called less? The gods make rules, so what is his realm in this rule?

In the middle of the dominant territory, if he compares it with the holy environment, he believes that he should still be a first-time sacred place. However, his cultivation is completely different from that of other people. He can completely suppress other half-step saints, his combat effectiveness. Absolutely in the half-step of the saint's peak, with all means, can compete with the small Cheng Wang, and then assist the powerful King of the soldiers, the fighting power is even more horrible, so he tried his best to overcome the powerful Hey, take the other side.

The god, the position of his realm should be a half-step saint, and his combat power is the holy king of Xiaocheng. This is the speciality of the masterland. Nowadays, he can attack the arrogant means and dominate everything. .

The so-called Heavenly Dominator, in Lin Feng's view, his ultimate situation should be omnipotent. Now, in a little bit of insight, continuous evolution, his power is endless.


During the sudden, from Lin Feng's mouth, spit out a voice, so that the old man and blood sacred eyes condensed, staring coldly at Lin Feng, they, sad?

"I didn't just enter the tomb of God until I heard you say the rules of God. Since there are such rules, why don't you let the emperors act freely, but they must be bound by saints, and you are not alone. Hunting opponents, but always carrying a group of people, because you are incompetent, knowing that you can't kill enough people in the same realm, so you can use the characters in the emperor, but accumulate merits for the region, but do this. Even if one day, the merits are really accumulated, and the relics of God appear, but at that time, the strong are like clouds, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng said calmly: "You all know this ending, but it is still the same, just because you are incompetent, and you want to save your life, afraid to be hunted by powerful people, gather together, sad."

The old man's look is a stiff, Lin Feng's words, pointing to the heart.

"How is it, in the tomb of the gods, after coming in, want to go out, how hard it is, even if it is not dead inside, the outside world knows that your soul is not broken, but you don't know that this is just a prisoner, not strong enough. The power, who dares to be a lone ranger, go alone to other people's areas, to hunt opponents, you know, how much danger does it face?" The old man said coldly.

"Do you dare to deny that such a person exists?" Lin Feng asked unreasonably, making the old man's look condensed: "Of course, but it does not mean that you can."

Lin Feng’s palm was a move, and he immediately dominated the sword in his hand. He looked at the empty space. In a sudden, he saw his body rising from the sky. A very heavy artistic conception, like the power of heaven, shrouded the sky.

"Oh!" The sword, like a giant axe, with infinite force, stabbed on the seal. Immediately, a crack appeared, and the sound of the cymbal came out, and the sword was broken and the seal shattered.

"When you stand in the low place, it is the person you look at the heights. You will think that the other person is omnipotent and high. However, when you step on the same level, you will find that they are no different from you at the beginning, and they are also looking at other people. Even if they are in the same situation, they can't imagine that they will become each other. Just like you, the world, no matter what level you are, is ordinary people, not ordinary, only faith."

Lin Feng looked back and looked at the blood saint and the old man. He said that when he did not set foot on the holy land, he would think that the saint was out of reach. Now, he found that the saint is the same.

"I always think that when you have always believed in yourself and know that you can do it, one day, you will reach that point, and one day, when you lose your faith, your realm will probably last forever. If you stop, you can reach the holy place and prove that you have had a tough will and belief, but now..."

Lin Feng said, did not continue to say, he seems to be talking about the blood saint and the old man, and seems to be telling himself, even if the world really has the existence of the gods, they are the masters overlooking the sentient beings, one day, he also Can go to that point, and he will go unswervingly.

"Lin Yi, let's go!" Lin Feng said to Lin Yidao, Lin Yi listened to Lin Feng's words, her eyes showed a smear, she had a feeling at the moment, she seems to be far away from Lin Feng, he is so far away and.

Nodded, Lin Yi's figure flickered, Lin Feng took her away, blood and the old man did not stop, Lin Feng's words, constantly playing in their minds.

For a long time, the old man sighed and looked at the distant figure. He said: "In the tomb of the gods, I have experienced 70,000 years of age. My ambitions have been honed, and I hope that you will remain eternal."

At this moment, the old man sent a blessing to Lin Feng. He hoped that he could stick to his heart in this tomb of the gods and not be eroded by the years.

"There is a camp in front, I will put you there, let them take care of you, how?" Lin Feng said to Lin Yi, making Lin Yi trembled, his eyes looked a bit stunned, as if he was lost.

"Good." Nodded slightly, Lin Yi knew that she and Lin Feng were too far apart.

The two men broke through the sky and went away. The next moment, I saw a figure strolling through the void and feeling the horror of the horror. He stared at Lin Fengdao: "What do you mean?"

"Her camp was invaded and destroyed. I have something to leave, just put it in your camp and help me take care of her." Lin Feng said, the horrible atmosphere, like the same Tianwei, pervades the void. The man nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I will arrange her in a good position in the camp."

"Fell!" Lin Feng figured away, Lin Yi has been staring into the distance, it seems very reluctant, it is an admiration.

"What is he going to do?" Next, the saint came to Lin Yi and asked.

"Go to other areas, go alone, and win the merits!" Lin Yi whispered, making the other side look trembled, and Lin Yi, walking down the sky, needless to say, she seems to know what Lin Feng is going to do!