MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 445 Deity

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Outside the city gate of Zenith Kingdom, there was an instant silence.

All the members of the Shenglan clan opened their eyes wide, at first in bewilderment, then in shock.

No matter what cultivation level they are, no matter how much they doubted Xu Qing and Chen Erniu before, at this moment, they looked at the statue of Heitian kneeling and trembling with excitement, and listened to the cries from it.

They were all stunned with huge waves in their hearts.

Even the lord of the Lingcang Realm had a bang in his mind, and an unprecedented storm was set off in his mind, sweeping across the entire sea of ​​consciousness, and the three secret treasures behind him were all distorted.

And the most shocking thing is the young man from the Shenglan tribe who escorted Xu Qing and Chen Erniu all the way

As the prince of the Zenith, he has always been conceited of his own mind. He pretended to be stupid all the way, thinking that he had successfully tricked the two little thieves with his tricks, but now everything was reversed in an instant, which made him a little unresponsive.

At this moment, his eyes are wide open, his mind is roaring the loudest, and his heart is even more turbulent. There are millions of thunders exploding in his mind.

"This this…"

"How is this possible!"

"That's... Heitian Idol!"

His body was trembling, his breathing was short of breath, and at the same time he was childish and had a strong sense of unreality.

Among the thirty-six city-states, not every city-state is eligible to invite **** statues from the Shang Dynasty, only four city-states have this qualification, which means that their four cities belong to the direct forces of the four major dynasties of the Shenglan clan here .

So this little prince knew very well what the statue of Hetian symbolized.

It symbolizes, the Hetian clan!

And the **** statue that symbolizes the Heitian Clan bowed down to the other party, this matter is outrageous, not to mention the two words that were shouted 16

These two words are like the law of heaven, and the lingering sound echoes in all directions, as if the world will change color for it.

Qingqiu was also shocked. At this moment, she felt that her thoughts were in chaos.

Originally, when she first saw the two Heitian tribes being exposed, she instinctively thought that the two were fake, which also explained the reason for not killing herself, and she believed in nine out of ten that they were human races.

But before this idea took root, it was changed in the next instant, and it was not a simple reversal, but an earth-shattering subversion by "Wenci".

Because the word "master" means too much, if you think about it deeply, it will completely shock everyone.

In an instant, all eyes here focused on the expressionless Xu Qing. These eyes contained shock, complexity, shock, disbelief and inconceivability.

Even though the captain on the side had planned and communicated with Xu Qing on the way here, he obviously didn't expect the effect to be so exaggerated. Only Xu Qing's expression was calm from the beginning to the end. As for what's going on in his heart, outsiders don't know.

Anyway, calm is his most common expression on weekdays, and he is very good at maintaining this expression.

On the way before, he and the captain discovered the problem of the young man from the Shenglan tribe.

First of all, the opponent's cultivation base is very weak, and normally one would not dare to test it, because once the result of the temptation is successful, the only thing waiting for the opponent is death.

Secondly, as a lower clan, it is unreasonable to test the upper clan like this, no matter how clever it is, it is wrong

But it's obviously too fake to just believe it without trying it out.

This is the reason why the young man from the Shenglan tribe tried on the road. He didn't try to find out the truth, but he was worried that others would see his thoughts, so he deliberately tried.

A reverse way of thinking.

It was also this action that made him and the captain see the clues. As for the way to deal with it, Xu Qing had already thought of it on the way.

He had studied the eyes of the Heitian Clan in the county for three days before, and what he gained was not only the gains in spells, but also the influence of his own Ziyue Tiangong on the eyes.

At that moment, he vaguely realized that after dressing up as the Heitian clan, he might be more noble than the real Heitian clan to some extent.

Because the Heitian clan believed in the red moon, and Ziyue in his fourth day palace was transformed from the power plundered from the red moon, and also possessed the personality of a god.

To a certain extent, he and Hongyue are the same.

This is also the reason why the statue of Heitian shouted to the Lord.

Even if he has been in close contact with Hongyue all the year round and is extremely devout, it is difficult to see the problem, because this is the power of the same source and belongs to the personality of the gods.

Only Hongyue herself can see it.

At this moment, everyone here is shaking, and in the silence everywhere, the captain's expression shows anger, and his cold voice echoes in all directions

"The Shenglan clan is so courageous!

"What is your identity, what qualifications do you have to inspect my **** son of the Heitian clan!"

"If the important affairs of our family are ruined, you will not regret dying!"

As soon as the captain's words came out, the Heitian God statue kneeling in front of Xu Qing burst into black light from the tomb, exuding an astonishing evil aura from all over his body, he turned his head suddenly, and looked at the people of Zenith Kingdom.

Xu Qing narrowed his eyes, he could feel the Heitian statue, and he could order it.

At the same time, following the captain's voice and the evil spirit of the Heitian statue, there was a sound of inhalation from the Zenith Kingdom, and the leader of the Zenith Kingdom stepped forward quickly and bowed deeply to Xu Qing.

"Cultivator of the lower clan, meet the upper clan!

All the Shenglan clan at the gate of the city behind him came forward with trembling hearts, and all paid respects to Xu Qing.

"See you sir!

The prince of the Zenith Kingdom directly bowed down with a plop, and shouted tremblingly

"Meet the clan!"

He was in a mess, it was like a dream.

Qingqiu who was behind Xu Qing watched this scene, while her mind buzzed, she also had a strong killing intent in her heart. She knew that the Heitian clan in front of her had a very high identity and status.

"If you kill him..." Qingqiu bowed his head, hiding the killing intent in his heart.

Amidst the ups and downs of the crowd, Xu Qing stepped forward, stepped on the Heitian statue in front of him step by step, stood directly on top of his head, sat down cross-legged, and spoke lightly.

"You guessed it right, I was indeed pretending.

When his words came out, everyone around bowed their heads.

"I'm pretending to be an ordinary Hetian clan.

After saying this, as the fourth heavenly palace in Xu Qing's body vibrated, the Heitian God Statue under him stood up from his knees and radiated a shocking coercion in all directions. In the spreading of the black awn, winds and clouds surged, and the color of the world changed.

As soon as the captain moved his footsteps, he also stepped up and stood on top of the statue, behind Xu Qing, looking down upon the earth. 34 Then the Hetian idol rose into the sky, and looked down from the heaven and the earth with a domineering posture.

The figures of Xu Qing and the two above him were blurred, as if they had merged into the night under the canopy of the sky, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

On the ground, all the monks of the Shenglan clan shook, and the king looked a little hesitant, but he knew that at this moment he had to worship again, "Meet the Son of God!

Then all the Shenglan clan bowed together.

The prince showed even more fanaticism in his eyes at this moment, and his voice was the loudest.

He belongs to the Shenglan clan. This clan used to be a human race, so there is also human nature in this Zenith prince, and human nature is often more firm than normal belief in the belief that is exchanged after questioning.

Under the worship of the Shenglan clan, Xu Qing and the captain did not leave, but were invited by the lord to enter the Zenith Kingdom. They did not need to explain to the Zenith Kingdom what they were thinking, and the Zenith Kingdom did not dare to go ask.

But when entering the city, the captain asked about the real immortal ten intestines, and learned that there were still nine days before the fruit of the ten intestines tree.

Then in the palace of Zenith Kingdom, Xu Qing and the captain stepped down, but the statue of Heitian did not leave, and floated above the palace where Xu Qing lived, protecting the four directions for him.

As for Qingqiu, she was asked by the captain to change into a maid's uniform as a maid during this time. Qingqiu gritted her teeth and could only agree.

And the arrival of the **** son of the Heitian clan cannot be concealed. After all, the matter is too involved, so soon the thirty-six city-states and small countries all heard about it, and each of them was shocked and still had doubts.

In this way, three days passed.

In the past three days, Xu Qing focused his energy on studying the statue of Heitian, and the team leader couldn't help but curiously asked him about the worship of the statue.

The two had exchanged on the road before, but Xu Qing didn't talk about Ziyue, only about the breath of Red Moon.

"I also have the aura of the red moon. No, why doesn't that thing kneel to me? It also says that my beliefs are mixed, my blood is chaotic, and it is farting." The captain was a little unhappy.

Xu Qing thought for a while, and told about the Talisman of Void and Hidden transformed by Shangxian Zixuan.

The captain looked envious, let out a long sigh, and couldn't help but took out a peach and ate it.

Qingqiu couldn't hear the sound transmission between the two, but she was stunned for a moment when she saw the captain eating peaches, and when she was about to observe carefully, the captain Taozi disappeared and looked out of the hall solemnly.

Outside the main hall, the king brought his son to visit and invited him respectfully.

"My lord, the thirty-six city-states implore me to hold a feast for my lord.

"Master Shenzi is not interested in this!" In the hall, Xu Qing, who was meditating cross-legged, did not speak, but the captain beside him spoke lightly.

The lord of the Zenith Kingdom outside bowed his head when he heard the words, but couldn't see the change in his expression, and continued to say in a respectful voice, "It's a reckless cultivation, so I will inform other city-states. In addition, my national teacher of the Zenith Kingdom has returned, please see your lord .

"No!" The captain continued.

The Zenith King outside the main hall still lowered his head, and after standing there for a while, he spoke again

"Quzi Muye, I have severely punished you for offending Your Excellency this time. Do you have any other orders?" In the main hall, the captain narrowed his eyes. He heard other meanings in this sentence, so he looked at Xu Qing With a calm expression, he looked outside at the prince who was kneeling beside the king, who had never raised his head and spoke, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Wood industry? You once said that you longed to be blessed with the blessing of the dark sky."

As soon as Xu Qing's words came out, the young man from the Shenglan tribe immediately raised his head, his eyes showed enthusiasm, and he kowtowed heavily.

The lord of Zenith still lowered his head, not showing the slightest emotion.

"Two Xuantian Yaoyue Pills, and one hundred thousand True Immortal Ten Intestine Fruits." Xu Qing didn't bother, and directly said what he needed for blessing.

He knows very well that although the posture needs to be put on, if it is too much, there will be uncontrollable twists and turns in the end.

In particular, no one should be underestimated. A prince had those scheming plans before him, let alone the lord in front of him and the cultivators of the Zenith Kingdom.

As for exposing what he needed after opening his mouth like this, and the fact that he had refused many times before would cause more suspicion, this was exactly what Xu Qing wanted.

Because the ghost hand taught him that nothing can be denied blindly, and a false answer should be given inside, so that it is more real.

So when his words came out, and the king's eyes narrowed slightly and his brows frowned slightly, Xu Qing spoke lightly.

"Muye, you come forward.

The king was stunned, and the young man from the Shenglan tribe next to him was short of breath, and his eyes became more fanatical. He got up and walked into the hall respectfully, knelt down in front of Xu Qing, and spoke loudly.

"Son of God!"

Xu Qing raised his right hand, and while the fourth heavenly palace was shaking in his body, a ray of special heterogeneity formed by the purple moon gathered Xu Qing's index finger, and directly touched the forehead of the Zenith Prince.

After the touch, the Zenith Prince trembled all over, his body's cultivation suddenly exploded, a flash of purple light appeared in his eyes, and an aura that was infinitely close to the red moon exploded on him.

Vaguely, there was even a sense of sacredness, and the gaze that looked at Xu Qing was no longer fanatical, but pious, and he directly threw himself on the ground and made a big salute.

"My lord!

In this scene, UU reading www.uukanshu. com caused the king's mind to set off another shocking wave, his expression changed rapidly, and his breathing became short of breath.

Although he couldn't see through Xu Qing with his cultivation, he could see through his son. He could clearly feel that at this moment, his son had an aura of the Black Heaven Clan, and his spiritual power had changed.

This breath blends into the flesh and blood, blends into the cultivation base, and becoming one also allows the blessed person to use part of the talent of the Heitian Clan.

This is exactly the same as the princes and nobles he had seen blessed by the Heitian Clan in Shang Dynasty, and it even surpassed it.

But in the Shenglan clan with strict status, this kind of aura represents that the status and status will be completely different from now on, just like raising a family!

Amidst the turmoil in his mind, the king looked at Xu Qing, and Xu Qing also looked at him. Xu Qing didn't speak, he expressed his posture with actions. The previous rejections were gestures, and the request was not a transaction, but an order! This is in line with the identity of the Heitian clan.

And not too late.