MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 333 White snake symbolizing 'luck and rebirth'

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  Chapter 333 The white snake symbolizing "luck and regeneration"

   "Pure Land?"

  Oshemaru's complexion changed, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

  Before controlled by the lamp god, he can safely throw it into the pure land to obtain sufficient pure soul energy.

   But now that I've lost all restraints, I don't know what's going to happen.

  The Sage of the Six Paths might not mind him taking two sips of soup with a spoon, but if he dares to smash the pot, tsk tsk...

   Orochimaru is not yet ready to face a strong person at the level of Sage of the Six Paths.

   "This guy... wants to escape, but it's not that easy!"

  After Orochimaru's eyes changed violently, he suddenly let out a low voice, "Pure Land·Spiritualism!"

  The layer of flesh and blood outside the body suddenly emitted spiritual light, bursting out with a strong traction force, shooting straight into the void, trying to drag out the little white snake hidden deep in the pure land.

  「 this okay?」

  Deng Shen marveled at Orochimaru's quick wit, and he really lived up to the name of "Konoha Sannin". After all, he is a great ninja who has experienced hundreds of battles and fought on the battlefield. The on-the-spot reaction is really extraordinary.

  In order to enter and leave the Pure Land, Orochimaru had conducted in-depth research on "Reincarnation of the Dirty Land", and it was just a simple matter for him to use part of the dead's flesh and blood to pull the soul body of the Pure Land.

  Thus, in the void, first a small section of the snake's tail, followed by the snake's body, the snake's head... was completely ripped out.

  The little white snake looked down at the source of the traction—that charred body. The snake's face showed humanized disgust...even fear, and it shook the spirit body vigorously, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

  But spiritism, although the lower limit is low, even someone like Kai can learn it, but the upper limit... At present, there is no upper limit for spiritism, and the destructive heretic golems are all within the scope of spiritism.

  Of course, the little white snake couldn't escape the pull of the spell, and was directly pulled into the outer layer of flesh and blood.


  A gust of fresh air poured into the spirit body, Dashewan was shocked, and let out a long breath.

  All the energy that the little white snake took away from his body, as he was channeled back, filled up again, and the transformation that had just been interrupted was restarted.

  However, now is not the time to feel at ease.

  Oshemaru's eyes flickered with gold, and he shouted, "Heaven stands forever!"

  Countless pupil power gushed out from the eyes, turned into a whirlpool in the mass of flesh and blood, directly swallowed the little white snake who wanted to escape again, and re-weaved a cage.

  Although Orochimaru has not completely completed the transformation, if you only compare the strength of the pupil power, it is no less inferior to the Samsara Eye, and the only difference is the richness of abilities.

  The reason why the other party fled just now was due to negligence and Orochimaru's confidence in the ability of the Genie... He never expected that the other party could transform into an independent individual and bypass the control of the Genie.

  But this time, he will definitely not be careless.

  Maintaining the cage with all its strength, Orochimaru began to absorb the energy around it, and began to transform again.


The little white snake slammed left and right in the snake ring, but it couldn't escape from the cage like last time, and because the dragon's veins disappeared, the majestic natural energy from Loulan's underground no longer poured in, but what Dashewan absorbed this time was the little white snake. The energy in the body of the white snake.

  「Although this guy has completed the metamorphosis into a strain, he still looks like he’s overwhelmed, and he hasn’t digested all the energy he had before.」

  As a bystander, the Genie could see clearly, and secretly said, "If the little white snake is in one piece, the troublesome ones will be changed to Orochimaru."


   After being robbed of energy for a while, the little white snake suddenly stopped this useless struggle and let out bursts of neighing.

  The coke-like flesh and blood suddenly squirmed, and a big mouth opened inside, swallowing the fleshy Orochimaru in one gulp.

"This guy…"

  Oshewan instantly felt the energy concentration around him increase several times, but at the same time, there was a sense of oppression from all directions, as well as the pain of burning flesh and blood.

  Little White Snake doesn’t have many methods, but devouring and digesting is his forte. Whether it is the holy wood that has grown for thousands of years in Longin Village, or the roots of Loulan’s subterranean sand turned into stone, they will all be dissolved and absorbed by this digestive juice.

Orochimaru doesn't blame the other party for killing him. He is already on the opposite side. It's a life-and-death relationship. Even after the transformation is completely completed, he will try his best to completely eradicate this threat, but the methods are different, either by eliminating or by control...

   This kind of confrontation will inevitably occur after the lamp **** forcibly uses the ability of the "Soul Soul World" to condense this special Zanpakutō.

  Oshemaru cannot tolerate another consciousness in his body unless he is completely controlled by him.

  But now with the completion of the other party's straining, and completely independent, even this possibility has disappeared.

   What kind of measures should be taken against the little white snake, Dashewan himself also has a headache.

   "Forget it, we'll think about it later... Let's get over this now."

   Orochimaru has two purposes at once, while maintaining the continuation of the transformation, it arouses the chakra of the whole body.

  The mass of flesh began to swell instantly, and the cells on the surface of the body turned into countless vines and branches, colliding with the digestive juice, making a 'chi chi' sound, and almost instantly corroded most of it.

  However, no matter how many trees and vines are dissolved by this digestive juice, more will grow out in the next moment.


  The little white snake let out a neighing sound, and suddenly circled its body into a ball, pressing **** its increasingly swollen belly, but no matter what, it couldn't stop this trend from continuing.

  However, these are not completely useless efforts. Whether it is the battle in the snake ring or the little white snake belly, it involves a large part of Dashewan's energy. In this case, it is very difficult to maintain its own evolution.

   "It's not an option to go on like this."

  Oshemaru frowned, secretly startled, he didn't expect that the little white snake who completed the transformation first would bring him such a great pressure.

  If this guy is still relying on instinct without fighting wisdom, I'm afraid he has already suffered a crushing defeat by this time.

   "Let's settle for the next best thing, Orochimaru."

  Deng Shen also saw something was wrong, and immediately appeared in the consciousness space, and said,

"At present, it is impossible to be perfect, to be able to suppress the little white snake, and to complete the transformation... Let's let the latter go first. Before starting the transformation again, not to mention completely solving the little white snake, but knowing that it can no longer cause you trouble. "


   After frowning and pondering for a moment, Orochimaru quickly made a decision, and said in a deep voice, "Alright."

  The next moment, the pupil power was retracted, the snake ring was broken, and the little white snake broke free from the bondage, and fled away again amidst cheerful neighing sounds.

  Oshemaru glanced in the direction of Pure Land, the corners of his mouth slightly grinning.

  Countless black lines gushed out from his spiritual body, carving inch by inch on the outer charred flesh.

   "This is it?" The lamp **** was puzzled.

   "Pure Land Psychic Art..." Orochimaru twitched the corner of his mouth, with a smile on his face, "Or in other words, Pure Land Psychic Circle."

  And in order to ensure its stability and continuity, he used the pupil power quite extravagantly.

  This kind of fusion of eye body energy and mental energy can be said to be the highest level of chakra in him at present, not to mention, the energy consumed by launching the "psychic circle" is still the natural energy remaining in the charred flesh and blood.

  If only counted by rank, this may be the most advanced and most extravagant magic circle in the ninja world.

   "Come back, little one."

  Oshemaru showed a smile on his face, and immediately activated the magic circle.

  In an instant, a traction force that was several times stronger than before burst out, and the little white snake returned to its original position almost instantly.

But this time, Orochimaru did not use the snake eye pupil technique to restrain the little white snake, allowing the little white snake to escape again. However, at the moment the body was separated, the magic circle supplemented by natural energy was activated again, and the little white snake Pull back.

   Again and again and again and again...

  Deng Shen, who was a bystander, pondered a bit, and suddenly realized, "This is training the elephant."

  Give the baby elephant enough failure experience when he was young, even if he has a lot of strength when he grows up, the elephant will never try to break free from the thin iron chain.

  Although the little white snake is far more intelligent than the elephant, the lamp **** is still very optimistic about Dashewan's approach.

  Not everyone is Sisyphus, who can push the boulder to the top of the mountain persistently. A lot of setbacks are enough to destroy the confidence of most people.

  At least, after the little white snake has suffered thousands of failures, it will definitely stay in this body for a period of time. This is Orochimaru's opportunity.

   There is no need to use pupil power to detain the little white snake, the energy saved can fully support the transformation.

   And another battlefield in the abdomen... Even if the little white snake does its best, it will not be much stronger than it is now, and it will not be able to exert greater pressure.


  After more than a dozen unsuccessful attempts, the little white snake entrenched in its body, and its consciousness was abnormally agitated.

   This is not only because of the failure to escape, but also because he cannot stop Orochimaru, and cannot stop the energy in his body from passing away rapidly.

  For a big eater, the most painful thing is to be caught buying the bottom, watching the storage being emptied little by little, this is simply more uncomfortable than death.

  In the mental space, the little white snake, who was becoming more and more violent and constantly wandering, suddenly stopped his figure at a certain moment. He raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and a fire suddenly ignited on his body, "Hiss..."

  Amidst bursts of hissing, the coke lighted up again.

   Orochimaru and Deng Shen were both stunned and shocked when they witnessed this change.

   "This guy..." Djinn Jijie praised, "He actually took the initiative to use the breath of the sun..."

  Before, when Little White Snake was still a part of Orochimaru, he used his body to perform the breath of the sun countless times. It is not surprising that Little White Snake learned it during this process, and it can even be said to be a kind of necessity.

  What the Djinn really appreciates is the spiritual will of the little white snake to implement itself.

  —Even if you burn to death, you have to be full and bloated.

"This kind of paranoia... It should be said that it is a part of Orochimaru." The lamp **** licked his lips, "If Orochimaru's wish is to live forever, when it is endless, this little white snake's wish is probably just to swallow and digest , swallow again, digest again.”

  The monotonous desire is also very interesting in a sense.

   "Tsk tsk... Anyway, I want to thank you, Tail Swallower. If there is still a choice, I am willing to find a better means of coexistence."

  The golden glow in Orochimaru's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the aura of the spirit body stared more and more, easily surpassing Hashirama and others who existed in the Pure Land, and marching towards the level of Death God and Otsutsuki Yucun.

  Little White Snake’s way of giving up on himself has greatly accelerated his transformation speed, and soon...

   Orochimaru, who was immersed in the refreshing evolution, suddenly felt a heat. It was not the burning spirit, but the heat that only existed on the body.

"what 's wrong?"

  Almost when Orochimaru had this question, the Genie warned him, "Oshemaru, there is something wrong with the little white snake's body..."

  Perhaps because of the completion of the bacteria, the coke and flesh burned at an extraordinary speed, and 70% of it was eliminated in just a moment.

   Not only was it burnt to ashes, most of the spore-like powder was scattered in all directions.

   Observed from the perspective of the lamp god, the little white snake in the spiritual space is gradually shrinking, and those spores carry the spirit of the white snake.

   "It turns out that it is not just to use the 'breath of the sun', but also to use this energy to launch the 'strain transformation' to escape."

  Dengjin rubbed his chin, "It's a good escape route, even Orochimaru can't summon all the split spirits, but..."

  「Is there some miscalculation?」

   The scattered spore crystal dust is actually like the little white snake before, still launching the 'breath of the sun'. The excess solar energy directly burns the lives of these small units, which is much easier than before.

  「May you be blessed...」

  Deng Shen sighed slightly, and turned his gaze to Orochimaru, "So, what are you going to do?"

   Right now, the little white snake has lost eight of its body, and it is still passing away rapidly. It is obviously impossible to use it as an energy source.


   After a moment of silence, Orochimaru suddenly said in a deep voice, "There is no room for shrinking back in this situation."

   It was almost at the end of the day, and he would not allow himself to give up at this time no matter what.

   "Use my body to cast it!" Orochimaru said decisively, "It's just a little bit, just a little bit...I can stick to it."

  「…」Deng Shen was silent for a moment, put down his persuasion thoughts, "Then let's start!"

  The flames and screams descended on this body almost at the same time. Although it was different from the little white snake, the mass of flesh and blood also became smaller, solidified, and pitch black...

   After an unknown amount of time, a piece of coke the size of an adult fell from the air and hit the sand heavily, creating a sand trap.

  「Hey, why bother, you don’t need to risk your life…」

  Deng Shen floated in the air and sighed slightly.

  Thinking purely rationally, Orochimaru could have stopped temporarily just now, and then made a comeback later, anyway, there is no limit to life span.

   "That is to say, you are lucky, and this left a trace of life."

  Deng Shen suddenly looked to the southeast, raised his eyebrows slightly, "That guy seems to be very lucky..."

   A gust of wind blows, rolls up the tiny spores, and flies into the distance.

   After it fell, it suddenly condensed a snake body with gravel as its body.

  It looked up at the sun, crawling slowly, like the most devout believer.

   Sorry, tomorrow will be a day.

   A relative passed away and will be buried tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)