MTL - Orochimaru’s Magic Lamp-Chapter 295 uninvited guest

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  Chapter 295 Uninvited Guest

   Hearing what Orochimaru said, Midai asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

   "Within three days, I will settle at least half of the remaining 80 places."

  Oshemaru raised a finger and said with a smile, "But right now, I don't have enough medical supplies at hand."

   "What happened to make you suddenly have this idea?"

   Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt that there were not enough lignified ninjas, so he was naturally happy to see Orochimaru doing this, but the reason must be clarified.

   "A lot of Bai Jue's avatars around the village have withdrawn, and very few remain underground in the village."

  Oshemaru took out the reasons prepared in advance and explained, "I guess there are other actions by the Akatsuki organization, but in any case, now is a good opportunity."

   As he spoke, he marked the locations of Bai Jue's avatars on the Konoha map spread out on the table, the number of which was less than ten fingers.

   "It seems that you have done a lot of work in addition to the operation."

  The third generation nodded slightly, even today, he is not surprised that Orochimaru dedicated to the village.

   "I will immediately arrange for someone to deliver the medical supplies in the village to you."

   "About this point... there are other things that need to be paid attention to." Orochimaru smiled, "It is best that these things can be hidden from the two advisory elders. The information leaked in the conference room last time cannot happen a second time."

   "Yeah." The third generation raised his head, his face was also a little weird, "I have my own arrangements for this matter."

  To this day, the Baijue avatars that existed in the bodies of Zhuanju Xiaochun and Mitomenyan have still not been removed.

  The other party's move is indeed concealed, which is unimaginable for ordinary people. Presumably, Bai must be very confident in this information channel. In other words, as long as the two consultant elders are deceived, there is a high probability that the Xiao organization will be deceived.

  This is positive for Konoha.

   On the other hand, the Akatsuki organization would not kill chickens and take eggs until they learned that they were exposed, so naturally there was no need to worry about the safety of the advisor elders.

   "By the way, there is one more thing."

  Oshemaru raised his eyebrows suddenly, and said with a smile, "I'll go see the Nine-Tails for assistance later."

   "Go on your own, don't tell me, wait..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes flashed suspicion, "You shouldn't just go to meet me?"

   "During the process of the Shayin Gang's one-tailed Jinchuriki, I had some other ideas."

  Oshemaru licked his lips, "Don't worry, nothing big will happen, and it may even be good for Jinchuriki itself."

   "Don't take it lightly."

   Even though he got the promise from Orochimaru, the third generation still reminded him as usual, this is the duty of Hokage.

   "Don't worry, old man." Orochimaru smiled and disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

   "Shadow clone?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression moved slightly.

  Talking at such a close distance for so long, they didn't even realize it. For three generations, they don't know whether they should doubt their own strength.

   "This guy Orochimaru, his strength is getting more and more terrifying."

  The growth period of a ninja is about twelve or three to twenty-five or six years old, but this is not obvious in Orochimaru, as if he is getting stronger every day.

   "But use the shadow clone to meet me... at least give me some face."


   Vortex home.

  When Orochimaru arrived, the two juniors had finished their dinner and were playing around at home.

  Whether it is Xianglin or Naruto, the body is taken care of to be very healthy, and the energy is at the moment of exuberance, and the degree of grinding is not even inferior to that of the original time and space.

   It was only because of the existence of the whirlpool sunflower that most of these turned into 'family scandals', but it did not cause much rejection from others.

   On the other hand, both the fox demon Naruto and the foreigner Xianglin are protected by the two "Konoha Sannin".

   Therefore, although the two of them have incomplete parents, when they grow up to the age of five or six, their psychological state is normal and they are not so sensitive.

  In the living room.

   Uzumaki Aoi made a cup of hot tea and put it on the table, "Master Orochimaru, please use it."

   "You took good care of Xianglin and Naruto."

  Oshemaru looked at the two who were playing ninja games, nodded slightly, and asked, "Have they started ninja training?"


   Uzumaki Aoi nodded and said yes, and said hastily, "This is what Jiraiya-sama instructed, not by me..."

   "Well, I don't mean to blame you."

  Oshemaru waved his hand, stood up, came to the two children, and said to Naruto, "Little guy, I have something to do with you."

  Even though the number of actual hands-on fights has decreased a lot these years, the change in temperament did not happen overnight.

   Putting it into the current scene, it can stop children from crying at night.

  Naruto has a keen sense and is better than ordinary ninjas. He was obviously a little scared, but he resisted and stood in front of Xianglin, "I don't even know you."

   "Heh, that's too far-fetched."

  Oshemaru smiled slightly, "I should be the first person to hug you besides your parents."

  Although he was not a participant in the Rebellion of the Nine Tails, he watched the final ceremony, and that night was also the moment when he met the lamp god. It was also a very meaningful night for him. Thinking about it now, it is quite embarrassing.

   "You know my parents?"

  Naruto couldn't help but widen his eyes. In the village, even in this family, those two people seemed to be taboo, and no one would mention it.

   "Who are they and where are they now."

  Naruto's eyes were full of eagerness.

   "Don't be so anxious, come with me first."

  Oshemaru slipped up and Naruto, who was not struggling, nodded at Uzumaki Aoi and disappeared directly on the spot.


  The night wind howled, the moon was shining brightly, and the Hokage Rock Statue, the four of them had different faces, staring at the village in front of them, but they all had the same solemn expressions.

  Obviously a flesh-and-blood ninja, after being made into a statue and admired by others, it seems to suddenly stand tall and become a myth.

  Oshemaru has no doubts that if Jiraiya, a pervert, or a gambler like Tsunade were carved out, they would be solemn and solemn.

In the hearts of the people, Hokage is the guardian who lives above the altar. If such a character is related to the unstable factor of the tailed beast container, it will be a bit weird. Wake up.

   "What did you bring me here for?"

  Naturally, Naruto is no stranger to this place, even knowing that the place where they are standing now is above the head of the Fourth Hokage, and shouted,

   "You haven't answered my question, who were my parents and where are they now?"

   "Well, you don't know yet."

   Orochimaru smiled meaningfully. At least before breaking away from the label of the tailed beast container and truly becoming Jinchuriki, this child did not even have the qualifications to know who his parents were.

   "When will I be able to do it?" Naruto was not discouraged, but eager to try, "Does it have to go through some kind of test like in the story?"

  Oshemaru was startled slightly, then smiled, "It's about the same."

   As he spoke, he pointed at Naruto's eyebrows.


   tick tick tick...

  When Orochimaru opened his eyes again, he found himself in a sewer extending in all directions.

  Dark, damp, cold... The atmosphere here is almost the same as Gaara's spiritual world.

   "It's this kid who is duplicity, hiding his serious concerns..."

  Oshemaru murmured thoughtfully, "There are still some problems here."

   This hardly requires any thinking. Orochimaru still has some confidence in his own eyesight. Even if this kid is as pure as Kai, he is at least straightforward and can't hide anything.

  Konoha has experienced wars many times, and there are many single-parent families and even orphans. Naruto is by no means an outlier in this regard. Even children, only very stupid people will expose the scars of others in this regard.

   Uzumaki Aoi did take good care of Naruto.

  The knowledge in front of you is worth pondering.

  「The spiritual world is not just Naruto’s spiritual world.」

The Genie popped up from the side, and said with a smile, "Chakra links the two together. Although Naruto lives very well under the care of Uzumaki Aoi, the Nine-Tails in his body is still a widow trapped in a prison. fox."

  This statement is very interesting, Da Shemaru couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, go see this prisoner first."

  The underground waterway extends in all directions, but following the Chakra reaction, Orochimaru arrived at the destination in a short time.

  It was a huge prison cell, compared to the primitive cave-like scene inside Gaara, it seemed much stronger here.

  There is a huge door lock on top of the heavy iron fence. Orochimaru knows that it is a variant of the Four Symbols Seal—the embodiment of the Eight Diagrams Seal.

   "As expected of the strongest tailed beast."

   Orochimaru looked up and down at Kyuubi on the other side of the cage, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

  He had just seen a crane with a tail, and comparing it now, the perception is naturally very different.


  At this time, Nine-Tails in the cell also found the unexpected guest, it suddenly opened its eyes, and spewed out two streams of white air from its nostrils.

   "I didn't expect you to be able to recognize me when you were trapped in a cage. It seems that the four generations of seals have not completely isolated you."

   Orochimaru glanced around, deliberately teased Minato, but found that no one responded, restrained the smile on his face,

   "Stop joking, at this point of time we are talking, your kind, one-tailed crane, is probably being swallowed by the golem of heretics."

   Nine Tails grinned, revealing its sharp teeth, "Do you think I care about that raccoon cat?"

  This reaction surprised Orochimaru. He thought that the object would hurt the other person, but he didn't expect the other party to be indifferent.

   After pondering for a while, Orochimaru realized what mistake he had made, and said with a smile, "Aren't you familiar with the golem of the heretics? I wonder if you've heard the name Ten Tails before?"

  After a brief silence, a powerful force spread, and the red chakra even appeared through the cage.

   Kyuubi stared directly at Orochimaru with cold eyes, "Where did you hear this name?"

   "Don't make such a scary face."

  Oshemaru licked his lips, "I'm not your enemy, at least for now."

   "Hmph!" Jiuwei opened his mouth and let out a breath of white air, but his expression was a bit dignified.

  Compared to the status quo of that **** civet cat, its current encounter can only be regarded as a vacation.

   But even so, Kyuubi sneered at Orochimaru's "not an enemy".

  Because of the unwarranted threat, it has been sealed in this kind of prison for decades, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a deep hatred with Konoha.

  Besides, whether what Orochimaru said is true or not remains to be discussed.

   "You don't trust me? It's understandable, there is no trust between us."

  Oshemaru shrugged and said with a smile, "However, since you can sense the outside world, then you have to **** up your ears and feel it."

   "Let's talk again after you realize the real threat."

   This time, Orochimaru didn't expect to reach any effective cooperation, but just greeted Kyuubi in advance.

  After all, unlike Shukaku, the seal set by Minato is very strong, and it is impossible for him to hook Kyuubi out of it and beat him violently to make the opponent submit.

  Besides, there seems to be no submission in the dictionary of tailed beasts. These immortal and immortal species are born with a kind of arrogance.

   "Wait..." Kyuubi stared at Orochimaru, and said coldly, "I have something to ask you, how much do you know about 'Ten Tails'?"

   It can look down on Orochimaru, but the threat of the 'Ten Tails' cannot be ignored, it is an existence that will wipe them out completely.

   "There is no communication between us until there are questions and answers."

  Oshemaru resolutely rejected Kyuubi's inquiry, but said, "However, I can remind you - 'Akatsuki Organization', you can pay more attention to this name in the future."

   "Xiao Organization..." Kyuubi repeated, narrowing his eyes slightly.

   "That's right, I look forward to seeing you next time...huh?"

   Orochimaru was about to leave, but a small figure slowly gathered around him.

  He looked at Orochimaru and shouted, "So you are here..." As if sensing something, he turned his head to look in the direction of the cage, his eyes widened, "What a big cat!"


   Nine tails burst out with blue veins on his forehead, and he couldn't help but let out a cold voice.

  The surging air wave spread, knocking Naruto back, and he was even more surprised, "This cat is so powerful."

   "It's not a cat, it's a fox."

  Oshemaru couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile, "You can call it Nine Tails, or Nine Lamas."

   Kyuubi glanced at Orochimaru in surprise, but he didn't expect that he even knew the name, and he trusted what Orochimaru said before.

   "I didn't expect you to come in."

   Orochimaru touched Naruto's head, looked at Kyuubi who was in the cage again, and said with a smile,

   "I know you are very resentful staying here, but in exchange for the reminder I just gave you, don't spread this resentment on this little guy."

   "After all, you should know that neither he nor you have a choice."

   Seeing Kyuubi's disdainful expression, Orochimaru said deliberately, "Besides, it will only grin at the weak, and it will also lower my evaluation of you."

   "I don't need you to talk too much about what I do." Kyuubi snorted coldly.

   "That's up to you."

   Orochimaru didn't bother to bicker with Kyuubi, and looked around the spiritual space, seeing that no one showed up, so he simply backed out.


  The evening wind was blowing, and Da Shemaru stood on the Hokage Rock, and flicked Naruto's forehead to wake him up.

  (end of this chapter)