MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 401 The little thought of the black robe!

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Dark Forbidden Zone, Eternal Night Palace.

A throne was suspended in the air, and at this moment a black phantom was sitting on the throne, with no trace of blood visible on its pale face.

The Lord of Darkness squinted his purple eyes, examining the black-robed figure kneeling on the ground below.

After a while, he spoke slowly.

"Hei Pao, you...failed again?"

Below, the body of the black-robed figure trembled slightly, and he said in a trembling voice: "My lord, I... I don't want to, but the fear side has sent a lot of people, and I alone... I am no match for them at all! So, I will come back Now, keep your useful body and continue to serve the Lord!"

Hearing this, the Lord of Darkness sneered, playing with the taste: "A useful body? Hehe, are you kidding me? We were the first to explore the secret space of Planet Aquamarine, but how did you do it? It cost so much For many years, I have not been able to open the virtual space of the universe, and in the end it was a woman who managed to open it."

"Later, when the fear came, instead of fighting back immediately, you took advantage of the wind and threw yourself into the opponent's command, disgracing the face of my dark restricted zone!"

"And now... I just asked you to stop the people sent by fear from going to Sifangyu, but in the end, you missed again."

The Lord of Darkness looked gloomy, and his tone was cold: "A total of three shots were taken, all of which ended in failure! But in terms of resources, you have not lost a single point, and you... have lived a very nourishing life."

When the black robe heard this, his body trembled even more.

"My lord, give me another chance! You let me lead the Dark Forbidden Army, and I will definitely be able to sweep away the fearful side! Moreover, I can also enter the secret realm in the Sifang Realm to win opportunities for you!"

"How do you want me to believe you?"

The Lord of Darkness said indifferently.

"My lord, you don't know. The previous missions failed because only one subordinate fought alone! And...the subordinate didn't fail completely as the lord said! I...I also took some remedial measures !"

The black robe said loudly.

"Oh? Tell me, how did you fix it?"

The Lord of Darkness asked lightly.

When Heipao heard this, his face became happy, and he immediately began to explain.

"Aquamarine's mission is entirely due to the fact that the subordinates are trapped, so they can only use their avatars to carry out the mission. Naturally, they are unable to do so, but the subordinates are not discouraged. The rise of the human race has won the favor of that world's luck, and finally incarnated into the will of that world!"

"Then, relying on this identity, I sneaked into the virtual space of that universe in advance, and started the layout! On the other side, under my guidance, the Human Sovereign rose step by step, and finally joined forces with others, in reality. The world worked hard, and finally cooperated with me inside and outside, and this successfully opened the virtual universe!"

"As for the incarnation of fear, it was completely an accident! He is powerful and I have too many avatars, and that virtual space has not developed very recently, so he is not an opponent of fear at all! However, I still found a breakthrough, and finally With the convenience of the will of heaven and earth, he supported a child of destiny, finally defeated the incarnation of fear, and shattered the conspiracy of the side of fear!"

"In this mission, although our dark forbidden zone failed, after my last efforts to remedy it, the fear side did not benefit! This was already the best result in terms of the situation at the time!"

The black robe breathed almost without panting, giving a reason for the failure of the mission of Planet Aquamarine.

Hearing the words, the Lord of Darkness moved his eyes slightly, then nodded slowly, and said, "Continue."

Hei Pao heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he thought in his heart, although the Lord of Darkness is not weak, his brains are fed to dogs, so he just fooled him!

Thinking of this in his heart, he immediately continued to add fuel and vinegar, exaggerated the description of this mission, how miserable he was, and finally relied on his own ingenuity to lure the enemy to a dangerous place, making the enemy flee desperately. I failed to enter the secret realm of Sifangyu, but managed to organize people from the fear side to enter the secret realm.

All in all, although there is no merit, there is absolutely no fault!

"My lord! Speaking of which, the most important reason is that the subordinates have been acting alone, which is why they are unable to do what they want in many cases!"

The black robe cried miserably: "The strength of this subordinate is low, just a nine-rank saint. Many times, it is really difficult. With the help of the Dark Forbidden Army..."

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. I already know about your matter, and I really blamed you. How about this, I will give you a dark source fruit. After you take it later, go to Shenbingo to pick two handy ones." With the help of these foreign objects, you should be able to break through to the Dao realm smoothly, which will be of great benefit to your strength improvement."

The Lord of Darkness said directly: "As for the Dark Forbidden Army...they have important things to do, and they can't find any manpower for the time being."

"They are so powerful, why did they go?"

The black robe asked subconsciously.

"Hmph, don't ask if you shouldn't!"

The Lord of Darkness snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, a palm-sized black hole floated out and landed in front of the black robe, "This is the original fruit of darkness, you should take it as soon as possible, it can activate your potential to the greatest extent. Things are rare treasures, even if it is my Dark Forbidden Army, only a very small group of people are qualified to get it."

"This time, you made a lot of money. If it wasn't for the fact that no one can use it, such benefits will definitely not be yours. Okay, step back, and I will arrange a new task for you later. This time...but definitely Don't let me down again! Understand?"

The Dark Lord's tone was cold. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Yes! The subordinates must be terrified and do their best to complete the task!"

Heipao was ecstatic in his heart, put away the original fruit of darkness, and quickly retreated.

At the same time, he couldn't help laughing in his heart: "This fruit of the origin of darkness is a good thing. It is the fruit of an ancient dark tree in ancient times. It has the imprint of the origin of ancient martial arts. If you can dedicate it to Mr. Lin..."

"No, only this is not enough! Wait a moment, I have to pick two more magical weapons for Mr. Lin!"

The black robe murmured in his heart: "It's just a pity that I can't take the Dark Forbidden Army with me, otherwise, I can provide Mr. Lin with a group of powerful servants. Sigh... think of a way, anyway, it's still early, Before the Lord of Darkness releases the next mission, there is still a chance!"

The black robe galloped all the way, and after leaving the Eternal Night Palace, he ran in the direction of Shenbingo.

He decided that this time he must make a tough vote, and then, he went to join Mr. Lin directly. As for the Lord of Darkness... hmph, let it die on its own.