MTL - On Our Wedding Night, His Highness Can’t Continue His Acting After Reading My Mind!-Chapter 4 004: Do you dare to say half a word more

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  Chapter 4 004: Do you dare to say half a word more

  The hidden arrow coming from the sky brought the sound of whistling wind, clanging into ears, Yun Ran tried to move her body to avoid it, but was shocked to find that she couldn't move at all!

   It's as if, this body is not hers at all, she can't... uh! This wasn't her body in the first place, could it be that the original owner's soul returned to its place? !

   There was white light in her head, the sky was spinning, and she was dizzy badly. Yunran's eyes went dark and she passed out. Before she lost consciousness, she heard a voice in her head:

【Fool! 】

  【Idiot humans! 】

  The voice was gender-neutral, full of arrogance and disgust.

  The flying sleeve arrow was fixed an inch away from Yunran's back heart, held by a slender hand, the dark black arrow body glowed with a faint cold light, and the well-defined knuckles of the lining were as flawless as jade.

  The man in black on the ground tried to kill himself by biting the poison hidden between his teeth, but was restrained by the guards. He looked at Nangong Mo inquiringly, "Master?"

  Nangong Mo's gaze was always on Yun Ran. He didn't even lift his eyelids, but just raised his hand casually, and the sleeve arrow instantly pierced through the shoulder blade of the man in black with the force of wind and thunder.

   As soon as the painful scream of the man in black came out, the guard swung his hand and covered his mouth and nose tightly. He was blocked like an iron barrel and could not make a sound.

  Nangong Mo raised his head and glanced at the twitching man in black whose eyes were sore and his face was deformed, and said casually, "Take it down."


  The man in black was taken away, and the guards also retreated. Fengxuan was the only one left in the hall. He looked at the unconscious woman in Nangong Mo's arms, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

   "Master, although the identity of this woman is unknown, it seems that she... seems... to have no malicious intentions towards you."

  The assassination tonight is true, but the temptation is also true.

  The last man in black was put in on purpose, in order to test the woman.

   It's just that the result was unexpected. I never thought that she would go so far as to block arrows for her master! For the sake of the master, he even gave up his life!

   "Master, do you want to invite the doctor to come and have a look?"

  However, the arrow was held by the master and did not hurt her. Presumably, she was only fainted from fright!

  Nangong Mo Ning looked at the woman sleeping in her arms with eyebrows, her skin was like creamy fat, her face was like a peach blossom, her sleeping face was peaceful, she looked so soft and cute. Within a short distance, there is a warm and fragrant nephrite, and there is a faint fragrance that seems to be lingering in the breath, which is confusing.

  Nangong Mo closed his eyes, slowly stretched out a finger, and poked Yunran's cheek, his voice was muffled and cold, "Hey, don't pretend."

  Feng Xuan: "???"

   Actually pretending to be dizzy? ~

  Oh~ I think so too, that girl is like a kitten to Dabai and other ferocious beasts, how could she be stunned by the cold arrow of the man in black! Hasty!

  However, Yunran didn't intend to wake up at all, she lay quietly in Nangong Mo's arms, her sleeping face was peaceful and well-behaved.

  Nangong Mo frowned, added a finger, and pinched Yunran's cheek. The girl's fair cheeks were pinched with a rosy glow like a peach blossom, but she still didn't wake up.

  Nangong Mo: "..."

   It seems that he is really dizzy, otherwise, he should have scolded him in his heart.

   After hesitating for a moment, Nangong Mo got up and put Yunran on the bed. When his fingertips ran across the white coat, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

   I don't know what she did, the material of the clothes was bone-destroying and cold, and she wore them like this...

   "Let Mu Nanfeng come over."

  Feng Xuan couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, "Master, do you want to invite... Miracle Doctor Mu?"

  The girl was not injured, isn't it a little problem...

   Nangong Mo swept over with a faint glance, and Feng Xuan immediately stood upright, "Yes! The subordinates will go right away, do you have any other orders?"

   "Have someone bring over a dress."

   "Huh? Yi...Okay, sir!"

As the name suggests, Fengxuan was blown away like a whirlwind. For a while, only Nangong Mo and Yunran were left in the huge dormitory. One was sleeping on the bed, and the other was pacing in front of the bed. The slightly wrinkled eyebrows seemed to be hesitating what.

  The moonlight is blurred, and the night is getting darker.

  Finally, Nangong Mo stood still in front of the bed as if making up his mind, and stretched out his hand to lift the quilt.

  That dress was too cold to wear on her body like this all the time, she was already in a coma, and the night was cold.

  She was still wearing clothes underneath, and he just wanted to take that coat off.

   And, he can't watch it either!

  Nangong Mo turned his face away, and reached for Yunran's collar.

   Rao kept telling himself in his heart that Nangong Mo's fingers were still slightly stiff when he was unbuttoning his coat, and he didn't even undo even a single one after unbuttoning it for a long time.

  The man's good-looking eyebrows became tighter and tighter, and he didn't realize that he didn't control the strength in his hands for a while, and only heard a '嗤啦'...

  Amid the sound of ripping silk, the clothes were torn, Nangong Mo's fingertips snapped, and his body froze suddenly.

   Turning his head a little stiffly, looking at the two rips in his hand, Nangong Mo pursed his thin lips.

  If she wakes up and sees this dress...


   Half an hour later, outside Tingxue Pavilion.

  Feng Xuan looked helplessly at the man with a swinging folding fan, fluttering clothes, and a leisurely walk, with a stiff smile, "Doctor Mu, can we hurry up? I'm still waiting!"

   "What's the rush? It's rare that his ten thousand-year-old iron tree made of ice **** started to care about a girl. Why don't I give him some more time to be alone with the beauty?"

  The man was dressed in blue, and the jade fan was swaying slightly. He was indescribably chic and comfortable. He had a pair of slightly raised phoenix eyes, a touch of romance between his brows, and a slightly cynical smile on the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

  Feng Xuan: "..." Do you think my grandfather likes to flirt everywhere like you?

   After finally waiting for the two of them to enter the inner hall, Feng Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, "Master, bring Miracle Doctor Mu here."

   "Hey, hey! What did you bring? Is this son a prisoner?"

   Nangong Mo gave Mu Nanfeng a cold look, "Did you crawl here?"

Mu Nanfeng was instantly unhappy when he heard it, and snorted coldly, rolling his eyes almost to the sky, "It's a beautiful day, and the night is intoxicating. I'm having a good time with a beautiful woman. I'm so happy! As a result, if you say a word, I will abandon you." The beauty came here, you don't feel moved, but you still despise me? You are heartless!"

   As he spoke, the handle of the fan stretched out towards Nangong Mo's sculpted jaw, and was slapped away by Nangong Mo's merciless slap, "Get lost!"

   "Okay, I'm off."

   "She can't be cured, the legs and feet are left, and the head, get out."


Mu Nanfeng's handsome face twitched violently, he covered his heart with one hand, and looked at Nangong Mo with resentment on his face, "Am I falling out of favor? Sure enough, I only see the newcomer laughing, but the old one doesn't cry, and I have a new lover." At once…"

  Nangong Mo interrupted him coldly, "Don't you dare to say a word more."

  The voice is low and cold, and the words are like ice, falling to the ground with murderous aura.

   "Okay! I'll just shut up!"

  Mu Nanfeng put away the folding fan, walked to the bedside, put his fingers on Yunran's wrist, and began to check the pulse.

Nangong Mo sat quietly and watched his diagnosis. He checked the pulse of his left and right hands, and even lifted his eyelids to check. After a long time, Mu Nanfeng frowned, touched his chin, and walked back and forth by the bed. He walked with a pensive look on his face, and his expression was very serious.

  Nangong Mo seldom saw his expression like this, and his brows frowned slightly imperceptibly, "How?"

  Mu Nanfeng stopped and looked at him with a serious expression, "It's a little serious."

  Nangong Mo's eyes tightened slightly, "Is there a cure?"

  (end of this chapter)