MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 25 (1)

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The two were too close, Gu Jinghe moved his lips slightly, originally wanting to call out to Anyan, but he didn't expect that the lips that were still a little away from touching each other lightly brushed Ji Yunyan's lips .

Gu Jinghe quickly shut his mouth, his cheeks, which were already flushed with fever, became hotter and hotter, and his eyes were also dodged.

She had been staring at Ji Yunyan's eyes all the time, but she wanted to see Ji Yunyan's lips when she looked down. She didn't know where to look better for a while, and there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead in anxiety.

In the end, Ji Yunyan let her go, and only pressed her forehead against He Xiaohe's forehead, stopped for a few seconds, then moved away a little, and sat up straight.

"It's hot."

Gu Jinghe exhaled quickly, she was too close just now, she didn't even dare to breathe too hard, she kept holding back, and now she was breathing too fast, choking for a moment, coughing so that her body trembled, and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.

Ji Yunyan laughed softly, and seeing that she was coughing and trying to sit up, she stretched out her hand to support her shoulder, and asked He Xiaohe to sit with her back against the head of the bed.

"Why are you choking?"

Gu Jinghe coughed for a while, and his head became more confused. If he didn't take the medicine, he might burn to a paste.

She grabbed the clothes on her heart with one hand, and subconsciously grabbed Ji Yunyan's hand with the other hand, clasping her fingers tightly, transmitting her body temperature to Ji Yunyan.

Ji Yunyan only looked down at her hands, slightly curled her lips, and then looked at Gu Jinghe worriedly, "Breathe slowly, don't worry."

Gu Jinghe managed to slow down, and was finally able to speak. The nasal sound in her voice became more intense, and her tone became softer.

"Xianyan, were you checking my body temperature just now?"

Ji Yunyan knew that she would ask, and had already thought out her speech in her heart. When she heard the words, her expression remained unchanged, and she only nodded slightly.

"I just washed my hands, and the temperature is relatively low, so I'm afraid it won't be accurate."

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, her gaze became darker, "It's more accurate to measure forehead against forehead."

She wasn't afraid that He Xiaohe wouldn't believe it, after all, she didn't really kiss her just now, after He Xiaohe opened her eyes, her reaction was very natural, this kind of explanation makes sense.

Sure enough, after listening to it, He Xiaohe breathed a sigh of relief, his watery eyes were filled with emotion, "Thank you, Anyan, sorry for the trouble."

The smile on Ji Yunyan's lips became more and more obvious. When He Xiaohe turned her head to get the water glass, her eyes became wanton and hot, like a beast sizing up its prey, and firmly controlled He Xiaohe in her sight.

When He Xiaohe turned her head while holding the water glass, her gaze became normal again, even mixed with concern, no one could fault it.

"The water is a bit cold, I'll go get a cup of hot water, and you take the medicine by the way."

Gu Jinghe obediently handed the water glass to her, and when Ji Yunyan took it, she didn't hold the water glass directly, but put her hand on the back of He Xiaohe's hand, sticking to it without moving until Gu Jinghe took the lead to take back her hand, She just caught the water glass with a little force.

When doing these movements, her expression has been very serious, as if these are just some ordinary movements. Gu Jinghe believed that if he overreacted, Ji Yunyan might beat her up and accuse her of evil intentions.

Tsk, too girly.

Ji Yunyan walked out with a water glass in her hand, and when she turned her back to He Xiaohe, her expression became more real, she even poked out the tip of her tongue slightly, and licked her lips, as if she wanted to swallow all the sweetness she touched just now go down?

If the timid and innocent He Xiaohe saw her expression, he would probably be scared to tears, right?

Ji Yunyan thought badly over and over again, pouring a glass of warm water quickly, although she wanted to tease He Xiaohe, but after all he was sick, it would be better to take the medicine earlier.

There were not many pills, but Gu Jinghe had a hard time swallowing them. One of the pills stuck to his throat, and the bitter taste instantly occupied the entire mouth. Gu Jinghe frowned and almost vomited.

Is this the bitterness that people should suffer?

Why didn't Ji Yunyan catch a cold even after being exposed to the rain, she just wore a little less clothes and had a fever of 39 degrees after blowing a little cold wind.

This is Gu Jinghe's experience. The trumpet who shares the same soul with the tuba has a really poor physique. Last time when he smelled the smoke, he had difficulty breathing and coughed. This time, he developed a high fever after only blowing a little cold wind.

Gu Jinghe decided to take good care of his health in the future, and Ji Yunyan hadn't won the trust of Bie Xiao, but she was playing with her. Broken.

Especially this kind of bitterness is not like the medicine that people take, she really doesn't want to taste it anymore.

It took several sips of water to swallow the medicine on her throat. Even so, Gu Jinghe still felt that her mouth was filled with the smell of medicine. She smashed her mouth and suddenly wanted to eat something sweet.

When you have a fever, your sense of taste becomes less sensitive, and you can't taste any other food, but when you take medicine, it's so bitter that you cry.

After taking the medicine, Gu Jinghe felt a lot weaker. She is feeling very uncomfortable now, and she doesn't even want to compete with the heroine in acting, she just wants to lie down for a while.

Ji Yunyan was unwilling to let her go. There was a tissue on the bed, but she reached out and wiped away the water stains on Gu Jinghe's lips with her thumb, and then rubbed Gu Jinghe's lips with the back of her hand.

"Drink slowly."

Gu Jinghe licked his lips, and had the illusion of licking the fragrance of Ji Yunyan.

Ji Yunyan stared at her series of actions, her eyes lingered on the other's moist and soft lips for a while, and then she stood up.

"I boiled eggs in the morning, you can eat some."

From last night until now, Gu Jinghe hadn't eaten anything, but after Ji Yunyan finished speaking, she realized that she was very hungry.

If I had known that I should have eaten before taking the medicine, at least let her taste the food first, so that the taste buds would not be overwhelmed by the smell of medicine early in the morning.

The kitchen here was used by Gu Jinghe last night. Ji Yunyan doesn't like to cook, and he doesn't know how to cook very much. If he can cook a bowl of porridge and steam two eggs, it is considered to be quite extraordinary.

Gu Jinghe's sense of taste is dull at the moment, and she feels the same taste in everything she eats. Fortunately, she is not picky, drank a small bowl of porridge, and ate an egg, and finally felt that her stomach was not so empty.

"take a good rest."

After Ji Yunyan finished speaking, she packed her things and went out.

Gu Jinghe was enjoying the considerate service of the hostess, lying on the bed drowsy, but she didn't really fall asleep, the door of the room was not closed, she seemed to hear the hostess talking, but she couldn't hear clearly.

Ji Yunyan was on the phone with someone, and Ji Ming's voice sounded on the other end of the phone, "Today is the National Day, you come home and have a meal."

Ji Ming said a sentence like an order, his tone was full of strength, and Ji Yunyan could not refuse it at all.

The smile on Ji Yunyan's face disappeared, her expression became particularly indifferent, her eyes were slightly red, as if the person on the phone was not her father, but her enemy.

"I dont go."

Ji Ming was so angry that his voice became louder, "This is your home, where else do you want to live if you don't go back?"

"Mr. Gu is not in the country recently, what arrangements can you make by yourself?"

Ji Yunyan sneered when he heard the words, "You also know that I am Mr. Gu's man now, so you are not afraid that I will blow the pillow with Mr. Gu?"

Ji Ming was furious for a moment, but he had nothing to do with her. He still didn't know that Ji Yunyan and Gu Jinghe had no real relationship, he only thought that the two had already been intimate. Maybe when Gu Jinghe was having **** on the bed, his head went dizzy for a moment, and it was possible that he had listened to Ji Yunyan's words.

Ji Ming didn't dare to gamble.

He held back for a long time, and could only curse: "You are only eighteen years old, and you talk about these things all day long. Have all the etiquette and shame you learned been eaten by dogs?"

It would be good if he didn't talk about it, but Ji Yunyan would get angrier when he talked about it, and besides, Ji Ming didn't care about these things.

Ji Yunyan mocked, "You also know that I'm only eighteen years old. If I'm two years younger, you're breaking the law if you use me for a deal."

"You are a person who has no manners, righteousness and shame. The things I learned were probably eaten by you."

Ji Ming was so angry that he almost cursed, but fortunately he still remembered his original purpose of making the call, even though he knew that Ji Yunyan called him a dog, he endured it.

"What's the quarrel between our two fathers and daughters? I just want you to go home for a meal on the National Day."

"Home? That's not my home." Ji Yunyan exhaled slowly, her aching heart felt heavy, as if being pressed down by a big rock, her breathing was painful.

"Do you remember what day is tomorrow?"

Ji Ming reacted for a few seconds before he remembered that tomorrow is the death day of his ex-wife.

He found a reason for Ji Yunyan's indifference, probably because her mother's death day was approaching, so she didn't talk big or small.

To put it bluntly, Ji Ming only allowed himself to be indifferent to Ji Yunyan, and did not allow Ji Yunyan to treat him coldly.

In his cognition, he is Ji Yunyan's father, no matter what he does to Ji Yunyan, he is reasonable, and it is only natural for Ji Yunyan to be filial to him.

He even comforted himself, if it wasn't for Ji Yunyan's disobedience, how could he alienate this daughter?

He has completely forgotten the fact that he cheated for many years, and he doesn't remember how he treated Ji Yunyan's daughter harshly after her mother passed away.

When he didn't need Ji Yunyan, he wished that Ji Yunyan hadn't been born in this world at all. Once he needed Ji Yunyan, he hoped that the other party would obey him and treat his words as imperial decrees.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Ji Yunyan could bear it for a while, but not for a lifetime. She hibernated in the darkness, only waiting for the best opportunity, an opportunity to bite Ji Ming's throat with one bite.


Does he deserve it?

Time passed in silence, and it wasn't until Ji Yunyan ran out of patience and was about to hang up that he heard Ji Ming's caring voice.

"Of course I remember. I will go to see your mother."

Ji Yunyan snorted, "No, I don't want my mother to be unhappy on this day."

Ji Ming endured it, "I know, you attach great importance to your mother. Come home for dinner today. Didn't you say you wanted your mother's jewelry box last time? Just give it to you."

The jewelry box Ji Ming mentioned was a three-layer box, which contained many jewelry left by Ji Yunyan's mother.

Ji Yunyan wanted it, firstly, to keep it as a souvenir, and secondly, he didn't want these things to be ruined by mistress.

The woman thought about these jewelry many times, and wanted to sell them many times, her disgusting face made Ji Yunyan feel nauseous after seeing it.

She quarreled many times, and even threatened her with death, and finally forced Ji Ming to temporarily store these jewelry instead of handing over to Xiaosan for safekeeping.

It's good to get something, Ji Ming's attitude is strong, and Ji Yunyan also wants to go back and see what Ji Ming's plan is.

Only one thing, Ji Yunyan couldn't let go of He Xiaohe, so He Xiaohe took the medicine, and the fever still hasn't subsided.

Ji Yunyan kept guard, and from time to time, he stretched out his hand to probe He Xiaohe's forehead, always paying attention to the change of the other's body temperature.

About an hour after taking the medicine, He Xiaohe's body temperature finally dropped, and the other party was still asleep, with a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Ji Yunyan simply sat beside her and waited, but Ji Ming was not in a hurry anyway, Gu Jinghe finally woke up around eleven o'clock.

I fell asleep this time, feeling weak all over, at least my head is not dizzy, but my hands and feet are weak, and my heart is still a little sick.

She opened her eyes, stared at the ceiling for a while, and then slowly sat up, only to see Ji Yunyan sitting on the sofa beside her, looking at her with interest.

When Gu Jinghe thought of how stupid he was just now, he was caught in the eyes of the other party, he couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and subconsciously grasped the quilt with his fingers.


Ji Yunyan stood up, walked towards her, and put the back of her hand on He Xiaohe's forehead, "The fever is gone."

Gu Jinghe pursed her lips, probably because her head was clear, she finally remembered what happened before, and felt shy after knowing it.

"Thank you for taking care of me all the time, it's hard work."

Ji Yunyan smiled, and left the back of his hand away from He Xiaohe's forehead, but pressed it down against He Xiaohe's cheek. After a pause of two or three seconds, he withdrew his hand.

"The fever has subsided, why is your face still so hot?"

She vaguely explained what she did just now, but Gu Jinghe didn't believe it at all, the heroine definitely did it on purpose.

She knew in her heart that the hostess was just flirting with her on purpose.

In He Xiaohe's simple personality, it probably can't be seen.

Gu Jinghe could only touch his face in embarrassment, "Maybe I fell asleep just now."

Ji Yunyan seemed to want to say something, but the mobile phone next to her rang again.

She knew who it was without looking, and Ji Ming was probably the only one who could call her at this time.

Sure enough, Ji Yunyan glanced at it, hesitating between accepting it or not.

Seeing this, Gu Jinghe immediately pulled her sleeve obediently, and when Ji Yunyan raised her head to look at him, she showed a big smile, "Nianyan, don't worry about me, go and answer the phone."

Seeing this, Ji Yunyan slid her hand and hung up the phone.

She raised her head and saw He Xiaohe was stunned, as if she didn't expect her to hang up, the other's soft lips were slightly parted, Xiaolu's eyes were still slightly red, and his face was full of surprise.

"Just hang up like this, is it okay?"

The glance just now made Gu Jinghe see clearly that the call was from Ji Ming. Today is the National Day, and Ji Ming called Ji Yunyan, most likely because he wanted him to go home for dinner.

But Ji Ming never liked Ji Yunyan, why did he insist on calling him home today?

Gu Jinghe thought back to Ji Ming's flattery towards her recently, and her indifferent attitude. Could it be that Ji Ming planned to work **** Ji Yunyan?

This is not impossible, only the two know what is going on between her and Ji Yunyan. In the eyes of outsiders, she should be very fond of Ji Yunyan, and it is hard to guarantee that Ji Ming will not deliberately treat Ji Yunyan in order to please her.

Gu Jinghe secretly looked at Ji Yunyan's expression, and couldn't help sighing in his heart, Ji Ming's trick obviously didn't work, and Ji Yunyan's disgust for him was beyond his imagination.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Ji Yunyan's lips curled up. Although there was a faint smile on her face, there was no smile in her eyes, "It doesn't matter."

Gu Jinghe smiled sweetly, "That's good."

Ji Yunyan glanced at the time, it was almost time to leave for Ji's house.

"Xiaohe, I have something to do at noon, so I'll go out for a while."

Hearing this, Gu Jinghe quickly lifted the quilt and was about to turn over and get out of bed.

Ji Yunyan pressed her hand, the palm of which was pressed against the back of Gu Jinghe's hand, "Take a good rest, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Gu Jinghe looked at her in puzzlement, parted his lips, and whispered after a while, "I've been staying for one night, and I'll trouble you to take care of me. It's already bothering you, I should go home."

Ji Yunyan stroked the back of her hand with her thumb, making circular motions gently, and her tone was full of deep meaning, "I'm not driving you away."

"You stay here first, if you are really bored, you can help me clean the room, please."

Gu Jinghe's cheeks became more flushed, and his head shook like a rattle, "Don't say that! This is what I should do."

Ji Yunyan smiled slightly, "Then it's settled, when I come back in the afternoon, I hope you're still here."

Although He Xiaohe is simple, she is a bit brainy. If she didn't say that, maybe the other party would run away before she came back after cleaning the room.

Gu Jinghe pursed her lips, obviously she really planned to leave early, but Ji Yunyan said so, so she nodded obediently, "Okay."

Ji Yunyan patted her head soothingly, and her voice became more gentle, "When I come back, I have something to discuss with you."

Gu Jinghe's eyes were wet, full of trust in her, he didn't even ask what it was, just nodded and said: "I'll listen to you."

That's fine.

Ji Yunyan smiled, she hoped that He Xiaohe would always listen to her like this, no matter what she said or did, the other party would obey unconditionally.

After explaining the family affairs, Ji Yunyan went out with her bag. Gu Jinghe heard the sound of her closing the door and made sure that there was no surveillance in the room, so she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, stepping on the floor with bare feet.

She walked around the room and found that the whole house was very clean, obviously it was cleaned frequently, what Ji Yunyan said just now was just to let her stay.

Gu Jinghe sat cross-legged on the sofa, staring at his own figure on the opposite TV for a while, "The house looks empty when the heroine is not here."

The system beeped, "She just left, and you miss her?"

Gu Jinghe thought about it, and nodded honestly, which surprised the system.

"You don't know how gentle she was when she fed me the medicine in the morning. This is probably the tenderness that the president will never understand."

If Ji Yunyan could be so considerate in front of the president, Gu Jinghe thought for a while and covered his face to prevent the system from seeing his smile.

It's exciting.

"The hostess is going back to Ji's house, aren't you worried?"

Gu Jinghe leaned back on the sofa, "What's the use of worrying?"

She is He Xiaohe now, not the president. The president can enter Ji's house at any time, but He Xiaohe can never step through the door of Ji's house.

The only thing He Xiaohe can do is to wait here for Ji Yunyan to come back.

Gu Jinghe was bored, took out his mobile phone to check Weibo, and found that the number one most searched was about Yang Yuan.

But it has changed from fooling around with men to taking drugs. After clicking in, there are constant comments and curses.

This was not done by Gu Jinghe, the Yang family tree was very popular, and there were many competitors, and there were not a few who were capable of punishing him at this time.

Gu Jinghe scrolled down and found that there was an article about the Yang family's tax evasion, but there is no real hammer yet, but it is faintly about to be found out.

Gu Jinghe knew about this. At the later stage of the plot, the Yang family was exposed to tax evasion, and the amount was huge. The legal representative of the Yang family, Mr. Yang, was sentenced to six years in prison. The resources were quickly divided up by competitors, but they had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

But this is already a later matter, why is there already a sign now?

After Gu Jinghe thought about it, the only variable was that she replaced the photo posted by Yang Yuan. Netizens picked up too many things from Yang Yuan, and they would naturally associate him with the company.

There are other forces behind it as pushers, which finally led to such a result.

Gu Jinghe didn't know what to say for a while, if Yang Yuan didn't post the photo of Ji Yunyan, maybe Gu Jinghe wouldn't touch him for a while, and the secret of the Yang family's tax evasion wouldn't be exposed so early.

Thinking about it, the Yang family should be in a mess now, and Yang Yuan won't think of her for a while, but there is no guarantee that after the incident is revealed, Yang Yuan won't attack her or Ji Yunyan because of his madness.

Gu Jinghe asked the system to keep a close eye on Yang Yuan. To deal with this kind of person, unless he was completely defeated, the other party would hide in the dark and pounce on him when he seized the opportunity.

Gu Jinghe put away his mobile phone, and was bored at home, so he decided to cut it into a larger size to have a look.

When she changed her number, Ji Yunyan had already arrived in Luoshui City. The weather was not bad today, and when she walked to the gate of the villa, Ji Yunyan heard a dog barking.

Coco has been living here since he was a child. After his mother passed away, Ji Yunyan moved out from Ji's house, but did not take Coco with him.

One is that she is busy studying and has no time to take care of Coco, and the other is that Ji Ming disagrees.

It's not that Ji Ming likes this dog so much, it's just because coco is a birthday present from Ji Yunyan's mother, and Ji Ming regards this dog as a bargaining chip to threaten Ji Yunyan.

Ji Yunyan entered the door, the maid saw her, and hurriedly called: "Miss is back."

Ji Yunyan nodded slightly, the servants in the previous family were almost fired, the new ones were not familiar with Ji Yunyan, and Ji Yunyan was not willing to talk to them.

Although he knew that these people were innocent, Ji Yunyan had a natural repulsion towards them because they were chosen by the third party.

As soon as Coco saw her, he rushed over immediately, bumping into Ji Yunyan and took two steps back.

The big dog stood up, hugged Ji Yunyan's waist with its two front legs, and stuck out its tongue at her, looking like it missed her very much.

Ji Yunyan patted its head, "You are probably the only one here who misses me."

She played ball with coco for a while, when coco rushed to pick up the ball, Ji Yunyan heard some footsteps behind her, her smile faded a bit, and she didn't turn her head.

"Sister Anyan really likes to play with this beast."

Just by hearing the voice, Ji Yunyan knew who he was.

She was mentally prepared before coming here, but when she heard this man's voice, she still couldn't help but want to retch.

The person who came was Ji Ming and Xiao Sansheng's son, only one year younger than her, named Ji Chu.

It can be seen from the name that Ji Ming has high hopes for him, and if there is no accident, the Ji family will be handed over to him in the future.

Ji Chu is young, but he has a lot of eyes. He is obviously a man, but he imitates the girl's tricks.

Ji Yunyan ignored him, and when Coco retrieved the ball, she threw it out again.

Ji Chu was ignored, he snorted in his heart, and deliberately slapped Shen's hand in front of his nose.

"There is a smell on your body, sister Anyan, you really like this kind of stinky beast, probably because you think it is kind?"

Ji Yun didn't return the cigarette butt, and finally replied, "You're wrong."

Before Ji Chu could ask why, he heard Ji Yunyan say lightly.

"I don't like talking to stinky, dirty animals."

After finishing speaking, she took a few steps forward, touched Coco who had picked up the ball, and said, "Coco, let's go eat."

Ji Chu saw her walking inside without looking back, how could he not know that the sentence of "stinky and dirty animal" was referring to him.

He gritted his teeth, originally intending to mock Ji Yunyan, but he didn't expect to be stabbed instead.

Ji Yunyan, that **** without a mother, dared to scold him, didn't she also rely on her father to support her.

Just wait, when he inherits the Ji family, he insists on making Ji Yun look good.

Ji Chu seemed to have seen the scene where Ji Yunyan was so downhearted that he picked up garbage to eat after he inherited the Ji family, a smile appeared on his face, and then his expression became a little ferocious again.

He took a deep breath, followed Ji Yunyan, and walked into the house.

Ji Yunyan washed her hands, and took a special look when she came to the living room. When Gu Jinghe came last time, the picture of her hanging in the living room of Ji's house had disappeared, and it was replaced by a painting that Ji Ming bought for 8 million.

She twitched the corners of her mouth and sat down on the sofa, ignoring the existence of the other two.

Ji Ming had expected her attitude, and although his expression was ugly, he didn't say anything.

On the other hand, Meng Lian looked at her with feigned surprise, "Xianyan is back, why didn't she even say hello?"

Ji Yunyan looked at her with a cold smile on her lips, "Hello? With you?"

Meng Lian intentionally covered her lips and sniffed her nose, seeming extremely sad, "I know you don't like me, but no matter what, I'm your elder, and your father is still sitting here."

Ji Yunyan nodded slightly, and Meng Lian was wondering, when she was so obedient today, she heard Ji Yunyan sneer.

"I think you've made a mistake. In ancient times, you weren't worthy of sitting, and could only kneel at my feet and serve me. Together with that stinky, dirty seed you gave birth to, they were just servants who could be beaten and scolded at will. "

"Let me say hello to you, are you worthy?"

Meng Lian's face was very ugly, and Ji Chu who just came in was so angry that his eyes were red with hatred, while Ji Ming directly grabbed the teacup and slammed it at Ji Yunyan's feet.

"Ji Yunyan! What nonsense are you talking about? This is no longer ancient times, Lianlian is your little mother, show me some respect!"

Meng Lian's eyes turned red from crying, as if she was extremely wronged, "Yan Yan, I know you don't like me, but you can't say that about me."

Ji Chu also ran over, "Dad, don't be angry, sister Anyan has always been like this, and my mother and I are used to it."

Ji Ming was even angrier when he heard that, seeing him like that, maybe he could rush up and hit Ji Yun for a meal.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Ji Yunyan picked up the phone unhurriedly, took a video casually, and filmed the three people opposite for a few seconds.

Ji Ming vaguely had a bad feeling, "What are you doing?"

Ji Yunyan smiled at him, "This play is really wonderful."

"So I asked Mr. Gu to come and take a look."

After she finished speaking, regardless of Ji Ming's greatly changed expression, she added another sentence, "I know Mr. Gu is not in China, so I can't come here in person, so I had to make a video for her to watch."

Ji Ming wished he could tear her apart, "What are you talking to Mr. Gu?"

He seemed to want to rush up to grab the phone, Ji Yunyan looked at him coldly, "My emergency contact is Mr. Gu, if you dare to do something to me..."

What Ji Ming is most afraid of is Gu Jinghe. If the other party knows that Ji Yunyan has been bullied and withdraws his capital in a fit of anger, the Ji family will be ruined.

Ji Ming calmed down, and remembered the purpose of calling Ji Yunyan back today, and tried to smile, "Look at what you said, you are my daughter, what can I do to you?"

He didn't care about this daughter in the past, and he would not meet with her unless necessary, and usually he just pretended that there was no such person.

But ever since Mr. Gu fell in love with Ji Yunyan, Ji Ming was overjoyed, but also couldn't help but worry. What if Mr. Gu heard about what happened to Ji Yunyan in the past and wanted to vent his anger on her?

Ji Ming didn't trust Ji Yunyan, he knew that with Ji Yunyan's personality, even if the Ji family really went bankrupt, Ji Yunyan would never worry, and would just clap his hands and laugh.

After much deliberation, Ji Ming planned to treat this daughter better, even if it wasn't true, at least on the surface he wanted to be a loving father.

That's how it came out today.

But he didn't expect Ji Yunyan to say such a thing, he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

Is this what an eighteen-year-old girl should say?

Meng Lian and Ji Chu didn't know Ji Ming's plan, they were already dissatisfied with Ji Ming's behavior of asking Ji Yunyan to come home for dinner, they didn't dare to get angry with Ji Ming, so they deliberately provoked the relationship between Ji Ming and Ji Yunyan.

It happened that Ji Yun's cigarette holder was not forgiving, and although Meng Lian hated her tightly, she was also a little proud. Ji Yunyan, an idiot, deserved to be disgusted by Ji Ming if he said such things in front of Ji Ming.

She thought that Ji Ming would drive Ji Yunyan out in a fit of anger, but she didn't expect that the other party just mentioned a few words to Mr. Gu, and Ji Ming acted as if nothing had happened, and even smiled kindly at Ji Yunyan.

How could this be?

Ji Ming saved the company by selling his daughter, this kind of thing is too embarrassing, of course he doesn't want to tell Meng Lian.

What's more, Meng Lian doesn't understand the company's affairs, and has always admired him, treating him as a hero, so Ji Ming won't let the other party know.

As for Ji Chu, he is not yet of age, and Ji Ming didn't let him get in touch with the company, so he naturally didn't know.

The two of them didn't know who Mr. Gu was. Seeing that Ji Ming let Ji Yunyan go so easily, they were very dissatisfied.

"Xianyan, even if you climb up to Mr. Gu, you can't be rude to your father."

Seeing that Ji Yunyan seemed to be about to say something, Ji Ming was afraid that the other party would say such things as selling his daughter, so he hurriedly yelled.

"Enough! Today is National Day, everyone eats together in harmony, why are you arguing?"

He turned to Meng Lian and said, "You too, as an elder, what do you care about with the younger generation?"

Meng Lian was terribly wronged by what he said, and she became more and more resentful towards Ji Yunyan, after all, Ji Yunyan said that to her and scolded her son just now.

And Ji Ming, who knew she was being bullied, still defended Ji Yunyan.

The more Meng Lian thought about it, the angrier she became, but she wanted to show a smile on her face, so that Ji Ming could not see the resentment in her eyes.

Ji Yunyan said to send it to Mr. Gu, of course it was a lie. The relationship between her and Gu Jinghe was very ordinary. Before Gu Jinghe set off for Country Y, the two had a quarrel, and she was kicked out of the car by Gu Jinghe.

Even if there was no quarrel, Ji Yunyan would not tell Gu Jinghe about this.

Ji Ming didn't know, but she knew how indifferent Gu Jinghe was, and even if the other party knew about it, he probably wouldn't express anything.

If Gu Jinghe was in the country, Ji Yunyan might have created some wounds on her body, pretending to let Gu Jinghe see them inadvertently, maybe then, Gu Jinghe would feel a little bit of pity for her.

If you send the video directly, it will be a problem whether the other party will watch it or not.

Ji Yunyan was thinking like this, but she didn't show it on her face. She was thinking of He Xiaohe in her heart, and she was absent-minded about eating a meal. Even Ji Chu talked to her several times, but she pretended not to hear and didn't answer the words. .

When Ji Chu said again that she was absent-minded and whether she was in a relationship, Ji Yunyan suddenly put down the chopsticks, and with a snap, Ji Chu was startled.

Ji Ming endured it, but still didn't hold back, "Eat well, why are you throwing chopsticks?"

Ji Yunyan glanced at Ji Ming coldly, "There are flies screaming in your ears all the time while eating, can you eat it?"

Just as Ji Ming was about to say something, Ji Yunyan stood up, "I don't want to eat, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Ji Ming's face turned green, and the butler asked him if he wanted to stop Ji Yunyan, and Ji Ming also threw his chopsticks, "Forget it, let her go!"

He was so annoyed by Ji Yun, he turned his head and yelled at Ji Chu: "You too, you know she doesn't like you, why are you always finding fault with her?"

Ji Chu bit his lips, his eyes were red, "Dad, I know I was wrong, I just care about Sister Anyan."

Seeing him like this, Ji Ming couldn't say anything more, so he also stood up, "Forget it, don't eat."

He walked upstairs angrily, only Meng Lian and Ji Chu were left sitting at the dining table.

The mother and son looked at each other, Ji Chu went back to the room first, and Meng Lian followed after a while.

"Your father is very unusual today."

Ji Chu snorted, "Normally he would never defend Ji Yunyan like this."

"I heard what that little **** said about Mr. Gu. Could it be that she really fell for the nobleman?"

How powerful is Mr. Gu, who even Ji Ming is afraid of?

The two had never heard of Gu Jinghe, and thought that Gu was always a man.

Meng Lian touched Ji Chu's face, "If you were a daughter, maybe...but a son is better."

In Ji Ming's eyes, daughters have no inheritance rights at all.

Ji Chu smiled strangely, "That's not necessarily true, Mom, can't you trust your son's face?"

"I heard that some rich people don't taboo meat and vegetables, and gender is not an issue at all."

Meng Lian frowned, "You want to..."

Ji Chu smiled, his eyes were full of certainty, "I won't let him succeed, seduce him, let him give up on me."

"This President Gu, I must get it."

He wanted to take away everything Ji Yunyan cared about, whether it was money or people.

Before Gu Jinghe knew it, someone was thinking about her again. She cut a large size, and found that she was sitting in the VIP seat, and the auction was going on on the stage, and people around her were raising signs and shouting prices from time to time.

The life of the president is quite rich.

Gu Jinghe breathed a sigh of relief, it doesn't matter if he is working.

She adjusted her sitting posture, crossed her legs, supported her head with one hand, put the other on her lap, and looked lazily at the stage.

The lights under the stage were relatively dim, and Gu Jinghe didn't pay attention to the people around her for a moment, but when she felt that person was getting closer, she turned her head to look impatiently.

After looking at it, he realized that the person sitting next to him turned out to be an acquaintance.

Ahena looked at Gu Jinghe with bright eyes, "Mr. Gu, it's really you."

Just now, she felt that this figure especially looked like Gu Jinghe, and finally changed seats with someone, and when she took a closer look, it was indeed her.

When Gu Jinghe saw her appearance, his head started to hurt.

How could I see the president's former lover here.

Fortunately, her personality has always been indifferent, even if she doesn't say anything, she won't collapse.

Ahena saw that she didn't speak, so she had to find a topic by herself. She saw Gu Jinghe sitting here alone, and the Ji Yunyan she saw last time was not there. She thought that the other party had been abandoned by Gu Jinghe, so she couldn't help smiling.

"Mr. Gu, why didn't you see that younger sister last time?"

Gu Jinghe also thought of the heroine, but he didn't know