MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 30 Invasion space ring

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Magic is essentially the power to control nature.

From the time when the genius of the Terran learned the power of nature 13,000 years ago, the application of magic to human beings became more and more frequent, and the essence of magic was thoroughly analyzed by many scholars, and for nature. The various elements of the force are also accurately classified.

Simply put, the magic elements are divided into seven categories: water, fire, electricity, earth, wind, darkness, light, and space.

This is the seven elements of magic.

Of course, the nature of all things includes not only the elements, but these seven elements are also called basic elements, and through the interaction of basic elements, new magic elements can be generated.

For example, when the water element and the wind element are combined, an "ice element" is formed, and by combining the water element and the soil element, a "wood element" or a "swamp element" can be formed, and the soil element and the fire element are combined to become "Mulch element"...

It is said that if these seven elements can be fully integrated, it will form a "time element" of the sky.

Only in the 13,000 years since the birth of the magic, only the original genius has successfully released a time magic, defeating the terrorist invaders from the north of the mainland, but this is only a legend, whether the seven magic elements can be merged. In modern times, it has always been debated and questioned by magic scholars.

Among the seven magical elements, water, fire, electricity, earth and wind are the foundations of the foundation, and the magic elements that the primary magician must master. Among the five magic characters that the primary magician must master, one of the magic characters is Dedicated to deconstructing these five magical elements.

As for the three magical elements of space, darkness and light, it is relatively difficult to do so.

In the three months of the Black House, Ye Hang has mastered 18 magic characters through continuous experiments. Together with the five he has learned, he now has a total of twenty-three magic characters. He also has Nine magic characters are not mastered, and the nine magic characters are related to the three magical elements of space, darkness, and light. These three are so esoteric that even their elements themselves or the magic characters about them are It is not simple to understand.

Of course, to fully understand these three magic elements, is what the senior magician needs to master.

Only the advanced magician can use the space magic matrix.

Only advanced magicians can make magical items like space rings.

But to open the limit in the space ring, but not necessarily the senior magician - at least, Ye Ding does not think that he can not open the door in the ring.

"The restriction on the ring in the ring is like an electronic door. It must be password-opened. The system of recognition is a complex magic matrix, like a computer system. If I want to enter the door, It is necessary to break the operating rules of this computer system and guess the password of the electronic door. If it is directly brute-forced, the computer system will be destroyed and the space ring will cease to exist..."

According to his previous computer theory, Ye Ding explored how to invade the space ring in his hand.

As a peak hacker, breaking a space ring is not an easy task?

However... the facts prove that this is not an easy task.

When the next day leaves black and a pair of panda eyes came out of the room, his mood expressed great helplessness - the space magic ring of the main ring, many of which are set according to the spatial matrix, and the space matrix There are a lot of magic characters that are used in the nine kinds of magic characters that have not yet been mastered. If you want to crack the recognition system, it is like Ye Hang just learned a little about the procedural language. It is as difficult as trying to break the banking system. Many places can be completely successful not only by experience.

"It seems that to break the ring of this space, you must first master the remaining nine magic characters." Ye Xuan thought so tiredly.

"Hammer, what's wrong with you?" In the small courtyard, Debbie just danced a giant sword and saw that the spirit of Ye Ding was a bit bad. He asked quickly and strangely, this girl would have liked to sleep late, but this three months has been raised. It became the habit of practicing swords early.

"I was a little sleepless last night..." Ye swayed and shook his head. He went to the well and used a magic automatic pump to wash the face with a bowl of water. When he turned his head and looked at Debbie, he asked with a smile, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"You don't cook, I will wait for some porridge. You still have a good rest today." He said a little more than his face.

"Nothing, I just didn't sleep well at night." Ye swayed his head into the kitchen, and the voice came out of the kitchen. "When I wait, I still get a trick."

“Going out?” I was nervous than suddenly, “What are you going to do?”

"Go to the Magic Guild." Ye replied, "My wand was burned by Buska. I can't do anything without a wand. I have to go to the Magic Guild to get a new wand."

"Oh, then I will wait with you." Debbie said with a smile, his hammer suddenly came back yesterday, and of course she could not tell the happiness and happiness, but at the same time there was a slight worry, afraid of the hammer Suddenly disappeared and only came back with a note saying that I want to maintain the peace of the world, so she decided to stay in front of her own hammer.

Ye hang has begun to cook What he thought of again, the voice continued to come out: "Oh, yes, we will get a photo of Kara’s magic bookstore, I have to buy a few book."

When I heard Ye Dang want to buy a book, Debbie apparently thought that the two magical language books suddenly became nervous: "Buy books? What book are you going to buy?"

The girl who was pitted with nine gold coins last time is still fresh in her memory.

"About enchantment." Ye Ding thought of the long sword that Effia had given to himself.

"Enchanting?" Debbie also thought of the long sword that Yeh brought back yesterday. "I still want to ask you about the hammerhead. How did Efea’s long sword come back yesterday? My dad didn’t seem to understand the enchantment. How do you understand this?"

"I don't understand." Ye Lili said of course, "So I have to buy a few books and learn now."

Debbie: "..."

The enchantment is a forging technique that only the dwarves and magicians can use and is extremely esoteric. Does Ye Hang still intend to study now?

"But the hammer, the enchantment seems to be very difficult." He said cautiously.

“Where is it difficult to go?” Ye Feng said with a free and easy face, “The world of Xueba has never been able to learn anything!”

After being detained for three months, I learned 18 magic characters with my own groping. I also created a set of magic armor to kill four people who imprisoned myself. So now I think that this acoustic tyrant is proper. Any problem...


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