MTL - Old Injury-Chapter 46

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[Injured, unable to write. 】

He finished eating with his left hand awkwardly. Not long after, Luo Mengbai, wearing a spotless white lab coat, entered the ward to examine me.

She took out the stethoscope and said to Song Bailao: "Cousin, a few policemen came down and said they wanted to ask Xiaoyu a few questions, I stopped them for the time being and didn't let them come up, do you want to go? meet them?"

"They all come tomorrow." Song Bailao put down his arms around his chest, a little impatient, "I'll be back when I go."

Said and left the ward.

Luo Mengbai carefully checked for me, shone my eyeball with a flashlight, and asked if I was dizzy.

"No, I don't feel anything except a little pain in my hand."

Luo Mengbai looked at my hand after hearing this: "Cousin told you, your hand tendon is broken, but it has been reconnected to you, as long as the stitches are removed and insist on rebuilding , and soon will be as flexible as before.”

After she checked, she put down my hand and looked at my belly.

The eyes of these two are too strange, I stretched out my hand and pressed it there, worried: "What's wrong?"


"You and Song Bailao are very strange today."

Luo Mengbai was wearing a dust mask-like bite stopper, which made it difficult for me to see her expression clearly, so I could only guess through her slightly narrowed eyes that she was smiling.

"Because my cousin and I are very concerned about you."

Her words did not make me feel relieved, I hesitated to ask: "I don't have anything... a terminal cancer or something? You can tell me directly, really, I have a very strong psychological endurance. strong."

Luo Mengbai was stunned for a moment, her eyes soft: "No." Her eyes moved to my lower abdomen, and her voice was a little lower, "Of course not."

She reassured me, saying that I didn't have any illnesses, that I was in good health, and told me to rest well and stop thinking.

Although I doubt her words, I can eat and sleep, and have no other symptoms. Gradually, I feel that it should not be a big problem, so I put this episode aside for the time being.

I stayed in the hospital for four days, and Luo Mengbai would do a physical examination for me almost every day during these four days. Song Bailao hadn't come back since the first day. Luo Mengbai said that Xia Sheng was going to have a lawsuit with the Ruan family, so he was very busy recently.

On the day of Zhu Li's wedding, several people were in a good mood. The uncle came to the nephew and went to the nephew. , so it is.

The night before I was discharged from the hospital, I woke up thirsty in the middle of the night and saw a tall figure sitting on the sofa beside my bed in the dim light.

I was horrified, my heart was beating wildly, and I almost rolled under the bed in fright, but fortunately I knew who it was at a second glance.

"You, why are you here..." I sat up, picked up the water glass on the bedside table and took two sips of water.

Song Bailao sat there, staring at me quietly and dazedly, constantly flipping between his fingers to play with something, I took a closer look and found that it was a snow-white slender cigarette.

"We talked about children before, do you remember?"

His question was so sudden that I couldn't react for a while and was very at a loss.

He paused and made a small reminder: "What would you do if you were pregnant. Do you remember how you answered me?"

It turned out that he was talking about the topic of children.

"Remember." I said, "Don't knock it out."

The fertility sac after use will be taken out of the beta body along with the child. There is no container in my body that can conceive life, how can I get pregnant again? His hypothesis didn't hold right from the start.

Song Bailao stopped the movement between his fingers and said calmly: "Yes, knock it out, kill our child..."

The last two words were almost murmured from between his lips and teeth, and the cruel and gentle tone was horrifying.

I clenched the quilt on my body uncomfortably: "Why did you suddenly mention this?"

He already knows my physical condition, what's the point of mentioning this?

"It's nothing." He stood up and went out to the balcony with a cigarette.

Sometimes I think I know him very well, and sometimes I really can't guess his mind.

I can't spend any more time with him, it's pointless.

On the day I was discharged from the hospital, my sister-in-law nine came to pick me up and returned to Weijing Mountain. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a strong aroma of food. Sister-in-law Jiu said that she specially stewed pork bone soup for me to replenish my body, hoping that my hands would grow well soon.

It was clear that I had already eaten lunch, and I couldn't help drooling when I smelled the bone broth. I asked Sister-in-law Jiu to fill me with soup and a big bowl of rice. When the rice soup was all over his head, his eyelids began to sink uncontrollably.

"I'll go upstairs to go to sleep first." I informed Sister-in-law Jiu and I went upstairs alone.

The gauze curtain was lifted, and a pot of Mimosa was placed on the window sill.

I touched the green leaf with my fingertips, just like its name, the whole leaf immediately curled up shyly after being touched.

I didn't put down the gauze until the leaves stretched again, turned around and sat on the bed, and started to undress.

What's the use of paying me a better pot, it's not the original pot.

Lying on the bed, looking at the looming pot of mimosa on the windowsill, I closed my eyes sleepily.

During dinner, sister-in-law Jiu knocked on the door to wake me up and brought the food to me on a small table.

On weekdays, the Song family ate well enough, which was simply another upgrade.

The last time Song Bailao was ill, he didn't have this treatment. What happened today? Could it be that there was a new cook at home in just a few days?

While eating, there was the sound of a car engine downstairs. Sister-in-law Jiu walked to the window and looked down, and said in surprise, "It's Mr. Luo's car."

When I heard the name, my hands trembled, and the rice in the spoon fell back the same way.

"Yes, did you send the ink back?"

Sister Jiu looked downstairs, shook her head and said, "There is no young master, Mr. Luo is alone."

Song Bailao hasn't come back yet, Song Mo is in Luo's house, Luo Qinghe goes up the mountain alone at night, and it's not always a sight to see the scenery. After thinking about it, the most likely thing is to come to me.

A few minutes later, Luo Qinghe sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me silently, making it hard for me to swallow.

I put down the spoon, smiled at him and said, "Dad, you have something to tell me?"

Luo Qinghe said indifferently: "It's okay, I can wait for you to finish eating."

How can he eat like this...

"It's alright, tell me, I've already eaten."

Luo Qinghe crossed her legs gracefully and looked like a gentleman, but she said very rudely: "I hope you can dissolve the marriage relationship with my son." He said slowly, "Since you married him , there has been an accident at home, and Song Mo almost lost his life because of you. The Zhu family is treachery. I don't know how much you did, and I'm not interested in knowing. You are not a qualified partner, and Song Mo doesn't need you either. Such a 'mother'. I have prepared the divorce agreement for you, you just need to sign it."

Even though I was mentally prepared, I was still stunned by his words and felt uncomfortable.

But in any case, it does what I want. I am not used to or agree with Luo Qinghe's many practices, but today, I want to applaud him.

Have him come forward to preside over the divorce, I can also save a lot of trouble.

"And the child you are pregnant with, after all, this is the flesh and blood of Berau. Even if it is removed, I will compensate you with another sum of money. You don't have to worry about that."

I recovered from my thoughts and didn't quite understand: "I am pregnant with... a child?"

Which child? Did he already know what happened seven years ago?

Faced with my puzzlement, he seemed to have his own understanding, and sneered: "You still want to hide from me, and don't think about whose property the Sanatorium and Hospital belong. Will no one tell me?"

Wait, what he means is... am I pregnant now?

Am I pregnant? how can that be? ?

Many images flashed through my mind, suddenly sharpened sense of smell, Luo Mengbai's strange attitude, and Song Bailao's inexplicable conversation last night.

It was not an unfounded assumption when he asked me what to do if I was pregnant.

That's what he really thinks, he's going to… kill our kids.

I covered my lower abdomen, my hands and feet became cold and numb within a minute, and my voice trembled uncontrollably: "Divorce agreement...Did you bring it?"

Luo Qinghe sat for half an hour, and came and went in the middle of the night, leaving behind two divorce agreements.

The agreement has more than 20 pages. I glanced at it, and the words on it were dense. Before marriage, Ning Shi signed a series of prenuptial agreements for me. I already felt it was very troublesome. Divorce can be even more troublesome.

The above details a series of monetary compensations such as consolation money and convalescence fees that I can get after the divorce, and I strictly restrict me from making any remarks that damage the reputation of Song Bailao and Xia Sheng, otherwise I will bear legal responsibility.

I didn't bring anything, just my own diary, for fear of causing sister-in-law nine to suspect.

Put on my coat, I went downstairs, and told my sister-in-law that I was going out.

She glanced at the sky outside the house and said in surprise, "Did you go down the mountain so late?"

"Go out to meet a friend, he happened to pass by Xiangtan." I made up nonsense, "Just ask the driver to take me to the city, I will take a taxi back later."

"How about that, sir, you know you're going to be angry." Sister Jiu called the driver, but she was still not at ease, and even wanted to go with me.

I heard cold sweat on my palms, if Sister Nine insists on following me, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

"Then let the driver wait for me in the parking lot nearby, I'm really fine by myself." I smiled and said, "Xiang Ping has been arrested, how can there be so many bad guys? no?"

Ninth sister-in-law hesitated for a while, but she was reluctantly persuaded by me: "Well, you must be careful." She took me to the door, and told me to pay attention to safety and come back early .

I found a random cafe in the city and asked the driver to stop at the door, pushed the door in in front of him, looked at the car from the inside, and pushed the door out again.

There is a convenience store near the coffee shop. I bought a pregnancy test stick in a hurry, wrapped a windbreaker and stopped a taxi on the street. Half an hour later, I arrived at Liang Qiuyang’s name. In front of the old apartment.

When I married Song Bailao, I didn't take anything of my own, so I still kept a lot of clothes and daily necessities in the old house.

The door was opened with the key, the room was dark, and the air was dull and dull for a long time.

The light was turned on, I took off my coat and threw it on the sofa, and the small plastic box I just bought fell out of my pocket.

I looked at it for a long time, went over to pick it up, turned around and went into the bathroom.

The first time I used this thing, I groped for a long time in the manual. The waiting process was extremely torturous. Sitting on the toilet lid, I held my forehead with my palm, and my mind went blank for five minutes.

Five minutes later, the instrument vibrated. I picked it up and looked at it with great trepidation, only to see a line of small words on the display.

[Congratulations on being pregnant, predicting 7 weeks of pregnancy]

Luo Qinghe's words are completely true. I closed my eyes and the pregnancy test stick slipped from my fingers to the ground, making a "pop" sound.

The body leaned back, the back of the head against the cold tile. I have clearly thought about where I want to go and what kind of life I want to live after leaving Song Bailao, but now because of this child, all plans are not mentioned in advance, and some of them are no longer applicable to my current situation.

I don't know what to do.

More than a month, the day I brought back the mimosa.

It was the day I confirmed that Ning Shi lied to me and my child died long ago. It was me who said "it's not you anyway" to Song Bailao...that day.

In the empty bathroom, I raised my arm to cover my eyes and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Fate, it's too tricky.