MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 68 freedom and ability

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Open the minimap.

It's a wonderful feeling.

When the small map in the game actually turned into his ability, Shang Yinhe was almost intoxicated.

At this moment, everything around him seems to be completely imprinted in his heart:

Someone hurried past behind him, the vehicle kept passing through the right rear, someone was calling for help 500 meters in front of the left, and the aura of evolutionary creatures faintly came from the far place in front...

Normal people have only five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

These five senses together shape a person's world: he sees colors, he hears sounds, he smells aromas, he tastes, and he touches the world.

And now, the ability of this small map has become another way for Shang Yinhe to contact the world.

Moreover, compared with the other five senses, this ability is in contact with the world in a deeper, wider and more general way.

The world has become different.

How does Xia Zong speak ice? How did the peasants imagine the emperor's golden pole? How do mortals imagine the mighty might of the gods?

And how can a person who has never had this ability imagine such an omniscient ability that seems to be imprinted in his heart?

In the early days, Shang Yinhe was still a little unaccustomed to using this new ability to look at the world.

However, as he experienced it for a while and got used to this vision, he became more and more addicted to this ability.

- So comfortable, so comfortable!

It was as if the door to a new world had been opened all at once, and the world had become so colorful in front of him.

This so-called minimap is also different from the minimap with thumbnail icons in real games.

It's a sensory stretch.

If you have to find a similar adjective, it is like the kind of spiritual scanning possessed by the spiritual controller in the infinitely terrifying world - the world is fully revealed in front of the spiritual controller.

Even if he closes his eyes, blocks his ears, and loses his sense of touch, with the ability of this small map alone, he can roam the city wantonly.


Shang Yinhe, who had exchanged the new ability, was very excited. He was eager to run among the high-rise buildings in the second city, firmly thinking:

The failures in the previous rounds were all due to my unfamiliarity with the new abilities. Now, I must be able to pass the level successfully!

…and then got slapped in the face.

After failing to clear the second level for the Nth time, Shang Yinhe covered his face and returned to the first level, and began to try to score a high score, and then swiped a star to come out.

In this game, as long as you get an A-level rating in each level, you can get two stars; the highest you can get an S-level rating, you can get three stars. However, if you repeatedly clear the level and the evaluation remains the same, you will not get stars.

In other words, the ultimate goal of Shang Galaxy should be Samsung customs clearance.

...However, he now has a small goal, which is to get the first two-star clearance of the first level...

...this goal seems very difficult to achieve...

In fact, the difficulty of this game is not just about being afraid of heights.

You must know that in front of Shang Yinhe is an incomparably huge city, the roads are crisscross and intricate, and he looks so small and helpless in it.

He can choose any route, he can sort the places of salvation at will, go here or there first, and no one will restrict him.

Only the countdown in the upper right corner is running minute by minute, making every bit of time seem so precious.

When he just entered the level, some crises were still taking shape. If he was fast enough, he could use the simplest rescue method to save everyone in the location.

However, at the same time, there are some crises that have become very serious when he has just entered the city. If he gives priority to other rescue locations with lower danger levels, it is possible that at these rescue locations with higher danger levels, There were immediate casualties.

In short, this game requires him to plan his own path, and he needs to find a very balanced and thoughtful route planning, and make good use of his exchange ability to save the most people in the shortest time.

Moreover, because the degree of freedom is very high and almost unlimited, as long as Shang Yinhe can think of it, he can solve seemingly complicated rescue scenarios in a very clever way.

For example, in the three-story building in the novice guide, if Shang Yinhe couldn't think of a method for the curtain rope, then he can only resist the evolutionary tree; maybe he should directly target the evolutionary plant body, maybe he can use fire attack to solve the tree , in a variety of ways.

Only your imagination limits your actions.

Run, save, Shang Yinhe gradually became familiar with the content of this game and became proficient in the repetition.

He would take the time to travel around the city during the level preview phase, lay out a rough route, and then try again and again to find the best route.

He constantly changes the exchange ability in the system, and strives to use the limited stars to match the ability combination that is most suitable for the current level;

In the process of running, jumping, and climbing, he learned to use the [Blessing of the Wind] ability more efficiently.

To exaggerate, a hundred times of exercise is not as good as one practice, and in this game world, he is forced to use this ability all the time.

There is no concept of day and night in the game world. Shang Yinhe is just like this day and night, brushing the levels over and over again, looking for the best way to save people among the infinite possibilities.

"The level preview session is over."

"The tenth level, the official start."

The door of the checkpoint opened in front of him, and outside was a noisy and prosperous world.

This is already the tenth level of Shang Yinhe's challenge, and this is also the fifty-eighth challenge he has initiated for this level.

If his hunch is correct, this level should also be the last level in the game.

He leaped between tall buildings, light and agile.

He passed between the cracks in the steel forest, and the wind sang wild hymns for him.

Everything around him is imprinted in his heart, which makes his movements more dashing and free, full of endless imagination.

Combined with its own [Blessing of Wind] ability, he was like a no-man's land, turning the entire city into his playground.

As long as my E speed is fast enough, the question mark of my teammates can't catch up with me...

Oh no, wrong stalk, come again:

As long as I run fast enough, I can save everyone when the crisis is just taking shape.

Shang Yinhe stepped on the rhythm of the background music and flew in the city.

There was an evolutionary plant in front of him that was so arrogant that it completely covered the next floor. Shang Yinhe kept walking, stepping on the branches and vines of the evolutionary plant and went straight to the top floor, and rescued the three faceless children on the top floor who were entangled in branches and leaves. He then threw a [Fairytale Magic Bean] out of the window and left without looking back.

A real man never looks back at the explosion, and he never looks back at the scene after the rescue.

Behind him, the magic bean plant grew when it saw the wind, soaring, and soon a vine grew straight from the ground to the top.

From the third floor to the top floor, on every floor of this small building, faceless people climbed out of the windows, holding the vines of the magic beans, and moved down to the ground little by little.

At this time, Shang Yinhe had already rushed to the second rescue location.

In this warehouse, countless rats flooded, and above the rats, a group of faceless people were shivering and hiding on the crumbling water tower platform.

Shang Yinhe threw out a special version of [Killing Dandelion]. This evolutionary plant, which has special lethality to evolutionary animals, quickly exploded in the group of mice, and the slender silk flocks tightly wrapped the evolved mice. , tighter and tighter, until it brings death.

He threw down a [Fairy Beanstalk] again, kicked the wall and turned to the next rescue location.

This time, the rescue site was above a high-rise building, but Shang Yinhe no longer needed to climb with bare hands as before.

When he raised his right hand, the [spider silk launcher] shot straight at the upper floors of the building, and the shrinking spider silk took him across an upside-down oblique parabola in the air. In the blink of an eye, it had already reached about twenty floors.

After two or three more shots, Shang Yinhe successfully arrived at the rescue site.

In the building this time, there appeared a giant cactus that would continuously shoot needles. It seemed that someone's small cactus was specially designed to absorb radiation, and it suddenly changed into this look.

Some faceless people have been seriously injured by needle sticks, and the rest are hiding in the cubicles and looking helplessly, but they don't dare to come out at all.

Shang Yinhe, who had memorized this scene for a long time, had already chosen the most suitable angle to attack when he went upstairs. His left hand touched the air, and a simple yet murderous [killing spear] appeared in his hand.

The spear's description reads: "A single hit means death to any creature."

Shang Yinhe threw a spear through the glass - "Crack!" With the crisp cracking sound of the glass, the spear penetrated the body of the evolved version of the cactus as quickly as lightning!

Visible to the naked eye, the giant cactus shrank, withered yellow began to appear on its body, and its vitality faded from its body.

The spear gradually disappeared in the air, leaving only hideous wounds on the cactus. The faceless villain ran out of the cubicle, making a loud cry.

As for Shang Yinhe, the moment he threw the [killing spear], he flew down directly from the side of the building.

The [portable glider] unfolded behind him, taking him along a graceful trail in the sky.

Then there is the fourth rescue site, the fifth, the sixth...

The countdown was five minutes away, and he had reached the last rescue site in the city.

After all the rescues he seemed to have done with ease, a faceless girl boldly rushed up, hugged him tightly, and yelled something he didn't understand at all.

Shang Yinhe was a bit dark, because the rescue was over, so he just relaxed his vigilance, so he was caught by the faceless girl.

He made a delicate mistake and got rid of the faceless girl's entanglement.

Although it can be imagined that this should be a fan who warmly embraced in reality, but...

But in the world of games, being embraced by such a faceless person is really a bit of a horror movie.
