MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 66 fear of heights

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Because Shang Yinhe came here very fast this time, the evolutionary plants next to the small building had just begun to grow, and they had not had time to completely block the passage on the third floor.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Shang Yinhe squinted his eyes, jumped and climbed, and landed on the window sill on the third floor.

His movements were so light and agile, in exchange for a burst of cheers from the faceless people on the third floor.

At this moment, the vines of the evolutionary plant are still growing, and its dark green vine branches are wanton buds and leaves, filling the space on the third floor at a growth rate visible to the naked eye.

For now, it seems that the method he gave up before—that is, cleaning up the evolutionary plant vines on the third floor until a method that can pass through the human space—reluctantly still works.

The countdown went on and on, time was running out, Shang Yinhe lowered his head and got into the third floor through the window, grabbed the plastic chair beside him as a weapon, and rushed straight up.


Depressed, Shang Yinhe gave up the operation of cleaning up evolutionary creatures once again.

The situation seemed fine at first, and through the gaps in the vines, the handrails of the stairs could be seen.

However, his cleaning speed could not keep up with the growth of evolutionary plants at all. The more he tore the vines, the more blocked the space at the entrance of the stairs.

I don't know if this game world has similar ability exchange benefits, otherwise, with his current ability, he really can't do these lowest-level evolutionary plants.

Shang Yinhe reluctantly gave up the cleanup, and continued to use the original soil method, tore down the curtains around him as a rope to go downstairs, and tied it to the fixture on the third floor, signaling the faceless people to climb downstairs quickly.

- I always feel that my brute force is gone.

After solving this rescue location, Shang Yinhe quickly left and ran following the arrows that guided him.

The style of the game, once again rescued from the local style, turned into a dazzling wind parkour.

Shang Yinhe runs faster and faster. The whole world quickly retreated beside him, turning into an afterimage.

The wind whistled around him. In a trance, he felt as if he was flying!

The rhythmic background seems to accompany him, accompanying him to make one after another parkour handsome moves:

King Kong Jump, Side Span, Tumble, Wall Jump, Moon Step, Anti-Cat Punch...

Running and running, the red arrow pointing in front of him left the ground and pointed straight into the air.

In the gust of wind, Shang Yinhe raised his head slightly, only to see the next task location, pointing to the center of a super high-rise building.

He estimated that it was about fifty stories high.

In order to avoid suicide or accidents, such super high-rise buildings are generally not designed to open windows.

From a distance, you can see that many people the size of small black dots are squirming against the glass, waving their hands, as if they are screaming wildly.

This... how to go up?

Shang Yinhe's pace slowed down a bit, he hesitated, should he take the elevator in the face of such a high-rise building?

However, of all disaster emergency measures, taking the elevator is the least reliable option. Come to think of it, in the face of the disaster brought by evolutionary creatures, it would be very dangerous to take an elevator.

And, if elevators worked, there wouldn't be as many people trapped in high floors.

...So, that is to say, these fifty floors, need him to climb up?

Shang Yinhe took a deep breath and accelerated. He jumped hard in front of the building and hung it directly on the window on the fourth floor.

At this moment, the air made a roaring sound.

Next, is the high-level free-hand climbing.

The first few floors were relatively easy. With the help of the body's automatic instinct, Shang Yinhe quickly climbed to the tenth floor with the help of the protruding fulcrum on this high-rise building.


However, after entering more than ten layers, climbing is not so simple.

He was at an altitude of dozens of meters, and everything under his feet seemed so terrifying.

The icy wind around him no longer seemed as intimate as before, but became rampant, as if he wanted to use his frenzy to push him down from this tall building.

In the game world, Shang Yinhe's body will not feel tired or tense. In theory, he will always face all challenges with the most elegant and relaxed attitude.

However, the body is the body and the soul is the soul, but deep down he still feels tense and tired.

At this moment, feeling the raging wind around him, and looking at the shrinking scenery under his feet, Shang Yinhe actually felt dizzy.

He... maybe, maybe, a little bit, afraid of heights.

Shang Yinhe's movements froze.

He was hanging precariously in the sky, and he looked down with his head. On the ground below him, many little people were pointing around him, but their voices could not reach the heights.

In the quiet high sky, there is only the whistling of the wind and the exciting background music.

Shang Yinhe felt that his hands were shaking a little.

In this stalemate, a diabolical thought suddenly popped into his mind:

What would happen if he did miss the jump?

If he falls like this, his body movements will automatically adapt to the buff, will it help him land without injury?

If such a high-altitude fall can be guaranteed without injury, then he does not need to panic at the prospect of a possible fall.

Anyway, it is the stage of exploration and exploration. It is no big deal to waste a little time. If you think of it, you will give it a try. Shang Yinhe decisively starts his own journey of death.

He let go.

It was as if he were flying, and now he had pure freedom.

The surrounding scenery blurred once again, and the wind sang the hymn of the brave beside him.

Shang Yinhe actually had enough energy to adjust his posture in the air, imitating the most classic Leap of Faith movement of the protagonists of Assassin's Creed, facing the ground.



He fell directly to the ground and shattered into a miserable pool of [indescribable].

Just like in the [Death Labyrinth], Shang Yinhe floated in the air in a ghostly manner, staring at his tragic [indescribable].

"You are dead."

The system's voice sounded at the right time, cold, ruthless, without a trace of ridicule.

"The level is over."

"The checkpoint is being settled..."

"Number of successful rescuers: 11/400"

"Evaluation of this level: F-"

"This level challenge does not meet the minimum clearance level of C-level, and the next level cannot be unlocked. Please try again."

Shang Yinhe smiled awkwardly, looked away from the big beach on the ground, and directly summoned the book of the devil in his left hand.

Eh, after being hit by the first level "Guidance for Novices" (accent), he hasn't read the game information of the Devil's Book yet.

Skip the first four pages that are indistinguishable from reality, and the fifth page shows the detailed record of the game:

[Game record]

[Game Name: Rapid Rescue]

[Current status: exercise enhancement (in-game)]

[Cleared level: none]

[Total number of people rescued from cleared levels: 0]

[Exchanged ability: none]

Shang Yinhe touched his chin. It turns out that this kind of buff that automatically optimizes body movements is called [sports enhancement] in this game world?

Honestly, the name is a bit earthy.

It is the same as the [Combat Strength] buff in the [Death Labyrinth] world.

Forget it, it doesn't matter whether it is soil or not, the important thing is that the buff is comfortable to use.

Turning over the game information page is the game achievement page.

The game's achievement system has a high total score of 400 points, which is a full 150 points higher than the previous world.

However, unlike the previous world where there were only 5 achievements, the achievements of this game are relatively trivial, including "Climb to 150 floors with bare hands" (Shang Yinhe: kill me!!), "Catch a thief", " Rescue 10 people trapped in fire" and so on.

Among them, the single highest score is a seemingly difficult achievement: "Almighty Savior".

[Almighty Savior: You are as fast as the wind and omnipotent, saving people in all rescue locations in each level. ]

However, having said that, even if the game system does not give this achievement, Shang Yinhe will try his best to save everyone.

After all, although the faceless people in this game world look ridiculous, in reality, they are very likely to be living people!

Since it has the ability to save them, Shang Yinhe is of course willing to work hard for it.

For him, time in the game world is stopped, and there is no cost to restarting. It is nothing more than spending patience, trying again and again, and finally hitting a perfect ending.

-Did you forget something?

Uh, as for the liver that was forgotten... hey, his liver is long gone, okay? !

As early as [Long Live the Anchor] in the world, he didn't know how long it took him to get through the customs clearance, Shang Yinhe deeply understood a truth:

In life, love the liver will win!

And the more than 2 million challenges in the world of [Death Labyrinth] have made his mentality very Buddhist.

For him, since the comeback in the game world, since there is no pain before death, it will not cause any heavy shadows on the mind. It is to play some **** games in reality, such as a certain Black Soul, Some blood or something.

Didn't he spend less time when he used to play those kind of particularly liver games?

What's the point of being patient with a game system that's likely to affect the entire planet, shouldn't it?

- I have already found a perfect excuse for my destined road to bursting liver in advance.

- It's really self-conscious.


Shang Yinhe turned the book to the next page, and the book on this page began to record "Exchange Ability".

Currently, the page is almost completely blank, with just a "stars owned: 0" written on the first line.

Thinking about it, this should mean that the ability should be exchanged in the game, and it should be exchanged with something called "stars".

As for what the stars are... Well, I'm sure I'll know if I'm playing around anyway.

- You are still stuck in the first level novice guide and haven't gone out, so don't think about digging deep into the follow-up elements!

Shang Yinhe shrugged, no longer tangled, and turned the page again, this time it was "game tasks".

The game tasks in this world are also very simple, there is only one main task, and the opening is the five-star main task:

[Complete customs clearance (in progress)][Type: Main Quest][Difficulty: Five Stars]

[Description: Wandering in every corner of the world, saving all those in critical condition who call for help! Clear all the levels and meet the respected eyes of the world! ]

It's really a very boring task at first sight - even if you don't issue this task, won't I, Shang Yinhe, be able to clear the customs?

In addition, Shang Yinhe must complain: This broken game has been perfunctory to the point where there are no side quests—

Well, or, is it because the achievement system is already very perfect, and there is no need to guide him to do things in the form of side quests?

All in all, it seems that this game will take a long time to live.

Tsk tsk, he was already mentally prepared, what is the liver, it doesn't exist.

Finally finished complaining, Shang Yinhe felt that he had gotten rid of the shadow of falling from high altitude as [indescribable].

So he closed the Devil King book, clicked [Restart] in front of him, and said to himself ambitiously: Next time, I must pass the first level!

After a moment of dizziness, he returned to the door where he started from.

Without further ado, Shang Yinhe started to run wildly. This time, his action was even faster, as if in the blink of an eye, he had already run to the front of the three-story building.

He didn't stop, but jumped up, accompanied by the singing of the wind, and rushed directly to the third floor!

The familiar Shang Yinhe bowed his head slightly, got into the third floor from the middle of the window, then tore off the curtain near the foothold on the third floor, tied it with a knot, tied it to the fixture in the building, and threw it down.

- This series of actions can already be said to be somewhat unrestrained because they are too skilled.

Shang Yinhe waved to the faceless people in the building, motioning them to slide down the curtains, then stopped waiting, jumped out of the other window, and went straight to the next rescue location.

Even the novice guide arrow behind him, who was pointing the way, didn't have time to keep up with his speed!

After a hearty run, Shang Yinhe came to the front of the building again.

He slowed down a little timidly, but soon, he forced himself to jump up—

What are you afraid of! Nothing at all!

He braved the vertical wall, the wind howling around him, trying to pull him off the wall.

The higher he climbed, the slower Shang Yinhe's movements became, and a purely psychological nausea began to appear, hindering his movements.

Why are people afraid of heights?

When living on the flat ground, the brain will automatically process the objects in the field of vision, generate a sense of distance according to the reference object, and perform balance and positioning;

When you are at a high place, especially people who rarely go to high places, the vision is full of distant scenes, and the balance system you are used to will collapse, resulting in a lot of dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, etc. symptom.

As an ordinary person, even with the buff of [Sports Enhancement], at this moment, looking at the insignificant things under him, Shang Yinhe couldn't help but feel fear.

There is a great fear between life and death.

Shang Yinhe's hand trembled involuntarily.

With a height of nearly twenty floors, it seemed like a bottomless abyss beneath his feet.

He looked around helplessly, nothing around him, and even the sunlight was blocked by the other side of the building.

- So, the biggest difficulty in this game might be his fear of heights?
