MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 51 Troubled times use heavy code

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Middle East, Arabian desert.

This originally inaccessible place has ushered in a large number of people during this time. Peacekeepers in sky-blue berets and camouflage uniforms began to pour into the area.

"The UNO-796 crew has arrived at the mission point safely and is ready to start dropping incendiary bombs." The crew members reported on the helicopter unit's liaison channel.

"Received." The combat duty room replied through the walkie-talkie.

As the debriefing ended, several mixed incendiary aerial bombs were dropped from the air. Thickened gasoline loaded with thermite exploded among the plants, blazing in an instant.

The Arabian region, which is full of evolutionary creatures, has many plants, little water source and strong wind. It is a special place where fires are prone to high incidence. When this incendiary bomb as high as 3000 degrees Celsius is ignited, the fire spreads in the blink of an eye, along the desert. The branches and leaves on the surface and the deep root system at the bottom of the desert raged in all directions.

For the sake of safety, the peacekeeping force was stationed far away from where the incendiary bombs were dropped, and a special fire isolation zone was also established.

At this moment, the leading officer of the Chinese peacekeeping force is carefully observing with military binoculars.

"As soon as the fire burns, the ecological environment of this desert is considered a waste. I don't know how many years it will take to recover," the lead officer sighed very much, "Hey, if the situation was not urgent, we would not have used incendiary bombs. "

"In the Sahara Desert, we still plucked out at a fixed point, just staring at the evolutionary animals and plants," he put down the telescope in his hand and stopped looking at the blazing flames that seemed to go straight to the sky, "When we got to the Arabian Desert, we would We can only set fire to the mountain."

"I can't help it, it's too tiring to go to the field like this, the team members can't bear it, I've stayed up for three days and three nights," the adjutant beside him said, his dark circles were so thick that they almost left a deep shadow on his skin. "For peacekeepers in such a state of mind to fight against evolutionary creatures, I'm really afraid of casualties."

"Hey, yes. Am I the most senior member of the Chinese peacekeeping force? I joined the peacekeeping force ten years ago. At that time, our country was not the second largest contributor to peacekeeping operations, and supplies were very tight. ," said the leader of the team, the flames in the distance seemed to bring an unbearable sweltering heat, which made him sweat. "It's been the first time in ten years that I have encountered such an urgent task in a peacekeeping force. Son, fighting and rushing to the field, and in such a harsh desert, even the logistics can hardly keep up."

"Report, the UNO-796 crew has returned to the base safely!" The report from the walkie-talkie interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

The leading officer picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Received, wait for the fire to be a little smaller, then dispatch the drone to search for the location of the evolutionary creature."


The channel on the walkie-talkie fell silent again.

Seeing that everything was almost settled, the adjutant yawned: "Apocalypse, race against time, as it should be. It's better than rushing to the field, it's better than the apocalypse."

The strong wind blew and brought a scorching sand on his face, and the leading officer wiped his face: "This fire is estimated to burn for a day, let's go, the whole army rests, and take good care of this body that has been boiled for three days!"

The time he estimated was a little short. In fact, the fire burned for two days and two nights before it was reluctantly extinguished.

Amid the charred ground and the lingering smoke, drones began to circle over Arabia.

Then, under the cover of wheeled armored vehicles, the peacekeepers were officially dispatched. They took command vehicles and personnel carriers to quickly reach the designated area. They used instruments to detect the underground situation, searched for living evolutionary creatures, and almost plowed the ground.

After confirming the good news from the front line again and again, Huaguo's news network carefully put the news at 19:00 on the same day and started broadcasting:

"The United Nations peacekeepers used a large-scale incendiary bomb the day before yesterday to completely burn down the evolutionary organisms in the Arabian desert, cutting off the possibility of evolutionary organisms' survival. It can be seen that the Arabian desert has almost become scorched earth."

"Over the past 28 years of participating in UN peacekeeping operations, China has become the largest troop-contributing country among the five permanent members of the United Nations, sending more than 37,000 peacekeeping military personnel, contributing to the maintenance of world peace and regional stability. In this operation, With their outstanding military qualities and positive work attitude, Chinese soldiers have played a vital role in safeguarding the future of all mankind."

"The future of mankind will be bright and splendid. We have achieved brilliant achievements under the leadership of dAng, and we will continue to go on successfully under the leadership of dAng. Please don't panic, keep your respect for the country and the Government, confidence in dAng.”

When the news was broadcast, a group of people were worried in the studio: This time, Jiuqu won't push videos, right?

Yes, fortunately, Jiuqu did not push videos on that day.

However, they were relieved too soon.

Just the day after this news aired, Jiuqu released a new video:

The Creator: King of the Animals.


As the saying goes: "In prosperous times, benevolent government, and in troubled times use heavy code."

As early as in the book "Rituals of Zhou", the ancients clearly wrote the words "punishing a disordered country with a heavy code". It can be seen that this approach has been very suitable for chaotic and disorderly social situations since ancient times.

Since the release of Jiuqu's "Master of Creation" video—no, in fact, it should be said that it was released from Jiuqu's "High Swan Castle Mutation" series of videos, the global order has begun to become chaotic.

Riots, demonstrations, rumours, cults, panic buying, public opinion, and collapsed crowds have almost mixed the world into a mess. Fortunately, the governments of various countries are still in order, barely able to maintain a precarious balance in this chaos.

At this moment, it should be the moment of "chaotic times use heavy code".

Since the release of the "Apocalypse Program", based on the basic principles of crisis information sharing, global mutual assistance in the apocalypse, evolutionary cooperation research, and joint combat against mutation, the countries that signed the program declaration have worked together to establish a globalized information control and order cooperation. .

So far, 23 countries have officially declared a state of emergency for national combat readiness.

"Emergency", similar to "emergency", "extraordinary state", "state of martial law", "state of war", etc., is actually a legal term that refers to the occurrence or imminent occurrence of a particularly major emergency. , the state organs exercise emergency powers to control and eliminate its harm to society. In a state of emergency, the laws of various countries have corresponding provisions, and the government can take special measures to respond to and resolve emergencies. The national emergency order is like a magic switch. Once it is turned on, it gives the country's top leaders supreme privileges.

There is no shortage of examples in countries around the world where states of emergency are routinely activated. Taking the Bald Eagle Country as an example, since 1976, successive Bald Eagle Country presidents have declared a state of emergency at least 53 times for reasons including anti-terrorism, ethnic riots, forest fires, etc. In addition, John Country, Chile, Iraq, etc. , Hungary, Serbia, the Czech Republic and other countries have declared a state of emergency in the past five years.

At this time, in the face of global chaos and harassment, many overwhelmed countries, in accordance with their own constitutions, directly declared a state of emergency within the country, opened a nationwide curfew, and invested in the National Guard to intervene in the riots and help maintain order, and even more direct military takeover of all local power, so as not to threaten the lives and property of the people.

As if comparing whose measures are more stringent, as time progresses, the requirements within the state of emergency have become more and more stringent:

"Prohibit political gatherings of more than 5 people, prohibit the dissemination and distribution of information and printed materials that may cause public panic and endanger national security and order, severely punish illegal immigrants, and close some traffic routes..."

At the same time, under the constraints of such joint efforts of countries around the world, even large multinational companies will make concessions in front of them.

In order to prevent potential security threats, the global social software Facebook took the lead in opening sensitive word blocking and speech monitoring and auditing, and then followed up with Google, Twitter, YouTube... In the face of the great righteousness of human existence, the so-called democratic equality and freedom of speech, Might as well make way for it.

New electronic surveillance technologies are beginning to be widely used, with the ability to truncate web pages, wireless networks, and Internet telephony.

This was followed by a bombardment of various positive news:

"An Analysis of the Prospects of United Nations Sending Troops" - This is a superficial attitude to imply that the future of mankind is bright.

"The Creator Video 100 Details You Didn't Notice" - This is the spirit of digging words on the surface to secretly inspire.

"Are the officers of the peacekeeping force so handsome? ! ”—This is using the attitude of being a **** on the surface to secretly tout the combat power of the peacekeepers.

And more, more.

Human beings are a group animal, and group panic will spread quickly and irrationally. When panic forms a trend, disasters will often magnify, and if not controlled in time, it will cause serious consequences;

Similarly, group optimism will spread quickly and irrationally. When optimism forms a trend, disasters will appear less terrifying, but will suppress all shadows in corners that no one can detect.

Behind the bright side is the strict control of the dark side. While ostensibly pushing for information control, surreptitious surveillance is also underway.

Anyone who dares to spread false statements, spread apocalyptic panic, or even declare cult theories, regardless of whether they are transnational or not, will be instantly located, and then the person who checks the water meter will come to the door and invite him to a good cup of tea.

Behind this transnational positioning phenomenon are global high-end information monitoring, intelligent information identification, IP locking and positioning, network expert assistance, testing and writing teams on call at all times, and all countries working together throughout the process!

Troubled times use heavy code.

The world is in a state of tension and control.

Never before has globalization been more connected than it is now.

The joint control of the world seems to be shrouded in a tight net, shrouding the whole world.