MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 27 low fever protagonist

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After a good night's sleep, Shang Yinhe was in a much better mood.

He first called the gym, tentatively trying to get a refund - he was politely refused and said no refunds; so he simply took a long vacation, citing a perfunctory family business. Unexpectedly, the customer service was very talkative and directly agreed to his long vacation - as if a lot of people had already taken leave during this time.

Secondly, his focus is on the research on anchor points.

Before entering the [Death Labyrinth] game world, he threw a full 3,000 anchor points on [Ability - Long Live Anchor], and successfully came up with a function point that can choose the evolutionary direction in advance.

This can be regarded as a very useful function, which is convenient for Shang Yinhe to know where to throw points and how much to throw in order to have a response. But at present, the anchor points are limited, and he has to decide which direction to use first.

This is a huge problem!

-Because every direction of use looks very attractive.

For example, if he adds points to himself, he can improve his basic quality and ordinary skills—the so-called ordinary skills, that is, extraordinary skills, such as his fighting skills, his English ability, his French ability, etc. .

What an intriguing direction to add!

Just by adding some anchor points, he can go from a novice French to a proficient French in no time, without all the painstaking process of learning!

For another example, if he adds points to the newly acquired ability [Gate Transmission], he can remove the original door transmission restrictions and become fixed-point transmission - the description reads: "You can mark any place. After activating this ability , you can choose any location you have marked for teleportation."

This is simply the magic skill in teleportation—space teleportation ability!

Even the number of markers (currently only two doors can be marked) and the range limit of teleportation (currently only within 1000 meters) can be enhanced by adding anchor points.

Even those seemingly not very powerful directions for adding points, when carefully studied, have a unique charm.

For example, there is a camouflage ability in the adding direction of the Devil's Book, which is described as: "It can be disguised as any book. As long as the Devil's Book is placed within 100 meters of any book for 10 seconds, the Devil's Book can be disguised. For what the book looks like."

There is also this description in the remarks prompt: "The book of the devil can be changed into any book that has been copied at will."

On the surface, this is just a simple camouflage ability, but after thinking about it carefully, there are many doorways here.

For example, the time in the game world is completely still, if he copies all the books in the library, and then reads all the books in the world where time is still - this is simply a bug of infinite learning!

Before, he couldn't bring anything in reality into the game world, so this kind of stillness of game time was quite useless; but if combined with the evolutionary ability of the devil's book, this, this is simply a god-level match what!

To give another chestnut, he can use the Devil's Book to copy many books and materials, and then quickly search for the required materials when encountering difficulties in the game world!

A slightly simplified version of the search engine!

You can simply hang in the game world!

There are too many places worth adding, and Shang Yinhe was caught in a difficult choice.

Look at this, want; look at that, want.

Fortunately, he just used up all the anchor points. Counting from the time when the points were used up, only one day had passed in the real world, and it wasn't enough for him to accumulate enough points for any direction to add points, so that he didn't have to worry about it now.

Throwing this blissful worry aside, Shang Yinhe began to study his existing abilities.

Needless to say, the potential of [Blessing of the Wind], the wind power has a lot to be tapped, but it is a pity that it takes a certain amount of time for him to exercise and get familiar with it before it can be used reluctantly.

[Gate Teleportation] is a very interesting ability.

After experiments, Shang Yinhe found that the so-called "marking" action does not need to be touched on the spot, he only needs to see the door - whether it is through photos or videos, any way of "seeing" can be - he Just mark that door.

Opened the bathroom door, walked in but reached the bedroom, at the cost of a faint dizziness—somewhat similar to the dizziness that occurs every time the game world is teleported, but much less. Moreover, I don't know if it was Shang Yinhe's illusion, he felt that the dizziness gradually became less and less as he shuttled more and more times.

In the end, it was the bottle of qualification potion that was marked as [SS] level in the [Death Labyrinth] world.

In reality, this potion is a seemingly ordinary, glass bottle of clear water. Colorless, transparent, and clean, except for the delicate packaging of the glass bottle, there is almost no difference.

According to the legends of online novels, people who take aptitude medicines, pills for washing marrow and other good things like washing tendons and cutting marrow will appear black mud and bloodshot all over the body, and even in serious cases, they will fall into a coma.

Taking this into consideration, Shang Yinhe simply went to the bathroom to take this qualification potion, lest some black mud and the like contaminate the house.

The result after taking the drug was a waste of his feelings—

There is no black mud or bloodshots, just pull the stomach several times in a row, sweat profusely, pull to the point of collapse, and feel dizzy and dizzy—wait, maybe it’s not because of diarrhea that makes me dizzy and dizzy, but…

But he just had a mild fever.

Sitting on the toilet, Shang Yinhe tried his forehead with the back of his hand - it was hot, it was really uncomfortable.

He leaned against the wall, walked out of the bathroom with difficulty, took out the thermometer, and took a test under his arm.

38.2 ℃, which is considered a moderate fever.

Faced with this kind of low-grade fever, which was probably caused by an extraordinary potion, Shang Yinhe didn't dare to go to the doctor, and he didn't dare to take any medicine by himself. Alone at home, he could only get himself a cup of hot water at the head of the bed, put a wet towel on his forehead to physically reduce the fever, and then hid in a thick quilt, trying to solve the problem by covering his sweat. everything.

Time passed quickly in the drowsy sleep, and the doorbell rang again and again to wake Shang Yinhe from his sweet sleep.

He struggled to get up, changed into thick clothes, and dazedly opened the door.

Outside the door is Lao Liu, Uncle's driver, and Shang Yinhe is quite familiar with him. He forced a smile: "I'll tidy things up and come out right away."

The driver, Lao Liu, smiled politely: "Take your time, don't be in a hurry."

When I feel dizzy, my temper that I can usually control comes up a bit. Shang Yinhe simply took this polite remark seriously.

He brushed his teeth and washed his face first, and the hot water splashed on his face to wash away the last trace of sleepiness. After a drowsy sleep, his image was messed up, and the heavy quilt covered his body with sweat. Looking at himself in the mirror, Shang Yinhe was dissatisfied no matter how he looked at it - after all, he was going to the old house this time, and he didn't want to show too much embarrassment in the old house.

So he simply ignored Lao Liu, the driver who was waiting in the living room, went straight to the bathroom to take a fighting shower, and then slowly dried his hair before walking out of the bathroom.

Ignoring Lao Liu who was waiting in the living room, Shang Yinhe re-tested his body temperature: 38.0°C, which seemed to be a little better, but still had a low-grade fever.

"Hey, do you have a fever?" Lao Liu noticed his temperature measurement and asked cautiously, "Have you seen a doctor?"

Shang Yinhe put away the thermometer and replied nonchalantly, "It's okay to have a low fever."

The driver Lao Liu hesitated for a long time, and then said, "Pay attention to your body and drink more hot water."

Hearing this omnipotent cliché, Shang Yinhe smiled, and he smiled politely: "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

After the slightly awkward conversation, Lao Liu obviously wanted to find something to say, but Shang Yinhe had no intention of responding. What bothers him the most is the sympathetic eyes of others - yes, his father does not love his mother, but he lives very well by himself, and he does not need anyone's sympathy at all.

Only the weak need sympathy.

The wind wrapped around his fingertips, dancing the lightest dance.

Later, Lao Liu no longer had anything to talk about. In silence, they drove all the way to the old house.

The old house is actually not too far from his university, about a 2-hour drive. When Shang Yinhe chose a university, he actually wanted to choose a place far away from his old house. But the best universities in China are located in the Imperial Capital and the Demonic Capital. His mother lives in the Imperial Capital and the old merchants live in the Demonic Capital. If he wants to avoid both at the same time, he can only grieve himself for choosing a not-so-good university. .

And he just wants to choose the top and most TOP schools.

Otherwise, what was the use of all the hard work he had studied since he was a child?

After hesitating for a long time, between his mother and the old merchant's house, Shang Yinhe finally chose the magic capital where the old merchant's house is located. Anyway, his father doesn't come to the old merchant's house several times a year. In comparison, it is more acceptable to the devil.

To his surprise, his irresponsible father was not in the old house. Uncle Tang said to Shang Yinhe with an embarrassed expression: "Your father is coming from abroad, you know, the plane ticket back to China. It's hard to buy right now."

Shang Yinhe, who was suffering from a low-grade fever, wanted to reply directly, "You don't have to explain it for him", but looking at Uncle Tang's slightly embarrassed expression, he still swallowed this sentence.

"It doesn't matter," he said at last. "He's not like him anyway."

In the lively old house, he was the only one sitting alone, like a complete outsider, listening to the slightly heated discussions.

"...Moving abroad is even more unsafe. China is already one of the countries with the best order in the world!"

"...What kind of apocalypse do you believe in!"

"...Military-related stocks have been soaring recently, you should pay attention to this..."

Listening and listening, Shang Yinhe smiled.

In the low-fever state, his thoughts are very paranoid and sensitive, and all kinds of thoughts that would never appear in the past are running around in his mind:


Hahaha, what a big joke.

You will never know all the truth behind this.

The light shines on his face, and at this moment, his smile looks so sunny and warm.
