MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 1 Confused Demon King

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where am I?

What am I going to do?

Shang Yinhe was stunned to find that he was standing on the green grassland inexplicably, and he saw a 2D hand-painted animation-like scenery.

The flowers seem to be painted on the ground, the trees have no delicate branches and leaves, the mountain peak is a green arc, and even the sun in the sky is a perfunctory large orange circle, with two dots and a line added to transform it. Make a smile.

Right in front of Shang Yinhe, a path winds its way into the distance.

What's even more strange is that strange music sounded from nowhere, surrounding him.

Shang Galaxy is full of question marks:

He was obviously staying in his room, why did he suddenly come to this place?

Are you dreaming?

He tried pinching himself.

No pain.

Is it really dreaming?

Intuition is beating faintly, as if prompting him something.

Shang Yinhe tentatively touched the ground, and when he started, it was smooth, so smooth that it didn't look like it was in the real world.

In this silence, the voice of the narrator came leisurely in the distance:

"You are a devil."

With this voice, Shang Yinhe was instantly changed into a dark, tattered beggar's cloak.


Shang Yinhe looked at himself up and down, and couldn't help but feel deep doubts:

The Demon King wears this kind of thing, who are you deceiving?

Is it so unlined?

Ignoring Shang Yinhe's little actions, the narrator is still talking slowly:

"The Demon King has a towering castle!"

"The devil raised his flag, and the monsters are about to swarm!"

The voice of the narrator became excited, showing a hundred thousand passion:

"Let the monsters be your subordinates and live in your castle!"

"Let the monsters pay the rent and resist the brave!"

"Let the monsters be born and bred and become the strongest demon king army!"

The narrator paused, and ended his introduction with the highest voice:

"Tremble! Our goal is to conquer the world!"

Shang Yinhe waited on the spot for a while, but did not wait for the next words. Only then did he confirm that the voice had finished speaking.

However, this amount of information is too small, right?

Shang Yinhe was about to give himself a black question mark face.

What the **** happened to him?

What is this place?

Why is he here?

What kind of devils and monsters are the narrators talking about?

And why does this world look so strange?

And, what is this strange musical sound that has always existed?

He stood where he was, not daring to move, and looked around for a while, but only saw that the surroundings were quiet and nothing happened.

He tentatively walked back and forth, left and right, and the world still looked like that two-dimensional painting style, and the motionless arc-shaped peaks had been standing in the distance.

This is not a dream.

Shang Yinhe was sure that he was sober and clear-thinking.

He had so-called lucid dreams, and he knew what it was like to be lucid.

This is not a lucid dream.

This is a real world with strange rules.

Although I don't know why he is in this place, people have to live well.

He decided to be careful, explore the world, first ensure that he can survive, and then explore those "whys".

He touched the grass growing on the ground, but the grass stayed still.

He touched the towering trees, which stood upright and ignored him.

It seems that everything is fixed on the ground, no matter how you touch it, you can't get feedback.

Shang Yinhe looked at the path winding down to the distance under his feet, and there was only one clue left to explore.

He was determined to walk down the path and see what he might come across.

As he walked, he stopped.

As if the scene was switched, a house suddenly jumped out in front of me.

To be precise, it was a shabby, patched house in front of me. A pitiful flag fluttered on the filthy tent, with a "Demon" written in Q-version font, fluttering tremblingly.

Behind it are hills and woods as rough as children's sketches.

It looked very suspicious.

Shang Yinhe hesitated for a while and decided to go in and have a look.

He tentatively walked into the house. This dilapidated building currently has two floors, and there are four rooms on the first floor. He pushed open the doors one by one and went in, and found the rooms were identically furnished: tattered wallpaper, tattered refrigerator, tattered sink, tattered bed.

There was nothing alive in the room.

In this uninhabited world, what accompanied him was the sound of music that seemed to be everywhere.

Strangely, no matter how he walked, the music didn't change in volume. It felt like the music was coming from around him.

Shang Yinhe considered himself to be a bold and careful person, and even the inexplicable arrival in this space did not make him too panicked. But this unpopular atmosphere is really infiltrating.

He decided to go up to the second floor to have a look.

The second floor is more primitive than the first, with only one equally tattered tent standing on the roof.

Shang Yinhe cautiously walked into the tent.

The voice of the narrator suddenly jumped out:

"The devil has entered his towering castle, and the legendary story begins!"

Shang Yinhe heard a black line.

According to the narration, he, the guy in the tattered beggar's cloak, is a demon king;

The dilapidated building complex in front of him is a "tall castle".

- The goods are wrong version, bad review!

Regardless of the nonsense narrator, Shang Yinhe found something unusual in the tent:

A book and a glowing ball.

He tentatively touched the ball of light, and in an instant, a translucent system interface unfolded in front of him, with three options written on it:

Game achievements, game status, archives, read files.

Shang Yinhe suddenly realized:


It turned out to be a game!

It seems that this ubiquitous music is the BGM of the game.

And what the narrator said at the beginning of the Demon King, recruiting monsters, resisting heroes, and conquering the world should be the gameplay of the game.

Finally figured out that he was probably in a game world, and Shang Yinhe's uneasy heart was a little more settled. He settled down and clicked the first button on the system interface to enter the game achievement interface.

The system interface changed instantly, and numerous entries were listed on the interface:

[The Demon King on the Top: Complete the Main Quest—40 Points]

[Big Hearted Demon King: Has 7 Different Monster Tenants - 5 Points]

[Wealthy Demon King: Money reaches 1 million - 5 points]

[Many Demon Kings: The total number of monsters staying reaches 100-5 points]

[Boring Demon King: Complete all side quests—20 points]

Points can be earned by appearing to meet the achievement conditions. But what are the points for?

Shang Yinhe tried the next game situation options again, and the system interface changed, showing a line of bare text:

[Current Money: 1000]

The rest of the interface is a large swath of blank space.

Shang Yinhe clicked the archive option instead, so he successfully saved the first location at the current moment, and the system automatically marked it as "Archive 0".

He took a few steps to the side and tried reading the file again. As if in a trance, he returned to the position he was standing a few seconds ago.

This feeling is very strange, as if the few seconds just didn't exist at all, and the consciousness staggered between two long rivers of time. This sense of time and space inversion almost made his scalp tingle and his whole body trembled.

Shang Yinhe calmed down in place for a while before recovering.

Immediately afterwards, he tentatively opened the book in the tent, but the book was blank and there was nothing.

There was nothing else in the tent.

Shang Yinhe stopped rummaging around, and he began to sort out all the current clues:

What is certain is that he is indeed in a game world.

At present, it is not known who created this game world, why he is in this game world, or how to leave this game world.

Perhaps, just like "The Truman World", the unknown creator of this world is far away, watching his every move for fun. Thinking like this, it seems that the music around him has become shrill.

However, this unfounded imagination is of no help to his current situation. He only has one life, and even if someone is peeping, it has nothing to do with him who can't resist now. His primary goal should be to try to survive, not to explore the secrets behind it now.

Thinking too much is useless, Shang Yinhe decisively gave up thinking about the first two questions.

His mind wandered on the last question, "How to leave this game world" and paused.

How to leave this game world?

In fact, he still has some clues on this issue.

Most games can be cleared, and the achievement system clearly mentions "main quest" and "side quest", and completing the main quest is generally a sign of customs clearance.

Since the game has a main quest, can you guess that when the main quest is completed, it is time to leave the game world?

Shang Yin rationalized his own thinking and found that this speculation has a high possibility of becoming a reality.

Then, the next goal is to try to complete the main quest first.

However, where are the main quests and side quests recorded?

Shang Yinhe went around the tent again, rummaging through every corner, but found nothing.

If not in the tent, could it be somewhere else?

He pondered for a while, then left the tent decisively, and began to search for more clues in the whole building.

As he thought, soon, clues were sent to the door.

When he walked out of the building, he saw a chicken standing in front of a bulletin board not far away.

Yes, a chick.

A bright yellow, cute, Q-version chick with two heads.

It looked very harmless.

Shang Yinhe stepped forward cautiously and tentatively greeted: "Hello?"

Q Meng chick waved his wings to him politely and said, "Hello, Lord Demon, I'm Iida, the chick who is looking for a place to live. Excuse me, can I live in your house? ?"

Shang Yinhe was quite speechless.

Too many slots.

He didn't know if he should complain about the chick being so cute, or if he could talk, or if he should complain that this harmless-looking chicken might be the man he was going to use to conquer the world, or he should complain about his self-proclaimed " Poo chick Iida".

Or, in fact, he is rare and strange, no matter what happens in the game world, should be taken for granted?

Shang Yinhe nodded silently.

Poo chick Iida looked very happy, and it cheered: "There is a place to live!"

The voice of the narrator sounded at this moment:

"The Demon King has recovered his first subordinate, let's start conquering the world now!"

The background music also turned into a very earthy and festive trumpet, and it kept blowing.

Shang Yinhe: "…"

He turned his head to look at the chick next to him in disbelief. It looked pitiful, weak, and helpless. Maybe it was full of cuteness points.

—Your Demon King took a harmless chicken with two heads to conquer the world?

- Funny, right?