MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 192 How much is a ton of "US knife"?

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  Chapter 192 How much is a ton of 'US knife'?


   "I am not a criminal, you have violated my human rights! I want to see a lawyer!"

  In the dim interrogation room, a middle-aged man looked at the light in front of him in a panic. He wanted to get up several times, but because his hands were handcuffed to the welded seat, he could only growl forward!

   "Human rights?"

  Dean put his legs on the chair, and said in a lazy voice, "Harry, show Mr. Haval the procedures. As a detective who protects the safety of citizens, we attach the most importance to your human rights and freedom."

  Hafer is the father of the missing Azak, who is also the man in the couple.

  His wife has been sent to the hospital for treatment.

  As for him, he was taken to the interrogation room of the Central Sub-bureau.

  This place is much simpler than the interrogation room of the police station.

   But it also saves a lot of procedural troubles.

   In this place, Dean is the boss.

  He has the final say!

   After Dean finished speaking, he silently lit a cigarette and let Harry step forward to perform.

   Hear Dean's order.

  Harry stood up with a smile, walked up to Mr. Haval with a document, pointed to the signature and approval inside and said:

   "Dude, this is a certificate issued by the psychiatrist of the sub-bureau. In view of the unstable emotions of you and your wife, we have the right to impose basic restrictions on you to ensure your own safety.

   If you don't cooperate, we can continue to apply for you to stabilize the drug, so don't make things difficult for us! "

   proves to be true.

   But the psychiatrist has prepared a lot of copies.

   After receiving Dean's request.

  The psychiatrist hired by the sub-bureau took out a document in front of Harry, wrote Haval's full name on it, signed it, and stamped it. He didn't even meet Haval himself.

  This is the real Central Branch Bureau, with a seemingly righteous surface, still with the unique means of earlier eras.

   Hear the drug Valium.

  Hover's face was distorted: "FK, you are the lunatics, I'm not crazy!"

   "How do you prove you're not?"

  Harry shrugged: "Mr. Harper, unless you can prove yourself, even if you find a lawyer afterwards, the justice will only believe the authoritative certificate of the branch psychologist, not the nonsense of a lunatic!"

   "FKyou, you let a normal person prove that he is not mentally ill?"

   Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?

  Haval struggled frantically.

   If it weren't for the steel cuffs, the quality would be too good.

  He will definitely pounce on Harry and use his teeth to make the **** in front of him reflect: What the **** is he talking about!

  See it.

  Harry shook his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Harper, you are so aggressive and make me feel threatened. In this case, I can only apply for drug intervention."

  He imitated Dean's previous appearance, leaned into Haval's ear, and whispered in a low voice: "Don't worry, all the procedures will be completed, and Mr. Haval will never let your human rights and freedom be violated in the slightest!"


  He took out the pager and pretended to call someone to deliver the medicine.

  Haffer was desperate.

  He knew clearly that he had met someone who didn't play by the rules.

   Let a normal person prove that he is not mentally ill


   Seems absurd.

   is even more desperate.

  Hover collapsed: "Stop, don't inject me with those **** medicines, I know what you want to ask, I say, I say everything!"

   Heard the words.

  Harry retracted the pager while taking advantage of the situation, and nodded: "Very well, I hope you are not fooling us. Now there is a shortage of 'volunteers' who need treatment and test drugs in the mental hospital."

   Finished speaking.

  He gestured OK to Dean, and returned to the interrogation position with a smile.

   These are what Dean taught him to do.

  Before Harry thought it would be too much.

   Now take a look.

  Efficient and precise, hit the weak spot directly.

  Compared to before, facing those suspects or insiders of the case, when asked in a friendly manner, they dared not answer back when they were hanged, for fear of being bitten by the opposing lawyer, and could not sleep for several nights because of the nausea.

   One word, cool!

   Sure enough, I still follow Dean, not only do I not have to be angry, but I can really feel the power of this layer of skin on my body!



   "Your relationship with the missing person Azak!"

"Father and son!"

   "Tell us, you and your wife, why did you know that Azak's car appeared in the abandoned XX factory!"

  Hover's eyes were tangled, and finally he lowered his head resignedly, and said with a stern voice: "Because my wife and I got the car and burned it...but we did it to save our son."

  It turns out that Haval and his wife, although they are pretending to be gods and tricks, have some relationship with some idiots.

   But no real fools.

  Many people just use 'spiritual meetings', 'tarot cards', etc. to exchange benefits, cheat on each other, change wives, open money parties, etc.

   After all, as a person of low status, do you want to lose face?

  The place opened by Harvard and his wife has become a good step and a place to place the darkness in the hearts of those people.

   As for superstition divination?

   There are such people, but they rarely exist in the crowd that Harvard and his wife associate with.

  The smarter people are, the less likely they are to believe in these blah blah blah blah.

  On the contrary, it is the people at the bottom, because they are unwilling to accept the status quo, so it is easier to pin their spirits on illusory things, or expect their fate to be changed, or escape from reality.

   These people are much more fanatical than those hobbyists, and they are also the real source of income for the Harvard couple.

  It was originally a brand that relied on high-end 'clients'.

  The Haval couple can often attract some enthusiasts who are interested in "psychology" and "divination", or unintelligent superstitionists, and they live a good life.

   The bad is the son of two people.

  The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

  The son of the two is not a good bird either.

  Cheating classmates at school, and hanging out with a group of three-educated and low-ranking people outside.

   Fortunately, Azak is basically a bully except that he often stays out at night, so there is no need to worry about him being bullied.

  So the Harvard couple just let it go and gave the child full 'freedom'.

   "It was nothing at all. My wife and I thought that when Azak's 'adolescence' passed, we would let him take over our business, but things changed half a month ago."

   Having said that, Haval showed fear in his eyes.

   "Half a month ago?"

   Dean interrupted Harvard's narration!

  If he remembers correctly, Harry said before that the abandoned XX factory originally gathered many children who were not studying, but there were several disappearances later, so they changed the location.

  The key point is that Azak, the son of the Harvard couple, is also a **** who doesn't study.

  This time is very delicate!

   Haval, who accepted his fate, didn't care about Dean's reaction.

  He nodded: "Yes, before Azak disappeared, he often hung out with his friends near the abandoned XX factory. There is a paradise for those children away from their parents."

   "But about 20 days ago, a case of missing children began to occur there.

   There is Azak's girlfriend in it.

  That is a little girl with a personality. My wife and I are very optimistic that she can become Azak's helper, so when our son came to us and asked for help, we agreed very readily.

   An accident happened. "

   "What accident?" Harry was already aroused by Harvard's narration.

  Hover changed the topic: "I can continue to talk, but you must protect the safety of my wife and me, otherwise, even if you send us and my wife to a mental hospital, you will never know the secret hidden there!"

   ah this

   was threatened.

  Harry turned his head and looked at Dean.

  Dean smiled and threw away the cigarette **** in his hand: "Speak well."

  He is still a child with a somewhat rebellious personality.

   Take the initiative to make concessions, yes!

  Threat, no!

  Harper obviously didn't know Dean's way of doing things.

   Instead, he felt that Dean was bluffing, raised his head, and said with disdain:

"have nothing to say.

  I was really afraid of being sent to that hellish welfare mental hospital.

   But because of that.

  You have nothing to threaten me now.

  Because once I tell the secret of the abandoned factory, even if we get out safely in the end, our husband and wife will die, so if you don’t agree, I will never speak! "

   "Difficult to guess?"

  Dean got up slowly, walked in front of Haval, turned his back to the light, looked down at the oily middle-aged man who closed his mouth, and slowly spit out a word under the other's horrified eyes: "Fake money!"

  Hearing this word, Harvard's pupils shrank violently, and his body wobbled uncontrollably.

How can it be!

  How could this unreasonably young detective know the secret of counterfeit banknotes hidden in the abandoned factory!

  In this case, wouldn't I have no way to threaten the other party?

When Dean saw Haval's reaction, the corners of his mouth turned up, he turned around, sat back in his seat, crossed his legs, and said leisurely: "I am kind-hearted, and I can forgive your previous threats. Don't waste time. Tell me, this This is your last chance for redemption."

  Haffer wondered how much Dean knew.

  He is in a mess right now.

  One side is my only life-saving straw and value.

  On the one hand, there are some inside stories about welfare mental hospitals that he knows.

   How should I choose?

  Dean didn't give him much time to think.

  He stretched out three fingers: "For three seconds, if you still choose to remain silent, then on behalf of the majority of mentally ill patients, I would like to thank Mr. Harvard and your wife for their contributions to the medical cause of America!"

"I said!"

"I said!"

  Mr. Harper, an old fritter, was easily broken by Dean's words during the ups and downs of his psychological defense.

   He was afraid that Dean would start counting down, so he spoke very fast: "This matter is not as simple as printing counterfeit banknotes. After my son asked for help, my wife and I went to the abandoned factory with some special equipment to investigate.

   Those are some very covert surveillance devices.

  At the same time, Azak also deliberately gave some disguised trackers to some of his female friends.

In this case.

  As long as the murderer who took those children shows up again, we can get useful clues immediately.

  It went smoother than we thought.

  On the same day, another fifteen-year-old girl disappeared while going to the bathroom.

   According to the positioning and monitoring of the corresponding area.

  We finally discovered the secret here in the dilapidated warehouse of the abandoned factory. "

  Haffer licked his dry lips, and continued: "There is an underground passage hidden there, a masked man walked out of the passage, and took that poor girl away.

  Azak wants someone to come with a gun, enter the tunnel, and rescue his girlfriend.

   But his mother and I know that things are not easy because we have been in the gray area of ​​Los Angeles all year round.

   Actually, in the early years.

  Many factories around have experienced the impact of industrial products from small Asian countries, making it difficult to maintain, and need to reduce production and transfer industries. Some gangsters value the concealment of these factories.

   Some choose to produce fake OEM wine.

  Some even dig the basement directly under the factory to produce 'drugs'.

  Because there are people working to cover it up.

  These places are more hidden.

  Azak’s mother and I suspected that this place was a gangster, returned, and then hid in the basement for drug production and production.

   Plus those missing girls.

   Let us conclude that these people are very careless and belong to roles that cannot be on the stage.

  So we moved bad thoughts. "

   Hear here.

  Harry was a little confused.

  He knocked on the table, interrupted Harvard, and asked in confusion: "Why are you sure that there are guys in the underground secret room who can't get on the stage?"

  Haffer looked at the sincere expression on the black man's face, lowered his head, and explained unwillingly: "Because a group that can't even control the crotch can't do anything.

  Dismantling organs requires strict matching.

   And selling girls, the quality of those girls is not worth the money.

  Then the fact that they took girls away for days on end has only one purpose.

   That means they have been holding back for a long time and need to vent their 'feeling'! "

   When speaking.

  Hover clenched his fist so hard that his nails were about to pierce his palm!


  This idiot can't even figure this out.

  When he thought of himself, an old fritter who had been in the rivers and lakes for many years, he was threatened by this idiot just now, and he chose to compromise, which made him more and more angry.

   "Okay, what you said makes sense, keep talking!" Harry nodded in satisfaction, not realizing that he had exposed his upper limit of IQ by asking casually.

   Another day of learning knowledge.

very nice.

   Haval bit his lip fiercely, and continued:

   "My wife and I think.

  They didn't leak any rumors before, but they couldn't bear it recently, which means that group of people are about to finish making drugs.

   And this kind of hidden secret room is generally not very big, and can accommodate up to five or six people.

  So we came up with the idea of ​​black eating black.

   We first asked our son to spread rumors to keep all the children who were in the abandoned factory away from here, and then through special channels, we bought incendiary bombs mixed with narcotic smoke.

  Finally, by being familiar with the secret room, I found the vent of the secret room and carried out a surprise attack.

  The program was a success.

  We beat the idiots out there who were having fun and got their hard-earned stuff.

   That’s nearly a ton of counterfeit bills.

   The perfect counterfeit bill! "

  Hover's eyes showed fascination: "This is really the most perfect counterfeit banknote I have ever seen. The only difference between them and the real banknotes is that they are produced in a simple underground secret room, but they can be circulated and even deposited in banks!"

"Then what?"

  Harry's eyes widened.

   How much is a ton of American knives?

   Big case! !

   Thanks for the reward of five thousand book coins from the book friend of "Linbing Fighter Zard", thank you boss! Congratulations on being promoted to Deacon!

   Thanks to the two book friends ''Counsellor'' and 'Red Blood Cell 2002' for their rewards, thank you boss!



  (end of this chapter)