MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Yan Xuanjing saw the two messages from the Emperor’s House, and finally chose to skip the unhappiness in his heart. The forest thing still prevailed in his heart.

Yan Xuanjing stroked the window and glanced at the long list of names. After knowing what was going on, he gently picked up his eyebrows.

He looked at his head and looked at the woods that were squinting on the sofa and squinting.

No wonder the mood will be so low at the time, it turned out that the enemy came to the door.

Yan Xuanjing’s sense of smell in this respect is still very keen. He almost immediately realized that Lin Mu’s intention to seal the mountain was not due to the attitude of handling official duties.

His selfishness prevailed, and Fengshan wanted to catch up.

Those people are locked up first and isolated from the outside world. No matter what kind of **** case occurs in the mountains, they will not be alarmed. After all, the rules for their existence are very unreasonable and human.

In terms of rules, if you do not register on the account and take the initiative to find them for help, it is deemed to give up the help of such third parties.

They will not take the initiative to intervene, and even if they ask for help, then those people who can go and where to go have to go through the forest here.

Because the matter of closing the mountain is the cooperation between the monster and the human side, but the hand of the forest will also have to go through the **** hand, which has a large space for operation.

It is a good solution.

The fox is holding the cockroach, and the fingertips tap on the screen of the mobile phone, giving a subtle "beep" sound, but whether the human side will pay much attention to this matter, will it close one eye to the same kind? It’s hard to say that it’s easier to let people go.

Linmu eyes opened a slit and squatted at Xuanjing: "What happened?"

"How do you guarantee that human beings attach importance to this matter?" Xuan Xuan asked simply.


Lin Mu licked his lips and hesitated.

He looked up at Xuanjing and found that Xuanjing's gaze was still on the phone. After a short silence, he whispered: "I told them that there is a vein in the mountains, and those people are running around."

Yan Xuanjing heard the words, quite unexpectedly looked at the forest.

Lin Mu’s proposal to seal the mountain is still in his normal view. After all, the human side has come to the door to find a solution. It is not difficult for him to push the boat and think of such a method.

But to say the existence of Qin Chuan, this really surprised Yu Xuanjing.

Qin Chuan is also familiar with the forest trees - saying that friends are also ** people who are not separated from the ten.

In the usual attitude of the forest, how can he not put his friends in a dangerous place?

The forest was looked at by Xuanjing, and it felt very uncomfortable.

When he said the things in the office, he was already very upset. He was stared at by Xuan Jing with a bit of surprise and gaze, and suddenly climbed up from the sofa, like a needle felt.

"I just think... the home is very safe, and you are also in Dad, and there are still Teya and your father." Lin Shu squinted, quite nervously squatting on the cushion of the sofa, cautiously said, "Qin The safety of Sichuan should be no problem."

Yan Xuanjing noticed that his gaze made the trees uncomfortable. He took back his sight and heard Linmu say so. He nodded and said, "I am enough."

Lin Mu looked up at Xuan Jing, and felt that his focus was not a bit embarrassing.

"Although there are some accidents... but it is very beautiful."

As a monster - a half demon, when there is a backing in the background, the face of human beings who are far less capable than their own, if it is still shrinking, what it looks like.

Not to mention monsters, that is, human beings know to make rational use of their existing resources to gain benefits for themselves.

As for the problem that many humans think of being used as bait, there is nothing in the thinking of the monster.

Monsters don't have the guilty feeling of being dissatisfied with others' trust. They believe in others and cannot protect themselves. If they are sold, they can only recognize themselves.

If a monster is powerful enough, then friends around him rarely choose to betray and betray.

Because the cost of doing this is too high, and the time is getting longer, the unsuitable friends will be filtered out by the time, and eventually they will stay, most of them are the same kind of heroes.

As for the monsters that are weak and not worth mentioning, it is rare to practice this cognition because they have no value of being betrayed and betrayed.

In a word.

As a monster, the reason why it is betrayed by others is that there is only one reason: not strong enough.

This is the logic that works perfectly in most monsters.

Therefore, although Xuanjing is somewhat surprised, this surprise is due to the surprise of inferring things with the logic of forest trees, not the thing itself.

For this matter, he felt that the forest was not a problem, and even done quite well.

Lin Mu explained that because he was there, he dared to say things out of the veins, and even let Yan Xuanjing feel comfortable in his heart.

As for the names added after the forest, it is not important.

Anyway, Xuanjing himself is comfortable.

Lin Mu looked at Xuan Jingjing carefully and found that he really didn't have any special expressions.

He thought that at least he had to be taught.

"Qinchuan will not have anything right?" Lin asked.

Yan Xuanjing licked his eyelids: "No."

Lin Mu sighed: "Then I went upstairs to find Qinchuan, and I still have to talk to him about this."

Yan Xuanjing looked at the forest and hurriedly put on the slippers, and went upstairs until the figure of the forest disappeared at the entrance of the corridor, and slowly recovered his sight.

Still naive, he thought.

This is about the innocence of the emperor's family.

...but it is also very good.

The fox is reminiscent of the forest's just cautious and cautious look. He feels that the tip of his heart is like something that is gently scratched and itchy.

The forest does not have to rush to adapt to the rules of the monster.

I think Xuanjing.

There is him there.

The nine-tailed fox bowed his head and began to slowly read the information stored in the phone.

The pile of information that Lin Mu sent to the Teya House was quite detailed, from the name photo to the eight-character and the practice faction.

This is all moved from the second floor data room and has been sorted out, very detailed.

In particular, those individuals who coincide with the names sent by Emperor House have even their own resumes.

Small work.

Yan Xuanjing remembered the looks of those people on the mobile phone, and thought about it. He turned his head and went to the yard to find the emperor.

On the second floor, Lin Mu found Qinchuan, a self-hanging clothesline.

It’s raining recently, and there is no moon tonight, and there is no moon, only a few stars are scattered on the sky.

Lin Mu looked up at the tiny dragon hanging on the clothesline and said, "Qin Chuan, I have something to tell you."

"Ah?" Qin Chuan responded with a bang, looking up at the forest, talking with a faint dragon screaming. "If you just said something with Xuan Jing, I heard it."

Lin Mu "snapped" and wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Qin Chuan.

Qin Chuan Yiwei, down from the clothesline, accurately fell on the shoulders of the forest, said briskly: "I have nothing to say, play so happy in your home, just repay you!"

The forest is still a little embarrassed.

When he was not bullied by his father, he did not use the kindness of a small person to use some people’s kindness to sue, but this kind of attention hits the head who can be called a friend, or the first one. Suffered.

Even if people don't mind, Lin Mu can't live in his heart.

He thought about it, and simply took Qinchuan into the house, opened a computer treasure page, and let Qin Chuan pick the favorite things as a gift to compensate him.

Qin Chuan's eyes are bright, and he is not ready to be polite with the trees.

With the mouse, I picked up something.

Lin wood sat on the bed next to it, listening to Qinchuan's rather rhythmic mouse sound, eyelids hit the shelf, not long after sleeping.

Lin Mu sleeps until the next day, and after washing in the eyes of Qin Chuan, he washes back into the room and glances at what Qinchuan put into the shopping cart. He finds a hundred plush toys.

The big one is big, the small one is the key ring pendant, there are hundreds of pieces in total, and the price is quite beautiful.

Lin Mu turned his head and just wanted to say too much. There was no place in the house. As a result, a pair of Qinchuan’s pitiful eyes, he simply paid a bite to him, and then went downstairs to eat breakfast. .

Lin Mu smashed the wheat and ran out of the house, circled the entire yard, and went back to the yard and looked up at the pale blue tree in the yard. He mixedly asked, "Dad, what about toffee?"

Emperor Xiu came out from the branches and replied: "He went to the mountains."

Lin Mu stunned: "... my mobile phone is still in his hand."

"He will be back." The emperor’s voice just fell, and the figure of Xuanjing appeared at the end of the out-of-hospital path.

Yan Xuanjing raised his eyes and saw the trees standing in the yard. The hands hidden in his sleeves moved slightly, hiding a long period of Emperor’s branches.

Emperor Xiu sat on his own body and quietly covered the broken kerf.

There was no trace of moisture on Xuanjing, but he still came back with a breath of dew.

It is slightly cool and a little sticky.

Yan Xuanjing took out Lin’s mobile phone: “Your mobile phone.”

Lin took the phone and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Going to the mountains and turning around." Yi Xuanjing replied.

By the way, I took a large section of the Emperor’s branches, so that he could also go to the mountains to tell those people a warm and sleepy bedtime story.

Because Yan Xuanjing often went to the mountains, Lin Mu listened to him and said nothing, just took back the phone and went back to the house to continue eating the breakfast he had not finished.

Yan Xuan Jingmu sent him into the house, turning his head and returning the long branch to Emperor Xiu.

This big branch is not the same as the slap-sized section that was brought out before the forest. The sacred scene was taken away. It was part of the power of Di Xiu, so I could tell the group of people about the bedtime story. A piece is too small and too small, so small that it can only be used as a disposable item.

Anyway, the branch will soon be able to grow up soon, but the one that Yan Xuanjing took away can't.

Emperor Xiu put the branches back on his own body, remembering the human beings who were scared for a night, lying in the branches with a very lame look, the whole tree was beautiful.

Yan Xuanjing remembered the names of the people on the information, and prepared to seal the mountain and then start to avoid the grass.

After all, the Emperor House is still staring at the people, and it’s not good for him to be disturbed.

After the forest finished eating, he pushed out a small electric shovel and was ready to go to work. He Xuanjing followed a few steps.

Lin Muyi: "What happened?"

"I will go too." Yan Xuanjing said, and took out a letter, "There is news on the Great Wilderness."

When he finished, he just got ready to change back to the body and jumped to the back seat of the forest, and was stopped by the forest.

"The subway is not for pets!" Linmu looked down at the time. "The ride will be late, you go."


Yan Xuanjing looked at Lin Mu’s expressionlessly on a small electric eel. He paused for two seconds under the gaze of Emperor Hugh’s smile. He flew straight into the street and went to the position of the street. .

When the woods opened the office door, they were shocked.

There are six humans and one monster in the office, only the **** and the energetic knocking keyboard in the cymbal, and a human being holding the file to write and modify the painting. The other five humans are all on the desk, sleeping. Got dark.

The woods came together, and the little whispered, "A busy night?"

"Well, it's still a success." Big black drank his mouth and looked at the five people in the office, and he said, "Human is weak."

The innocent gunman raised his head from the file and patted the table: "You force you to write a report!"

Big black didn't talk.

The only human who was still awake snorted and continued to write and write.

Lin Mu lightly and effortlessly moved the stool out, and said in a small voice: "After a while, Xuan Jing should come."

The one who was awake in the office was a singer: "What is he doing?"

"It is said that there is news in the wilderness." Lin Mu’s voice just fell, the office door was pushed open, and Xuanjing walked in slowly.

Big black suddenly took a table and shouted: "Get up!!"

Lin Mu looked at the few people who slept and slammed up like a hamster.

Yan Xuanjing did not manage the people who were in the chaos of the soldiers. He said: "The news came from the Great Wilderness, and Qingqiuguo recovered the power of the Imperial House."



"What is recycled?"

Several humans and monsters did not react.

"The power of the Emperor's House that was taken in the Great Wasteland was recovered by my mother." Xuan Xuan once again said.

"Oh, that's a good thing." Big black pickpocket, quite happy.

The human being next to it quickly discovered the blind spot: "The power of the Emperor's House was recycled, what about the chaotic monster?"

Yan Xuanjing gave him a faint look and said calmly: "I don't know."

Humans suspect that they have got it wrong: "What?"

"Dead, ran, disappeared - it is not tracked anyway." 晏玄景 is very dull, "I don't know what it is."

"So..." Big black opened his mouth. "You didn't find him anywhere?"

Yu Xuan’s sights nodded.

"That channel!" This time, the human being responsible for the contact with a little unpredictable expectation, "Are you not responsible for guarding the passage? Should he not pass the passage?"

Yan Xuan Jing looked at the human with no expression and said: "At least the passage of Qingyao Mountain is safe."

The man has a mouth, hehe: "...what, what do you mean?"

Dahei took the initiative to explain: "The meaning is that the monster disappears very strangely. Maybe it is a wild passage that has been drilled into it. Otherwise, the ability of the monsters in the wilderness can be traced after he loses his strength. I can't touch it - unless he is dead."

Several humans who just got up suddenly showed a crashing look.

"That said, when I was in the morning, I received a call for help from Qingshan." Big black licked his chin. "It was said that it was haunted in the middle of the night yesterday, but one night passed, but no one was hurt."

The person in charge quickly followed the idea of ​​"big black": "The killing of resentful creatures will indeed bring some horror illusions to the surrounding people. There is no real harm, but it will cause people to go crazy or even die because of the intense oppression."

Dahei and the person in charge looked at each other and took a breath of cold.

Could it be that the monster that made a bunch of killings and looked very anti-social really ran to the original? !

They all looked at Xuanjing.

Yan Xuanjing almost failed to keep up with their ideas, revealing a moment of deep thought.

Dahei and the person in charge looked at the attitude of the nine-tailed foxes, and they were very nervous. They screamed and called each other.

"Fangshan! Seal it now! Seal it now! Go for a fart!"

Lin Mu looked at this and looked at it. Finally, he looked at the Xuanjing, who had gone round the mountain before.

At this time, Xuanjingjing responded to what the two brains had made up. Rao was his nine-tailed fox who couldn’t help but stay for a long while, only to return to the gods, and to the sight of the forest.

晏玄景: "..."

do not care.

Anyway, the news has also been passed, although I don’t know why it will become like this, but his purpose of coming to this place has been achieved.

As for Dahe and the person in charge, the snake's skin is in the brain circuit. He Xuanjing raises his eyes and feet and does not point to a few humans and a monster. After a long time of contemplation, he decided to remain silent.

The nine-tailed fox faced an attempted solution to him, revealing an inscrutable look and deep knowledge.

The author has something to say: Responsible person:? I knocked in it.

Big black:? I knocked it out. 2k novel reading network