MTL - No Bounds for the President’s Spoiling-Chapter 16 I can wait for you

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After Qin Muxuan finished toast, the car had already started.

Because of what happened last night, Qin Muxuan didn't have the idea of ​​talking to Gu Zixun, saying so many mistakes, it would be bad if Gu Zixuan misunderstood her.

Gu Zixuan glanced at Qin Muxuan. Qin Muxuan kept looking at the scenery outside the window. Can the scenery look good to him?

The car parked into the underground garage.

As soon as Qin Muxuan wanted to get out of the car, Gu Zixu's slender white wrist was held by him, and he was struck with excitement all over his body.

"You don't have to hide from me like this. The thing that happened last night was my abrupt, and I won't do it again." # _ #

Qin Muxuan's alertness alleviated him, and then he relaxed. Gu Zixuan looked at Qin Muxuan's actions, and a slight disappointment and irony appeared under his eyes.

It ’s still the same a few days ago, Qin Muxuan waited for Gu Ziyu to leave slowly after leaving the garage. After all, the relationship between the two cannot be found by others, so be careful around Gu Ziyu.

"Qin Muxuan!"

Hearing that someone was calling herself, Qin Muxuan looked in the direction of her voice. Chu Feng put her hands in her suit pants pockets, beckoned towards her, and her handsome features were like a spring breeze.

Qin Muxuan looked at God for a moment, she suddenly saw the shadow of that person from Chu Feng, the person she never dare to face ...

Fortunately, it was just a moment of shaking, Qin Muxuan returned to God immediately:

"Why are you here?"

Chu Fengyang raised the car key in Yang's hand:

"Stop, let's go up together when we meet that."

"it is good."

The two walked towards the elevator side by side, and the elevator door opened. Just when they met Gu Ziyu who had returned, Chu Feng quickly said:

"Gu Gu."

Qin Muxuan gave way to Chu Feng behind him. It is estimated that something should have fallen on the car. Gu Zixun nodded slightly and looked around Qin Muxuan. Oh, he met a new man within a few days. Hiding behind others? Gu Zibi pressed his lips to the unpleasant stride toward Bentley.

Chu Feng took a nap:

"Qin Muxuan, did you just see it? Mr. Gu looks at me like a man."

Qin Muxuan smiled awkwardly:

"Maybe his eyes are like this, just get used to it."

The day before was almost handed over. Qin Muxuan only needed to improve the design draft to make it more perfect. Chu Feng sat on the chair on the opposite side and fell intently on Qin Muxuan. In a few glances, Qin Muxuan was very good-looking, with a pair of water eyes looking forward to people, her skin was white, and her lips were thin.

Chu Feng thought she had seen many beauties, but it was rare to see the beauty of this orchid.

"Chu Feng, is there anything on my face?"

Qin Muxuan looked up in doubt, realizing that Chu Feng seemed to be looking at her, and couldn't help asking, Chu Feng touched his nose awkwardly:

"No, no."

Qin Muxuan said aloud, and Lisa knocked on the door:

"Ms. Qin, the president has something to do with you."

"Well? What's wrong with him?"

Qin Muxuan frowned. This project is not very big. Shouldn't Gu Zihuan stare? Lisa shows a professional smile:

"I don't know what the president is looking for. Miss Qin should go first."

"Well, Chu Feng, help me write down the design."

After speaking, Qin Muxuan took off her glasses and walked towards the outside. Lisa was walking in front. Qin Muxuan looked at Lisa. When she looked and dressed, she was a strong and strong woman. When Gu Zixuan's assistant was facing his cold day How strong should my face be?

Qin Muxuan was flattered when she got on the president's elevator. Lisa thought she would take her to the staff elevator. Lisa saw Qin Muxuan's doubts and said:

"This is what the president allows."

"General Manager Gu asked me if there was a flaw in the design or a problem with the plan?"

Lisa shook her head. Just now Gu Zizheng only ordered her to be brought up. Nothing else was said. Qin Muxuan pulled her lips angrily. Gu Zizheng, a beast and a beast, would never tell her to say something else now. Is the company good here? Thinking of what Gu Ziyi did to her last night, she was almost caught by Mrs. Gu, and Qin Muxuan passed a flush.

The president's office is on the 21st floor. Qin Muxuan stepped out of the elevator. The people they met were almost all of the senior executives of Gu's Group. Seeing Qin Muxuan's nervousness, Lisa said:

"Ms. Qin rest assured that the president is not a bad person and is very gentle with others."

Moderate? Qin Muxuan couldn't help but secretly rolled his eyes. Such a person can be called mild. So are there any mild people in the world?

Walking to the innermost door and stopping, Lisa knocked:

"President, someone is here."

"Well, let her in alone."

It's Gu Ziyu's voice

Wrong, Qin Muxuan had to press his hand and walked in. The president's office was spacious and bright, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked half the city. Gu Zizheng was sitting in a position with his eyes closed and his eyes closed. In general, thin lips outline a bit of slenderness.

"General Manager, what do you want from me?"

Gu Zizhen opened his eyes, and Mo Yan's eyes were gloomy:

"How is the work going?"

Qin Muxuan naturally did not believe that Gu Zixuan would care about her work as a small employee, but her mouth responded with cooperation:

"It's almost there. When the design draft is improved, this project can begin."

Gu Ziyi folded his hands together:

"Well, how do you think about the playground at the weekend, as far as I know, you may have to go to the construction site to inspect the situation on the weekend."

Qin Muxuan was reminded by Gu Zixun before he remembered that there was still this difference, and he almost forgot, but he had promised Xiaobai to take him to the amusement park. Qin Muxuan couldn't bear to see Qin Xiaobai's disappointed look, thought:

"I'll go to the construction site early. You don't have to send me back tomorrow. I will work overtime to finish everything."

The first half of the sentence was more pleasing to the ear. In the second half, Gu Zi frowned and frowned:

"I can wait for you."

"No need to……"

"It's not safe to take a taxi late at night. Besides, as far as I know, you have no relatives or friends nearby, so you can only sleep in the company. I don't want others to feel that I am a boss and blame employees for doing things."

After a few words, Qin Muxuan couldn't find a mistake. On the contrary, she felt grateful to Gu Zixuan.

"I'll trouble you then."

Gu Ziyu stood up and glanced at the time:

"It's almost a meal away. Let's eat here."

Qin Muxuan had no time to refuse. Gu Ziyi had ordered Lisa. Qin Muxuan felt that there were several black lines on his forehead. What kind of abacus was Gu Ziyi's heart?