MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2813 Looking at the stars

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I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change, the dream I want to dream is never afraid of others to see, I believe that I am me, I believe tomorrow, I believe in freedom, I believe hope, I believe that I can touch it. To the day.

I want to fly to heaven, shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

The mountains are far away, although they can't, the heart is longing for it.

Looking up at the starry sky, though it is out of reach, the heart is stunned.

There is no starry sky, unlimited stars, and a dark starry sky. What? What do you need to realize?

The journey of the sun and the moon, if it is out; the star is bright, if it is out.

This is the starry sky, looking up at the stars, and the true sense of the close starry sky, which is exactly two different concepts.

Sun Hao, who has been to the stars and leaps over the stars, knows that among the endless stars, those stars that look bright are actually huge fireballs, and on the edge of those fireballs, they are suspended. Block spherical continent.

This is the true face of the starry sky.

If the sea is vast, if the earth is thick, then what is the starry sky?

Perhaps the starry sky is truly vast and innocent, because the sea is actually only part of one of the continents in the innocent starry sky.

The first meaning of the starry sky should be broad and boundless, a kind of universe that contains everything and accommodates everything.

This should be the biggest feature of the starry sky. The starry sky is enough to make the sun a star, enough to make the sun's rays shine at the end of the starry sky.

Then, when looking up at the stars, Sun Hao’s second feeling is nothingness.

At first glance, among the innocent stars, large areas and large areas are empty and empty.

At first glance, in the void, only occasionally can you see a shining star, then, is perception and fact consistent?

Sun Hao, who has gone through the void battle, actually knows that there is nothing in the void, like the sea in the sea, the aura above the mainland, and the void, there should be ubiquitous, special Dark matter, but the monks do not perceive its existence.

In other words, in fact, the aura above the mainland is also invisible to the naked eye. Moreover, the mortal can't perceive the aura. Only after the monk practices, the depth can be determined, and the aura can be perceived and divided into gold according to its nature. The character of the five elements of wood and fire.

Then, the second attribute of the starry sky is actually unknown and mysterious, seemingly nothingness, but in reality it is not an unknown and mysterious.

The King Kong that Sun Hao once fought, gave Sun Hao a better answer. King Kong can use his own **** to transform dark matter into an ether, one of the most basic life energy.

So, or does it mean that, in fact, in the starry sky, is it filled with a lot of special life energy?

Above the highest tower of the Abel Battle Star, Sun Hao Ruo Ruo stone carved, sitting there, Shen Xiangjian placed on his hands, across the knees, always moments, a faint cyan glow.

Looking up at the stars and seeing the star sword, this is a key point of Sun Hao's practice. Sun Hao defined his last sword as a star sword. In fact, it is still a must for Sun Hao.

There is still a move in Jianhua Yu of Sun Hao’s practice, and Jianhai Xinghai has not fully realized.

In fact, now, Sun Hao has already seen it. In those days, the predecessors who wrote the sword book also failed to cultivate Jianhua Yu, Jianzhen Xinghai, in fact, it is a bold guess.

A powerful swordsmanship effect based on the practice theory of the monk's ascending, a kind of attack effect with the sword entering the law.

The seniors must be a descending monk, and the level of practice is not weak. They can comprehend such a powerful martial art. In that year, they must also be a master of combat power.

The shackles of Jianhua Yu are actually shaking Jianguang, turning his own epee into pieces of sword feathers and flying in the air.

A piece of sword feather seems to be light, but in fact each piece contains powerful energy, which is extremely incomparable, so the attack power is super powerful.

At this moment, Sun Hao looked up at the stars and seriously learned Jianhua.

Aiming at the peculiar nature of the void, the strange property that is full of dark matter, but at first glance, has nothing to look at, and Sun Hao’s heart can’t help thinking.

In a sense, Jianhua Yu is also the same.

Jianhua Yu, at first glance, fluttering, but each sword, behind this light, actually contains a lot of energy that people can't see.

In the past, Sun Hao’s Jianhua Yu was a strong killing that relied on his own cultivation to shake the sword and sword.

If you can understand the mystery of the starry sky and use the sword of the starry sky to integrate into your own sword, you may be able to illuminate the dark matter of the emptiness everywhere, let them fight for themselves, and finally practice to suppress the void. , Jianzhen Xinghai.

Sun Hao sank into comprehension, and at this time, over the sky of the Yuxu Palace, there were some changes that people's monks could not imagine.

In the stars, the stars seem to be getting more.

Especially every night, when looking up at the stars, it seems that you can see a lot of stars, as if it were white blades, floating in the sky.

This is a strange and magical starlight. When you look up at the Yuxu Palace or on the four major satellites, you can clearly perceive the presence of starlight.

However, when the great monk smashed away and went to the void to find it, the starlight disappeared.

Once in the void, those stars seem to disappear out of thin air!

As soon as it falls into the Yuxu Palace, the starlight can be clearly seen. This is really strange. What kind of starlight is this, how can it be so strange?

What is even more speechless is that as time goes by, the stars are becoming more and more obvious. As long as the weather is particularly good, when the monks look up at the stars, they can see that the sky is such a thin, like feathers. The starlight, never stop, how can the jade palace appear such a scene?

Many people have said that they are unclear and can't figure out what this represents.

Finally, the internal affairs supervisor of Yuxu Palace, Wei Xinbing ran out to give a fairly reasonable explanation: "Don't be surprised, that is the vision that my human race is prosperous, and it is still emerging in the booming stage, waiting for my human race. After being completely stabilized, these visions will completely disappear."

It turned out that the starry sky is a symbol of the human race, which represents the current great trend of the Terran, but it is a happy event, so, in the Yuxu Palace, many monks will worship the starlight every night.

At the height of Sun Hao, every progress is not easy.

Even if the road to practice is incomparably clear, the practice of martial arts, which is based on the incomparable practice, is still allowing Sun Hao to enter a long period of practice and sentiment.

The difficulty of this has reached the point where the ordinary monks are frightened.

For example, Sun Hao has integrated his hegemony into the sword trend. It seems that his hegemony has been cultivated. He only needs to focus on the sword, but in the actual practice, Sun Hao’s distraction has been fully practiced. In a hundred years, this step was achieved.

The time required for Wang Dao to integrate into the sword is roughly the same.

The lightsaber and the dark sword were originally the two yin and yang swords of Sun Hao's Yinyang Avenue. Sun Hao thought that the two swords should be similar to the difficulty of the sword and Wang Jian. However, after the real practice, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that The two swords of light and dark, Sun Hao spent five hundred years to complete this.

In the end, in fact, no more than Sun Hao knows the sword of the stars.

When the entire sky of the Yuxu Palace is shrouded in a splendid sword, when it is not scattered for a hundred years, this has become a wonder of the Terran of the Terran.

Moreover, it has become a special dojo of the Terran of the Terran.

The splendid sword light can bring unparalleled spiritual comprehension to the monks who practice the sword. In the a human monk with a strange sword, after the virtual killing, the first time Going outside the Yuxu Palace, looking up at the stars day and night.

As a result, he was convinced that he was powerful and killing the sword, killing the sword, not only that, not long after, he was in the stars, and realized the sword of the wind, the sword of the wind!

Even more ridiculous is that a wind attribute monk vowed to say that he actually realized the art of the wind in this starry sky.

Looking up at the starry sky, it has become a glorious tradition of the Yuxu Palace monks.

Until one day, on the jade palace, the sky is shining, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this point, looking up at the stars, what you see is the real starry sky.

However, at this time, it seems that there is a magical change in the sky of the Yuxu Palace. Many monks, when looking up at the stars, still feel that their hearts have been purified, and the whole person feels relaxed and relaxed...

a breath of ecstasy,

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