MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2806 I am a king

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The king must first conquer, the king must have the strongest strength, the largest territory, this is the real king!

The king must be used to breaking the knot of the heart by his own rules. This is the king.

But different kings always have different destinies and understanding of the king.

The general trend of the world, the long-term must be combined for a long time.

Even if it is the glory of the Tang Dynasty, there is still a storm, when there is only one emperor in the world, everyone wants to climb the top of the ninety-five.

During the reign of Emperor Tang, during the reign of Xianzong, the festival caused the rebellion to break out and failed. Zhengzong filled the imperial concubine into the harem, and Zheng was one of them.

After she entered the palace, she was a maid to the nobles. An accident was actually fortunate by the Xianzong. I did not expect that Zheng was not only pregnant but also gave Xianzong a son! After Xianzong got this son, he was very happy. He named Li Wei and was named Guangwang.

The harem has always been a land of right and wrong. The struggles are inconsistent, and the intrigues and tricks come out. Zheng has no backing in the palace. Guangwang and his son have been living in battle. Even so, Guangwang was frightened in a palace change and gave birth. The field was seriously ill, and it has become a fool!

The fool's light king has become the object of everyone's teasing.

However, Wu Zong, who inherited the emperor, did not think so. Wu Zong believes that Guangwang is selling madness and stupidity in order to let everyone relax his vigilance. So he repeatedly murdered the light king, for example, let him fall from the horse immediately, bury him in the snow, and even tie him up and throw it into the latrine. .

As a result, the fool's light king is big, still resisting death!

Wu Zong has not killed Guangwang, he is seriously ill, and his life is screaming. When he swallowed, he wanted to let his son inherit the throne. However, the eunuchs disagreed and agreed that the idiot Li Wei is the best candidate. No?

Ever since, the light king who was stupid for thirty-six years was confused and became the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The eunuchs thought that after the fool was the emperor, he could use the name of the emperor to make a fortune.

Unexpectedly, after the Emperor Guangwang became the emperor, he immediately became savvy and capable. The first thing was that the imperial power took back his own hands and killed the eunuchs who made the fortune, and began to make great efforts to perfection.

State affairs reorganization, Datang, once again ZTE! The King of Light became the Lord of ZTE.

However, Guangwang was in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, eradicating the national thief. After Zhongxing Datang, sitting in a chair, he often thought, bitter people, live up to the day, retired, and three thousand more can swallow Wu!

To be the king, you must have wisdom, you must have the king's general trend, but when the general trend is not in your hands, you need to keep a low profile, and the dragons are in the same place. Once the situation is over, the general situation is in hand, then when the situation starts, I will be the king of the world. .

The replacement of the dynasty is always an eternal theme. The great Tang Dynasty, the largest Da Yuan in the territory, and the fastest Alex in conquest have become history. A huge dynasty has never existed for a long time.

Above the earth, under the sky, the king, always keeps changing.

Jiangshan has talented people on behalf of the people, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years.

All kinds of kings, alternately playing, diligent, absurd, Wu Yong, also weak, have power, but there are also royal powers.

All sorts of kings, when they are about to end their lives, are thinking about such a problem, Wang? What is it? Wang Dao, what kind of road should it be?

Song, it is a relatively moderate dynasty, the territory is not very big, the national strength is not very prosperous.

Zhao Wei was the fourth emperor. When he took office, Guotai Min'an was more than adequate. He was generous and generous, and he knew how to be good and good, and many things of righteousness and righteousness became a moment of beauty.

Once, when the time was early autumn, officials offered donations. Ren Zong asked where to get it, and Chen said that he came from afar. Asked how many Lingshi? A total of twenty-eight, and Zhao said with amazement: "I often tell you to save, now you have to spend twenty-eight Lingshi to eat a few cockroaches, I can't eat!"

Ever since, he did not eat.

One day, he handled the business until late at night, tired and hungry. He wanted to eat a bowl of mutton hot soup, but he refused to say hunger. The next day, the queen knew, and advised him: "Let’s work day and night, thousand Always take care of your body, want to eat mutton soup, and always tell the royal chef, how can you endure the hunger to lose weight?"

He said to the Queen: "There is a random request from the palace, which will make the outside look like a routine. If I ate the mutton soup last night, the royal chef would kill it every night. I would have hundreds of them in a year to form a regular case, and the number of slaughter in the future would be unbearable. Calculate, for me to eat a bowl of food, create this evil case, and hurt the harmful things, I can't bear it, so I would rather be hungry for a moment."

Good man!

Once, he was walking, and he looked back from time to time. The followers did not know what the emperor was for. After returning to the palace, he said in a hurry: "I am thirsty, and I will pour water." I wondered, "Why don't you let the followers wait for drinking when you are outside, but you have to endure thirst." It."

He said, "He has repeatedly turned back, but he has not seen them prepare a kettle. If I ask, I will definitely be punished, so I will endure thirst and drink again."

After many of the palace ladies listened to it, they were moved!

There is a minister who has a black face and a crescent on his forehead. The speech is called a spit splash, which can directly blow a face.

He felt that the minister was fair and did not help the pro, so he appointed the minister to supervise the censor and eunuch.

As a result, the guy repeatedly succumbed to his sorrow, and the spit star splashed on his face. He wiped his face with his sleeve and accepted his advice.

As a result, once the prince Chen Shimei was in the hands of the minister, he was smashed his head!

Ok, knock down your teeth and swallow it in your stomach!

In his later years, he often thinks about what is king. This is not a king, a benevolent and benevolent, and the world is admired. Is this the true meaning of the king?

After his death, it seems that he saw that the ruling and the opposition did not cry, and the whole country was sad. After his obituary was sent to Liaoguo, Liao Wang actually screamed and cried, saying: "Forty-two years, I don't know the military."

He also said: "I want to build a dress for him, and mourn."

He was thinking at the time, is this the "old name"? The people support, the enemy also mourns, the king of benevolence?

Is the king of benevolence my pursuit?

Is the root of Wang Dao "Benevolence"? However, the world is not benevolent with all things as a dog, the saint is not benevolent, what is the meaning of the dog as a dog?

Is the kingly way of benevolence? As if I have already understood it, the king is not benevolent, and the people are the ants.

Between the two, he seems to have returned to the ancient times with a will, and came to a place called "Shangqiu".

What makes him incomprehensible is that at this moment, the survival of human beings seems to be very difficult. People use rough stone tools to hunt for daily necessities, eat raw meat of animals or raw plant roots or leaves, and wear animal skins. Or objects woven with plants. Use stones and other weapons as a weapon to resist the invasion of the beasts. Because of raw food, it is vulnerable to disease, and people's life is extremely short...

He is thinking, can people not make a fire? But right away, he saw a continuous forest fire. But people don't know the fire, they are regarded as monsters, and the fire is unknown. They go around the fire and live away from the fire.

He knows that fire is the must-have thing for human beings. Therefore, when others are sheltering from fire, he often lives in a place with fire, when others pick up the fire that is burned to death. The animals are always thrown away. He finds that the small animals that have been burned by the fire always tear some meat and put it in the mouth to taste it...

His weird behavior was not understood, but when he took people to the cold in the place where there was fire, when he led people to eat more corpse with fire cooked food, he gradually became a human being. Admired, gradually, he is called, wise.

The wise man knew the fire and knew the wide use of the fire. But the fire in the forest is not everywhere, it exists at any time, and the big forest fire always goes out.

After the fire was extinguished, in order to enable humans to find fire everywhere and use the fire, the wise man began the exploration of the difficult method of artificial fire. After thousands of experiments, he finally succeeded.

On this day, he found some dry and thin wood to make the drill plate, and then found the right branch to make the drill bit, drilled the edge of the drill plate into a small "V" shaped groove, and placed it under the drill plate with flammable Velvet and dead leaves, then use both hands to keep drilling.

The blue smoke gradually rose, the velvet began to burn, a small flame, flashing orange light, illuminating the night sky of Shangqiu where he lived...