MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 46 Practice spell

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The characteristics of the wood system are strong, strong and lasting. It is expressed in the spell, but the attack power is not strong, but the stamina is full. The two spells Sun Hao chose, the wooden stakes and the green woods, have distinctive characteristics of wood.

The convex wooden stake is an attacking spell. The characteristic of the spell is to condense the natural gas in the body into a pointed wooden stake, and burrow it out from the air to assassinate the enemy. This spell is only moderate in attacking spells of intermediate refiners. It is far less powerful than some gold and fire attack spells.

Of course, for the early temper, the attack power of this spell is higher.

When Sun Hao chose the spell, the elders on duty who were in charge of the Tibetan Classics were very surprised. At that time, they reminded Sun Hao: "This spell must be refining in the middle of the refining process, and you will refine the second layer..." Obviously, let Sun Hao change.

Although the Jingjing Pavilion is not small, although the old and the old are sitting in the middle of it, the specific affairs are still handled by different elders, so there is such a thing.

Sun Hao is naturally a rumor that rejected the kindness of the elder of the surname Wang. He exchanged two spells with contributions and went back to practice.

The key and difficult point of magical cultivation is to control the infuriating body. It is necessary to arrange the intrinsic gas in the body into a special combination, supplemented by a special mouth, and spray the infuriating gas from a specific acupoint to achieve the spell effect.

In Aoki, there are not many spells in the wood, and the convex pile is one of the most difficult spells to practice. This spell needs to be highly condensed in the body. The higher the degree of condensation, the stronger the attacking force of the formed pile. The powerful wooden pile can produce two kinds of attack effects: piercing and impact.

Sun Hao’s choice of convex wooden piles is precisely the combination of his own cultivation characteristics. Sun Hao’s body is tens of thousands of rounds of wood, and his gas is highly concise. As long as there are thousands of rounds of wood in the thousand rounds of wood, the practice of protruding wooden stakes should be Do more with less.

In the South Intermediate Court, in the courtyard where the spells were practiced, Sun Hao practiced the wooden stakes for the first time, meditation and meditation, and Sun Hao pointed at the target of the practice, and shouted in his mouth: "protruding wooden stakes", with His drink, a pointed, more than one meter long, a half-foot-shaped gas pile suddenly rushed out from the bottom of the target.

"Boom", a loud explosion in the yard, a solid goal for cultivation, first "squeaky", pierced by the protruding pegs, then the huge impact force of the protruding piles followed "Boom", the wooden target was overwhelmed, and it was hit and split, and a pair of sawdust was flying in the air.

Originally, other brothers and sisters were practicing in their own right. When they heard this loud noise, they ran out and saw that the original sturdy target had been turned into a powder, and the light was shining in one eye. This is the power of the spell.

Gu Yun looked at Sun Hao with a look of respect: "Hello. You are so powerful, you can now practice spells."

Sun Hao smiled and said to everyone loudly: "You cheer and practice, the atrium is full of spirits. Everyone enters the second layer of refining as soon as possible, and then you can learn some simple spells. As long as you learn the spells, this target is like a bomb. Just broken."

Next, the old servant of the South Central Hospital, the old man surnamed Li, who was about the same age as Lao Zhang, couldn’t help but open his mouth. He wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn’t say anything, just thought in his heart: “Do you think this cultivation target is so easy to break? The attacking power of this small perverted spell is too strong. If this continues, the miscellaneous service of the South Central Hospital is not enough. No, you have to find the target of the refining post-cultivation spells..."

The first time I practiced the wooden stakes, the effect was good.

After Sun Hao rushed away from a group of busy brothers, he sat down and thought about the process of the first spell. After many disciples get the spells, they are a word-making. When they practice, they can make perfect and use them flexibly.

However, many years of study habits have made Sun Hao always think about three reasons why he is learning. Practice once, sum up once, not just practice for practice, but practice for improvement.

Sun Hao did not feel surprised when the first spell was successful, because since the beginning of the practice of the five elements of the wheel, Sun Hao began to control the infuriating body. In a few years, only the infuriating manipulative one, Sun Hao can completely refine The late monk of the gas.

What Sun Hao doesn't know is that most disciples often try to practice hundreds of times when they start practicing spells on the third floor of the refining, in order to fully cast their spells. Wherever he is, the first spell is a complete success. Li Guanjia did not know that Sun Hao was the first practice. He thought that Sun Hao had been practicing for a long time.

Because there is no comparison with other disciples, Sun Hao does not know that his first successful spelling is actually something that should be worthy of pride. Now, when Sun Hao sums up the experience of the first spell, he is not very satisfied.

There are two main aspects of dissatisfaction. On the one hand, the speed of casting is not fast, the mouth is swearing, the hand is started, and the gas is condensed. Before and after, Sun Hao spent almost ten hours. Sun Hao thinks that he really wants to In actual combat, the daylily has been cold, so the time of casting must be shortened.

Another dissatisfaction is the prospective position. Originally, Sun Hao’s casting was a side-attack target. As a result, the target was attacked, but the direction of the attack was issued from the ground. Sun Hao was a bit shameful. Is this a beating?

The quasi-head does not refine, the spell can't hit the target, what is the use?

In response to these two shortcomings, Sun Hao began to practice frantically.

The problem of casting speed, Sun Hao practiced in stages, and constantly shortened the casting time. If the spell is not familiar, it takes four minutes to pass. After thousands of exercises, the time is shortened to two limits. The starting type is an action, and the movement is unfamiliar. It takes two hours to spend time. After thousands of cultivations, the starting style becomes instinct, and the time is shortened to a shortfall. The manipulation of infuriating is the habit of Sun Hao’s long-term cultivation. Therefore, the time for condensing infuriating is shortened. Fast, originally this time needs four interest rates, and shortening to two interest rates after several times has almost reached the bottleneck.

In five days, Sun Hao practiced madly, and the time of casting changed from ten to more. In fact, the proficiency of this spell has reached the speed of casting most of the mid-temper disciples.

Moreover, the speed of such a cast is reached in five days. If you know to other internal disciples of Aoki, you will be shocked by their eyeballs. You must know that they practiced these spells in the past, and which one is not more than half a year to practice to reach Sun Hao. The general level?

Sun Hao, who reached the speed of others for half a year in five days, was not satisfied with the speed of casting fast, and still thought that this speed was too slow in actual combat. Moreover, according to the records of the Niu Niu, there are some monks with different talents, the most powerful ones can do "one mind is the law", the thoughts of life, the spells come out, there is often a great power in the battle.

The monk world does not have the vision to determine the fate, but Sun Hao, who has read too many books, has already passed the other peers of Qing Muzong. The time of the five-year-old spelling is not satisfied, he began to sort out his own ideas. In order to find ways to speed up the casting time from the vast amount of books I have read.

Thinking for a long time, with the record of the Niu Niu, combined with the contents of several handwritten notes, Sun Hao once again found a practice method to improve the speed of casting.

This exercise is mainly from two aspects, one is the synchronous front-end practice method, the so-called synchronous pre-workout method, that is, several actions are performed simultaneously. As a rule, a complete spell is to condense the infuriating, then sing the mouth, and finally release the spell with a specific gesture. But here, through practice, in practice, it is possible to play the time difference, that is, the latter action can be properly synchronized with the previous one, so that the practice, in principle, the time of releasing the spell can be infinitely close to condensation. The time of infuriating, that is, with Sun Hao’s current control of infuriating level, a cast can be infinitely close to two interest rates;

This exercise is not easy, although it does not need to be distracted, but it is not far behind. When starting to practice, Sun Hao is in a hurry, often a spell down, time is not reduced.

This method is not a particularly unusual method. In fact, many of the monks in Qingmu have similar records. However, in reality, the pre- and mid-time monks of Qingmu Zong rarely practice this method of casting, which is difficult to practice. Secondly, the spell level is not high, and the elimination is very fast.

Sun Hao does not think so, Sun Hao believes that perhaps the use of convex stakes will not be very long, but the experience of practicing synchronized prepositions can be accompanied by his life.

The second method to improve the speed of casting is called the secondary casting superposition method; this secondary casting superposition is more difficult. Especially after the synchronization pre-method, the second casting superposition is applied, and the difficulty is almost the top.

If the synchronous pre-casting practice is a necessary course for geniuses, then the second casting superposition will only be the method that the enchanting genius will master.

The so-called double casting superposition, well understood, is to prepare for the second spell in the process of the first casting is not finished, in theory, this second casting superposition if the practice is good, the casting interval can be infinitely shortened, the caster Once the spell is released, it may be like a machine gun.

After carefully tidying up the practice methods of these two practice methods, Sun Hao once again invested in crazy practice.

At this time, the returning sect of the Zongmen reward played a huge role. The returning dan was originally able to slowly improve the remedy repaired by the monk, but at Sun Hao, ten bottles of qi dan were treated as replies by him. Dan medicine, practicing spells requires a lot of infuriating support, other disciples do not have medicinal support, and most of them practice for a while to reply for a while, so cycle.

Sun Hao, when the infuriating gas is exhausted, it will come back to Dan.

In this way, ten bottles of gas dan, only lasted for half a month, they were consumed. This is still the effect of the practice of Mu Dan in the body of Sun Hao, and the woods are far more capable than others, and I will change my disciples. Sun Hao's practice, ten bottles of returning Dan are not enough for three days.

It can be seen that even if other disciples know that there is a trick to speed up the casting, I am afraid that there is no resource to support them to practice. Have to say cultivation resources, especially the cultivation resources of low-level monks have a crucial impact on the cultivation of monks.

Ten bottles of medicinal herbs were exhausted, and Sun Hao insisted on practicing for five days. This was the initial goal of his cultivation.

After more than a month of practice, Sun Hao was basically satisfied with his own props, and the casting time of a single spell has been raised to within two degrees by Sun Hao, and the time interval of continuous casting is controlled by Sun Hao. . That is to say, once the war begins, Sun Hao can reach the casting speed of a protruding wooden stake.

Of course, let Sun Hao regret that if the piles are continuously released, they can be put up five times at a time. After five times, they will have to return. Of course, Sun Hao has Mudan in his body, before Mudan is not exhausted. The return air is very fast. Almost a four-five interest rate can restore the infuriating of a protruding stake.

The practice of convex stakes reached a bottleneck.

Sun Hao turned his gaze to the second spell: "Aoki wrapped around"

At this time, because of the transfer to the South Central Court, due to the cultivation of Zongmen, in addition to a few prostitutes, the masters of the teachers and brothers began to break through in the process of practicing the magic of Sun Hao. Of course, on the other side of the East Court, there have been disciples who have broken through the three layers of refining, and most of the disciples have also broken through the second layer of refining. The momentum rose for a while, and Qu Youyi once had the idea of ​​organizing his disciples to make troubles in the South. However, he did not expect that the disciples of the Nanxia Academy not only moved into the Intermediate People's Court, but also Tong Li, Zhong Lin and Gu Yun have successively broken through the refining. The second floor of the gas, together with Sun Hao, has already broken through the second floor of the refining gas. This is the demise of the East Court. Of course, Gongsun and Qu Youzhen think that they are already pro-pass, and they have also broken through the three layers of refining. The temporary forbearance is only In order to accumulate strength.