MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 2 Intermittent Dan? (Seeking recommendation!!)

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"Chen, if you are tired, go back to rest early. If you can't break it, don't force the mystery to run. It's important to recuperate." Ye Zhanxiong, in his opinion, the meridians have been unable to return to the sky unless they can find it. Intermittent Dan treatment of Ye Chen's injury, but intermittent Dan is too precious, even if the financial resources of Ye Jia, but also can not buy a broken Dan.

"Three uncles, I don't believe that I have been a waste person in my life. I feel that my meridians will be able to recover." Ye Chen said firmly.

When I heard Ye Chen’s words, Ye Zhanxiong paused, and his heart burst into pain. He touched Ye Chen’s head and smiled hard: “Good boy, whether you are a meridian, three uncles, and leaves. Home is your solid backing."

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded. In the past three years, although his meridians have been tried, only a few ethnic groups have laughed at him. Others have been extremely good at him. Even at the expense of the family, they have spent countless remedies. Help him warm the meridians, waiting to find a broken Dan to continue his meridians.

"When you have time, go see your father." Ye Zhanxiong sighed.

Thinking of his father, Ye Chen’s heart was slightly hurt. In the past three years, in order to treat Ye Chen, his father withstood tremendous pressure and had a lot of white hair on his head. It seems that he is old and he is very embarrassed to his father. .

"I will."

Ye Zhanxiong went back and continued to teach a group of young martial arts. Ye Chen was sitting on the stone, and his heart was full of flavors.

Being stunned, a crisp voice rang in Ye Chen’s ear and pulled Ye Chen back to reality.

"What is Ye Chen's brother thinking about?" There was a hint of playfulness in the voice.

Ye Chen turned his head, a beautiful face, appeared in front of his eyes, is a fifteen or six-year-old girl, looking at Ye Chen with a smile, she is wearing a light purple dress, eyebrows exquisite, binocular It is like a clear water, beautiful appearance, skin-like jade, like a clear ice and snow. A faint scent of the girl’s fragrance made people feel relaxed and happy.

Seeing the girl in front of her eyes, Ye Chen’s heart raised a faint love: "How come you come here?"

"Is Ye Chen's brother not welcoming me?" The girl smiled.

"I haven't said that, but I rarely see you playing the battlefield." Ye Chen couldn't help but smile, and he was the only one who could talk freely. Whether the nephew is surnamed Ye, her son is her real name or a nickname, Ye Jiabao has no one to know, and no one knows who Ye Hao’s parents are. It is said that Ye Hao was fostered by others in Yejiabao. When he was a child, Ye Hao was a child of the same age because he had no father and no mother. He was often bullied by some children of the same age, and Ye Chen was very mature at the time. She was guarded by leafhoppers and treated Ye Hao as her sister. From then on, Ye Hao stuck to Ye Chen.

Until those children grew up, Ye Hao grew from an ugly head to a big beauty. At the time, those guys who bullied Ye Hao were regretful, even if they did more, they could not change their minds in Ye Xie. The image.

Ye Hao maintains a certain distance from other family members. Usually, she rarely plays a place like the Wuchang. When she faces Ye Chen, she will unload her defense. Although Ye Chen's meridians are broken, her relationship with Ye Chen is more intimate.

In the distance, a group of children saw Ye Chen and Ye Wei standing together, and they all showed a sly look. Every time they talked with Ye Hao, Ye Hao would smile kindly, but wanted to chat further, Ye Hao The elegant temperament will always give people a feeling of rejection. The playful smile that Ye Hao rarely reveals makes them feel awkward, and the fish are falling, but this is true. Everyone has an unreal feeling, as if in a dream.

"It has been three years in a blink of an eye." Ye Hao’s voice was soft, and there was an indescribable sentiment. Her gaze fell on Ye Chen’s cheek. The teenager who was once angry was flattened by years and frustrations. . During the period, Ye Hao tried countless methods to help Ye Chen recover the meridians, but all failed.

"Yeah, it’s been three years." Ye Chen showed a bit of self-deprecating smile, no one knows how he came over in the past three years.

"Ye Chen's brother should not give up on himself, the meridians do it, and there is no hope at all. At least the uncles and uncles are thinking of ways, they will find ways to restore your damaged meridians." Ye Hao comforted Ye Chendao.

"If the damaged meridians are so easy to recover, my father has helped me to recover, and I will drag it to the present. Three years, is there hope?" Ye Chen sighed, he was already a waste, surrounded by But there are still so many people who care about themselves, so that he can't help but be ashamed. He really wants to do something for the people around him, but unfortunately he can't do anything, even dragging them down. Ye Chen’s only hope is that the flying knife in his mind.

"Ye Chen's brother once said that Huang Tian pays off. If you do your best, you must find a broken Dan for Ye Chen's brother and help Ye Chen's brother to recover the meridians." Ye Hao's clear eyes flashed A little firm.

Intermittent Dan can continue the meridians for the meridians, and can cure the wounds of Ye Chen.

"Intermittent Dan is a treasure that can be made by the drug lord. Even if you dump the financial resources of Ye Family, you can't buy it, and you will get it so easily." Ye Chen smiled bitterly and wanted to get a broken Dan. It’s easy to talk about it!

In this world, medicinal herbs are very precious things. Even the lowest-level gas dan, can sell fifty-two silver, which is equivalent to the ordinary people's home for several years to eat and wear, let alone the drug-made production Continued Dan, a broken Dan is at least equivalent to tens of thousands of gas dan, even if Ye Jiabao arrived, it can not be replaced by an intermittent Dan.

In the three years of the meridian, Ye Chen used more than ten gas gatherings to warm the meridians every day. Rao was the home of Ye Family, and could not withstand such consumption, and even sold many ethnic industries. In the past two years, Ye Jiabao has gradually become less and less in the Lianyun 18 Fort. It has gradually become a bit green and yellow. If it is still like this, Ye Jiabao is in the Lianyun 18 Fort, I am afraid it will break into the end. .

Even so, the father and the majority of the ethnic groups in the family have no complaints, and they have a concern for Ye Chen. Such a great grace, Ye Chen has no teeth. The past Ye Chen was an orphan, and now, Ye Chen first found the feeling of home, Ye Jiabao is his home.

Ye Chen himself has tried countless methods and wants to restore the broken meridians, but all failed. The only hope is to bring him to the flying knife of this world. Recently, the flying knife has been trembling from time to time, which makes Ye Chen see a glimmer of hope.

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