MTL - Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)-Chapter 874 Arrive 2

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The man knelt on one knee, carrying two serrated scimitars with blood on his back. The damaged robes also looked slightly broken.

"The leader, the Jihad Corps of the Temple of Light, the United Angel Corps, and the Golden Temple, are nearing the Sunlight Tower."

Lin Sheng held his staff in his hand, looking calm.

"Are you afraid?" He asked.

"In any case, we will follow in the footsteps of the Holy Light." The masked man answered lowly.

"You've always been this character, Kereisha." Lin Sheng smiled.

He looked into the distance, looking at the bright and vast plain.

The breeze blows everything.

The grass shook, and a rippled pattern appeared.

Several bald eagles hovered and fluttered in the sky, making sharp, high-pitched tweets from time to time. Below the bison herd stroll and drink water, leisurely and natural.

"Look, what a beautiful world." Lin Sheng admired.

"Harmony, tranquility, beauty, fulfillment ... but unfortunately, all this is about to be ruined by unspeakable war."

Keleisha said nothing.

In fact, all the senior members of the Guangming Society, including him, did not understand why Lin Sheng, as the leader, would conduct a confrontation against the Temple of Light.

Although the power of the Guangming Society is strong, it is still far from being able to fight against the powerful Temple of Light.

After all, that is the true core power of the Lord of Light.

But because of the trust in Lin Sheng and the trust in Holy Light over the years.

All of them followed Lin Sheng without hesitation and came to this moment.

At this time, the army is under pressure, and the huge power of the Temple of Light is like a huge storm, which may capsize the entire Guangshe at any time.

But at such a critical moment, everyone in the Guangming Society actually stood up to the pressure and still obeyed Lin Sheng's instructions to do any of their tasks.

Among them is the dyeing effect of the Holy Light, but more, Lin Sheng has given members a second life, and the grace that healed their qualifications is at work.

"Kerez. Jihad, how long will it take to reach the Sunlight Tower?" Lin Sheng asked suddenly.

"About an hour," Keressa answered calmly.

"An hour? Is everyone here?" Lin Sheng continued to ask.

"Yes, it's all at the headquarters of the Sunlight Tower, waiting for your arrival." Kaleisha respected.

Lin Sheng smiled.

"Very good. Then, hold the last general meeting. Let's go together."

He gave the staff a light stroke, and an oval white portal opened automatically in front of him.

Lin Sheng didn't hesitate and walked in first.

Keresa was close behind.

A teleportation can actually teleport directly to the Sun Tower from near the Cuijing Fortress.

Such a long distance in the middle has already completely exceeded the scope that the sixth-level mage can do.

The two passed through the portal one by one.

Behind the door was a large, splendid hall.

The golden daylight crystal floats and turns in the air, releasing a soft golden halo.

A senior member of the Guangming Society has been waiting here for a long time.

They were quietly divided into two rows, standing on both sides of the carpet, gazing at Lin Sheng and Keleisha who had just come out.

There was silence in the hall for a while.

Only Lin Shengji stepped forward with the slight sound of his staff.

As he continued to move forward, the top of the staff in his hand began to gradually lighten a soft golden halo.

Until reaching the main position, Lin Sheng turned around and sat down gently, leaning back on the cold chair back.

"Everyone." He looked at all the members of the Guangming Society who were present.

"We will witness a new era."

He spoke every word.

"Change the past."

"Change now."

"Change the future!"


The crystal at the top of his staff suddenly became a masterpiece of light, and the golden light of countless daylight crystals penetrated the floor, converged to the top of the sunlight tower, and then went up sharply into the sky.

The golden beam of light is holy and pure, penetrating the clouds and the sky, as if flying into the boundless universe.

Long ...

A light of thunder crossed the sky.

The thick clouds gathered densely and spread across the sky.

The huge jihadist army made rapid progress towards the Sun Tower. Above the head, the golden temple was surrounded by clouds and moved forward synchronously.

The angels are still singing, and the legends have activated their spell barriers and blessings.

The paladins prayed loudly, drawing a beam of pure white light, bathing their bodies.

The incarnations of the gods of the bright deities have unfolded their might. The invisible might is woven into white light, shining on the four sides.

The **** of the morning dawn, Ai Hua, stroked his long artifact sword gently, and looked at the towering sunlight tower that gradually appeared on the plain in the distance.

Standing beside him were Enxi, the **** of twilight, and Oriya, the **** of twilight.

In front of them was the commander-in-chief of the jihad, the sun **** Kaos.

Behind the incarnations of the deities, there was a faint variety of divine power.

The glow of the sun **** Kaos is one of the most dazzling.

This is all because he is the only incarnation of a medium divine deity here.

The legends of those who prayed were also dispatched by him.

From the appearance alone, Kaos was a gorgeous and handsome young man with golden jewelry everywhere.

He has a gold forehead on his brows, a gold necklace on his neck, golden fingers and bracelets on his fingers, and arm rings on his arms.

In addition, there are earrings, nose rings, hair accessories, collar flowers, brooches and more.

From head to toe, he was everywhere shining with gold.

Even his hair, complexion, and pupils were faintly faintly golden.

"Did you feel it? The heretic **** growled at the end," Sun God Kaos smiled.

He stood in front of the golden shrine, looking far into the tall sun tower that appeared in the sight of the shrine.

"Being able to make them feel the power of light, even if melted in the divine power, it is their glory." Kaos played with his shawl with light golden hair and a relaxed and harmonious smile on his face.

"So, now, I'll give them a small meeting gift."

He stepped forward, raised his right hand, and was about to move.

Suddenly a slight vibration came from everyone's head.

Kaos frowned, raising his head slightly to look upward.

The projection of the Temple of Light is directly cast into the clouds, and above it, it should be the film on the outer layer of the thematic plane.

Why is there a movement in the outer film at this time?

The rumble above the clouds was getting louder and louder, and everyone was gradually attracted by the sound, raising their heads to look at the sky.

"Somewhat wrong, be careful, His Royal Highness Kaos." Ai Hua, the **** of the dawn, suddenly remembered the experience of another incarnation who stayed in the fury forest, and felt something was wrong.

In any case, the performance of the Guangming Society behind the Sunlight Tower has never been the type of self-dead.

They are obviously not the crazy evil **** sects who are trying to die. Instead, step by step, the forces operate as iron buckets.

Such a force cannot fail to understand how powerful the temple of light is.

But now they still do it.

It can be seen that there is definitely a confidence that can make them think that they can fight against the Temple of Light.

"Don't worry, no matter what they do, everything is nothing in front of the might of God." Kaos said carelessly.

The voice just fell.

boom! !!

In the sky above the entire jihadist corps, from scratch, a huge transparent ripple burst suddenly.

There was a loud bang.

High winds are raging and space is distorted.

A huge gray-black vortex suddenly emerged, and from the vortex quickly emerged a huge black battleship.

As soon as the battleship vortexed, it covered most of the sky.