MTL - Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)-Chapter 868 Break 2

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This is a battle of faith, an irreconcilable jihad.

So from the beginning, neither the Temple of Light nor the Church of the Holy Light showed any weakness.

At the beginning of the assault, it was a brutal **** fight.

The two sides fought with each other and were evenly matched. Every day, we hear news of various peer-to-peer battles.

The Temple of Light destroyed three strongholds of the Holy Light Church.

The Church of Light destroys three Light Temple strongholds.

The Temple of Light destroyed two strongholds of the Holy Light Church.

The Church of Light destroys two Light Temple strongholds.

The Temple of Light destroyed fourteen Holy Light churches.

The Holy Light Church destroyed fifteen Light Temple churches.

The Temple of Light began to be hunted down, losing three high-ranking priests and 15 middle-ranking priests.

A rescue team dispatched from the Temple of Light was attacked and two high-ranking bishops were lost, with countless low-ranking worshippers.

The Temple of Light sent a legendary archbishop to take the shot, halfway around, the legend was captured, and several high-level bishops were lost.

Temple of Light ...

Temple of Light ...

After the miserable Light Temple was unbearable, he decided to investigate the internal spy.

They couldn't find their opponents every time they set off, but as soon as they were slightly relaxed, they were immediately attacked.

The Holy Light Church simply does not fight against them.

Therefore, after following the complete defeat, the remaining bright temples around the Sunlight Tower suffered heavy losses. Finally no longer covering up, tearing his face completely.

The Holy See formed a jihadist army directly from the neighboring Bright Kingdom of Portman Kingdom and proceeded towards the Sunlight Tower.

Led by two legendary strongmen, more than a dozen high-ranking 200,000 jihadist corps, crossed the border bravely and rushed unbridled towards the sun tower.

At this time, the mage tower on Lin Sheng's side was almost built.

With a mage casting construction, the process naturally far exceeds the average construction team. It was announced in less than a month.

The huge three-dimensional descending magic array is hidden in the basement of the lowest level of the mage tower.

The huge war corps from the Holy Spirit Palace is ready for teleportation.

The jihadist corps of the temple of light has only two legends on the surface, but in fact, a **** of the light system sent projections or incarnations into it.

There is also a demigod hidden in the corner of the mainland. He has been persuaded by various costs to join the army.

A battle of top beliefs far beyond the imagination of the world is about to begin.

At this moment, Ryan Descartes's awakening main plot, which the North Tans team has been following, also really showed signs.




Lights flashed, the sky was dark with thunderclouds, and the sky was dim.

The strong wind was accompanied by sparse raindrops, and fell from the sky.

Bei Tansi and his party hurriedly ran on the garden path beside the castle.

He urged Wan Xia to let his sister Xia Weier confess to Ryan Descartes when he confessed.

But I did not expect Xia Weier was not at all concerned.

Just before the sky was not so gloomy and dense, Xia Weier came back to North Tans with a look of ease, and she refused Ryan Descartes' confession.

Fortunately, because of the elder brother's instructions, she did not humiliate the other person as she did in the original plot, but she refused very plainly and then left.

After learning this, Bei Tansi and his party were quite glad, but still worried that Ryan was stimulated and awakened again because of the original plot inertia.

So the group rushed towards the castle in a hurry, towards the confession place Xia Weier had mentioned before.


Another electric light across the sky illuminated the dim sky for a moment.

As soon as the group got out of the castle gate, they ran into Lin Sheng, who was holding a staff, and slowly stepped off the carriage.

Because of the emergency, Bei Tansi, who had no time to say hello to Lin Sheng, just waved his hand and hurried toward Ryan's location.

"What are they doing? Is there anything urgent?" Lin Sheng looked out to greet the director of the castle, Hoorn, and revealed his inquiries.

The old director shook his head, and was a little dazed.

"Unclear, Master North Tans didn't mention anything urgent."

Lin Sheng came back this time with the intention of packing up things and moving into the newly completed mage tower.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to care about what North Tance and his team were playing,

"Is everything packed? My books, laboratory equipment and the like."

Supervisor Horn hastened his head.

"You have packed everything, and there are some private items that you need to go and pack yourself."

Lin Sheng nodded, and arbitrarily reached for the ground.

A group of invisible servants sprang up automatically, and flew around the castle according to his will, and began to check what else he needed to bring.

He himself walked into the castle and headed for the lowest basement.

The jihad is about to begin. After a while, he may not be so leisurely. He has to be hard at work with the Lord of Light. If he is not ready for a wave, he may lose.



Heavy rain poured down.

Bei Tansi's group stared at the blood on the open ground with an extremely ugly face.

Link squatted and stained with blood, put it in his mouth to taste.

"It's Ryan's right. It looks like he was attacked. We're still late."

North Tans punched the trunk of the small tree next to her.

"Abominable !! I have told Xia Weier, let her inform me as soon as possible!"

"No way, Ryan confessed suddenly, and Xia Weier couldn't predict it herself. This can't blame her." Shu Ya remained calm. "The point now is, where must Ryan be found? He appears to have been attacked by the Abyss Priest, and is likely to have awakened his potential powers."

"Yes, we must find him right away, or if he grows up, there will be a real possibility of extinction in the future!" Lin Ke said in a deep voice.

"According to the plot, Ryan, the awakening power, will first devour the abyss priest who attacked him and tried to take his power. So we must go immediately! But there is no mention in the plot where they played against! "North Tans said anxiously.

"Look! It's about the fate of this world. If you don't hurry up and control Ryan Descartes, this world may really not be saved once he develops." Shu Ya calmly said.

But even if she was calm, she felt extremely intractable at this moment, and her heart rose with a hint of impatience.

"Now that we rush over, it may be too late.

The plot to devour the abyss priest is very short. Instead of this, let's recall it carefully. After awakening, Ryan gains power and then devours the Abyssal Priest, and the place he is most likely to go after is ... "Shuya reasoned.

"Cuijing Fortress !!"

North Tans and Link almost yelled in unison.

Yes, Ryan Descartes, whose mind has been distorted in the threats after devouring the abyss priests, has the most awakening ability. What she wants to do most is to find Xavier Willi and avenge everything she did before.

"Castle! He must have gone to the castle !!" North Tans thought more and more.

"Go! Let's go back immediately!"

Everyone else guessed the biggest possibility.

Although the plot, the content of this paragraph is long. But it actually didn't take long.

So Ryan probably already rushed to the castle.

At this time, Ryan was able to awaken, her heart was stimulated, extremely dark and distorted, and with little stimulation, it was possible to make irreparable major errors.

Maybe the castle is slaughtered, and the story of the destruction of the Willy family will be abruptly ahead of time.

So they must hurry back to stop Ryan before he attacks!

The current Willy Castle is in an extremely dangerous state.