MTL - Nightmare Attack-Chapter 15

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   He glanced out of the window, the sunlight was a little dazzling, but he knew that according to previous calculations, the daytime duration is now only three hours at most, and now three hours have passed halfway.

   When the night falls again, the world they are in will enter the eternal night.

"Time is running out. Let's search separately." Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced around, "Fan Li, you are on your own, the fat man follows me, move as fast as possible, especially pay attention to things like keys, behind the iron door on the third floor. There may be a clue, but I have tried it. Without the key, we cannot open it with the tools in our hands."


   The two groups of people don’t talk nonsense, they spread out on the spot.

   Jiangcheng group was responsible for searching the larger first floor because of one more person, and the second floor was handed over to Fan Li.

   The search quickly became effective. Jiang Cheng found a rope in an inconspicuous corner behind the stairs. The rope was tied to the corner of the corridor on the second floor next to the stairs, and the other end was hanging on the ground.

   Jiangcheng ran up the stairs and found the rope tied to the other end of the second floor.

   That location was where he and the fat man hid last night, but there was no rope at that time.

   Fan Li heard the sound of the two going upstairs and ran out of the study, "What's the matter?"

   Jiangcheng pointed at the rope to show him.

   After a while, they went back downstairs and walked to the other side of the living room along where the rope was hanging.

   Fan Li's face suddenly changed, "Yesterday I tied the handle of this door with a rope and the nail beside the door. Why is the rope gone?"

   Fatty's eyes were sharp, and after entering the door, he picked up a rope from a pile of firewood.

   The rope is broken into two pieces, and the cut is very neat.

   Fan Li took it with his hand and raised his head affirmed: "It was cut by a tool such as a dagger."

   There is a door behind the small room where the firewood is stored. The firewood in front of the door has been removed, and a piece of firewood is vacated.

   Jiangcheng walked over and pushed with his hands, but didn't push away.

   He looked out through the glass on the door, here is the back of the villa.

   There are not many leaves on the ground, but because it has rained before, the water is not yet dry, and the ground is full of wet mud.

   There are a few clear ruts on the muddy ground.

   "It was left by the bus," the fat man said in surprise.

   It is strange that there are forests all around here, and there is no way for buses to come in.

   But it doesn't matter anymore, what's important is that they already know how Sister Nuan left.

   Fatty also learned Jiang Cheng, swaying the door in front of him, but the door did not seem to be able to open at all.

   "Stop shaking," Jiang Cheng said, "You can't open it."

   Fatty stopped shaking the door, but he still asked, "How did they leave if the door couldn't be opened?"

   Fan Li standing behind him suddenly said: "It's time."


   "Yes," Fan Li looked at the confused fat man, nodded and said, "It's the wrong time. Only at a certain time, the bus will appear, and then the door can be opened."

   "3:07 in the morning," Jiang Cheng said.

   Fan Li looked at him with some surprise and nodded, "You also thought of it."

   "What are you talking about?" The fat man blinked, "What is 3:07?"

   "Remember when Xie Yu died?" Jiang Cheng said, "I saw the watch at that time, and the time displayed on it was 3:07."

   The fat man asked in surprise: "But in this world, isn't the time displayed by the watch inaccurate?"

Fan Li went on to say: "It's not accurate, but it will become accurate at a certain time. On the night Xie Yu died, I heard the weird sound and looked at the time at the same time," he said. He took out the pocket watch in his pocket and shook it in front of the fat man's eyes, "It also shows 3:07."

   "But not long ago, I just looked at the time, and the time displayed at that time was 6 o'clock, which means that the time displayed on all timing tools will suddenly be unified to 3:07 at a certain moment."

   Fatty's eyes tightened suddenly, and then he looked at Jiang Cheng as if suddenly thinking of something, "So you were waiting for the watch to show 3:07 in the study last night! Because by then ghosts will appear!"

Jiang Cheng couldn’t see any reaction on his face, but the fat man continued: “When the time comes, the ghost hasn’t come to us, so you go and try to find Sister Nuan. You will only respond to Nuan when you first realize that Sister Nuan is alive. Sister said that Fan Li is already..."

   When he said that, he stopped suddenly.

   After all, Fan Li is still standing here on all fours.

   The next thing is much simpler. The three of them returned to the living room, Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa, Fan Li stayed in front of the fireplace to cook, and the fat man took time to cook a meal.

After the meal, the three people gathered together. Fan Li said that after he had counted the villa, there were a total of 6 track marks on the ground, which means that the bus had been there three times, and they happened to spend three in the villa. night.

   It was completely dark, Fan Li clutched his pocket watch and glanced at the time from time to time.

   I don’t know how long it took, just when the fat man's head was swollen and lethargic, Jiang Cheng suddenly said, "Time is up!"

   Fan Li also stood up at the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com put the pocket watch in his pocket.

   Everyone walked to the storage room in the corner of the living room. Jiangcheng and Fan Li were very careful along the way. After all, at the last moment of the mission, no one knew whether the ghost would suddenly appear.

   Just as they walked into the wood storage room, there was a sudden light on the open space behind the villa.

   A bus drove up from a short distance, and then slowly stopped about 20 meters from the villa.

   Fan Li took a deep breath, put his hand on the door in front of him, and gently pushed.

   The door opened.

   The fat man was so excited that he almost cried.

   Fan Li came out first, then Fatty, and then Jiang Cheng.

   They are always in a warm environment in the villa. When they came out, they were a little uncomfortable with the cold outside.

   Fan Li raised the collar of his leather jacket, Jiang Cheng wrapped his coat tightly, and the fat man could only choose to hug himself tightly.

   The passenger car door opened slowly, and the three of them walked over.

   The same people are still in the car, the couple, and the mother and child, are sitting in their seats honestly.

   The tour guide, who claimed to be Zheng, stood in the car, still looking very enthusiastic, "Tourists have been waiting for a long time! Now we are leaving for home."

   Go home...What a tempting vocabulary, Fatty couldn't help but get in the car immediately, but Fan Li took the lead when someone pulled him behind him.

   The fat man turned his head and found that Jiang Cheng was looking at the car with a calm face.

"What's wrong?"

   Jiangcheng still didn't speak.

   "Passenger, don't you want to go home?" Director Zheng smiled and leaned slightly, showing a beautiful rose tattoo on his slender wrist. "I can't go back when I'm late."