MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 552 Im was exposed, the world was shocked

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  Chapter 552 Im exposed, the world is shocked

  Hearing Im's words, and then noticing Im's small movements, Nagasawa smiled.

   It wasn’t the dragon’s full strength just now, so could it be his full strength just now? The flame slash just now is actually just a flat a in his Lieyang mode, the kind that doesn’t even have a name for the move.

  Im shot a white crescent slash without warning and slashed towards Yongze quickly. The white sharp blade left a burst of distortion in the sky during its flight, as if the space had become chaotic.

  At the same time, the giant dragon also burst out with terrifying strength again, with a dazzling white light shining on its body, and sixteen thick blue beams of light were launched towards Yongze.

   Facing the attacks of Im and the giant dragon, Yongze simply swung his sword again with the flowing blade Ruohuo.

However, this simple sword instantly annihilated Im's space slash and the dragon's light attack, and directly cut off a small half of the dragon's body, and took away one of Im's arms by the way. .

   "How is that possible!" Im, who had just calmly wanted to make Yongze the commander-in-chief of the army, lost his composure in an instant.

  According to his thinking, Yongze must have used some explosive moves with side effects to block the dragon's attack. It is not easy to block it once.

  But Yongze easily blocked the attacks of the two of them, and even wounded them, which Im did not expect.

What Im doesn't know is that Yongze has given him enough face. With the Lieyang mode combined with the swipe of the sword, Yongze is standing at the peak of his combat power under normal circumstances, and he can only die if he wants to. Supernova mode.

  Let’s not talk about Im, even Rokudao Madara will be beaten if he comes. Only Kaguya, who is an orthodox Otsuki and has eaten the fruit of the sacred tree, has the strength to fight against Nagasawa.

   Im wanted to use the fruit ability to escape in an instant, but Yongze didn't give him a chance at all, and appeared beside Im in an instant, knocked Im unconscious with the iron fist of justice, and then kicked the dragon down.

   Immediately afterwards, Yongze grabbed Im and returned to the Navy headquarters.

  As soon as Yongze came down, Long and Aokiji surrounded him.

   "Why is this guy dressed so weirdly and wearing a crown." Long felt that the secret weapon of the world government was a bit strange.

   It's not because Im is wearing a black cloak, which is quite in line with the hidden identity of the secret weapon, but the crown on Im's head is a bit strange.

  If it is a hidden weapon, I haven't seen him use it in battle, but if it is not a weapon, the crown is not only a symbol of status and power. There are only negative effects in battle.

   "The secret weapon of the World Government? As long as it is said, there is no problem. This guy is called Im, the king of the World Government, and the owner of the Void Throne." Yong Ze casually said something that made everyone present stunned.

   "The king of the world government?" Zefa looked at Yongze in shock and asked uncertainly.

  Although the world government has a group of world aristocratic Tianlong people who are born with all privileges, the world government does not have a king who has all the rights on the bright side. The highest level of the world government is Wulaoxing, the five highest-ranking Tianlong people.

  Then it is an important part of the world government, the world conference, where the kings of all the member countries come to meet together to decide various major events in the world.

  So on the surface, the World Government is not a dictatorial organization, at least according to Zefa.

   "Master of the Void Throne..." the dragon fell into deep thought.

  What is the Void Throne? Naturally, it is an unoccupied throne. The meaning of its existence refers to the equal relationship between the kings of various countries, and the oath of never being dictatorial. It is a symbol of equality and freedom.

  Although everyone knows that this is just a nice thing to say, the royal family of the joining country does not have as many privileges as the Tianlong people who established the world government royal family at the beginning. Equality is just a joke.

  However, it’s a bit of a face-saving, and with the existence of the World Conference, everyone has a sense of participation.

  Long felt that if the news that Yongze said was true, spreading it would be a blockbuster that would cause an uproar in the whole world.

   This is of great significance to the Revolutionary Army, because this is a major crime against the World Government.

  They deceived all the people of the alliance countries, and they always said they were equal on the surface, but in the end they did have a dictatorship all the time, and they had a hidden king.

   "The king of the world government, tsk tsk, it's really scary." Huang Yuan showed his signature wretched smile.

  If what Yongze said is true, then Kizaru is very happy, because the revolutionary army has secured the victory in advance.

  The secret weapon of the world government is their king they have been hiding all along, and their king has been defeated and captured alive by the revolutionary army.

   Huang Yuan couldn't imagine how the revolutionary army would lose under such circumstances, there is no possibility of losing at all.

  ‘It seems that it won’t be long before I can return to my previous life. ’ Huang Yuan thought happily.

   And maybe it will be more comfortable than before. After all, the revolutionary army is more capable than the world government, and they might solve all the problems of the pirate aristocracy together.

   "Yongze, you mean this man in black is the king of the world government?" Long looked at the fainted Im with fiery eyes and asked Yongze.

  Out of trust in Yongze, Long didn't ask Yongze where he got the news, but he was a little too excited, afraid that he might hear it wrong, so he asked again.

  He believes in Yongze very much, because according to Yongze's performance, even if anyone betrays the revolution, it will not be Yongze.

  Yong Ze nodded, the five old stars had to call Im Lord Im, and they had to kneel down to see him, and besides, Im sitting on the Void Throne, what else could he be if he wasn’t the king of the world government.

  Unless One Piece makes a show operation to make a nesting doll after he crosses, there is a more awesome character on Im.

  But Yongze thinks it should not be.

   "We must quickly inform the whole world of this news, so that the people of the world can clearly see the true face of the world government." Long said with a smile on his face.

Everyone nodded, even the admirals of the navy or the leaders of the revolutionary army were so surprised by the news. If it spread to the world, it would be an unprecedented blow to the world government. The failure of Naval Headquarters was even worse.

  The Navy Headquarters failed, and there are many naval branches, and cp troops, and the army, and many other armies.

  But once this news is announced, the deception carefully planned by the world government for nearly a thousand years will be exposed.

This news first caused a lot of discussion within the Revolutionary Army. Those who joined the Revolutionary Army very early strengthened their beliefs. Clear awareness.

   Even the Warring States who went back to his hometown were shocked and speechless for a while after seeing the newspapers related to Im.

   "The world government is about to end." Warring States immediately made a judgment.

  If the newspapers are not lying, and even if the part about Im is correct, then the world government is over.

  Warring States did not expect this day to come so soon. He thought that no matter how useless the world government was, it should be able to support it for more than ten years with such a large body.

   You know, that is more than 170 countries, more than 170 countries, not 170 villages or 170 small towns, but countries.

   As a result, within a few days of being in his hometown, he felt that the world government was already hovering on the verge of sending.

  Warring States is a little confused. You, Im, have been hiding so deeply. Why did you suddenly come to your door by yourself? I don’t know if that monster in Yongze is the same as playing with the Four Emperors.

  Warring States had been a high-ranking naval officer for quite some time, had a lot of dealings with world governments, and knew many high-ranking officials.

  The world government suddenly looked like it was about to collapse, and the Warring States Period was also very melancholy for a while.

   "That's good, at least if the Revolutionary Army wins, no one will come to harass me."

  Warring States is ready for the victory of the world government and then to be settled by the autumn queen.

  Although he did not join the Revolutionary Army, returning to his hometown intact for the elderly is equivalent to betraying the world government.

  If the Revolutionary Army wins, then the Revolutionary Army who are willing to let him go home for the elderly will naturally not bother him any more. After all, if they want to solve him, the time at the Navy Headquarters is the best time.

  Shan Guo shook his head, took a sip of the hot tea he made, and lay down on the recliner.


  New World Whitebeard Pirates.

   "This revolutionary army is getting more outrageous day by day, even the king of the world government has come out." Marko showed a groggy expression.

  He thought that he had been numb after the big news bombing of the Sihuang Live Broadcasting being beaten and the fall of the Navy Headquarters, but the Revolutionary Army actually did such a big job.

   "This sea is getting more and more interesting. I'm afraid Roger wouldn't have thought that things would develop like this." Whitebeard laughed when he heard the news that Marco read.

  In fact, Whitebeard once had the opportunity to obtain the truth of the world and become the One Piece.

  Roger went to Whitebeard before surrendering himself, and wanted to tell him everything, but was rejected by Whitebeard.

  White Beard is not interested in becoming the One Piece or knowing the truth of the world. He just wants to protect his family at sea and let his sons live safely and happily.

  But he feels that the development of the world is becoming more and more unexpected.

   "Next, we should leave." White Beard smiled.

  Yongze has already contacted them and asked them to go to the waters near the Navy headquarters to gather strength together and fight Marie Gioia.


  Holy Land Mary Gioia.

   This place located at the top of the Red Earth Continent is a prosperous and beautiful area. After all, it is the place where the Tianlong people live, and it is the "sacred place" of the world government.

  But this holy place is indeed extremely noisy at this moment, and many Tianlong people are asking their elders.

  Because most of the Tianlong people don't know the existence of Im, and they don't know that the world government still has such a person who is above the five old stars.

  Compared to the curiosity of ordinary Tianlong people, Wu Laoxing is much more uncomfortable.

  Because they know that all of this is true, the photo of Im that the revolutionary army spread is true, and the photo of the giant dragon is the national treasure of the Tianlong people.

   "I've checked and found out that Lord Im is indeed missing, and he's not in Mariejoa now." Wu Laoxing with a mustache said with a gloomy expression.

  When the revolutionary army spread the news at first, they didn't pay attention.

  Because Im is basically an omnipotent and immortal **** in the eyes of Wulaoxing, how could such Lord Im be captured by a mere group of revolutionary troops and expose his secrets.

  But after contacting Im to no avail, they began to panic, and in the end they were forced to go beyond and investigate Im.

   But after investigation, Wulaoxing found out surprisingly that Im was indeed no longer in the holy land of Maryjoa.

  Before that, Im said that the Navy headquarters would be erased.

  Thinking about the news that broke out from the Revolutionary Army, the result is very obvious.

   Their omnipotent Master Yim was actually captured by the revolutionary army.

   "Those hateful revolutionary troops must have used very despicable means to make Lord Im fail." Wu Laoxing, holding a samurai sword, said indignantly.

   "Yes, the Revolutionary Army must have used despicable means, but the most important thing at the moment is how to deal with this matter?" Wu Laoxing, who was wearing a dark blue suit and had a long white beard, pointed out the key point.

   No matter how they scold the Revolutionary Army here, things will not change. Their Master Im was captured by the Revolutionary Army, and his secret was discovered by the Revolutionary Army.

  The conference room fell silent, and no one spoke.

  They are not stupid, on the contrary, they are the best group of Tianlong people who can become five old stars, both in terms of strength and IQ.

   Just because they are not stupid, they know how troublesome things are.

  Imm is the biggest hole card of the world government. Once it is deployed, it will be obliterated by thunder, and it has always been like this.

  But now their biggest hole card has been captured, and even the national treasure of their Celestial Dragons is in the hands of the Revolutionary Army. What they can do is too limited.

   They do still have an army and secret troops, but can those troops still have the overall strength of the Navy Headquarters? Of course not.

  They are indeed powerful, but they are obviously incomparable to the national treasure of the Tianlong people, and Im, obviously.

  So even Im and the Navy headquarters failed. Even if they wanted to solve it, they found that the current revolutionary army is no longer what they can solve.

   "No matter what, we must rescue Lord Im." The Tianlong man in a black suit said seriously.

   "The world government can stand for 800 years, and the Tianlong people can continue to prosper, and Lord Yim has contributed a lot. We can't live without Lord Yim."

  The other four Draconians all nodded, Im and his dragon are very important to the World Government.

   "We can give the Revolutionary Army what they want, and then exchange Master Im for it, and then we can make a long-term plan."

  (end of this chapter)