MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 509 Nagasawa

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  After returning home from studying that night, Ning Ci lay on the bed, unable to calm down for a long time.

  He felt the arduousness of his current goal. He not only wanted to eliminate the bird in the cage to free the Hyuga branch family, but also eliminated the concept of the clan. From then on, there was only the Hyuga clan and no branch clan.

   These are not simple things, and after completing those, we must find a way to ensure the safety of the Hinata clan.

  Ningji thought about it for a long time, and finally fell asleep completely until he was really sleepy.

   This is also the first time that Ning Ci didn't wake up consciously at seven o'clock after he made up his mind to practice hard, but fell asleep until he was woken up by his father for breakfast.

   "Why didn't you wake up at seven o'clock today for morning exercise?" Hinata Hinata asked casually.

  Because Ning Ci is too calm and self-disciplined daily, Hinata Nichiza is also a little curious about his son not getting up early.

   "I slept a little late yesterday, and then I thought about something, so I didn't get up." Ning Ci swallowed the food in his mouth and replied calmly.

   "Going to bed late?" Hinata Nisai didn't think of anything at first, but suddenly remembered what Neji said yesterday, and asked with a happy face: "Did you go yesterday? How did it turn out?"

  Ningji nodded and said: "As Naruto said, Mr. Yongze did not refuse me. He just told me something and then passed on the martial arts to me."

   "That's really great." Hinata Hinata said with a happy smile, it's a great thing to be the disciple of Nagasawa's assistant and study with him.

  Besides being happy, Hinata Hizaku was afraid that Ningji would be lazy in his cultivation because of having a famous teacher. Although he felt that his child was not such a person, he still reminded him worriedly.

   "Ningji, you have to study hard, and don't disappoint Assistant Nagasawa's expectations of you." Hinata Hinata urged.

   "I will." Ning Ci replied seriously.

   "Maybe in the future you can become a ninja that surpasses all the previous Hyuga predecessors." Hyuga Hizashi sighed.

  He was a little envious of his son.

  When he was so young, there was no Second Hokage to accept him as a disciple.

  He received the education that every Hinata ninja would receive.

   But his brother who was born fifteen minutes earlier was different.

  Because it is the main family, Hyuga Nichizu can become a ninja directly without even going to a ninja school. He only needs to be trained by Hyuga in the Hyuga clan.

   But for the Chunin, this can’t be the case, either to take the Chunin exam, or to be promoted by accumulating merit.

  Because the clan is a single lineage, of course the Hyuga clan will spare no effort in cultivating the heirs of the clan.

   "I'll try my best." Neji nodded and said.

  Afterwards, Ningji participated in the soft boxing training course of the Hyuga Clan as usual in the morning, practiced for a while in the afternoon, and went to Yongze's place after three o'clock.

   Arriving at Yongze's place, Ning Ci was surprised to find that three of the group of people he saw when he was speaking to Naruto were all Yongze's disciples.

  Ningji's memory is relatively good, although he only met once, he still recognized Gaara and Sasuke directly.

   "Let's get to know each other first." Yongze didn't start practicing right away.

   "Ningji, you're here too, so let me say that Uncle Yongze didn't reject you." Naruto walked up to Neji with a familiar look and said.

   "Thank you." Ning Ci thanked him sincerely.

  He is really grateful to Naruto, if Naruto hadn't reminded him, he might not have learned Nagasawa's Six Forms and Breathing Technique.

   "Hey, it's actually not a big deal." Seeing that Neji really thanked him seriously, Naruto became a little shy instead.

   Gaara and Sasuke looked at each other blankly, a bit confused about what happened.

  They all only met Neji when Neji helped Hinata speak, and they didn't participate in the subsequent things.

   "Are you the one who spoke to Hinata before?" Sasuke remembered something.

   "What about that person, his name is Neiji Hinata, Sasuke, you are so rude." Naruto seized the opportunity to say something to Sasuke.

   "I don't know him, how do I know his name." Sasuke retorted.

   "But didn't I say it all?" Naruto said.

   "It would be more troublesome if people you don't know call their names directly." Sasuke thought for a while and said.

  Naruto thought about it, and felt that it would not be good to continue, so he turned his head and asked Neji about his relationship with Hinata.

   "Ningji, what is the relationship between you and Hinata? Are you a good friend? You also help to send messages and deliver letters." Naruto asked.

   "No, I'm her cousin." Neji replied.

   If you want to talk about how good Neji and Hinata's relationship is, that's not true. Neji just thinks that things are not too troublesome anyway, and Hinata really has no friends, so he helps.

   "So you are her brother." Naruto was a little surprised.

   "What's the matter?" Naruto's astonishment made Neji a little puzzled, what's so surprising about it.

   "It's nothing, I just think you are completely different types of people, I didn't expect to be brother and sister." Naruto said honestly.

  Although in the communication with Neji, Naruto also felt that Neji doesn't talk much, but Neji's kind of not talking is obviously different from Hinata.

  Ningji felt that there was no need to say more, so he didn't talk much, while Hinata was shy and dared not speak, unable to speak.

   "Knowing each other is not unilaterally knowing Neji." Yongze raised his eyebrows and said.

   "Almost forgot." Naruto patted his head, and then quickly introduced Sasuke and Gaara to Neji, and included some of his own private goods.

   "His name is Uchiha Sasuke, he's a badass, but he's not bad, and his strength is not bad, but he's far behind me."

   "He calls me Gaara. He is very strong. He is a one-tailed Jinchuriki. He can fight with the chakra of a tailed beast. He can make beautiful sand sculptures. He is a very good person."

  Hearing Naruto slandering himself frantically, Sasuke couldn't hold back a little, and couldn't help but said: "What is far worse than you, isn't it the last time I lost to you, don't you have to talk for a year?"

   "I will tell you until you defeat me." Naruto said to Sasuke with a smile, Sasuke was furious but helpless.

  Sasuke swore in his heart that if one day Naruto lost to him, he must repeat this matter with high intensity every day, at least every hour.

  Including but not limited to "Hey, how did you know that I defeated Naruto" and "The weather is so good today, no wonder I can defeat Naruto that day".

   "Actually, it's not as good as Naruto you said." Gaara said a little flattered.

   "But I'm always telling the truth." Naruto said as a matter of course, unconsciously frantically increasing Gaara's favorability.

   Seeing the friendly and relaxed atmosphere among the three Naruto, Neji felt a little out of place.

  When practicing with the Hyuga Clan, the atmosphere was never like this, it was more serious and depressing.

   "Okay, now that we all know each other, let's start practicing." Yongze immediately came out and called a stop.

  So the three of them nodded and started their own cultivation.

  Because there are not many students, Yongze did not let everyone learn the same thing, but learn different things according to their different characteristics.

  For example, Naruto, at this stage, he mainly pays attention to physical exercise and breathing method progress.

   But Sasuke is different, in addition to the necessary breathing method, Sasuke learned Nagasawa's sword technique in a deeper level, and then started to get in touch with ninjutsu.

  Because the future paths of the two are different, Naruto has nine tails in his body, in fact, many times, he doesn’t need too many fancy things, just a strong brick can fly, and it’s not a problem to rub a spiral pill from the beginning to the end.

  Yongze thought for a while and said to Ning Ci: "You practice the six styles first, and I will correct your problem."

  When teaching people, he likes to point out when students make mistakes during cultivation, and then demonstrates the correction in person, which makes the impression even deeper.

  Yongze didn’t just teach Ningji, he also took care of the other people. There were only four people, and there was no need for another shadow clone.

  ‘When they all grow up in the future, I will probably be passed down as a generation of legendary masters. 'Looking at the four people practicing seriously, Yongze thought in his heart.

  There is no doubt that these four are undisputed geniuses. Even if they follow the original track, they will bloom their own brilliance sooner or later.

  Now the situation has changed drastically. With Yongze's teaching, the few people will only become stronger faster than the original plot, and will also become stronger.

  In addition to Itachi who is still traveling in the Land of Fire, his achievements will definitely not be low in the future.

   The three generations who cultivated Sannin have been blown for a long time.

  Yongze doesn’t think his disciples will be worse than Sannin during WWII and WW3.


   "Are you still investigating?" Listening to the report from his subordinates, Yishiki's expressionless face also changed slightly, and he frowned slightly.

  Recently, he found that there are many people investigating his organization, not only those who want to organize, but also other ninjas are also investigating.

  If it wasn't for the long-time hidden and deep organization, the organization is also very low-key, maybe something will be discovered by the investigation.

  But he didn't expect that after so long investigations, nothing could be found, and those people were still investigating tirelessly, which made it a bit annoying.

  Continuing this investigation, how will he carry out his new plan, which is not a plan that can be completed hidden below.

  But Ichishiki knew that Konoha should have activated the power, so he didn't dare to deal with it at all.

  Because at this stage he can't make a full shot, a full shot is suicide, and fighting against Konoha is courting death.

  Yishi breathed out lightly, the mood that had been in Furui Wubo changed, he was a little angry.

  Because Ichishiki has never regarded the people in the ninja world as his equals, but a group of uncivilized natives, so no matter what happens to him, Ichishiki can treat it calmly and will not get angry.

  After all, those are uncivilized natives, and it would be out of Otsuki's demeanor to be happy or angry or sad for their ignorant and humble existence.

   But this time, Yishi was really a little angry.

  He just sent people to test Konoha, and these natives investigated his organization like mad dogs.

  He decided to kill all life on this planet after the sacred tree bears fruit, and turn this planet into a death star, because the natives on this planet made him angry.

  The ninja village called Konoha will be the first to be wiped out.

  Yishi quickly calmed down. Although he was a little angry, he hadn't completely lost his mind. He knew that anger couldn't solve the problem, and he had to think of a way to solve the problem.

   Yishi rested his right hand on his forehead, showing a thoughtful expression.

   Soon, Yishi thought of a perfect solution to this problem, perfect and fast.

   That is to leave directly and leave the country of Sichuan.

Konoha found out that Kinoshita is a talent from the country of Kawasaki who is investigating this place madly, so it would be good for him to go to another country to become a new organization. Yishi has nothing to do with the country of Kawasaki, even though he has lived here for thousands of years The place.

   "Bring the map here." Yishi ordered.

  The ninja in the room walked out quickly, and quickly put the map of the ninja world on the long table in front of Yishi.

  Ninja unfolded the map respectfully.

  Yishiki turned his attention to the map, thinking about which country would be better for planning.

   Seeing the most eye-catching Fire Nation and Konoha in the middle, one type first eliminates the Fire Nation. First, Konoha has the power to threaten him, and second, he hates Konoha now.

   Immediately, Yishi set his sights on the land of wind, a great country to the west of the country of Chuan, thought for a while, and finally gave up.

  Although the situation of Hidden Sand Village has been ascertained, and the Fourth Kazekage was almost killed by Sugiyama Minato, the environment of the Land of Winds does not meet his plan.

   In the final decision, he decided to give up the five major countries, because he has not tried the strength of other major countries except the country of wind, so he will not take this risk.

  Secondly, there is the Tian Zhiguo dispatched from Guangren Village. There are strong men who can kill the cadres there, so it is not a safe place.

  Yishishi set his sights on the only small country that borders the Kingdom of Kawa, the Land of Rain, and finally shook his head.

  The location of the Land of Rain is too important. The place where the three great powers meet is not a good place for steady development.

  Finally, three small countries were selected in the first formula, namely the country of grass, the country of frost and the country of soup.

   "Bring over the materials from the country of grass, the country of frost, and the country of Tang." Yishi ordered again.

  He will choose a place that is most suitable for the development of shell tissue according to the development of these places.

   After reviewing the materials of the three small countries, Yishi finally chose the Land of Frost.

  The Country of Grass is a small country that is more vigilant by the big countries, so it is excluded.

  Yunokuni has not had a good relationship with its neighbor Tanokuni recently. Considering the existence of Guangren Village, Tangokuni was also excluded.

  The Land of Frost has an excellent location, only a small area of ​​land borders the Land of Fire, and does not border any other big country, and the development is also good, which is conducive to the launch of the Shell Organization plan.

  After making a decision, Yishi quickly ordered things to go down, and then let people start to act.