MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 502 nameless organization

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   "You should practice hard this month, and I will personally check your progress after a month." Hinata Hyuzu said with a straight face.

  Because Hyuga Ninja reported Hinata's whereabouts to him before, he knew that the people who played with Hinata were a group of people with different identities.

  So Hinata Hyuzu never took care of it, because he felt that it was a good thing for Hinata to make friends with the children of the big family and the son of Hokage.

  But now that Hinata's cultivation progress has fallen, Hinata Hyuzu can no longer let her go on like this. If she wants to gain a foothold in the ninja world, she has to rely on her strength.

   No matter how good the relationship is, if there is a conflict of interests, in the face of absolute interests, the previous good relationship will disappear.

   "I see, Father, I will work hard to cultivate." Hinata bit her lower lip and said in a low voice.

  She couldn't resist her father, and she didn't even dare to think about it.

  Seeing Hinata lowering her head and trembling, Hinata Hizuru frowned again. Even if he was scolded, how could the majestic Hinata family show such a cowardly attitude, and how could they be a good patriarch and revive Hinata in the future.

But after all, he had just scolded him a while ago. In this public training ground, he still wanted to save some face for the heir Hinata. Hinata Hinata did not scold him again, but reminded Hinata to practice seriously before leaving up.

  ‘Why don’t you have another one while you’re still young, Hinata’s character is not suitable to be the head of the family...’ Hinata Hyuzu thought to himself.

  There is no doubt that Hinata, who is timid and introverted, is not the ideal heir in Hinata Hinata's mind.

  The ideal heir in his mind must be good-looking and then talented, and know how to behave in the world.

  At this time, Hinata didn't know that her respected father had the idea of ​​practicing a trumpet again. In order to be able to meet the requirements of Hyuga Nyaku in a month, she quickly started practicing after Hyuga Nyaku left.

  Hinata wants to go out and play, she wants to play with Naruto and the others, she doesn't have to think so much when playing with them, it's very easy.

  Hinata worked very hard today, at noon and in the afternoon she practiced until it was time to eat before stopping to eat.

  Because for Hinata, eating time is a rare enjoyment, you can not think about anything, just enjoy the food to your heart's content.

  At night, Hinata still worked very hard, and she didn't leave when she and Neji were the only ones on the field.

  The training ground at night was very quiet, only the sound of Neji and Hinata practicing soft fists hitting the air over and over again.

  Looking at Hinata who was panting and still practicing non-stop, Ning Ci suddenly said: "Go back and rest, cultivation is not accomplished overnight, if you continue like this, it will affect your state the next day."

  Hinata's movements paused, and then she started practicing soft fist not long after.

   "But Brother Ning Ci, aren't you still practicing?" Hinata said softly, out of breath.

   Hinata's voice was very low, I don't know if it was due to lack of strength or the low voice, but Neji still heard it, after all, there are only the two of them here now.

   "I have often practiced until this time, but you are different. This is the first time for you." Ning Ci said.

  Although he didn't know why Hinata was working so hard all of a sudden, Neji would not be stingy with one or two kind reminders.

  But if Hinata doesn't listen, that's another problem.

  Ningji's words had an effect, Hinata stopped, panting heavily on the spot.

  She believed what Ning Ci said, because Ning Ci's soft fist was stronger than hers. If it would affect tomorrow's practice, then in the end, the effect might not be as good as normal practice.

   After finishing speaking, Neji ignored Hinata any more, but once again played soft fists on his own. The current time is already 8:30 in the evening.

  Ning Ci planned to practice until nine o'clock before going back to rest.

  Hinata stood for a while, then sat down to rest, watching Neji practice Rouquan.

I have to say that watching Ning Ci practice soft fist, she can really feel the gap. Ning Ci's attack is sharp and decisive, and soft fist hits very smoothly. Can't find Rouquan better than Ning Ci.

  She actually wanted to ask Neji, why she was so alienated and indifferent to her now, could it be that she did something Neji hated at some point.

  If it was the former Hinata, maybe she would keep it silently in her heart and let everything be like this.

  But although the current Hinata is still introverted, she has been playing with Naruto's friends from Naruto No. 1 Middle School for a long time, and she has been somewhat influenced by them.

  Hinata plucked up the courage to lower her head and said, "Brother Ningci, I'm sorry, did I do something that displeased you?"

  She didn't dare to look at Neji, saying this sentence had exhausted the courage in her heart.

  Ning Ci stopped when he heard Hinata's words, and looked at Hinata in astonishment. He didn't expect Hinata to say such words before leaving.

  The air fell into extreme silence for a while, there was no sound of soft fist practice, only some subtle sounds made by some unknown bugs in the night.

  Hinata put her hands together, feeling very uneasy in her heart, regretting that she said such words suddenly.

  Ning Ci didn't know what to say for a while.

  Born to be a clan, is this Hinata's fault? Certainly not.

  But does Neji really dare to say that he has no envy, jealousy or hatred for Hinata?

  Looking at Hinata's extremely smooth forehead without any marks, Neji dared not make such a promise.

  When he was three years old, an ugly bird in a cage was carved on his forehead. From then on, he had an invisible blind spot in his eyes and lost control of his own life.

  Ningci hated the caged bird very much. He always covered his forehead with a cloth to cover the ugly caged bird curse mark.

   And Hinata is now three years old, because she is from the clan, she is still the same as before.

   "No." Ning Ci said after a moment of silence.

  At this moment, Ning Ci's father was not forced to death by Yun Yin, and he was still alive and well, so he was not so extreme, and he would not hate Hinata to that extent.

  Hearing Neji's words, Hinata breathed a sigh of relief, and she said softly again: "Then why, brother Neci, you seem to be alienating me on purpose..."

  Ningci fell into deep thought. Was he so obvious? Even Hinata could see it. Maybe the dissatisfaction in his heart was greater than he imagined.

   This is what Neji thought wrong, because the only one who talked to Hinata was his cousin Ningji, and even this uniqueness was lost, Hinata couldn't detect it.

   "It's just because I'm serious about cultivating." Neji said as an excuse.

  The atmosphere fell into silence again, Hinata didn't know how to reply, and Neji didn't know how to face Hinata.

  ‘If Naruto-kun was here, what would he do? ’ Hinata tried to think from Naruto’s point of view.

  She imagined, if it was Naruto, it should be...

   "Ningji, please teach me soft fist." Naruto looked at Neji seriously.

   "Your soft fist is so powerful, with your help, you will definitely be able to meet the requirements in a month."

  Thinking of this, Hinata suddenly smiled. She felt that if it was Naruto, she would do this, even though Neji had shown alienation a year ago.

  Naruto is the kind of person who doesn’t care about the atmosphere, or he can change the atmosphere.

   "Brother Ningji, can I ask you about Rouquan in the future?" Hinata summoned up her courage and asked.

   She really wanted to live up to her father so she wouldn't have to be locked up at home.

   "When I have time." Ning Ci said calmly.

   "Thank you." Hinata clenched her small fists, feeling the victory, and was very grateful to Naruto in her heart.

  Ningji did not respond to Hinata, but continued to practice.


   Obito went to the village at the address given by Jue Hayakawa, and found the old man who provided the information.

   "Hello, sir, I want to ask, is there a child of Kinoshita who got lost a long time ago." Obito, who was pretending to be an ordinary person, asked the old man.

   "What Kinoshita?" The uncle looked at Obito suspiciously.

  Obito-eyed Weimi, reconfirmed that he did not find the wrong person, and then continued to ask: "It's the kid named Kinoshita."

   "What company?" The uncle instantly forgot the last name he just said.


  At this moment, Obito suddenly thought of something, he took out a stack of gray-green banknotes from the ninja bag and handed it to the uncle.

   "I'm asking if there was a Kinoshita's child who disappeared before." Obito asked again.

  The uncle took the banknotes, as if he had been connected to Ren and Du's two veins at once, and he heard clearly what Obito said in an instant.

"Oh, it's Kinoshita's kid. It happened more than 30 years ago. Before he disappeared, that kid even stole my melons. I didn't expect him to disappear in the blink of an eye." The uncle shook his head and sighed. .

  After that, Obito asked about the family again, or if anyone suspected of being Kinoshita came back or something.

  But Obito didn't get the answer he wanted.

  Although he had already prepared, Obito was still a little disappointed.

   It may be because Obito gave too much, the uncle not only told Obito to ask, but also chatted about other things.

"The times are getting better now. Twenty or thirty years ago, the country of Sichuan was really chaotic. It was too common for children to get lost. It's hard to live. Not to mention lost children, there are even those who sell children. .”

   "Thirty years ago, were there many people who got lost?" Obito asked tentatively.

   "A lot, not to mention more than 30 years ago, it was like this more than 20 years ago, and it is not absent now." The uncle replied.

   Obito was lost in thought, and he thought of a possibility.

  Perhaps, the organization where Kinoshita Division and the Sand Hidden Assailant are located may be a method of raising dead soldiers by kidnapping children.

  Since this is the case, it is definitely not a simple human trafficking, but only entering and exiting.

   Obito felt that he could investigate in this direction.

  Although he didn't get the clues he wanted, but he had some thoughts, Obito quickly said goodbye to the uncle, and then quickly rushed to the Jin organization.

   "I don't know if it's Kinoshita who provoked people outside, but there are so many people asking." Looking at Obito's back, the uncle felt a little strange.

   There are usually very few outsiders in their small mountain village, but now there are so many people coming because of a child who disappeared more than 30 years ago.

   "It's a good thing their family is gone, otherwise I don't know what's going on." The uncle shook his head.

  After returning to the Golden Organization, Obito asked Hayakawa to start investigating the hidden ninja organizations in Kawanoka, some of which had kidnapped children.

  The Golden Organization deserves to be a local snake. Hayakawa Jue didn't make Obito wait any longer, and quickly brought the information.

   "Many ninja organizations are actually doing the thing of cultivating children to become warriors of ninja organizations." Hayakawa Kakuto said after handing over the information to Obito.

   This is indeed the case, because I hope that the organization was like this before, but instead of kidnapping, they take in war orphans, and they don't train dead soldiers who only know how to kill.

   Obito nodded and took the documents. According to the data, there are more than ten ninja organizations, which is also related to the national conditions of the country itself, and the ninja organizations are flooding.

  But Obito noticed one thing keenly. One of the organizations has no name, and the word "doubt" is marked.

   Obito told Hayakawa Jue his doubts.

   "Oh, it's this nameless organization." Hayakawa thought for a while and said.

"In fact, we are not sure whether this organization really exists, because it is extremely low-key, and basically does not see any actions or commissions. It has no reputation in the ninja world of Chuanuo Country, so we suspect that it may be destroyed. .”

  In Hayakawa's view, this nameless organization is undoubtedly very strange.

   What is the purpose of creating a ninja organization in the first place? Some people do it to make a lot of money, some do it for status, and these are almost the two.

  But the prerequisite for obtaining these two is that the organization must have a certain reputation, at least in the circle. If you are not famous, whoever asks you for work, and if no one asks you for work, where will the money come from?

  Even if you want to organize such a ninja organization that sells ninja tools, you have to use quality to make your name, so that others will know that they are good ninja tools when they see the products produced by the hope organization.

  If the Xiao organization wants to monopolize the war commissions of small countries, it must also have a certain reputation.

  And this nameless organization doesn't even have a name, and even some ninja organizations with only a few people have their own names.

   No entrustment, no name, what is this picture?

  Hayakawa told Obito what he knew.

   Obito fell into deep thought after listening. He and Hayakawa were thinking in different directions.

  Hayakawa thinks in terms of money and status, but Obito knows that there is a kind of people in this world who don't care about money, fame and fortune, they just want to fulfill their dreams, and they will do anything for it.

  Because that's who he is.

   "Help me pay attention to this unknown organization." Obito said.

  Because the Jin Organization does not have any information on the base personnel of this organization, but only has some information marked as doubtful, Obito cannot investigate now. He can only start investigating from other organizations in the information.

  Hayakawa nodded, indicating that there is no problem.