MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 500 The Ninja World

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  Although the world of Naruto has the magical existence of ninjas, after all, only a few people master the power of Chakra.

  So the world of Naruto has also developed various technologies in the gradual development, and even ninjas have received a lot of benefits.

  So if the topic is the benefits brought by technological development, I am afraid that it will be a very long paper.

  However, when Ishiki settled down to study the development of ninja technology, he had deep doubts.

   It wasn’t that the technological development of the ninja world shocked him. As a member of the cosmic overlord Otsutsuki, Ichishiki had seen many powerful technological civilizations in the starry sky in the data. The level of the ninja world obviously couldn’t shock him.

   What puzzled Ichishiki was the strangeness of the ninja technology tree. Some science and technology are at a rather backward level, while some are in normal development.

  Scientific weapons are extremely backward in the ninja world, and they are extremely backward compared to various technologies in life.

  Ichishiki quickly figured out the main points, because the development of ninja technology was influenced by the outside world.

  If the ninja world did not have the invasion of Otsutsuki, the Sages of the Six Paths did not create Ninja sects, and there were no ninjas who mastered Chakra, maybe they would have embarked on a completely different path.

   Not to mention the rare existence of kage-level powerhouses among ninjas, just saying that the ninjas who only mastered some simple physical techniques and three body techniques of throwing hidden weapons are not something ordinary people can fight against.

  With such a powerful and convenient existence, the development of hot weapons such as firearms will naturally be greatly affected, because ninjas are enough, why spend so much time getting so many things.

  However, compared to the current ninja world, it is hard to say which path will be better. After all, that path is only a hypothesis, and how can we verify it.

   But for Ichishiki, the current problems in the ninja world have nothing to do with him. He just wants to find someone who can bear his wedge, and then revive and replant the sacred tree.

  The reason why he thinks about this problem is also to think about whether he can think of any good way to attract people to join his organization, so as to accomplish his goal.

   It really reminded Yishi.

   Choose between weapons and lives? He wants it all!

  Ninjas don’t have chakras. He combines chakras with technology to create chakra technology for both ninjas and ordinary people.

  Chakra technology can allow ordinary people without ninja power to own ninjas through Chakra technology products, and at the same time strengthen the strength of ninjas.

  In terms of weapons, various ninjutsu weapons can be developed, as well as ninjutsu with special abilities. In other aspects, chakra can also be combined with the effects of some other ninjutsu to create various products.

   These are not very difficult for Yishi, they are just some basic techniques, which are deeply engraved in his memory.

   These are not of much help to himself, they cannot improve his strength, and can only waste time, but it is definitely a big change for today's ninja world.

  He can recruit under the slogan that chakra technology will change the ninja world and make the ninja world better. There will definitely be many people who are interested in coming to him.

  The next step is to set up a core organization, and the members of the core organization must know his plan to a certain extent. In order to better help him carry out the plan.

   "What kind of name should I choose?" Yishiki began to think about the name of the organization.

   An organization that wants to recruit talents must not have its own name.

  Although it is a bit funny to say, the organization he is currently creating does not have a name, because it is a casual thing, and I am too lazy to think about it.

   Now that it is time to seriously form an organization, it must not be so casual, it must have an organization name.

  Suddenly, Shishi suddenly thought of something, and decided on the name of the organization at once.

   "Shell tissue, let's call it this."

  The reason why it is called a shell organization is because Yishi feels that he has prepared a beautiful shell for this organization to attract talents to join, and secondly, Yishi likes it.

  He can call his own organization whatever he wants, maybe he has to refer to other people's opinions.

  At this time, Yishi has already figured out how to develop his organization.

  He called Sugiyama Minato, who is the only cadre still in Kawa no Country.

   "I need more experimental subjects, and then our organization needs to recruit more newcomers, not all of them are ninjas, I need some people who understand science." Yishi said calmly while shaking the goblet with one hand.

  He wants to use Chakra technology to invade the entire ninja world, not to say that he just takes out the technology.

  He needs to train some people to become technical experts, and then use this to infiltrate the ninja world.

   As for more experimental subjects, this involves the problem of not enough people under Yishi today.

   Kinoshita is gone forever, most likely dead, and Darcy is undercover in Guangren Village. At present, the only cadre he can have is Sugiyama Minato, which makes Yishi feel a bit insufficient.

  The next batch of experimental subjects who arrive next is not going to make his own containers, but aims to build weapons like the three major cadres.

  Of course, if he encounters a very suitable one, Yishi will definitely choose to give himself a cultivation container.

   After all, his purpose of creating the shell organization is to expand the target and find a container that can revive him. It is impossible to give up this because of the development of the organization. Isn't this a contradiction?

  Yishi can detect the fit of the experimental subject, but in the past he had always held the hope of getting into the soul, so he didn't deliberately create those failed products in his eyes.

  For Yishi, this is a compromise.

  From the beginning of not using aboriginals to now using aboriginals, they are still preparing to recruit a large number of people, and even take the initiative to let some aboriginals have the power of a large tree.

   "As long as the plan can succeed, everything is worth it." Yishi took a sip of red wine lightly.

   What Otsutsuki like him is not pursuing is eternal life, nor is it to rule many planets, but to keep planting the sacred tree, harvesting the fruit of the sacred tree and taking it, until he becomes the supreme **** of Otsutsuki among the Otsutsuki clan.

   This is what Yishi believes that all Otsuki should pursue.

  As long as he can harvest the fruit of the sacred tree, even if he suffered a big loss in the ninja world this time, it is nothing. As Otsuki, he still has a long journey.


   This year is probably the busiest year for Nagato.

  This time is different from before, he chose to step out of the shadows and walk into the sun, so Nagato has more things to do.

   Not only is Guangren Village managed by him, but he also pays attention to the situation in other places.

  For example, Tang Ren from Kakuto Musashi, and even the head of Aminin village have to pay attention to things there regularly to avoid problems.

   Fortunately, Nagato is in good health now. If he was in the same state as before, he might not be able to withstand such a high-intensity work.

   In addition to working hard to complete his own plan, Nagato even considered recruiting people from Akatsuki's organization, and the object of investigation was Dalcy, who had shown impressive strength before.

  Of course, it is impossible for Nagato to watch by himself every day, most of them let others watch.

But what makes Nagato a little puzzled is that this Darcy seems to be a little out of order, like a schizophrenic, and always speaks with opposing positions. The last sentence may still be angry at the five great ninja villages, and the next sentence is that the five great ninja villages are actually still Row.

   Nagato hesitated for a while, wondering whether he should recruit Darcy or not.

  Scorpion and Beiliuhu also shine in Guangnin Village. Scorpion has expanded the technology of human puppets to replace ninja limbs.

   Not only did some seriously injured and disabled ninjas have the possibility of a second life, but also some ninjas who were not satisfied with their physical strength had to replace their limbs.

  After all, the limbs of a puppet can hide many hidden weapons, and it is harder than the flesh and blood of a normal person, which has many advantages.

   During the battle, it is also difficult for the enemy to imagine how two knives, a giant wheel, and sleeve arrows suddenly appeared from his opponent's arms.

  In fact, there were not many people who went to Xie for this operation. They were all disabled people. However, some people who have undergone the operation have improved significantly in strength, which attracts many people to go.

  For a ninja, strength is very important, and it is better to change a puppet hand than to lose his life at that time.

   Some people simply replaced all their limbs, and Xie immediately thought that this person was pleasing to the eye because he could understand his eternal art, so he immediately gave him a 20% discount.

  If Yongze sees Guangren Village like this, maybe he will complain that Guangren Village is too far ahead, and all flesh and blood will start to ascend mechanically.

  Beliuhu is not far behind.

  In addition to absorbing blood succession boundaries, the technique of ghost bud Luo also has a powerful biological transformation function.

   Like changing your arm to some kind of psychic arm with enhanced powers or special abilities, but other parts are fine too.

  Even viscera can help transform.

  However, Beiliuhu didn’t modify the limbs as much as Scorpion. After all, this is a bit inappropriate. If a human puppet is finely crafted and then concealed, it still looks human.

   But you look somewhat inhuman when you have thick arms covered in lush golden hair.

  However, Beiliuhu’s business here is actually not worse than that of Scorpion, or even better, because many ninjas asked if they could strengthen their kidneys.

  After all, even if the inside of the body is a bit inappropriate, it can't be seen, and the image is preserved.

  A large number of ninjutsu secret techniques, coupled with the human puppet transformation of Xie and the biological transformation of Beiliuhu, the strength of the ninjas of Guangnin Village is rapidly expanding.

  This is exactly what Nagato wanted to see.

   If there is a frontal battle with the five major powers, it is necessary to increase their strength as much as possible.

   In order to increase the strength of those small country ninjas, Nagato also took great pains.

  But at present, only Guangren Village can do this, not Tangren.

  The growth of Tangnin Village's strength is mainly due to the summoning of ninjas from the previous ninja village, and the ninjutsu secrets similar to that of Guangnin Village.

  Because on the other side of Guangren Village are Musashi, Loquat Juzang and Kakuto.

  Although they are powerful, they cannot effectively and quickly increase the strength of Ninja Village. Unless Jiaodu is willing to donate his land grievances, they may be able to produce a few good players.

   But this is obviously impossible, and it is impossible for Jiao to hand over his own life.

  After all, Xie and Beiliuhu only used technology to help transform them, not donating their own puppet art or ghost bud Luo art for free.

   After waiting for a few months to digest, and after Tangren Village stabilized, Nagato quickly decided on a new goal.

   That is the country of frost, the neighbor of the country of Tian.

  The Frost Country, like the previous Tian Country, does not have a ninja village, but the economy of the Frost Country is better than that of the Tian Country, and it is much richer and stronger than the Tian Country.

  The location of the Land of Frost can be described as an ideal location for a small ninja country.

  Because the Kingdom of Frost only borders the Kingdom of Fire on one side, and it belongs to the rare kind, other than that, it doesn’t rely on any big countries.

   This means that when the great powers are at war, the probability of the Frost Kingdom being chosen as the place to fight is very low. In fact, this is also the case. It is precisely because it is rarely involved in the wars of the great powers that the Frost Kingdom can develop prosperously.

  Tanokuni and Yunokuni are at risk. If Konoha and Yunyin go to war, it is very likely that they will go to war in their country.

   What is even more unlucky is the Land of Rain, which borders three of the five major countries at the same time. It is a battleground for military strategists and is often fought by wars.

Because it is seldom affected by wars, and the country of Tian in the east is a poor and small country without a ninja village, and the country of Taki has a ninja village in the west but cannot be seen. The name of the country of frost has not established a ninja village, It is to develop oneself with all one's strength.

   This is one of the reasons why Nagato is interested in the Frost Country. The Frost Country is relatively rich and has a lot of funds that can be used to develop the ninja village.

  The situation is no longer the same as before. Tian Zhiguo, which had no ninja village, suddenly formed a ninja village with two or three thousand ninjas.

   However, this ninja village is not a safe village yet. Not long after it was established, it showed its ambition and went to the border of Tang Kingdom to demonstrate.

  Although Nagato actually acted in order to expand the Ninja Village of Yunokuni, Nagato did not believe that the daimyo of the Frost Country did not feel threatened.

  The daimyo of the Land of Frost is not the kind of daimyo who only knows about pleasure and doesn't care about anything.

  Nagato didn’t deliberately prepare any brand new routines, the preparations were still the same as Tanokuni’s.

  Threats to kidnap and use all available means to control the minister, and then the minister will take it to the daimyo.

   Although the routine is old, it is easy to use and can quickly complete Nagato's plan.

   If he really wants to carry out that kind of careful plan that takes into account various loopholes and subsequent impacts, even his plan will not be able to be carried out for a long time.

  And Nagato is also afraid that time will pass too long, and the strength of the five major countries will also increase, which will make the plan more difficult. It is better to catch him by surprise as soon as possible.

  As for the candidates for the Land of Frost, Nagato decided to send Kisame and Konan along.

   Guangren village is stable here, and Xiaonan can't play a big role here.

   It’s not just Xiaonan. In the follow-up, Nagato will also make other members like this. After it stabilizes, it will be fine for a member of Akatsuki to suppress a Xiaonin village.

   To fight against the five major powers, one or two small ninja villages are not enough.