MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 480 must have deep meaning

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  Chapter 480 must have deep meaning

   "The capital, finally arrived." Itachi looked at the bustling big city in front of him, and sighed softly.

   Immediately afterwards, Itachi didn't think too much, and walked into the most prosperous city in the Land of Fire, which is also the political center of the Land of Fire, and the capital of the Land of Fire.

The country is more prosperous than Itachi imagined. All kinds of high-rise buildings are very common. There are all kinds of shops on the streets. There are a lot of people on the streets. There are busy workers, and there are also nobles who are wearing gorgeous clothes and escorting around.

   Itachi first found a hotel, then walked around the hotel, and returned to the hotel after familiarizing himself with the nearby roads.

   After returning to the hotel, Itachi took out a pen and paper and started writing a letter.

   After finishing the first few honorifics and greetings, Itachi paused for a while, and immediately began to write the main text.

  What he wants to write is exactly what happened to him in the small town before, although the shadow clone, Yongze, knows about it.

  But only after the shadow clone disappears will the memory and experience flow back to the main body, so Yongze's main body still doesn't know what happened to Itachi.

   "Thank you for your advice. When you travel around the ninja world, you can indeed learn things that you can't learn from books, and you can also see things that you can't see in normal life. Although the journey is short, it is very rewarding."

  Itachi carefully wrote word for word, and the handwriting was very neat and clear.

  He has gained a lot in various senses in that small town.

In terms of money, although Kaori Shijo often pestered him, she also issued a lot of commissions to him, which allowed him to earn a lot of money, and finally gave him a lot of money after the event ended. The journey is not to consider the problem of not enough money to spend.

  In addition to money, Itachi's strength has also improved a lot. He has the Ergouyu Sharingan, his observation ability has greatly improved, and his illusion ability has been greatly enhanced.

   In addition, Itachi has a better understanding of reality, and this incident has given him a deeper understanding of people.

   "But while gaining a lot, I also encountered many difficulties..." Itachi frowned when he wrote this.

  Before encountering this incident, Itachi never thought that a rumor could cause such great power.

  Even the woman in the rumor is fictional. As long as someone is willing to investigate, it is not difficult to find the truth.

   And the person hiding in the dark just bought a few people with money to testify against each other, and no one doubted it.

  Even Itachi himself was behind, and after Shijo Kaori was injured, he saw someone die on the ground with his own eyes, and he also wanted to kill Shijo Linchuan.

  He didn't understand why those people were willing to believe such a rumor, and it spread so fast, everyone seemed to be discussing it cheerfully.

  Even after the Shitiao family strongly declared that this was a rumor, it became more and more intense.

  If Itachi encounters this kind of thing alone, he will investigate the truth of the matter first, and then make a decision after confirming it.

  He didn't understand why those people would take this approach. Instead of investigating the truth, they just talked nonsense with the people around them, causing things to gradually become outrageous.

  He didn't quite understand why the people didn't trust the Sijo family so much, and used the evidence investigated by the Sijo family as a cover, and everything the Sijo family did was a cover-up.

  He also doesn't understand Shijo Lin Chuan, what kind of reputation does a person have to make rumors spread and be taken for granted.

   Itachi doesn't understand much about this matter.

   It's the same as he doesn't understand why there is a war when everyone is living well.

  Obviously there is no food to eat, so why fight? Everyone is living well, so why start a war and kill each other.

  Yongze explained to him, but Yongze's explanation is still a bit complicated for him now, it is very difficult for Itachi to understand.

  Itachi can only understand it simply, comparing the ninja world to a piece of cake, and the five major countries are the ones who share the cake, but they are not satisfied with the cake on their plate and want a bigger cake.

   Other deeper things Itachi is hard to comprehend, after all, he is only an eight-year-old child.

  You tell him to protect the village, and he understands that it means defeating all enemies that endanger the existence of the village. If you tell him about the contradiction between the economic foundation and the superstructure, he will be confused.

  He knows all the characters separately, but he doesn't know what they mean when put together.

   After finishing writing, Itachi let out a long breath, packed the letter, and prepared to send it later. He will stay in the capital for a while and should be able to wait for a reply.

  Honestly speaking, Itachi feels a little silly like this, obviously he knows that Yongze Ying's avatar is following him secretly, but he can't go to Yongze to answer his doubts.

  Because he couldn't find Yongze at all, and Yongze wouldn't let him find it.

  Since Yongze said that he would only appear in a fatal crisis, that should be the case. Itachi still knows something about Yongze.

  In some cases, such as his safety, Yongze may, for his growth, pretend that he will definitely not arrange someone to protect him, and actually send a shadow clone to follow him.

   This is a white lie.

  But most of the time, Yongze's words are still very credible.

   "Could it be that Mr. Yongze is actually training my ability to think independently?" A flash of light flashed in Itachi's mind.

  Yongze also often said that people should learn to think independently. Other words may not be right, and what you think may not be wrong.

   Now Itachi hesitated to send the letter.

In the end, Itachi still felt that Yongze's actions must have his own intentions, so he didn't send the letter, but put it away carefully, and prepared to show it to Yongze when he returned to Konoha to see if Yongze's explanation was consistent with his. I got the same answer from my own thinking.

   "As expected of Mr. Yongze, is this also in his expectation?" Itachi felt that he had realized the deep meaning of Yongze.

   Not far away, Nagasawa Kage's avatar who was wandering around the ice cream shop sneezed.

   "Did the main body do something immoral again?" The shadow clone was a little confused.

   "It doesn't matter, I finally came to the capital once, eat first and then talk, the main body has never been here."


  The development of Guangnin Village is in full swing. With a lot of ninjutsu secrets, it not only summoned a large number of ninjas from the country of Tianzhi, but also harvested a lot of wealth.

   Some ninjas from other small countries came to Nagato after hearing the news, and Nagato didn’t mind at all. It doesn’t matter whether you belong to Tianzhi Country or not, as long as you are a ninja, he will accept you.

  Nagato’s policy is also very enlightened. Anyway, the ninja village has just been established, and whoever is stronger will have a higher position.

  As long as you are strong enough, you can become the head of any department within a day after joining Ninja Village.

   Today, a ruthless man came to Guangren Village, who defeated all the examiners in one move.

  Darcy is a native of Sichuan. He was an orphan since he was a child, and his parents died in the war.

   Later Darcy was caught by Yishi's people and became the subject of Yishi's experimental wedge.

  It may be that the gods have poor Dalsey's ill-fated fate. Although the experiment was not successful, he surprisingly did not die in the experiment and was able to carry part of the wedge's power.

  So he became Yishi's capable subordinate and one of the three major cadres under Yishi.

  Although Darcy was captured by Yishi's subordinates, he didn't have any resentment towards Yishi. Instead, he regarded Yishi's "father" as his savior-like role.

  Although it is an experimental subject, it is much better than wandering outside. At least the food will give you enough food, and there is no shortage of money.

  Then Yishi also gave him a strong power, which can make him a ninja with great power forever, which made him even more grateful.

  From Darcy’s point of view, Yishi is a benevolent person who feeds him and gives him strength. It’s no wonder that he regards Yishi as his father, even though Yishi has never shown any closeness.

  This time, Ishiki wanted to strengthen his power. While strengthening his power in the land of Chuanuo, he sent his men to erode the weaker Ninja Village.

   Yishiki doesn't need to control the entire ninja village, he just needs the ninja village to be willing to do something for him.

   And Darcy is Yishi's first attempt to erode the ninja village.

  As someone who has inherited part of his strength, Yishi has sufficient confidence in Darcy.

  With the power of Datongmu, it is not easy to conquer such a weak existence among the natives.

  Because Guangren Village has already stated that the position is determined by strength, and Darcy's goal was to become a high-ranking member of Guangren Village, so he did not hide it, and directly exploded with all his normal strength, killing the assessment ninjas of Guangren Village in one move.

  The eyes of the ninja of Guangnin Village recorded next to him lit up, and he asked quickly, "My lord, what is your name?"

   "Darcy." Darcy said lightly.

   "According to your demonstrated strength, you can directly become the top ninja of Guangren Village, and you can also choose a high-level position in a certain department at will." The ninja of Guangren Village said quickly, and then took out a form.

  Although it is said that the determination of the position according to the strength caused everyone to shoot with all their strength, but Dalcey is so fierce, he has never seen it very much, and he feels like the great ninja Murakami.

  Of course, he never really faced the upper ninja of Dainen Village, otherwise he would not be alive now.

   "If you are still not satisfied with these, I recommend you to go to Chief Yahiko. Presumably he will give you a more suitable position when he sees that you have such strength." Said the ninja of Guangren Village.

  He also hoped that Dalsey would be more powerful, so that he could be counted as helping with some things, and he would not be able to support and give some benefits in the future.

  Darcy nodded without thinking.

   In his heart, what is the leader of Guangren Village, who is stronger than him?

   If you kill the leader of Ninja Village, you can become the leader of Ninja Village. He will now go to the leader building of Guangren Village.

   Under the leadership of Record Guangren, Darcy was taken to the chief building of Guangren.

  Darcy also met Yahiko, the leader of Guangnin who founded Guangnin Village.

The first time Darcy saw Yahiko, what Darcy thought was where did this trendy guy come from, why his face was full of all kinds of nails, so the contempt in his heart became even worse, and he felt that this kind of ninja village didn't seem to have any corruption the value of.

  The eyes are quite strange, could it be some kind of blood inheritance limit?

  However, no matter what kind of Blood Inheritance Boundary it is, it can't compare to the divine power that comes from Lord Cixian on him!

   "Oh, powerful?" Listening to Guangren's words, Payne looked at Darcy and saw the contempt hidden in his eyes.

   "Hehe." Payne let out a disdainful laugh.

   "Compared to you, the leader, that is naturally not considered strong, but this is also the strongest one who has joined Ninja Village recently." Guangren said with a serious expression.

  If it is said that pleasing Darcy is for the sake of gaining some benefits in the future, then Guangren is sincere in what he said now.

  Because of the huge shock that Nagato really brought to them, the huge damage caused by Nagato and Obito shocked every ninja of Guangnin Village.

  The huge meteorites fell from the sky one by one, and Recording Light Ninja promised that if those things appeared on the daimyo's side, no one would be able to stop them, and the daimyo would send them directly.

  The battlefield of Nagato and Obito brought them too much impact, the collapsed peaks, the collapsed ground, and the huge potholes.

  It's really hard for them, Tianzhi country ninjas, to imagine that this is the destructive power that ninjas should have.

  Everyone breaks down a few trees and smashes rocks. How come you can’t even hold up a mountain.

   In addition, Nagato shouted a very bright slogan, what about revitalizing the country of Tian, ​​so that small countries can also have status.

  With his strength and specially created character design, Nagato still has many admirers in Guangren Village.

   That is, Nagato cleaned up the battlefield after considering the impact, otherwise someone would have to go there every day to feel the strength of the leader.

   "I will let you know how powerful you really are, and I will arrange your position according to your strength." Nagato said lightly, and then walked out.

  Darcy saw that the leader of Xiaonin Village, who was dressed strangely, was so rampant, and he was also aroused to fight.

   "It's really powerful, indeed, I think someone will understand after the battle is over." Darcy said, and followed him out.

  As the leader, Nagato naturally attracted much attention when he came out. Many people wondered what Nagato and Darcy were doing.

  Nagato chose a training ground in Guangnin Village as the battlefield.

  It is said to be the training ground, which is an open space that has been cleared, but the scope is very large.

  Nagato looked at Darcy calmly and said, "Go ahead, you only have this one chance."

  Hearing such words from the leader of a small faction whom he looked down upon, Dalcy instantly felt humiliated.

In a fit of rage, Darcy directly activated a part of the power in his body, and some strange white patterns appeared on his face and hands. At the same time, the aura on his body soared and his strength exploded. quick.

   Sensing Darcy who suddenly became stronger, Nagato's originally indifferent expression was a little moved.

  Just now it was clear that Darcy was only at the level of an ordinary Jonin, but suddenly his breath soared, and the intensity can be said to be close to the shadow level.

  Although Nagato with this strength can still be killed with one hand, it represents too many things.

  Why would such a strong person come to join a newly established Xiaonin village? With this kind of strength, it is enough to set up a Xiaonin village by yourself.

  If Nagato is planning to seriously develop Ninja Village, he will naturally have to investigate this kind of person strictly.

   But Nagato is not, he directly assumes the high position with the one with the highest strength, so he doesn’t care about that.

   Give a lesson, and then adjust it, maybe it will be useful in the future. Thinking of the Nagato floating slowly, I am ready to suppress it.

  (end of this chapter)