MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 37 Believe in the Master's Revelation

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  Chapter 37 Belief in the Master's Revelation

  The Acropolis mountain area is brightly lit, and in one of the luxurious hilltop villas, there is a ready atmosphere.

  Elizabeth is about to install her second program and is promoted to the second programer.

In the days after    returned to the party, she secured a new opportunity for herself.

   Sophia reminded her that her biggest reliance in the family was that she was an overdrive, and in the eyes of others, her sudden breakthrough at a party was a testament to how rare her talent was.

  After coping with the return party, Elizabeth put on a good girl attitude when she came home. While promoting her talent, she confessed to her parents and acted like a spoiled child. Sure enough, she was "forgive" and was able to resume contact with extraordinary things.

   At this time, in her study, she was ready to go.

   It is said to be a study room, but in fact, there are all kinds of equipment here, the top-level Seth computer, program installation helmet, strange object chair...

   Elizabeth was sitting on this strange chair with electric lights flashing, with her hands on the armrests on both sides.

  This rare and precious chair is made of exotic materials. The wires, silicon strips and biological blood threads are all connected to the helmet in an orderly manner, which can simultaneously monitor the user's program installation progress, extraordinary talent and personality integrity.

   Once something goes wrong, the alarm will sound at the first time, and the first aid program of the Doctor's Occupational Department will be automatically activated.

   That's right, this strange object chair can perform a Q-level program ability equivalent to an extraordinary doctor.

   In Streamer City, there are not many strange devices like this, and they are not allowed to circulate legally.

The code    "Supernatural Law" stipulates that only members of the New World Bank and the Streamer Mystery Bureau are the legal owners of strange objects. The possession of other organizations and individuals is a crime, and the Mystery Bureau can directly confiscate them.

   Occasionally, there will be someone secretly tossing something in the three-legged area, but it will be cleaned up soon.

This strange odd object chair was originally an operating room chair. One day I don't know which dimension and what information went wrong, it became a strange object, and there is only one logic: it is great, it can replace the chief surgeon doctor .

   Later, the chair was contained by the Mobile Task Force of the Secret Service, and then fell into the hands of the Seth Group.

  The alchemist of Seth's scientific research department made it into the current strange object chair.

   Soon after, it became Mr. Stirling's birthday present to Elizabeth at the age of seventeen, and she affectionately called it "The Doctor's Chair" and sometimes Yiyi, even though it didn't speak.

   At that time, she had not yet become an extraordinary person, but she liked to use the medical chair to test her extraordinary talent over and over again.

   And then look at the "overdrive" that was determined earlier, intoxicated with dreams of what kind of hero he will become in the future.

   She's really a little girl in middle school...

   At this time, Elizabeth slowly put on the program installation helmet, covering her long navy blue hair.

   She is now sitting in the doctor's chair, her mood has long since changed, and she only regrets that it has been turned from a strange object to a dead object.

   "Miss Elizabeth." The old lady stood by the hospital chair, "Have you really thought about it?"

  There are only her and the old mama in the study, so it is quiet, but in the tea lounge connected to the study, a large team of extraordinary is on standby, including doctors, alchemists, veterans of the hero profession, other educators, and so on.

   There is also a four-programmer female doll, which is a container in case her personality needs to be temporarily transferred.

   Elizabeth now treats all the dolls with kindness and respect, of course because of the master's teaching.

   There are three occupational departments in the first house, the judge department is the stone pillar method, and the hero department is the epic "Gilgamesh".

  In the epic, one of the heroes, Enkidu, was originally a savage, and it was the induction of the prostitute that made him wise and became a hero; then Gilgamesh and Enkidu sympathized with each other and became a hero.

  The reason why the hero was born, the doll is indispensable!

   She originally chose the Q-level program to install "Recourse", but now she has changed her mind...

   And at this last moment, the old lady hoped that Elizabeth would reconsider.

   "Since your J-level program is retrospective, and you want to install a combat-type Q-level program, recourse, first of the blade, death prediction, and even sin nemesis, firelight, and weapon mastery, these programs are more suitable for you."

  Elizabeth listened, eagerly, she also wanted to have these programs, it is best to install all of them, but unfortunately not.

  It’s really uncomfortable, hesitating…

   She is not in the realm of doubting the master, but she really did not understand it wrong?

   Check out these heroic Q-level programs!

   Pursuit: Unlike the hunter who pursues the prey, the hero pursues the evil.

   With the phantom clues obtained retrospectively, tracing can further locate the suspect. When the target is locked, the opponent can be found like a compass, and in the battle with the opponent, physical attacks and neural data attacks have greater power.

  Before the Blade: The hero strengthens his body and nerves and rushes to the forefront of the battlefield. It is a combat program with very strong comprehensive ability. Especially in the mind network, its program data is very strong and can directly break through the firewall.

  Death Prediction: Sensitivity and inspiration have been greatly enhanced, and all deaths are predicted in battle. In addition, there is a miraculous effect, there is an inexplicable sense of where an accident may occur within a certain range nearby, which is also a necessary procedure for police detectives.

   These three programs are the best, and the other three mentioned by mama are also good.

  Evil Buster: It can exert a large-scale mental influence on the enemy, making everyone in the enemy lose their integrity.

  Flame: Influence your team and make each teammate heroic and cheer up. It is a program of the teamfight support type.

  Weapon Proficiency: No matter what you use as a weapon, whether it is a weapon or a firearm, you will be very familiar with it, just like a synonym. This way, the hero can fight no matter what the situation is.

   "Ma'am, you don't understand..." Elizabeth said solemnly. After struggling, she chose to trust the master.

   yes yes yes she still wants to install recourse, recourse, recourse…

   But after all, she was able to break through quickly this time, thanks to the gift of the master.

   Her heroic road is still very long, and it is more important to continue to receive the true knowledge and teaching of the master.

   "To be a good hero, you cannot do without the understanding of the doll department and the judge department, especially the doll department."

   Elizabeth said seriously, "That's why I have to choose a Q-level program that has a relationship with dolls."

The number of   Q-level programs is inherently smaller than that of J-level programs, and fewer programs meet this condition.

   Even if Seth has the highest sharing authority of the New World Bank, there are three options for such a hero-based Q-level program:

  Doll Master: The hero enters the doll container, and the combat power is fully enhanced. This is the miraculous effect of the first palace and the third occupation system. It is said that this kind of heroic soul shifter occupies a smaller container capacity, but its performance is greater.

   Meat feast entanglement: with dolls, it is used for sacrifice rituals and reproduction to increase the chance of passing on extraordinary talents.

  Redemption: Possessing the fighting skills to redeem others, although the skills are much worse than the first of the blade, the pursuit, etc., but there is still a miraculous effect.

When the hero redeems the lost and fallen, he is grateful, especially the doll's gratitude, and gets the kind of perceptual information that is only available from sincere feedback-because everyone's personality is different, this kind of information is also the same for each person. Forged and unreproducible, the hero can quickly upgrade the program and strengthen his personality, so that the integrity of the personality is not easy to decline.

   This is a program where you can lay a better foundation for yourself when a hero saves people.

  What Elizabeth chooses now is redemption!

  If you want to redeem dolls, you must understand dolls, get in touch with dolls, and get in touch with people in the gray and black areas.

   She felt that this was the revelation given to her by the master.

  Heroes must walk out of the abyss by themselves and cannot ask their mentors about everything. Therefore, before the next Master's call, she will be promoted to the Second Programmer, hoping to make the Master feel relieved.

   "Miss Elizabeth, are you sure..."

   The old nun's expressionless face for many years was wrinkled a little uncomfortable, it was the discomfort of watching the beautiful jade being ruined.

"Even if you're in overdrive, there's no turning back. In my opinion, your choice is quite bad, retrospective and redemption have no combined effect. Everyone in the family is against it, thinking that you are destroying your talent, are you deliberately angry? people?

   "Your choice is very similar to those people on the street. You just put whatever program you get on your body. You don't have a long-term plan, and you don't consider the combination of your own programs and your future team.

   "Recourse, before the blade, predicting death, this is the way you should go."

   Elizabeth was about to be persuaded by her mother, and it was really difficult to decide.

   Recourse, the recourse that I have dreamed of for so many years...

   "Furthermore." Seeing that she was moving, the old lady said something more bluntly:

   "Saving others is easy, but getting gratitude is hard. Especially you, a 'super rich guy', no matter how much you do, few people on the street will thank you and will only scold you for not doing enough.

   "Even if you don't have a redemption program, can't you save others? You don't need to be constrained by whether others are grateful afterwards. But if you install redemption instead of recourse, your own ability is insufficient, and you can do less."

   Elizabeth listened and thought, Mammy's words are very reasonable, if not the master, she is willing to listen.

   It was just the words that the master said last time, and she kept every sentence in her heart.

Master    let her know the doll department well, which definitely has a profound intention and is a gift from a mentor.

   She couldn't understand it just now, but now, after hearing what Mammy said, she was suddenly enlightened.

  It turns out that this is the intention of the master...I have been taught!

   She can only really touch the streets more and redeem others, instead of living in another world aloofly.

  She really won't be "Princess Seth", so let's see if she really has that heart and can really do it.

   And... Who says retrospective and redemption must be bad? The master must have mastered some deeper origins and profound meanings before giving her this guide.

  In myths and legends, don’t all those heroes take a path that others don’t recognize?

  The old lady is a rotten thing, and she is a new thing that is taking shape.

   "Don't say more, mama, you really don't understand."

   Elizabeth made the final decision, her blue eyes narrowed, and she raised her fist and announced loudly as she did when the first program was installed:

   "Ace Hero Elizabeth Sterling, Second Program, Redemption!"

   Asking for tickets, everyone, come and redeem the lost newcomer wah~~~



   (end of this chapter)