MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 328 nerve signal lines

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   Chapter 328 Neural Signal Lines

  Key program runs, starts to enter the mind network, maximum overclocking.

   In an instant, the scene in front of Gu He's eyes became matrixed, and black straight lines criss-crossed, extending endlessly into the distance, dividing the scene into pixel grids, and all of them suddenly exploded.

   He rode on the back of the fat sea, a mechanical dolphin, grabbed its dorsal fin, and leaped into an information network.

   Every nerve is already overclocking, faster than overdrive, exponentially faster.

   If you usually enter the heart network, you are in a void, and you can see the personality cube where you are.

   But now, Gu He feels that he has successfully gone online, but he has no imaginary vision, and he can't see any personality Rubik's Cube, and all kinds of chaotic and distorted information have emerged.

  Numbers, lines, graphics, light and shadow, sound.

   He entered an information tunnel, and everything around him, including himself, was intertwined.

   "What's all this..." Fat Dahai screamed, his two mechanical pectoral fins fluttering.

   Labyrinth! Gu He understood that this was the expected maze.

   At this time, they are in the heart network, just because the incomplete key program is constantly making mistakes, causing them to jump continuously, completely out of control, and jumping away before it is settled.

  This kind of jump is aimless, but it connects thousands of channels in the heart network, forming a giant maze.

   If they can't find the correct destination, or leave by force or whatever, they'll just run out and die.

   "Fat Dahai, calm down, we have to enter the interface first, and then find the correct channel, which is the key!"

  While Gu He was talking, his nerves slammed into force, and the overclocking gear reached the maximum overclock, full speed.

  Suddenly, the fat sea, which he and his personality were entangled with, jumped faster than the passages pulled between these incalculable passages, as if escaping from the capture of light, running ahead at super-light speed.

   In this state, the mechanical dolphin crashed into the key program interface with all the channels intertwined.

   "Entering the interface!" Fat Dahai could not help shouting, the surrounding scene stabilized a lot, "Sure enough, you need to overdrive."

  Gu He also felt that this step was a success, as long as he maintained this speed, he would not just be dragged and kept making mistakes and jumping.

   Really need overdrive...

   But he is not without pressure now. He has come in so many times, and the most difficult time is now.

   Fortunately, the maximum overclocking came in, otherwise it would definitely be more laborious.

  Think about it if it was the third gear, the fourth gear, or even the fifth gear and the sixth gear. Now, it may be impossible to do anything, and it will keep jumping until the spirit and personality can't stand it and collapse, or the outside world is forced to disconnect.

   And now, he and Fat Dahai have the opportunity to operate.

   "I'll try to check it out." Fat Dahai activated the ability to swim through information as a different species.

   This superluminal dolphin leaps over the overlapping information channels, simply detecting the amount of information behind the calculation.

  Gu He clung to its dorsal fin, flashing thousands of times a second, sometimes here in the maze, sometimes there.

   He saw some light and color that he had never seen before, and some lines of information broke through people's imagination of what dimensions could achieve.

   "It seems that there are at least 100 million passages we are facing..." Fat Dahai said in shock at this time.

  When Wilbur and Adam explained to the crowd, for example, a maze of ten program segments may only have ten thousand passages left.

   But this metaphor is undoubtedly too small. It is hard to imagine how difficult the maze will be when there is only one program segment. The key program created by the rescue team back then is really an endless abyss.

  Gu He has also felt it, a feeling called infinity, too much, too much...

   Even at his speed, he was looking for a needle in a haystack.

   With a channel of this magnitude, and the channel is being generated at any time, it is impossible to try every one, there is neither the strength nor the end.

   Continue to follow the original plan, the opportunity lies in the current of information.

   "Fat Dahai." Gu He concentrated his mind, "Let's start looking for those two raw material images of personalities!"

  Although Fat Hai had a lot of complaints when he was outside, after entering the heart net, it was very professional.

  The dolphin immediately activated the two raw material images of the personality. Gu He saw the light and shadow changing, and there seemed to be countless displays of different sizes in the maze, triangles, circles, squares...

   In these graphic screens, the figure of the legend of bone and blood flashed.

   And that vague, looming voice: "ROM? That's when you open me up next time, and I'll say this nonsense..."

  Gu He maintained the speed of light, while attentively sensed it, calling for the ocean current of information.

   Don't have to say it out loud, every thought now is a message in the heart network:

   I must succeed in finding that box and go back with it.

  Rawden-Ludd, where are you, you should hear it!

   "Try over there!" He just rode Fat Hai towards a passage in the maze just by feeling.

  Hulong, this sea of ​​information has countless whirlpools and a correct exit.

  Each vortex is a turbulent flow of information like a bomb.

  When Fat Dahai rushed into this passage, Gu He's nerves were immediately tense. The tunnel seemed to collapse and open, and the broken pixel grids danced violently. All kinds of lines were like twisted ropes, which was a turbulent flow of information.

   "Yuwu!" Fat Hai hurriedly made a dolphin whistle, reminding him of the danger.

   As if he was in space, Gu He rode a mechanical dolphin across this meteorite belt at super speed.

   Countless meteorites, countless stray bullets, and countless pieces of information flew head-on.

   They dodged left and right, avoiding one high-speed meteorite after another.

  Gu He was very calm, Fat Dahai exclaimed from time to time, which reminded him a little of the first time he entered the heart network.


There were too many pieces of information. No matter how fast they were, there was still a sudden hit. A large meteorite hit them. Fat Dahai screamed. Gu He also felt his spirits shake, and his personality integrity should have decreased slightly. .

   "Think of a way!" Fat Dahai cried.

   "That's why the container program is needed..." Gu He calmly accelerated again, driving the dolphin without retreating and rushing forward.

  It's different now, he's not that rookie anymore.

   bang bang bang! Several consecutive pieces of information boulders smashed in, but just as they almost hit them, they all suddenly disappeared, not even a broken pixel grid splashed out.

   Fat Hai knows that all these pieces of information have been put into the container at high speed!

   One person and one dolphin drew an almost straight line of super-speed dazzling colors, breaking through all the light and shadow of this turbulent flow, rushing out vigorously, and returning to the interface of the key program.

   "It came out, this time it came out." The dolphin whistled again, in fact, there were some lingering fears.

  It's all right this time, next time, how many times can you rush, and how long can you last?

The capacity of the    container is increased to 20%, the fat sea with entangled personalities accounts for 15%, and the spam accounts for 5%.

  Gu He moved the junk information to the console database, let his speed recover, fixed his eyes, and relied on the feeling of the ocean current, and rode the fat sea to another information channel.

   "No matter how many times, just rush!"


  The sky was getting darker and darker, and in the compartment of the big truck, the indicator lights of various equipment were flashing with various colors of light.

   On several worn-out monitoring screens, Gu He's cranial nerve signals came out of messy lines, and his heart rate remained at 200 beats per minute, and even reached 220 beats at the highest point, which is the number that he tried his best.

   Half an hour, an hour, two hours, three hours…

   Six hours.

  Gu He and Fat Dahai have been in the heart for six hours.

  During this period, Wilbur, Adam, and Lao Cai kept staring at the monitoring equipment.

  Lorna stayed beside the workbed, sometimes sitting down on a chair, sometimes pacing, sometimes leaning against the wall of the carriage.

   Her eyes almost always looked at Gu He, who was lying on the bed in a deep sleep and was connected with various blood threads and wires.

   "Six hours." Then she asked, "How long?"

   "Their signal is fine, there is no alarm..." Wilbur grabbed his unkempt hair, "However, it's been a long time, indeed, for six hours in that kind of information maze, I can't think of the specifics."

   Elizabeth, Sophia, and Sakai Huaqing, who was discovered by Pandora and brought to the van before, were all listening.

   Sakai Huaqing didn't know everything, but he knew that He Sang was fighting for his life.

   Ever since she found out, her heart has been tugging, but she can't really help.

  For six hours, even outside this place, everyone can feel the thrilling heart inside.

   Facing the huge amount of information for so long, even Gu He, who is in overdrive, high personality, and container, will never be easy.

  Across the sofa, Sophia looked at Elizabeth who was pacing past.

During the period after the    reunion, she deliberately avoided Liz, or ignored it, even if she wanted to speak, she didn't say much.

   "Elizabeth, those devices work best." She couldn't help complaining, how could she let Pan use these rubbish.

   Elizabeth immediately looked at the man wearing the white mask, knowing who the other party was and what the other party meant.

   This matter, she had also considered it before, and now said:

   "I can't borrow Seth's equipment. The problems we face can't be solved by equipment. The things on this car look broken, but Fat Hai is more adaptable, and Wilbur and the others are more comfortable with them."

   "But..." Sophia was still dissatisfied, "How can advanced equipment be more stable, and good things come easily."

   "Hey, don't make any **** noise." Lorna shouted over there, "Everyone's in, it's useless to talk about it now."

   Sakai Huaqing didn't have the courage to mediate this conflict, but just wanted to say: "No matter what equipment it is, as long as it is Hesang, it will be fine." Yes, that is Hesang, so you don't have to worry about it.

  Sophia gritted her teeth slightly, one by one, only me, only I really care about Pan...

   Lao Cai wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't hear it, there was nothing to say.

   These noises also came to an abrupt end, but the atmosphere in the carriage became heavier and heavier as Gu He went online.

   That's it, another four hours passed, ten hours in total, and it was almost evening.

   Even if you’re not navigating the key maze, it’s a long time to stay in the heart for ten hours, which is impossible for ordinary cyber cowboys.

   At noon, Sakai Huaqing went out to Hongyu's house and brought back a boxed lunch for everyone, but everyone didn't eat much, and now it's almost time for dinner.

   "I'm going to get dinner." Sakai Huaqing took the initiative to ask Ying again, she wanted to help, and this was all she could help.

   "That's troublesome." Elizabeth nodded, "We'll watch over here."

   After Sakai Huaqing got off the truck, the compartment fell silent again, only the rhythmic beeping of some equipment.

  Lorna was leaning against the wall, her arms crossed her chest, looking at Gu He's expressionless face.

   "Is it really okay for so long?" Sophia couldn't help asking again.

  No one can answer her, as long as the device doesn't call the police, it's just looking at it from the outside, otherwise it will only add to the chaos.

   But after a while, Lorna suddenly frowned, and saw that the cranial nerve signal line in the monitoring screen fluctuated violently, which was larger than any fluctuation in the past ten hours.

   "What's the matter?" She stepped forward immediately.

   At the same time, everyone gathered around the big water tank and made emergency preparations.

   "What's the matter?" Lorna asked again.

   "I can't be completely sure." Adam, who usually runs a psychological shop, knows the meaning of the nerve signal line best. "It should be a strong shock of information, stronger than before, Gu He's container is a bit unbearable..."

   Elizabeth could feel that Brother Angel's oath was becoming erratic, "His personality is declining."

   The air in the carriage became heavier. Even Gu He, ten hours after going online, was facing the danger of information overload.

   "Do something quickly." Sophia almost roared, "What about your combat plan..."

   "Ready to force a break." Adam was already saying, "There may be a need for a break!"

  Gu He has instructed that if there is no signal from him, don't forcefully cut off until the last step, so there is no limit to the online time.

   It's hard to say how much integrity he still has after ten hours in the heart net.

  If you forcefully cut off, there will undoubtedly be more uncertain results. It may fall short, or it may be a step that causes the personality of the upline person to collapse, so you must be careful.

  Wilbur's bloodshot eyes stared at the screen, and Lao Cai held the prepared adrenaline needle.

   No matter what mood they are in, Elizabeth and Sophia are ready to use the oath procedure and the power struggle procedure to save people.

  Lorna clenched Gu He's right hand, just like he held her hand that night.

  Don't hang up, hurry up and find a way to get offline, enough is enough, what you have to do is enough, don't try again.

   Come back, be sure to come back.


  Numbers, lines, graphics, light and shadow, sound, intertwined and confused.

  Gu He rode Fat Dahai and just got into a square, and the next moment it turned into a pile of 0 and 1 information codes. He seemed to hear Lorna's voice, but it was just an illusion.

  How long, he and Fat Dahai have been in this information maze for a long time...

  Extreme speed, messy information, blurred their perception of time.

   It seemed like an hour had passed, and it seemed like ten hours had passed.

  During this period, they tried a lot of information channels, collided from one information turbulence, countless pieces of information were collected into containers, and then moved into the database.

   "What's the capacity of your container?" Fat Hai asked more than once.

   "There's still a lot!" Gu He said that every time.

  Perhaps he is the only one who can survive now, and the container is long overdue for the overdrive doll without the console.

   However, this period of time still caused consumption in all aspects. The spirit, nerve vitality, and personality have been worn down a little bit, and the overclocking effect has also begun to decline, so the speed is a little slower.

   But at the same time, although there were still so many passages, Gu He felt that it was getting closer.

   He tossed in the information ocean for a long time, and the hazy feeling caused by the raw image of Roton-Ludd's personality became more and more clear, and finding the right exit might be the next attempt.

   But at this moment, the entire key maze seemed to be shaking, and the already chaotic information channels were more intertwined.

   "There's a change..." Fat Dahai said in shock, "Is it not enough speed?"

   "No, the speed is enough." Gu He felt that it was not the case, and he still had a speed that surpassed light.

   They weren't being pulled and jumped around randomly, it was because the various information in front of them were collapsing, but the maze didn't collapse, it became more complicated, and a lot of Xinwang addresses were gathered together.

   That's right, it's gathering, like an inexplicable force compressing the labyrinth inside.

   This situation and feeling are quite unfamiliar.

   "...It's the Great Consciousness of the Heart Network!" Fat Dahai suddenly thought of something, "The Great Consciousness of the Heart Net is staring at us!"

   Gu He's heart suddenly burst, and his heart was full of consciousness.

   He has heard of it, but he has never faced it before. What kind of existence is this? The transcendent world is still unclear, but it does exist.

   In addition to some specific programs, hacking into any personality cube, the movement may cause the attention of the great consciousness of the heart network, which is like the firewall of the entire heart network.

   Is it because they have been tossing around in their hearts for too long this time, and they have attracted attention?

   In the deduction before the action, Wilbur and Adam had considered the great consciousness of the heart network. Although the key program is not a personality cube, and generally does not cause the movement of the great consciousness of the heart network, they also considered it.

   Forcibly cut off, once this happens, it is to cut off quickly, the sooner the better.

  Let your personality cube leave the labyrinth and regain peace in the heart net, and the great consciousness of the heart net will naturally go away.

   "Send a nerve signal, we're going to cut it off!" Fat Dahai exclaimed, "If you stay any longer, you'll die."

   Cyber ​​cowboy veterans, or overdrive gears like this, send a signal line to let the outside world know that it's not difficult to force a break, and the equipment on the car is enough to do that.

   "Wait, wait..." Gu He grabbed its dorsal fin, he was the one who operated it, he really felt close.

   And for some reason, the electronic interface of the console in my mind also vibrated slightly.

  Perhaps the right exit is just ahead, only the great consciousness of the heart network can bring the ocean current of sufficient strength. Isn't it right, since the emergence of this great consciousness, all his perceptions have been enhanced.

  Gu He suddenly saw that at the end of the collapsed information tunnel, countless pixel grids were rising, with a group of light and shadow in the middle.

   That group of light and shadow is different, like a solidified afterimage formed by pulling the surrounding information at a high speed.

   He had seen that strange brilliance, when he used the console to initiate extra-dimensional contact, it was that kind of light.

   "Come on!" Fat Dahai shouted again, "Don't trust your own perception, the great mind network can create all perceptions, you will fall into the information abyss woven by yourself, then you can't go!"

  Suddenly, the group of light and shadow flew over here, and the huge amount of information data collapsed, rushed, and impacted...

  Gu He's eyes widened, and he was pierced by the strange light. The capacity of the container was rising rapidly, 30%, 50%, 70%...

   is too fast, too many, too late to move into the database.

   The spirit is shaking, the integrity of the personality is declining, 90%, 85%, 80%…

   The fat sea let out a whistling of pain, and the sharp dolphin cry roared.

   But Gu He seemed to hear another voice, emanating from that strange information light group, penetrating all other lines, images and other information, and was saying:

  What are you looking for, what do you want, what are you…

   "We... we're going to... finish..." Fatty Hai shouted intermittently, and the mechanical fins began to malfunction, unable to flap any more.

  Gu He watched the light and shadow drown, and on the one hand, he felt that it was there, and the thing he was looking for was there.

   On the other hand, he suddenly felt a danger, a danger he had never seen before, and every nerve throbbed.

   His power was unable to resist that light group.

   Even so, Gu He violently used all the 100% holy water, a giant information stick appeared in his hand, and slammed it, bang bang! There was a huge bang, and pieces of pixel grids splashed.

   However, the light group is still there, it is endless.

   At this moment, Gu He's eyes were swallowed up by this strange light, which spread from the bloodshot of his eyeball into his mind.

  bang bang, he felt as if he was being formatted, and at the same time, he seemed to be integrated with the spiritual network.

  Lorna, guys, I might not be able to go back…


  Beep, sirens rang out in the car, and the indicator lights of all the running equipment were turning red.

"Make a strong cut!" Adam said while pulling down the strong cut joystick urgently. The monitor's line is connecting to the Xinnet helmet that Gu He is wearing on his head, which will turn the helmet into strong cut wake-up mode. .

  Lorna, Elizabeth, Sophia, Lao Cai, and Wilbur have all changed their faces.

   However, when the joystick was pulled down, Gu He was not woken up by the electric shock, no, he still seemed to be in a deep sleep.

"It doesn't work, the forced cut is invalid..." Wilbur was stunned, how could he not be offline, Huo Di looked at the fat sea floating in the water tank, some of the modified equipment it installed on his body also turned on the red light of warning, and there was no forced cut. wake.

   "Their personalities, I'm afraid they are trapped." Adam said anxiously.

   Even if they know the general situation, at this moment, whether it is advanced or street equipment, there is very little they can do.

   Xinwang is dangerous, every online cowboy is talking about the danger of Xinwang.

  Suddenly, beep-

   A monitoring device made a louder sound, and on the monitoring screen, the cranial nerve signals no longer fluctuated.

   After drawing an explosive curve, an icy straight line spread towards the far end of the screen.

  Gu He, the line is flat.

   "Ah!" Sophia almost screamed, "Save him, save him..."

   Elizabeth was already resolutely performing the oath procedure, and a white light from the oath field rushed out from the long sword.

   However, she did not feel the power of the oath, and the sense of the oath and the common oath of the angel brother was dissipating...

  Some messy thoughts flashed through, no, it can't be like this, Master, ask Master for help.

   But she asked Brother Angel last night if he could ask Master for help. Senior Brother concluded at the time that Master didn't help with this matter. If he hung up, it might be his fate, fate, fate or what...

   "Angel, Gu He!" Elizabeth continued to use the oath procedure, shouting to him, "It will snow in a few days!"

   is useless, the hero program is useless, Sophia's eyes are splitting, no matter how much, she will use the power struggle program on Pan Shen.

  How come, empty, no abnormal information, no information at all.

   As if his head was sucked dry by a blood eater, empty, empty...

   Depersonalization in the heart network? Sophia swayed slightly under her feet, what should I do, this time, what should I do.

  He, Pan...the line is flat.

   At the same time, Lao Cai calmly gave Gu He an epinephrine injection, but it was still flat, his heart rate gradually slowed down, the heart rate was still there, he could breathe on his own, and his body still had physiological functions.

   is just the personality activity of the cranial nerve, the information of the extraordinary nerve, the line is flat, and he has become an empty shell.

   Fat Hai seems to be doing the same, this alien dolphin is also flat, and Wilbur leans against the edge of the tank absentmindedly.

  Lorna stared blankly at this. From just now, she couldn't do anything except hold Gu He's hand tightly.

   was completely powerless, and his heart and mind were blank.

   At this time, the door of the truck was pulled open, the rain outside became louder, and the dark sky was also penetrating.

   "I'm back." Sakai Huaqing walked into the car with a few bags of lunch boxes, "The dinner was very rich, I also called for Hesang's share. How is the situation? Are they offline... What's wrong..."

   She stopped, saw the dazed figures of everyone, heard the beeping siren, and her complexion began to turn pale.

   On the cranial nerve signal monitoring screen, a straight line continued to extend.

   (end of this chapter)

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