MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 25 please understand for yourself

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   Chapter 25 Please understand for yourself

  Last night, without Miss Sakai's ghost, Gu He slept well on the sofa.

   He got up early in the morning and looked at the pair of goggles. His personality integrity had recovered to 99%, and he was still 1% short of it.

   This is his seventh day in this bizarre world.

   This day, while Gu He was a cowherd, he was thinking about how to ask "Contact 1" for information.

After the basket was pierced, Fan Debao still ignored him. Miss Caiyin and Miss Sakai disappeared all day. When night fell, Lao Fan closed the door ahead of schedule.

   "I have something to do tonight. After you pack up, go to bed, sleep more, and keep your spirits up."

  Old Fan's tone was like that of a butcher saying to a piglet: Get enough fat, and then...

  When Lao Fan went to Li Cai's side, Gu He was the only one left in the fish pond.

Ye Yu was separated from the outside, but the noise of Shouhui Street was still coming into the store. Outside, a missionary was pulling a few young prostitutes and shouting loudly. Another group of street children were turning over the trash cans and arguing with the homeless. stand up.

  Gu He was in no hurry to clean up the bar, obviously this was a good opportunity to initiate contact.

   "Lao Fan and the others are sneaky. If my connection can be discovered by them, the last time will be over. You shouldn't be afraid."

   He looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was after eight o'clock in the evening, when he was watching TV after dinner, and the other party should be free.

   As far as the last experience is concerned, with his spiritual energy, a contact can be maintained for about ten minutes.

   "Then now..."

  Gu He took the thermos cup and sat down on the sofa, ready to act.

   Psychotherapy requires a sense of ritual, and the familiarity created by the specific scene arrangement helps the patient to relax. Although the other party is not a sub-personality, he did feel some anger and irritability last time.

   It's not clear who or what the other party is, but you can't relax your vigilance just because you're not a sub-personality.

  Who knows if she can follow the internet cable and hit him? The opponent is extraordinary.

  Gu He clenched the thermos cup in his hand, he had to deal with it carefully.

   He cleared his throat, opened the console in his mind, the Cowherd value has been raised to the third gear, 21%, and there is a page of "Heroes with a Thousand Faces" data in the database. He clicked on [Share] and clicked it a few times.

   "Do you want to initiate a call to Contact 1?"

   As soon as he pressed the "Yes" button, that sense of nerve acceleration suddenly came, and the scene in the surrounding room was quickly shattered into bizarre fragments of light and shadow, everything was speeding up, and everything seemed to stop.

   A prompt box comes to mind:

  [During a console call, it will be forced to connect after the countdown ends: 59 seconds]


   Less than 30 seconds left!

   Elizabeth rushed out of the hall, and there were rows of waiters and security personnel in the corridor.

   Take the elevator to a room on another floor? No, it's too late!

   She was running, her blue eyes suddenly locked on the utility room of a cleaner at the other end, and she rushed over, walking so fast that she almost broke her feet, "Go out, go out, please go out first!"

   The cleaners in the utility room who were chased away by her repeatedly were stunned, but they did not hesitate to leave immediately.

   "I just had some new insights, I have to digest it right away, I want to be quiet!"

   Elizabeth said to the assistants, security personnel and others who followed outside, and closed the door with a snap.

   She is extraordinary, and the reason is valid and reasonable, and it will happen and often happen.

   There were only 10 seconds left, and Elizabeth nervously looked around the small surroundings, trying to show her respect for the master by being upright and decent. But there was really no place here, so she had to stand there against the wall, next to a mop, a bucket, etc.


   When there were less than 5 seconds left, she actively pressed the switch button in advance, and suddenly, the surrounding light and shadow changed.

   It was the feeling of being completely out of control again, but within a few moments, she felt that her head was under the control of someone else.

  Because she didn't know enough about that powerful being, she still had a little instinctive fear at this time...

   But at the same time, there are complex emotions of excitement, joy, anticipation, etc.

  When the splendid light and shadow stopped, Elizabeth once again saw the mysterious figure like a hazy rain and fog.

  The man sat majestically on the Nether Throne, holding a mysterious scepter in his hand.

   "Master!" Elizabeth couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly, thinking about it for several days, you finally appeared.

   The grievances she suffered before were nothing, and her efforts were not in vain.

   "You went back." The master said, his voice still haunting the mysterious and inexplicable electronic sound.

"Yes, I'm back." Elizabeth nodded and said with a bit of credit: "Have I completed the investigation you asked me to do last time?" After she finished speaking, she regretted that she was too eager for quick success, Master would hate it, right? …

   "Why don't you do a simple work report yourself?" said the master.

   Elizabeth really wanted to pat her forehead, she thought that the master knew everything, so she didn't need to talk about it.

   But listening to how she retells is also a test.

   "Actually, I don't have any credit." Elizabeth said modestly first, "It's all thanks to Captain Lin and the others, so I just asked Master to investigate the case of the Sludge Organ Truck.

   "It's a pity that the gangs on both sides still killed and injured a lot of people. If I could let Captain Lin and the others deal with it sooner, maybe the situation would be better..."

   When she said this, she became not humble, but realized her own shortcomings this time.

   Dozens of people died, how could this be done? It's almost like **** up...

   "You don't have to blame yourself too much." The master said, "No one wants this kind of thing to happen. This matter is over, you don't need to worry about it anymore."

   "Thank you, Master!" Elizabeth was immediately moved. Master is really a generous person.

   Such a powerful person is often difficult to tolerate others making mistakes, especially since this is her first mission.


   I'm a good boy, I almost burned myself, I don't know how to die.

  Gu He was already in a cold sweat, sitting on the sofa not daring to move.

  Old Dog Jackson said that the police usually don't care about the slush ponds. Captain Lorna and the others are unlucky this time... Now it seems that this unlucky situation is entirely caused by him.

   "Contact 1" is not an ordinary extraordinary person, but someone who is related to the Metropolitan Police.

   He casually asked her to investigate the organ truck incident. She really asked her to investigate, and it happened to happen.

  If she checked, she would follow the vine and go to Shouhui Street and touch his wild dog. If one is bad, she will know that he is a "master", a cowherd.

   Needless to say, it’s over, it’s over, his head may be taken apart…

   I can't check anymore, no matter who she is or who she is, I can't check anymore.

   "Master?" The hazy female figure questioned. Today, she looks like she's wearing a skirt and heavy armor.

  Gu He looked at her silently. The other party was a person with extraordinary strength, energy and skill.

  Look around her, the things that cast strange shadows seem to be torture instruments.

  This world has extraordinary powers, and the dangers are unpredictable everywhere. Who knows what kind of torture!

  Before you figure out what the other party is, you must not act rashly.

   If you ask the other party to "give a little favor to Gu He, the cowherd in the fish pond on Shouhui Street", it may be death.

   At this stage, there are several key points to hit on the blackboard:

   First, you must never reveal your identity, and you cannot leave any clue to the other party.

   Second, if you want to get information, you have to keep bluffing the opponent.

   Third, try to figure out the identity of the other party.

  Gu He also didn't forget the original purpose of this contact, which was to find out what the "Doll Profession Department" was.

   His spirit has been shaken a little, and he must hurry up.

   "You can use your own name to call me a nickname."

  Gu He said, if you want to get the clue of the other party's name, maybe you can ask it directly?

   "Name?" Sure enough, the female figure opposite seemed to be a little wary, "My nickname is...E, is that okay?"

   Her voice was squeaking and chirping, like a cassette tape, Gu He couldn't hear it clearly, goose? Goose what? what goose?

   "Then... goose." He thought about it, but still wanted to hit a sap, "How are you going back these few days?"

   "Not very good, but I can bear it! I'm not too young to cry when I suffer a little."

  Are you young? Gu He wondered, is she very old?

   "Is there anything special?" He continued to talk, please, it's the details of life! There are details to have clues.

   However, the woman just said excitedly: "Master, don't worry, no amount of hardship will knock me down."

  Gu He took a deep breath, really wanting to give the other party a touch with the thermos cup in his hand to enlighten her.

  No, can't you talk about the times and things?

   At the same time, his spirit became more and more shaken, and the light and shadow flickered a little. There was not much time left, so he had to ask first:

   "How much do you know about the Doll Profession Department?"

  The woman seemed to be stunned, her tone suddenly lost her high spirit, and she asked with a doubt and displeasure:

   "Doll Profession Department? Master, what do you mean by asking this..."

   As soon as Gu He heard the other party's tone, he knew that the doll profession was not a legitimate and good thing.

   Moreover, what is the purpose of a dignified master asking such a low-level question?

   "Why don't you think about it yourself?" Seeing that the other party was suspicious, he quickly grabbed the lead: "You are a mature hero, you should learn to understand yourself. Don't ask me what I mean, I don't like long-winded!"

   He decided that he would treat the goose how Lao Fan treated him.

   In this way, it is not easy for his character to be inconsistent and reveal flaws.

   "It's me being stupid... A doll? A doll...?" The figure seemed to be really thinking hard and became a little anxious.

  Suddenly, she was in a state of empowerment, bowed and said gratefully, "I have been taught!"

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   (end of this chapter)