MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 231 Mind Network Battle Mode

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   Chapter 231 Mind Network Battle Mode

   A red and black runaway motorcycle was the first to cut through the data void in this space, bringing out pixel light and shadow.

  Lorna was not in overdrive and was slowed down by the voodoo, but the deer car mode with the Laurel program speeded up, and it became easier than before to use the Hunter J-level program "Neural Invasion" to reverse track the data.

   She jumped to multiple network locations one after another, like a hunter following the wolf's blood, to the wolf's den.

   At this time, as soon as Lorna jumped out, she immediately felt a torrent of data around her, as if she was in a whirlpool.

   "Damn, this is it."

The surrounding    is not only a violent torrent of data, but also can be presented as a fantasy content of information. A ritual text has already occupied this place, and an intrusive data body like her immediately triggers the exclusion of the firewall.

   The runaway motorcycle landed on the street. Lorna looked around. It looked like the voodoo area of ​​Xinwang's information technology.

   Dilapidated and messy streets, tall buildings in the distance, low shops near by, crooked telephone poles and messy wires.

  There are some dead trees on both sides of the street, and there are only a few shops with neon lights, and the colorful lights are flickering, illuminating the ghosts of passers-by such as homeless people and prostitutes like walking dead.

   It all looks real, but the matrix grid lines are also clearly visible.

   And upon closer inspection, the details of certain things are presented as pixel grids, all of which are saying that this is not the real world, but the information illusion of the mind network.

   "I found it!" Lorna shouted, the voodoo information on her body was a little bit on.

   Just now, although it was Gu He shouting, Lindsay had already used the operator's J-level program to "start shooting with all staff".

   That not only gave all twelve people an explosive power bonus, but also made everyone's information interact safely.

   Before closing this interaction, the information will not accidentally hurt each other during the battle, and they can also rely on the interactive feedback of the data to find the coordinate position of the opponent.

   So whether Lorna roars or not, as long as she pauses for a few seconds, everyone will follow.

   As if there was a roaring wind, all kinds of motorcycles, chariots, sports cars and armored vehicles appeared around her.

   "Haha, Lorna, you can find it." Sakai Shukichi shouted drunkenly, "You jumped seven times!"

  Sakai Huaqing is the slowest one as the third gear, and she is guarded by Elizabeth, Judy, and Chiba in the middle.

   "It looks so real..." Sakai Huaqing was a little startled. It was the first time she participated in the Heart Net operation, and it was the first time she saw an information illusion of this scale.

   A three-speed gear would have been kicked off the assembly line long ago if it hadn’t been for those with a second program and a rare program.

   "Real, illusory, whoever dreams of who, the boundaries are blurred here." Elizabeth said, with a little emotion.

   But her emotion was not obvious, but her tone was like an expert, perhaps unconsciously learned from the master.

  Actually, this is also the first time for Elizabeth. I just browsed the heart net before, but now I can't help but see it.

   "What is this, you will have to open your eyes later." Gu He also looked around and said that he was like an old Jianghu.

   Speaking of fighting in Xinwang, it was the second time that he was full of calculations. The first time he was holding Miss Caiyin and Lorna the whole time.

   Right now, he hasn't connected with anyone and has personal entanglement, because once the personality entanglement is established, it also limits the range of activities of both parties, and it will automatically flash when they are not far away.

  Unless he carried Miss Caiyin together like he did for the first time, it would be inconvenient to fight or run.

   He still needs to save some energy, only 15% of the holy water energy is not much...

   But of course he will connect with them when needed, especially Miss Sakai's three-speed gear.

   On the other side, Vivienne, Morissa, Lindsay and Boxer, are they smiling, they are all excited.

   "It's fun." Lindsay looked at the information city, like a child seeing a large pile of wood, he and the macaque, Shiba Inu and orange cat in the car all put on the cyber cowboy smiley mask and smiled happily.

   Morissa, who was also in the car, said in a fiery voice: "My love, every smile of yours is a painting."

   "Guys, this is a pile of fakes." Reed scolded, "Fake big house, fake Yesguru."

   jumped from the crowd, said these few words, a few seconds have passed, but a few seconds is not a short time in the mind network, enough to change a lot, they all suddenly felt the mental pressure soaring.

   A gust of wind, full of dance virus data, swept through this city street furiously.

   "Ah..." Sakai Huaqing exclaimed again, and the figure was instantly pulled a little by the blow.

   "Judy, exorcism!" Gu He yelled nervously, "Are you all stupid, take action, is it really up to me?"

Vivian is the one who makes the plan, Lindsay is the one who has the most heart and fighting experience, Reed is the one who can dance the most, Boxer is the one who can sing the most, Lorna is the one who fights the most, Miss Sakai is the slowest, the most beautiful It's Chiba and Elizabeth...

   As for him, the showdown is over, and he doesn’t have much fighting experience in Xinwang, so he was the first to go online and call everyone together.

   If you haven’t seen a messenger, you’re equal to a general, so I don’t want him to command!

   At the same time as Gu He's thoughts flashed at a high speed, Elizabeth was already shouting: "Judy!"

  Judy's eyes widened, and the steel lines of the armored car under her seat rushed away, delineating the location of the street where everyone was.

  Some mysterious symbols with different lights are intertwined on the ground, forming a hexagram, with a wall of light rushing up from the edge.

  Suddenly, those dancing viruses and voodoo information seemed to have hit the firewall and were blocked outside the realm.

  The gust of wind became some weird and distorted graphics and images, constantly bursting into grids of pixels that disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "Hey, it's long overdue to come here!" Lorna immediately felt much more comfortable, and the voodoo was being removed from her body.

  Gu He also felt better, it was like an antivirus software, a Judy cleaning master or something.

   "The ceremony is very powerful..." Judy said anxiously, her face quickly darkened, "I can't hold it for long!"

   If she continues to carry it like this, not only will she not be able to hold it, but more serious nerve damage will follow.

   "I'm coming too!" Elizabeth released the oath domain, and a white ray of light rushed towards the surroundings with her as the center, like sunlight driving out the darkness, and the dilapidated streets were all bright.

   This is not a superposition, it is more powerful and pure than the Disenchantment Realm, and it also improves the spirit of allies.

   Her red hair is fire, burning the fire of her soul.

  Hero K-Class Program: Oath

   At this moment, everyone felt the pressure dropped, and Judy's complexion also improved.

   exerted this power, and Elizabeth was only excited. There were many oaths around, and this fire was also their strength.

   Hulong! But at the same time, everyone saw a huge human-shaped shadow rising from behind a high-rise building that covered the horizon at the other end of the street, and none of the buildings could reach its shoulders.

  This giant is wearing armor woven from straw ropes, with a blurred face like a hollowed-out skull, with a large tentacle-like iron chain flying into the sky behind his head.

   Those chains are like blood threads that connect brain to brain.

   Every iron ring of every iron chain is an invasion and infection of a personality cube.

   It's constantly gaining strength with a dancing plague.

   Surrounded by countless pieces of TV screens in the sky, piled up like a dark cloud, each screen is a two-dimensional image of a poisoned person, all dancing frantically like an epilepsy.

  The entire information city shook like an earthquake, and the streets and buildings shook like a strange dance.

   "Esgro!" Vivian shouted, "That's it, what everyone is going to do!"

  Reed's pressure is rising sharply again. Although that thing is a tattered fake, it has a brutal and strange power.

   He is a five-speed gear, and his speed is not slow, but as the lead dancer, he is more affected in this vortex.

   Even if the virus information is blocked by the Disenchantment Realm and purified by the Oath Realm, Reed only sees those dancing figures, and this "seeing" means receiving the information, which affects his will to dance...

   But the lead dancer has a role in ending the ceremony, which is why he joins the group online, he must hold on.

   Not only Reed, but everyone can feel the increased power of the ritual and the imminent danger.

   This violent vortex of information will devour all these intruders.

   "Working guys!" Gu He had no choice but to give the latest command, "Zaixinwang, do whatever you want!"

   His words seemed to activate the audience at once, and many figures suddenly moved into action.

   "Morissa, don't you think the surrounding environment is a bit too broken?" Sakai Shukichi called, "Let's get a new one."

   "What about the sweet pet essay you promised to write with Asai and I as the protagonists? Just use the scene inside!"

   In the days when the people in the fish pond followed the revival tribe and wandered into the wilderness, Morissa, Lindsay and Osamu Sakai had done this kind of trick on Xinwang. They were painters, fabricators, and manipulators, creating scenes.

Suddenly, Morissa used the artist's Q-level program "Dynamic Screen", Sakai Shukichi used the fabricator's J-level program "Dream Script", and Lindsay danced his fingers with tattooed letters, manipulating the two pieces of information to overlap each other. together.

   The J-level "still picture" and the Q-level "dynamic picture" of the artist department can be known from the program name.

   This is a dynamic picture, an image, a cinematographer.

   Hulonglong, the text information was quickly visualized, and it expanded with the crowd as the center point.

The tattered streets became flat, and the trash cans that rolled on the ground rose up, and the garbage scattered on the ground flew into the buckets one by one. The dead trees were suddenly covered with green leaves, and the shops on both sides were hung with brand new ones. Neon lights.

  The phantoms of passersby who seemed to be pools of mud also became different, and their ragged clothes became intact and clean.

  Whether it's a homeless person, a prostitute, a poisonous ghost, an alcoholic...these passers-by get rid of their sluggishness and become more energetic. They walk on the street with good looks and a way to go home.

   This colorful new scene is replacing the weird dilapidation around it, like two paintings pulling and colliding.

   "How about this scene!" Osamu Sakai laughed, "The hero and heroine love the streets where they walk at midnight!"

  The new vision is spreading, and the edge of the old one keeps receding.

As soon as the    old scene was knocked apart, it turned into countless swirling pixel grids, as if it was a pile of scattered logs.

   And the quality of the distant image of the old scene has also become rough, losing that real texture, and turning into just some flat lines intertwined vertically and horizontally, as if the frame has been dropped and the mold has been worn.

   But this is only a small area of ​​this huge information city, and the two forces are fighting fiercely.

   But for Elizabeth, Sakai Huaqing, and even Chiba, these people who have never experienced the battle of the heart network, the scene in front of them is shocking.

   "It turns out that my brother is really not a waste..." Sakai Huaqing thought to himself, and was quite proud, "That's right, he won an award for writing murder inferences, he just had to write sweet pet essays."

   And this scene, suddenly gave Reed a new excitement, and he had to hold on.

   This is the big house area the Voodoo Panthers want to see.

   If he wants such a vision to come true in the real world, he doesn't know what to do, but he must fight.

   Needs a spirit that the big house area used to have, but is missing now, there is something wrong with their generation.

   "Asai, drunkards, you can't do it this time, so you're just playing so little kid's doodles."

   Boxer Rough Sand's voice sounded, "Since it's all imagination, why don't you want something powerful!"

   Everyone suddenly saw that Boxer's motorcycle full of horns was no longer in this light wall field. Boxer flashed away, and the next moment appeared over the city, and the motorcycle turned into a huge airship.

  Gu He stared at it, it looked like a zeppelin, the zeppelin of this world.

  clang clang clang! The sound of rock and roll burst out, like a roar, like a roar.

   That zeppelin dropped giant shells, music virus bombs.

   The singer is a J-level program "Music Virus" and a Q-level program "Rock to Death", with overclocking, explosive energy, and the bonus of the power of the vow, casting a rock frenzy.

  Boom, boom!

   This information city was bombed everywhere. A bomb exploded and a building was blown into a swirling pixel grid, and the music virus spread quickly.

   "Hahaha!" Osamu Sakai cheered with the singing, "Fist, you won!"

   "Today was really interesting." Lindsay couldn't help laughing, and left the field in a flash, and at the speed of overdrive, by constantly changing positions, the music virus information also interacted with the new scene they created.

  The beautiful midnight street scene spread immediately after the bomb exploded.

   Let this information city originally created by dance virus be infected with this virus and become their craze!

  Boom, boom! The old streets are constantly crumbling, the ritual power is stagnating, declining.

   "These people are so strong..." Reed had a thought in shock, as expected to have overwhelmed the people of the Metropolitan Police Department.

   Even if he can't leave the protective field he is in for a while, he can't dance and show what he thinks is the real Yesgru.

  Reed is more clear, fight, fight, must fight, fight like this!

   At the same time, the bombing and invasion of this information city has angered Yesgru.

  The giant figure behind the tall building in the distance, pressed his hands on the roof in front of him, and jumped out with a bang, his huge body drawing smooth dancing but brutal and terrifying lines.

  Suddenly, two torrents of information spurted out of its empty eyes.

   bang bang bang bang, some brand-new street scenes that had just spread were overturned by this torrent.

   Yesglu landed with a bang, and the entire street that was not fully formed was trampled, and the shops and buildings with neon flashing on both sides were burst into chaotic pixel grids.

   At the same time, the giant chains behind its head flew and struck.

The speed of    was so fast that it didn't take a second. It was like wearing a mold, and the iron chain broke through into the field of light wall protecting everyone.

   This information evil spirit has raised the competition of internet speed to the millisecond level.

   At this level, in addition to the real six-speed gear and overdrive gear, even the five-speed gear overclocked Sakai Osamu was almost hit by the data chain.

   And Sakai Huaqing didn't have time to exclaim, even if he has been promoted to the most flexible knight, he is still instantly bound by a chain. In the mind network, the three-speed gear is really not good...

Oops! For a moment, Sakai Huaqing was anxious, the whole portrait was stagnant, and she couldn't get off the line even if she wanted to.

   But she hasn't finished this idea yet, the situation is changing so fast that she is stunned, bang bang!

   Several tentacles rushed over, grabbed the chain on her body abruptly and broke it off, and she could resume activities again.

   Hesang, it is Hesang!

   "Miss Sakai, first empathize and move your soul, and then disconnect if you need to!" Gu He flashed to her side, feeling really angry. Miss Sakai was fine last time, and she can't be okay this time.

   While forming a personality entanglement with Sakai Huaqing, he released a lot of flesh and blood tentacles to grab the other chains.

  Sakai Huaqing has undergone empathy and soul-moving, and her personality data is equivalent to changing a hardware device. Now she is also in overdrive.

   But one device runs two personalities, and the capacity is 15%, which will naturally slow down a little bit.

   But with the current situation, he couldn't let her risk it in third gear anymore.

   "Elizabeth, come on!" Gu He was in a hurry, not knowing how many milliseconds were wasted.

   "!" Elizabeth was always inexperienced, the internet speed was fast, but the operation was slow, as if she hadn't warmed up yet, and couldn't fully exert her overdrive power.

   "The user's needs are detected, and the mental network battle mode is turned on." An electronically synthesized voice suddenly appeared.

   This shocked Gu He, and Elizabeth was even more surprised. In her hands, an electronic long sword with white light suddenly condensed, and the sword was full of smart information codes.

  Lorna, Sakai Huaqing and others did not expect that the sword of oath and victory, sword treasure!

   But this is nothing unusual at all, because alien species and some strange things have consciousness, and consciousness exists in the mind network.

   "Niulang, pay attention, I can also go online with Jianbao." Jianbao's words have made it clear to whom he is speaking.

  Gu He understands that people have personality cubes, and Jianbao has sword cubes.

   Elizabeth didn't waste any more time, she held her long sword in both hands, and her figure flashed back and forth in this cyberspace in a superspeed gear. The millisecond level was not a thing for her at all!

  嘭嘭嘭, every time Elizabeth flashed, she swung her long sword with the power of the oath to cut off a chain.

   "Dance is not like this. Dance is not used to bind people, but to set people free."

   She was flashing, she was swinging her sword, she was dancing.

  Jianbao is blazing with light and fire, sometimes turning into a giant sword, and sometimes turning into a knight's sword.

   "It's amazing!" Lorna shouted, feeling a little greedy, "I'll see how the whole strange thing can be done when I look back..."

   At the same time, the giant figure of Yesglu let out a thunderous roar. It lost these chains, and its power was indeed weakened, but the ritual style was still there, and it had not used its maximum power before.

  Suddenly, those TV screens that occupied a large area above the city, all turned into pale snowflakes.

All the strange dance figures in the    jumped out, and one after another information phantoms flew down the street.

   Being disturbed by the crowd, the ceremony was damaged and threatened, and it had to be accelerated to end.

   But before the end, before the heart network's great consciousness reacts, Yesglu will not let this group of people go.

  The ground beneath the street pavement was cracked, and all kinds of corpses tied with straw ropes, manipulated by dances, and covered in mud poured out. This is a new turbulent flow of virus information mixed with junk information and broken information.

   There are thousands of them, seemingly endless, in weird, rigid, neat dance moves.

The    ceremony is breaking out, and the dance frenzy is raging in this cyberspace.

   "Ah..." Reed was immediately severely affected, his limbs began to stiffen, he was manipulated to twist and dance, and even the Disenchantment Realm and the Oath Realm lost their effectiveness.

  The new city created by Lindsay, Morissa, Shukichi Sakai and Fist, all the scene areas are crumbling.

   "Compared to the number of dead people, we really can't compare here!"

  Lorna said, the laurel crown on her head was shining brightly, "But you can't compare the number of living people and monkeys."

   The voodoo on her body has been completely purified by the power of the oath, and she can finally exert her full strength. With a sudden flash, she flies into the sky. In addition to the screen and the airship, there is a deer car in the sky.

  Two electronic silver deer were dragging a mechanical chariot. Lorna in red leather jacket and black leather pants was standing on the seat of the car with one foot on the edge of the car. She pulled a large steel bow full of edges and corners with both hands.

   This is not a strange thing, but her imagination is not bad.

   "Give it to me!" Lorna pulled the bowstring and released a large number of arrows from the string.

   These sharp arrows shot out, and in the process of rushing away, one changed to two, two changed to four, four changed to eight, almost instantly, forming a rain of arrows that covered the ground, an unstoppable turbulent flow of information.

  When this rain of arrows fell on the city streets, next to those phantom dancers, and on Yesgru.

  The screams of the monkeys exploded, and the shouting was very lively!

   This turbulent flow of information is actually a call to the beasts, but this time, Lorna didn't call him a **** bear or a **** tiger, they were all **** monkeys.

  Monkeys, orangutans, baboons, all the monkeys she knew and could think of, all on, all on the rise!

   "Haha, 100,000 monkeys and monkeys, all for this great sage!" Lorna laughed and waved her steel bow.

   Monkey Monkey Sun collided with the walking dead, and the pixel grids that exploded became a mess.

   Some reunited as monkeys, and those phantom dancers dissipated forever.

   "Haha!" "Great Sage Luo!" The crowd was also boiling, and Lorna's action made their mental pressure drop, and they could be hilarious again.

  Reed felt that he had a better understanding of how the top war was won by this group of men...

   But only the people who were there that day knew best. If Lorna had this program that day, she would dare to call the Metropolitan Police Department on Jimbo Street directly to kill Eliza Caton.

  Reed has a question, what about Gu He, that fierce sage? It is said that it is Gu Dasheng, a special-level three-programmer.

   It's actually been less than a few minutes since the group started, and Gu He hasn't attacked much yet.

  He was busy assisting, helping this one, pulling that one, saving holy water and waiting for the opportunity.

  Because when Lorna was online, Lindsay and the others said that once the ceremony was in a hurry, the people from the voodoo gang should be online, and those voodoo gangsters couldn't give up on the battlefield without struggling.

   If the Yesgrohe here falls, the real world cannot possibly win.

   So people from the voodoo gang will show up and act as reinforcements to restore information to Esgro...

  At that time, people need to give these voodoo bad guys a blow in the head.

  A good teamfight requires cooperation and timing, rather than rushing up and randomly pressing the procedural skills and pulling them down.

  Gu He was just waiting for the opportunity to swing the bat, and at the same time, he continued to assist and block everyone.

   is also because of this, maybe blocking a bit too much, his personality integrity is constantly declining...

   This feeling, like, maybe, has broken 70%.

   bang bang bang! With Lorna's arrow rain monkey group, Elizabeth's vowed sword wind, Yesgru was beaten more and more violent.

  Suddenly, as expected by Lindsay and the others, there were more information torrents in this already chaotic information city, and someone from the Voodoo Gang went online.

   As soon as the other party went online, more than a dozen people appeared around Yesgru's giant shadow.

   They didn't wear any cyber cowboy smiley face masks, but drove the most luxurious sports cars, covered with big gold chains, a typical voodoo gang member with an exaggerated image of a rich guy.

   "You bastards, don't give me face!" The voice of the madman Laoba came from it, as mad as a drug: "No one can fight Yesgru in the heart, no one can!"

   "This idiot dares to come up." Lorna giggled, "He really knows how to court death."

   "If he messes up, he will be killed by the voodoo gang when he goes back, can he not be online?" Vivian said with a smile.

   "Good job, Lorna, that's the idiot who got a gun pointed at your head, isn't he?"

Gu He heard about it in the car before, and he was a little upset at the time, but now he's even more angry. It's these **** who sell drugs, control girls to be prostitutes, and cause such a disaster... They dare to point a gun at them Lorna's head...

  If she accidentally goes wrong and disfigures her, she will go to Lao Cai for plastic surgery, but Lao Cai will take the opportunity to slaughter her.

  The ten thousand dollars owed to him, when will she be able to pay it back!

   has been targeting opportunities before, now is the opportunity.

   He didn't wait for the voodoo gang members to do anything, to prevent them from launching a program to enhance Yesgru.

   His speed is much faster than them.

Suddenly, the whole information city seemed to shake a little, and Reed suddenly widened his eyes and almost stared out, but even if there were Elizabeth, Judy, Vivian, Sakai Shukichi who participated in the war that day, they were also surprised, so big!

   In the rumbling sound, Gu He shouted, and a big stick of flesh and blood appeared in his hand.

   It didn't take a blink of an eye, the big stick of flesh and blood suddenly skyrocketed, as if it reached the end of the spiritual network, which is 108,000 miles long, the golden hoop!

   Elixir energy consumption is 5%, leaving only 3%.

   "Monkey King!" Sakai Huaqing shouted excitedly.

   "Hahaha!" Vivian was excited about something, "It's so big, so long!"

Gu He violently waved the giant stick in his hand, swept over it, and swept down a street. Countless buildings collapsed with a bang, and Yesglu's giant shadow was also smashed to the ground, smashed to the ground, and exploded. more buildings.

   Those voodoo gang supermen who just went online were stunned, this power, this speed...

  Crazy Laoba realized that it was not good, and he just wanted to get off the assembly line and run away.

   "Slow, you guys are too slow!" The other party had one second, while Gu He had one thousand milliseconds.

   He flashed and was already in front. The golden hoop kept swept left and right. In the jubilation of the monkeys and grandsons, he swung it up and slammed down at the group of people—

  Reed suddenly understood the mood of the people on the streets of Kabukicho that day!

  Boom! The giant stick fell from the sky, smashing all those luxury sports cars and big golden chains into vanishing pixels.

   It was also at this time that rock music exploded, and rows of fire-breathing horns emerged from the airship, releasing rock music, releasing musical bombs, and regaining the upper hand, bombarding the dilapidated old city everywhere.

   Boxer was standing on top of the airship, playing a fire-breathing guitar, and roaring wildly:

   "I can't dance or witchcraft, but my iron rod is definitely thick enough

   "One stick is not enough, another stick, we are all speeding

   "I hit you until you vomit, until you cry, until you can't collapse.

   "Voodoo, voodoo, my big bird is called Dudu

   "I am from the East, and this sentence also comes from the East, take your mother!"

   Ask for a monthly pass~~~



   (end of this chapter)