MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 230 Online, start the group!

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   Chapter 230 is online, start a group!

   A few voodoo gang vehicles led by that crazy old bus did not pursue them, and two off-road vehicles and a few motorcycles continued to dodge on the dilapidated street where people and vehicles were chaotic.

   Surf Worm, Esgru, Altar, Voodoo Gang…

  Gu He thought about this, and his mood was as chaotic as the road conditions on this street. He didn't want to take risks, and he didn't want to give up.

  Because he really wanted to know what Lawton-Ludd would say when he saw him...go back to Kabukicho like this?

   He felt that Lorna was also hesitating. Most of the reason she hesitated was because he was hesitant, because he might not want to go.

  If he had a choice, he was always reluctant to take risks, but this time he was a little unwilling.

   "Second goods, I..." Lorna made a decision with a desperate look in her eyes.

"Wait, everyone, don't make such a hasty decision first!" Gu He stopped her, "We don't know enough about Yesglu, and we can't make the best decision. Reed, you are going to the altar. What are you going to do?"

   "I also have some black panther friends who are all coming here to fight with those bad guys!"

  Reed's dark-skinned face was very determined, and the voodoo Panther Gang's fist flag at the rear of the car fluttered in the strong wind.

"Then why are you going to rush over?" Gu Hejing asked, if that's the case, he's not too happy to go, then it's really like what Vivian said, "Reed, I don't think you even have a gun. ."

   "Boom." Nimue in the car over there gave a deliberately contrived laugh, "He's angry."

   "Yes, we have anger!" Reed dared to respond, "This is our few but most important weapon."

   "Isn't there a better way?" Gu He was helpless, "Even if you want to fight, don't really send it."

   He looked at Vivian who was driving over there, "Vivian, don't you have any ideas?"

   "Da He..." She sighed with a sigh, "I don't know why you want to use surf worms, but I'm not interested in messing with house kids, I'd rather play with bank dogs."

  Sofia listened silently in the trunk, analyzing the new information.

   She also saw Pan's appearance from the gap in the car window, young and handsome, super speed doll, what a baby...

"If you don't let the voodoo help you owe it, the house kids will always be like this." Nimiao kept pushing for a lively scene, "Sister, don't be sentimental, you are not the eldest lady of the consortium, this is very annoying. Oh."

"Okay, okay!" Vivian lightly waved her flowing hair that covered her face halfway, "The voodoo gang has to take care of the big house, the power they put in is always limited, and the ceremony is built quickly, not without it. Chance."

   She is a professional messenger. She rolled her eyes and said, "If you really want to do it, then we have to go to the spiritual network to fight a wave first, to reduce the power of Yesgru, and it is best to break it directly."

   "What's the relationship? Make it more clear." Gu He asked, it was about the lives of a group of people.

  Vivian explained quickly.

  The voodoo gang summoned Yesgru through the altar ceremony. This is just a statement. It sounds like some mysterious wizards. In fact, they used an extraordinary program to jointly write a text, which is a dance message virus.

   This set of information actually exists in the spiritual network. Through the plague-like spread in the real world, it continues to infect more people and establish connections with more personality cubes, and this body of information grows stronger.

   This kind of thing is also called "information evil spirit".

   However, the information evil spirit is also limited by the great mind network. The faster it expands, the faster the mind network will respond.

   So the ritual will end eventually, and those possessed personality cubes will be disconnected.

   But a successful ritual is that before the evil spirit of information is destroyed, the dancers and manipulators participating in the ritual have already obtained a large amount of personality data transformed by the ritual, so as to improve the program and even synthesize the experience data package.

   Therefore, Nimue said that the passers-by who were infected today will suffer more or less brain damage because of their personality collapse.

   "Let's go to the heart network to fight first, then we can let go of our hands and feet and avoid these passers-by." Vivian said again.

  Due to the environmental requirements of the ceremony, especially the desire for the night, the altars for summoning Yesglu were set outdoors.

   In this way, if they play well in the Mind Network, they will inevitably disrupt the altar, and people in the real world will start to attack. They can also go offline from the Mind Network depending on the situation and join the real battlefield together.

   Going back and forth, destroying Yesguru, both fake and fake, blasting the altar, and saving the surfing worms.

   As for how to find the location of the information evil spirit's heart network, there are so many poisoned personality cubes, both Lorna and Pandora, which can be traced back in the heart network.

   Yesglu is not a blood eater, this kind of ritual can easily reveal his position and provoke cyber cowboys.

   These are the risks of being the organizer of the ceremony, so the voodoo gang cannot be completely unscrupulous.

   "It's easier for me to find them than to find the slippers in the car." Lorna is still confident, the hunter is doing her best.

   "Wouldn't this spread the power?" Reed was a little puzzled, "The impostor has more power in the heart, we might as well just go to the altar and rush!"

   "Uh, Reed, our internet speed is pretty fast in Xinwang." Gu He said.

   He understood Vivian's plan, Reed didn't understand because he lacked key information, not only because he could avoid passers-by and let go, but because he was in overdrive.

   "I'll call Elizabeth again, and the fun guy."

   Himself, Elizabeth, Lindsey, with three overdrive gears, and he still hasn't turned upside down in his heart.

   In addition, there are six-speed gears, half-step overdrive gears, and there are several among you. Did the people from the voodoo gang really bear it?

   "Haha!" Lorna couldn't help laughing, "That's enough trouble."

   "What is the best network for the mind, do whatever you like." Vivian replied.

   At the same time, Sophia was quietly surprised, her mind was complicated and tumultuous, and her heart tightened uncomfortably, Elizabeth?

   Elizabeth Sterling…

  Pan God and Elizabeth, are they really mixed together, and now they have to fight against the heart net together...

Sophia can understand the plan of these street dogs. The last time two overdrives were in Xinwang ruined a Xinwang combat team. It was already a few months ago. He became stronger.

   A stronger Pan, and the "Lezi Man" is estimated to be too.

   Also add Elizabeth, if all three of them join forces.

   Voodoo Gang? How many times can a bank have such a luxurious lineup...

  Sophia controlled her stuffy breath and didn't want to attract the attention of Nimue, which is actually a good thing.

   Elizabeth is very close to me, very, very close, as long as I can continue to live, Elizabeth may find me at any time, Liz will definitely save me, she will.

   But Elizabeth and Pan? What is their relationship! ? It was the overdrive doll I discovered first...

   Sophia thought, her teeth clenched slightly.

   "Let's hurry up!" Gu He listened to the plan and felt that it was good, so he took a positive step, "How do we get into the Internet?"

   "What else." Vivian asked Nimiao to find a heart mesh helmet in the car, took it in her hand, and threw it through the car window, "Da He, catch it!"

   She has been prepared with these devices on her car for a long time, but there are only two or three.

  Gu He caught the helmet with his tentacles and immediately put it on his head, "I'll go online and call someone."

   "Go, go, go!" Nimiao, who had succeeded, was delighted. "If we don't succeed, then there will be another batch of lunatics in the voodoo district, but if we do, then we will be plague doctors."

   "Don't mention that stuff, it's not auspicious." Gu He shouted dissatisfiedly, "Don't you know that in the Middle Ages, plague doctors were feared and expelled, and none of them would end well."

   "Well, what's the doctor called?" Nimue thought, "Doctor Big Bird?"

  Gu He was too lazy to talk, so he activated his helmet, and the street scene in front of him was immediately lined by a matrix grid.

   In another moment, he jumped into the ocean of data and entered the spiritual network in the chaotic pixel grid.

   He went online and called someone first, while Lorna and Vivienne drove the car to a suitable road section and then chose the time to go online.

   Without his tentacles, they will really test their driving skills.

   He can use his mobile phone to call people, but even if he uses Seth's service provider and speaks secretly, there is a risk of exposure, and Lorna and the others still need time, so he has to go online to organize everyone.

   He has the coordinates of Miss Sakai and Miss Chiba and can "knock on the door", but he does not have the coordinates of Elizabeth.

  How does the cyber cowboy "knock on the door"? When he lived in Yakuza headquarters, he had already asked Vivian for advice. At this time, he jumped to the coordinates of Miss Sakai's personality cube.

  Her Rubik's Cube is hidden in a lot of ordinary people's Rubik's Cube on the circuit board road, and it looks no different.

  Roads and Rubik’s Cubes are all imagination, and even he himself is essentially a stream of data at this moment.

  Gu He flashed, stood in front of Miss Sakai's Rubik's Cube, released bleeding threads to try to invade the pile of data, paused rhythmically, and muttered, "Da da da, it's me, it's me."

After    knocked on the door, he immediately jumped to the coordinates of Miss Chiba's Rubik's Cube, and knocked on the door again.

   Now we have to work hard, of course, the more people, the better the strength...

   Then, he jumped to a newly agreed "Fish Pond Meeting Point".

   Fortunately, Miss Sakai knew that they were going to the voodoo area today and wanted to come along.

   But when they set off, they didn't want to fight with the voodoo gang. They just explored the way and found a middleman to ask. There was no need for a large group of people to swagger through the market, and Miss Sakai just stayed at the fish pond on standby.

  I didn't expect it to work. She came online shortly after he knocked on the door.

   "He Sang!" Sakai Huaqing jumped to the meeting point as soon as he went online, riding a runaway motorcycle, a little puzzled.

"Something happened, it's going to happen." Gu He tried his best to keep it simple and clear, "You go and ask everyone to go online, whoever is in the fish pond and who wants to do voodoo and help with Yesgru's will go online and gather, especially if you want to. It's Lindsay, look for him when he's not there."

  Sakai Huaqing suddenly became nervous, his face flushed, "Lin Sang is here! My brother is also, and the fist guy is outside, I can find it."

   Gu He breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he heard Lindsay was there, the time was urgent and it would be difficult to catch up if he was looking for it.

   "Mom told everyone to stay." Sakai Huaqing added, "She said that the voodoo area is not easy to enter, and she wants to help at any time."

  Miss Caiyin, you are really far-sighted!

At the same time as Gu He praised in his heart, he instructed: "Then you tell them, and then rush to the Red Rain House to find Elizabeth, ask her to gather online, bring Judy along, and let Judy drink, just say I said."

   "What if she's not here?" Sakai Huaqing asked nervously.

"Call her and tell her to rush back to Hongyu. You go online first, and tell the security chief who is guarding at Hongyu to wait for Elizabeth to come back, and ask her to connect your helmet to the line to find the location. If she is far away, then this time no solution anymore…"

  Gu He scratched his head when he said it himself. He had only contacted mysteriously a few days ago, and he had not cooled down yet.

   Looking back, I really want to find a way to get in touch with Elizabeth in a more convenient and immediate way, at least exchange the position of the personality cube, and be able to knock on the door. As an angel brother, it should be no problem to make such a request.

  I don't know if the "joint oath" has any effect in this regard...

   "Miss Sakai, that's all, let's do it!"

   "Then Hesang, you have to stand up! I'll see if Mr. Hirata is on the street, please give him a ride!"

  Sakai Huaqing took this important task, and in full of anxiety, he hurried off the assembly line.

  Gu He also jumped to Miss Chiba's personality cube first. Not long after, Miss Chiba was online. She was driving a simple open-top wilderness chariot with silver Chiba Wings on her back.

   This is of course all her imagination, but compared with reality, it has another gorgeousness.

   "Xiaohe, what happened?"

   "Out!" Gu He immediately took Chiba to the meeting point of the fish pond, and quickly said something, "Everyone on the street seems to be crazy, Miss Chiba, can you dance the mangbo dance?"

   "I have learned." Chiba thought and said, "I will create a Mumbeau-La Paz mask right away, it may be useful."

   "You can make a mask without a reference?"

   "Why not? Mangbo dance is the best way to show it. I also remember the structure of the skin."

   For Chiba, it doesn’t take long to create a simple mask.

   And suddenly, at the contact point of the fish pond, a burst of laughter broke out, and several motorcycles appeared in the sky.

   "Come on, come on!" Osamu Sakai laughed, driving a yellow motorcycle and drinking wine from a bottle, "It's overclocked!"

  Another red motorcycle with a row of giant horns playing rock music was driven by a big boxer.

Lindsay drove a colorful motorcycle with a macaque, Shiba Inu and orange cat standing on the car. Like him, he was wearing a pair of sunglasses. The orange cat laughed excitedly: "Xiaohe, this is the first time you take the initiative to drive. The group, we must all come to support!"

   "Hahaha!" Gu He laughed, seeing these **** now, it feels really **** funny.

"So what are you going to do?" Osamu Sakai asked excitedly, "Hua Qing was so panicked that she couldn't speak, and said that she was looking for red-haired Liz, so we told her to get out. Miss Chiba, you are here too. !"

  Gu He quickly talked about the situation again, Lindsay immediately raised his lips and smiled: "It's fun, it's fun."

The    macaque jumped up and down excitedly, and the Shiba Inu and the orange cat hit their paws.

   "Yesglu, it's fun! Xiaohe, thank you, you really brought fun to our boring day."

   Lindsay said and jumped away, "I'll ask Morissa to come and play too."

  Gu He is of course welcome, wishing Lindsay had called a few people up.

   Not long after, Morissa went online and sat in the back seat of Lindsay's motorcycle, squeezing the animals away.

   This time Sakai Huaqing may have really found Hirata Group to take her to the Red Rain House, and Elizabeth is there.

   They went online very quickly, led by Sakai's blue motorcycle, the red-haired Elizabeth drove a blue and red motorcycle, and Judy came in a painted armored car.

   "He Sang, I have completed the task!" Sakai Huaqing shouted, successfully completed.

   "Brother Angel!" Elizabeth shouted, her orange trench coat flying.

  Judy was still expressionless, but there was a hint of sharpness in her eyes. She was a six-speed three-programmer exorcist.

   When everyone saw it, there was a burst of laughter, all came, and all the people who worked **** the day of the war, all came again!

  Gu He's confidence has soared. Three overdrive gears, whether Reed or the Voodoo Gang, can't be imagined.

When Elizabeth heard what was going on, her anger was no less than Reed's, "Senior brother, your group is so right, we must save those innocent people, and dancing shouldn't be desecrated like that... "

   "Yeah." Gu He just replied, and the reaction to the goose was not surprising at all.

   In fact, the main thing he wants to save is the surf worm, but if he can save other passers-by, that's fine too.

   Soon after Elizabeth and the others went online, there was another data stream rumbled, and someone jumped over.

   They finally got Lorna, Vivienne, and Reed who was also online.

  Lorna drives a black runaway motorcycle and Vivienne drives a luxurious streamlined Gasboyne sports car.

"Pandora and Nimue are driving." Lorna said, looking at everyone, "This part of the road is okay, and the Voodoo Gang seems to have deliberately cleared the road so that we can go to the altar. The Chao Dance Gang, The Black Panther Gang, and a few others are all coming together to fight..."

   After she finished talking about the situation, she also saw everyone clearly, "Damn, so many people."

  Reed, who was also driving a motorcycle, was even more stunned, but couldn't help being a little excited, "Thank you..."

   Aside from a few familiar faces and Chiba-Gibson-like women, Reed didn't quite know who these were, nor their strength, but they just looked and felt unusual.

   "Let's go, go after Yesgru!" Lorna shouted, "I have voodoo now, you can just follow."

   Everyone knows that she is a hunter, the only hunter here, and there is no objection.

  Suddenly, everyone was on the circuit board road of this matrix, in the ocean of data, advancing at full speed.

   "Miss Sakai, don't rush forward, if something goes wrong, you will be offline!" Gu He urged.

   "Understood, I won't implicate everyone!" Sakai Huaqing responded quickly, not wanting to be kicked off the assembly line.

   "Asai, come on, everyone will start filming!" the orange cat yelled.

   "This is Xiaohe's good show, and I'm here to participate." Lindsay Ying said, "Xiaohe, come and say something."

   "Uh... well, let me think about it..."

  Gu He, Elizabeth, Lorna, Sakai Huaqing, Chiba, Moresa, Judy, Sakai Osamu, Boxer, Vivian, Lindsay, Reed.

   This huge caravan includes dolls, heroes, hunters, actors, painters, exorcists, fabricators, singers, two manipulators and dance leaders.

  Twelve personality cubes, three overdrive gears, four six-speed gears, four five-speed gears, and one third-speed gear.

   Colorful runaway motorcycles, wilderness chariots, sports cars and armored vehicles, accompanied by the roar of the engine, left colorful car shadows and whizzed away in the matrix.

   "All members start a group!"

   (end of this chapter)