MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 83 Living dead

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Yu Zhengdu suddenly did not want to showdown with Shangyu.

He smiled and said: "Okay, then I won't say it."

Business: "..."

After a while, he slowly put down his hand on his ear and said, "If you have to say it..."

"Don't say it." Yu Zhengdu looked at him with a burning look, his eyes softened, "Really."

Business: "..."

Although he said that he did not listen first, he did not know why there was a sudden feeling of being picked up.

Ah, it’s even more angry!

At this time, after the dispute, a voice of doubt from the old man was heard: "Xiao Yu, is this your friend?"

"Yes, he came to pick me up." Yu Zhengdu responded to Mr. Chen Lao's sentence. Seeing that Shang Yan was still struggling to support the overbearing president's ghost setting, his heart was laughing, his face was only as if nothing had happened, and the words turned. Asked, "Boss, can you see what the old gentleman is?"

Nowadays, Shanghao is not good enough to pull down his face and ask for a metaphor. He only snorted and looked away from Yu. He looked at the old man behind him and whispered: "It is a living dead."

Yu is not convinced: "What is a living dead?"

Shang Yang lifted his chin: "You look at him again."

Yu is arguing for a turn, the old gentleman is sitting on the bench on the side of the road, the street lamp hits him, and the corpse on his skin has become more and more clear, but he knows nothing about it. In the light tune of the minor, seeing them look over, they smiled and waved: "Come and sit."

Shang Yang: "He still doesn't know he is dead."

Yu contends to hear the words, suddenly suddenly clear, this really clarified the most critical point in the whole thing, he did not find the most important reason why the old gentleman has passed away, in fact, because the old gentleman performed too much from beginning to end An ordinary person.

It is not the kind of hard feeling that the dead is forced to live, but the state of self-centered thinking that he is a living person.

Yu Zhengdu thought that the old gentleman had a good attitude. Now it seems that the old gentleman does not know that he has passed away.

He wondered: "How is this?"

Shang Shengdao: "The last breath was not exhausted when I passed away..."

The so-called living dead person literally means the dead person who seems to be alive. In fact, when the person dies, for some reason, the last breath is not exhausted, and the soul will remain in the body. At this time, if the deceased himself does not know himself. If you have passed away, you may be able to "live" again.

According to Chen’s son, the old gentleman passed away while sleeping. It is very likely that he still did not know that he had passed away, thinking that he just woke up and slept.

After the living dead wakes up, they will continue their daily life as usual, just like Mr. Chen Lao, go shopping, walk, and then take the bus home.

In the absence of external interference, this situation will last for two to three days until the tone in his heart is dissipated, or the body is completely spoiled and can no longer continue to live.

Yu argues and frowns: "So...we have to wait until the old man's body is broken?"

He is not afraid, but letting any corpse live like ordinary people will definitely scare many people and cause many adverse effects.

“No.” Shanghao shook his head. “There is a simple way to handle it.”

Yu Zhengdu: "What is the solution?"

Shang Yan: "Tell him directly that he is dead."

The most important thing that the living dead will "live" is that the deceased himself does not know that he is dead. At this time, as long as he is told that he has passed away, his soul will naturally be separated.

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

I never thought that it was so simple.

Shang Yan glanced at him and lowered his eyelids: "Is you going to tell him? Still need me?"

"I will go." Yu Zhengdu should have a voice, go to see the old gentleman.

The old gentleman was half-bently looking at the food he bought today. He said something in his mouth: "Oh, the delay is too long, the leaves are smashed..."

"Let's stop waiting." Yu Zhengdu is not a taste, "wait for his son to come and say."

Business is not okay.

"We will sit down first." Yu Zhengdu said, habitually to pull the business.

Then it was opened up.

Yu argued for a moment, looked back at him, only to see Shang Shang chin, his face said "I am still cold war with you."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

It seems that the boss is really angry this time.

I don't know when it will be completely deflated. It is estimated that there will be some success in going to work these days.

In the final analysis, I also made my own mistakes. I didn’t have any intentions to have a good opinion. I could only put my hand in my pocket and bowed my head: "Let's go."

"Wait." Shang Hao shouted at him.

Yu Qiduo turned back, some inexplicable, just want to ask him what else, just see Shangyi silently stretched out an index finger, and looked awkward: "Only you are holding so much."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Emmm, really angry.

Yu contends to laugh, and helplessly pulls the fingers of the merchant's knuckles, and solemnly says: "Thank you for being so generous."


The road was smooth at night, and Chen’s son, Chen Xin, came very quickly. Yu had to use his text message to tell him about the life of the dead before he arrived. So when he saw Chen Lao, he was still shocked. But I don’t want to be on the spot, but I can also scream: "Dad."

"Come on." Chen did not notice the horror in his son's eyes, raised the bag of green vegetables, stood up and licked his waist, and then "snapped" and smiled. "Hey, I am in good shape today, sit here. Long waist is not sour."

other people:"……"

Chen Xin looked at his father. The skin of the old man has turned into purple-gray, and there are hidden corpse spots. He is set in the same place, and he does not dare to go forward.

Yu Zhengdu can understand his hesitation and said: "Mr. Chen, Chen is very good, don't be afraid."

"What are you doing, come over and get things." Chen Lao took two steps and threw the dishes to his son. "This is what I bought at the market in Fuxi in the afternoon, your favorite."

He stunned for a moment, a little regret: "Unfortunately, the road has been delayed, it is not too fresh."

Chen Xin caught the bag of green vegetables, and his heart was sour. The fear of the body suddenly dissipated in the heart, and quickly went forward to support Chen Lao: "Dad, let's go back."

"Go back and go back." Chen Lao went back and said that they would say goodbye to them. "Two young men, I am bothering you tonight."

"It should be." Yu said.

"Then I am gone." Chen Laoxiao shouted. "I will have a chance to see you later."

Yu Zhengdu also smiled: "There will be opportunities."

He said that he went to see Chen Xin: "Mr. Chen, the latter thing..."

"For me." Chen Xindao, with a little sadness in his eyes, "I want to talk to him again."

Yu argued that he nodded.

Chen Xin put his father on the co-pilot and bid farewell to Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu.

He did not directly open the ancestral hall of Chen Lao’s corpse, but slowly circled the road and talked to his father while talking about his childhood. He talked about Chen’s youth and talked about his children and Chen’s grandson. Things.

When Chen Xinping was busy with work, it was rare to have a holiday and most of his life with his wife and children. For a long time, he had never spoken to his father like this. He used to think that he had no problem with his father. He always felt that there was still time in the future. Suddenly, the old man died suddenly. He was anxious to handle the aftermath, and he did not have time to recollect and regret.

Unexpectedly, the father and son will eventually have the opportunity to talk for a long time in this form.

It was also at this time that Chen Xincai discovered that the old man had so much to say that he couldn’t stop recalling his childhood, excitedly telling his children about his heroic deeds, his son’s affairs, his grandson’s business, and One drop, the young man thought that the old man had forgotten something, and he always remembered it clearly.

"Hey, how come so suddenly tonight?" Chen Lao said for a long time, finally found something wrong.

"Nothing, just want to hear you talk about the past." Chen Xin endured a sore nose, try not to let the voice choke. "This is not a rare opportunity."

"Oh, it’s all clichés, there’s something to say." The old man waved his hand and said so, but he couldn’t stop the dance. He couldn’t help but open his mouth. "Say, you can't remember." When you were in elementary school..."

The father and the son should answer one by one. This said that it has been said for a long time. Chen Lao recalled his life all the time. Finally, he could no longer find a topic. He was satisfied with the back of the chair: "The spirit is really good today, saying I don’t feel tired for a long time..."

At this time, the sky began to whiten. I don’t know where the chicken humming came, and I woke up Chen. After he knew it, he came back and asked his son: "How long has it been? How have you not arrived yet?" ?"

He looked out the window and couldn't help but frown. "This is not the way home."

Turning his head and looking at his son, he discovered that his son had somehow lost his face. Chen’s heart was inexplicable: "How are you crying?"

"Nothing." Chen Xin lowered his head and wiped away the tears. "Dad, it’s here."

Chen Lao looked around and his face was puzzled: "How come to the ancestral hall?"

"Let's go in and talk about it." Chen Xin resisted his nose and took the old gentleman slowly to the hall.

Chen Lao’s face was stunned. While walking and looking around the temple, he found a white lantern hanging on the door of the temple, a wreath at the door, and yellow paper on the floor.

“Who passed away?” Chen asked, and some memories gradually emerged. “Hey, how can I seem to have been here two days...”

At the same time, the father and son stepped into the door of the temple.

Because she was afraid of scaring other people, Chen Xin had already informed the family to temporarily evade, so the empty ancestral hall was empty and showed a trace of sorrow.

Chen Lao looked up and saw a familiar black and white picture on the spiritual position in the middle of the temple.

"Hey, isn't that me?" Chen Lao stunned, went to see the tablet next to the photo, and wrote his name.

"Dad--" Chen Xin finally couldn't help but shouted out, his knees were soft, and he slammed into the face of Chen Lao.

"It turned out that I passed away." Chen Lao finally understood it completely. Perhaps it was because of a long talk with his son in one night. He didn't feel much regret at this time. He reached out and touched his son's head. "It doesn't matter, I am old enough to live."

He slowly walked to the mortuary bed in the middle of the ancestral hall and slowly closed his eyes, leaving his last sentence, "Don't be sad, my child."


After Chen Xin took Mr. Chen Lao to take over, Yu Zhengdu also turned to look at Shang Yang, and very intimately consulted him: "Boss, do you want to go home, or want me to send you home?"

Business: "..."

He turned around indifferently. "I will send you home."

Yu argues to laugh, if nothing happens to him: "Well, thank you boss."

Although the atmosphere between the two people has finally eased a little, but in order to express their own temperament has not disappeared, Shangyu has been sullen all the way, very arrogant and not arguing with Yu.

Yu Zhengdu also knows that this is an urgent matter, and it is very quiet as a chicken.

When I arrived at the place, I was separated. Yu said that I was embarrassed to say: "Boss, or else, I will go to the subsidiary office in the past two days."

It is not the same as in the daytime, and it is not in the office all day.

"No." Shang Yi refused, and he sneaked a sigh of relief. "You get my office at least once a day."

"Why?" Yu said that he was surprised. "You are not angry with me?"

"Of course angry." Shang said, "But Peggy's prenatal education can't be delayed, and she can't let her know that her father is quarreling."

Yu Zhengdu: "...???"

Is the boss's parenting story too complete?

The author has something to say: Shang Yang: Family cold war can not affect children. (Extending your index finger, you are only allowed to take so much.


The title of the title, 20 chapters of the competition with the boss when they went home to Qingming began to call Xiaoshang.

Chapter 43 is arguing that the boss is a business Xiao Kui, and the friend who does not understand the stalk Weibo search deer Xiaokui understands.

Another month has passed, time is really fast, everyone should study hard, work hard, pay attention to good health!

(I just knew that some nutrient solution will expire, some will not, but I don't know how to divide it. In short, thank you very much, please ask everyone next month)

This chapter sends 100 small red packets, thank you all friends! 2k novel reading network