MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 63 Network panic

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In history, the upper heavens often have low-ranking gods to escape to the lower bounds. In order to avoid the pursuit of the heavenly soldiers, they often have their own special hiding skills.

The skill of the music **** is to narrow itself down, secretly hide in the mortal family, and the magic is even stronger. It can even become a part of the mortal. It is attached to the mortal, and there are records in the classics. Le Shen turned himself into a polyp and hid it in the nose of a rich man.

The two tight Nairos supported by the Master of Judgment were the true gods under the throne of the Great St. Nairo, who fled to the world before the destruction of the heavens and the earth. At the beginning they hid themselves in mortal homes, but they were always inevitable. The clues were revealed, and the suspects of the hosted family were sacred. The monks and priests were asked to expel them. If they changed a lot of places, they later invited a monk to recognize that they were gods and they did not move. They took them away and used them for themselves.

Before the monk passed away, he passed the two tight Nairos to his disciple, that is, the Guess Master, who was not as good as his master, and his marketing ability was much stronger than that of his master. He suddenly saw this. The value of the two little gods, and then packed the music god, and by the name of the king of Luo, set up the tight Naojiao, and he turned into a disciple under the throne of the great tight Naro, and embarked on it. Spread the so-called tight Na Luo Fanyin, the road to swindle money.

Relying on the set of tongues of the lotus flower, and the music of the Western Heavenly Faith brought by the two little gods, the path of the missionary of the Master of the Voice is simply unfavorable and earned a lot of money.

I didn’t think of the sound, but I would meet other people who can see the real body of Nairo.

I didn't even think that the two tight Nairos said in front of the other party that they were jealous and that they were not prepared for him.

The Master of Judgment was so confused that he wanted to ask things clearly, but in front of so many believers, he could not be exposed. He was so anxious to scratch his head, and he could not say a word.

The surrounding believers waited for a long time and couldn't wait for the music of bliss. They couldn't help but face each other. Someone couldn't help but ask: "Master of sound, what is the sound of bliss?"

One person spoke, and immediately others said, "I didn't hear it? I thought it was my fate, scared me."

"I have not heard it."

"What happened? Didn't King Na Luo hear the master's request?"

Apparent Master’s face was red, and he could only hint at the scalp again: “Respected King Tiara, have you heard the requests of the believers? This is the belief you want.”

Shangyu took a look at Yan Nao: "Well?"

Tightly, Luo Luo both waved their hands: "Do not want, don't want."

Acknowledge: "..."

There are more and more people asking, and the sound is really impossible. Fortunately, he has been deceiving for many years. He is still witty on the spot, and immediately looks awkward: "Ah, it’s a little bit tight now, it’s inconvenient for everyone to drop the Sanskrit, you don’t want to Anxious, and wait for the first class."

When I heard him say this, the believers could not help but be disappointed, but there was not much suspicion. After all, the Master of Perception had really demonstrated his skills.

Only the two foreign young people completely ignored the rhetoric.

The merchant looked at the two tight Nairo indifferently and said faintly: "Come here."

"Come here, come right away." The two tight Naro immediately flew to the front of the Shangyu, and even the meaning of the sound of the sound is not there, so that it is a crisp and unrelenting.

Acknowledge: "!"

He wants to drink you back to me, but it is really loud, and his own tricks are estimated to be unstoppable.

The two tight Nairos stand in the same air as the military posture in the middle of the Shangyu. The posture is called a standard, and the sound is a bit hot.

He is usually delicious and good for these two little gods, but they have never been so respectful in front of him.

But now is not the time to worry about this, after the Shangyu called the tight Luo, the eyes fell on the sound of the sound, a smile like a smile: "Master, is not to play music?"

Acknowledge: "..."

There was a fine sweat on his forehead, and he didn't dare to talk casually. He really couldn't guess what the other person was. Why did he immediately turn around when he saw him?

But he didn't talk, but his followers couldn't watch his prestige being questioned. Someone defended him: "Did you not listen to the master? Tightly King Naro has something..."

Shang Xiao was too lazy to listen to others, only to push the two tight Na Luo to lift the chin, "play music."

"Okay." Tightly, Luo nodded quickly, then set up a cross drum, one picked up the harp and began to play crazy.

Acknowledge: "..."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The words of the believers who defended the aura were not finished, and they heard the sound of the nightmare that suddenly made them dream.

The sound of the drums and the sound of the piano, like a dream, if it is right, it falls into the ears of mortals, and suddenly makes people feel clear, only the various troubles that are entangled in the heart suddenly go away at this moment. .

Even if I had psychological preparations for a long time, I felt that my heart was fascinated by the confession of the truth. The whole person did not consciously calm down.

This kind of music is indeed rare in the world. Coupled with the mysterious ritual of the aura, it is born out of nowhere, nowhere to pursue. It is no wonder that they can hold these old people and believe that it is the sound of bliss.

To be precise, this is indeed the performance music of the Elysium World Fa Conference, but the music itself is played live, not the propaganda propaganda from the world of bliss, nor can it help everyone to eliminate sin. .

The surrounding believers showed their intoxicating expressions, and some people couldn’t help but say: "This is... the blissful Sanskrit!"

"I heard it too, it is true..."

But after a while, someone raised doubts: "This music seems to be a little anxious?"

Yu Zhengdu can not help but look at the two crazy and positive performance of the tight Luo ... ... is more anxious, it is simply nervous.

Shang Hao tightened Na Luo and lifted his eyelids: "Have you heard? Slower."

"I heard it." Tight Naro nodded quickly, then took it in his hand, and the movement of the music slowed down. The music in the air followed a slower, and it became more melodious.

At this time, some people in the believers finally found out that something was wrong. The old uncle Liu had been dragged by Liu Dazhao in front of him. He clearly understood the action of Shang Yang, and immediately asked him incredulously: "Wait a minute, this time. Is the Sanskrit sound... Are you please come out?"

In fact, many believers saw this scene, but many people began to be unsure. When they were so stunned by Uncle Liu, they couldn’t help but screamed one by one.

Someone asked the sound: "Master, is this Sanskrit yours, or is he please?"

Hearing sounds dare to answer words, but Shang Yang did not give him a retreat. In the eyes of everyone to explore, he said faintly: "Stop."

Tight Naro immediately stopped moving, and the long music stopped.

In this way, who controls this blissful sound is already clear at a glance.

Uncle Liu felt that his beliefs had been seriously affected. He looked at Shang Yang and asked: "Why can you also invite the blissful Fanyin?"

Other believers are not shocked, but also questioned to ask the sound: "Master, don't you say that the king of Narro is not available now? Why can he please come to the Sanskrit?"

"He, he... I..." Hearing the sound of walking through the rivers and lakes for many years, it was the first time he encountered such a scene that made him so helpless.

The main means by which the Naluo believes in absorbing believers is the sacred music that comes from bliss, because the voices that are unique and out of thin air make these old people believe in the rhetoric.

Nowadays, the two young people who suddenly appear have easily reproduced the Sanskrit, which proves that this sound is not unique to the sound.

It laid the foundation of the entire tight Nairobi religion, and naturally collapsed.

The old people on the scene gradually revealed doubtful eyes, waiting for the anesthesia to give an explanation.

Some people’s concerns have shifted to Yu’s struggle for them. Maybe these two young people can ask for the Sanskrit because they are also the disciples of Bodhisattva?

There are still many people who have such thoughts. Liu’s grandfather is standing in front of him, and there is Liu Dazhen’s relationship. I asked the people for doubts: “Two little brothers, I want to ask, how do you please? Come to the Sanskrit?"

When the problem came out, the most nervous thing on the scene was the perception. The two tight Nairos had completely turned their backs. If these two young people want to fake the Buddha disciples, how easy is it, he is afraid that he will gather tightly. Believers are all to be enjoyed by them.

The spirit of the voice is tense, but the merchants are too lazy to care about the thoughts of others. They hold their chests with both hands and they are very disdainful: "What is this..."

When the words were not finished, they were dragged into a cold, and they were forced to live, and they went to see him.

I saw Yu Zhengdu’s face straight and took out the mobile phone from his pocket and said to everyone: “What is this? Now the network is so developed, what music can’t be found, everyone downloads a player, and listens to what they want. To..."

Business: "..."

The unfinished words of the Shangyu all swallowed back, half a sigh, silently "hmm".

Awareness:? ? ? ? ? What are they doing!

The surrounding believers were also demented, and Liu’s entire face was pumping, and he couldn’t believe it with a sigh: “Young man, what do you say again?”

"I said -" Yu Zhengdu crossed the word to ensure that the elderly at the scene could hear it. "The Fanyin you hear can be found online..."

"Impossible!" An aunt couldn't seem to accept this blow, shouted, "The voice, I have never heard of it before."

"That's because you are not familiar with the Internet." Yu Zhengdu did not complain, patiently explained with the aunt, "Do not believe that I will show you again."

He secretly muted his mobile phone, and when he saw it, he understood his thoughts and looked at the two tight ones. He said: "Is it going to be?"

"It will be." Tight Naro chicken madly nodded like a glutinous rice.

With the ghost king supervised, Yu said that there was no fear, and looked around and smiled: "Everyone is optimistic."

"Begin." He said as he pressed a button and tightened it, and he began to play music.

Acknowledge: "..."

Originally, the old people who were suspicious of the suspects blinked and looked at each other. The aunt who just spoke up even listened to the ear and listened carefully. For a while, it was incredible to say: "Really, it is really blissful!"

Others naturally listened to it, and the sound that can be controlled by the mobile phone is exactly the same as that of the previous sound sorcerer who claimed to be hardworking and hard to please the king of the king.

I didn't expect that they would be extremely trusting. The Fanle, who did not hesitate to pay for family wealth, was actually the music on the Internet. It could be downloaded by mobile phone. For a time, everyone was looking at it, and immersed in the blow for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, and finally someone first made a sound and made a heartbreaking roar: "Well, you are an old vulture, even taking things online to fool us!"

This snoring shocked other people, and everyone responded. The most important thing to do at this time is to find the sound account.

Devout old people are the easiest to be deceived, but in the same way, when they discover the truth, it is often the most intractable group of people.

Hearing his voice, he was about to be hanged by the believers. He wouldn’t care if his tactics would be exposed. He said that they were swindling. "They are deceiving. It is not the music in the mobile phone. It is Tightly, Luo Na is playing next to him."

"Is it?" Yu Zhengdu looked at him with no expression, silently pressed the phone button, and the tight side of the Luo Luo quickly stopped to move.

Van Gogh stopped short.

Acknowledge: "..."

It is black in front of you.

In this case, the old people are completely convinced of the Yu Chengdu, and they are gnashing their teeth one by one.

Yu Zhengdu quickly yelled: "Don't do it, this is illegal!"

Where the old people swallowed this bad breath, they said: "No, you can't let this liar!"

"I can't let go, but I have to follow the law." Yu Zhengduo, "I have already called the police."

When he heard this, he suddenly became shocked and tried to get out of the crowd to escape. But it was too late, and the sound of a siren sounded outside.

Some of the relatives’ family members reported to the elderly, but they were very embarrassed. They trained these old people to help him with the wind, and immediately spread it when there was a wind and the wind, and these old people were fully guarded by him. Sometimes there is still a bit of entanglement, the police can't do anything without evidence, and every time the sensation is quickly scammed to the next place, it will stay short, and has not left too much handle for itself.

But this time he was planted thoroughly. These former believers no longer defended him. They also stood up to testify, provided many donations and transfer records, and all the evidences were obtained. The sorcerer was imprisoned and swindled. After the conviction, the money was returned to the deceived old man. The believer's dens that he gathered elsewhere were also forcibly dissolved and destroyed. The so-called tight Nairobi fell apart.

At the moment, the police took the disciples and took the confession, and invited several elderly people and their families who had been deceived to go to the police station to testify.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu are not parties. They can record their confession on the spot and do not need to go to the police station.

When the police left, the remaining old people immediately confessed to be surrounded by them, vying to lift their mobile phones and said: "Young man, how do you download the bliss Fanyin? We also want to exist in the mobile phone."

"Although the old vultures are too hateful, this music is a good thing, please teach us."

Yu Zhengdu does not change the color on the spot to make excuses: "Online music is copyrighted, can not be downloaded."

The old man doesn't understand these things about copyright, but he probably understands the meaning of Yu Zhengdu, and he is disappointed and regretful: "Can't you download it?"

"Copyright I understand, is it expensive to buy? I can spend money!"

"If I can download the Sanskrit, I am willing to pay."

Yu Zhengdu sees them so full of expectations, and some of them can't bear it. I think that the music of bliss is really moving. Even he can't help but want to listen again. The heart is a move. He said, "Let's go back and look for copyright. Let me talk about it. If you can buy the copyright, I will send it back to everyone."

"Great, that's great!" The peaks turned, the old people were overjoyed, and where they dared to have opinions, they would like to add him to WeChat. "Please ask us to talk about the copyright and send it to us quickly."

Yu Zhengdu naturally can't add all their WeChat, and finally only added the directors inside, let him help pull a group, promised to take the copyright and send it to everyone to download.

Before leaving, Yu said that he would not forget to remind everyone: "What scams are there now, if you encounter something, you should talk to your family and don't trust others."

After this incident, these old people are also worried and nodded: "It will never be again."

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu came out from the activity center together, and the two tight Nairos also followed the road with trepidation and stayed behind. When they were left unattended, the two talents changed into a normal person and looked like a business. Leaning on the road: "Little God has seen the ghost king."

Yu Zhengduo asked: "Since you are a god, why should you follow the monk to deceive?"

The two tight Nairos secretly looked at each other, and their faces were awkward, and they began to speak for a long while: "...the voice said that this can help us gain faith."

When they fled to the lower bounds, the heavens and the earth still exist. In order to avoid the Heavenly Soldiers, they had to rely on the Master of the Acoustic, and until they heard the sounds, the heavens and the earth have collapsed. They don’t have to hide again. But this time, the sounds are used again. Human faith has tempted them.

Tight Naluo is nothing but a **** of heaven, and his status is low. He used to be able to get a little incense from the King of Nagano, and even after the escape, there is no such incense, but the singer is engaged in cult propaganda. But they can bring a lot of faith to them at once, and the little gods like them are hard to resist.

"We really know the wrong, please the ghost king forgiveness." Tightly, the Luos shivered and prayed.

"Boss, how do you deal with it?"

The mistakes made by these two tight Nairos are not big, and they are not too small. They are the only gods that have not existed after the collapse of the heavens and the earth. Although they are low, they are not very well disposed of.

Shang Hao said: "Peace to the company to sweep the toilet."

Tight Naro: "..."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

The Shangyu met with the words of dissatisfaction, thought about it, and changed his mind: "You decide."

"Yes." Yu Zhandu looked at the two tight Na Luo, smiled and said, "I want to ask you both to record the music and send it to the elderly."

Tight Na Luosheng was really called to sweep the toilet, and nodded quickly: "Must be sure, we must record."

The merchants gave them a glimpse and said: "But copyright is ours."

Tight Naro: "...Yes."

The author has something to say: These two days are outside... The network is very bad, it is luck to open the computer!

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