MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 59 Purifier dispute

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Yu Zhengdu looked at Yuan Qing excitedly opened the document and began to record new development ideas. The whole person's mood was very complicated.

It seems that the path is really going to be dark on the road to industrialization of the achievements of the monasticism. Although this is not a bad thing, Taoism and other modern technologies are different, and there is a deep-rooted stereotype among the people.

For example, the Yinqi purifier that Yuanqing is not easy to develop, even in the Qinglianguan, where many believers are in the public, you may not be able to buy it.

Yu Zhengdu thought about how to sell these purifiers, and opened WeChat to send messages.

Suddenly a middle-aged Taoist wearing a gray robe rushed in and looked at them with a bad look. He said with no anger: "Yuan Qing, why are you still here? There is something wrong!"

"Hello, Master." Yuan Qing bowed to him with respect and respect, and asked, "What happened outside?"

The coming person is the younger brother of Mu Daochang, and is also the elder of the Qinglian Temple, Wu Yuping. He entered the Qinglian Temple very early, and his generation is high. However, the talents on the enlightenment are ordinary, and the daily affairs are mainly responsible for taking care of the customs in the Qing Dynasty. This is a very dissatisfied behavior that was originally a good talent but was not doing business.

"What happened?" Wu Yuping said yin and yang, "Isn't that what your purifiers are causing?"

"Ah? What happened to the purifier?" Yuan Qing had a hint of sorrow.

"What else can you do? Naturally, the people who buy it are not satisfied, and they have trouble." Wu Yuping is obviously very dissatisfied with Yuan Qing's research. When he is arguing for their face, they are not false. "You are not clear about your brain." Well, the good root bones are not good for monasticism, but they ran to engage in evil spirits. They said that the achievements of the monasticism went into thousands of households. The brothers were also unclear, and they still condoned you. This is good, something happened..."

Wu Yuping is an elder of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties. He wants to criticize. Yuan Qing did not dare to return, but he only listened with his head.

Shang Hao was very impatient and indifferently interrupted him: "Do you want to focus? So what happened?"

Wu Yuping was stunned by the cold, and there was a lot of reprimands left in his chest. He couldn’t help but scream at the Yuanqing Road: “The yin purifier that you sold to the old lady two days ago, people’s home Come over and make a return, now a bunch of pilgrims are watching jokes."

Yuan Qing’s face: “No?” He sold two purifiers in total, and there were still people returning.

This is not a tragic word to describe.

A group of people hurriedly rushed to the front hall. Yuanqing appeared very anxious along the way. Yu said that he would comfort him. "You don't worry too much. I just saw it. Nothing is wrong. We are looking at other things." Just fine."

Wu Yuping followed, and he sneered at him and greeted him with a sigh of relief: "Is your Yuan Yuanqing abandoning the monasticism and doing the messy things?"

Yuan Qing quickly said: "No, I want to do research myself..."

"Don't mention your research anymore. I think it's a joke." Wu Yuping interrupted him impatiently after Yuan Qing finished speaking. He laughed with words. "Is there something for the stuff? You didn't hear those believers." Say, what high-tech purification and exorcism, the collection of IQ tax."

Yuan Qing knew that the new product was cold, and Wu Yuping said that his face was somewhat shy, but he was still reluctant to argue: "It is inevitable that new things will encounter setbacks and mistakes in the development process..."

When Wu Yuping heard this, the fire was even bigger: "Don't tell me about your socialist concept of Taoism, it is simply not categorical..."

"The little priest said very well." Shang Hao was too lazy to give Wu Yuping a look, but praised Yuan Qing, as a ghost king who has studied professional mba courses, he now has a certain understanding of the market law, saying, "The market needs to be cultivated. Don't be discouraged by the temporary setbacks."

"Let's take your set of flicker people." Wu Yuping sarcastically grabbed the words. "There is energy, you first clear the stocks in the warehouse, the ugly words are in the front, we sold the yuan to the Yuan Qing for seven days, and sold it. Two, let alone I am deliberately martyrdom, you have to be able to sell dozens of units..."

When he said half of it, he saw the wording and looked up and asked: "Yuanqing, can you send a courier?"

Yuan Qing is not clear, but still nodded: "Yes."

"Then I will send you an order list for you, you can deliver the goods to the customer according to the above address." Yu Zhandu put away the mobile phone, said, "just sold more than 200 purifiers."

Wu Yuping: "..." suddenly caught.

The eyes of Yuan and Qing are also a glimpse: "So much?"

"Not much." Yu Zhengdu laughed, he just sent the new product introduction to Luo Feng's VIP customers, this group of people is economically affluent, not to mention whether there is any effect, that is, the brand against Luofeng will also Do not hesitate to order, "These are first tried. Some customers say that if the effect is good, they will purchase a batch of gifts at the end of the year."

He patted the shoulder of Yuan Qing: "So don't worry too much, although you can't sell it, but the inventory pressure is not big."

Yuan Qing just revived a little: "Okay."

Wu Yuping: "..."

He reluctantly snorted: "It is not a skill to sell, but you have to make sure that people don't return without looking for it. I think you should solve the troubles outside."

When Wu Yuping came out, Yu Chengdu quickly looked at Shangyu, and he was prepared to make a good appeasement. According to Shanghao’s strong heart, this time it is estimated that he should be ridiculed.

However, he said that Shang Xiao only smiled softly and turned his head to whisper and said: "He is not convinced that he is so funny."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." I don't know if it is an illusion. I always feel that the boss's mood seems to be very good these days.

Then again... the boss actually laughed at the others and refused to accept the loss. It was really double-labeled.

Wu Yuping on the one side: "...!!" Although the other party is not ridiculed in person, he listened, arrived, and!


A few people rushed to the front hall, and saw a man of about 30 years old sitting in the room, his face screaming, a smoldering purifier on his feet, and a Taoist child pouring water on him.

And a group of people outside the temple, is looking at the inside and looking inside.

When the boy saw them, he quickly ran over and whispered the situation.

This man is called Bohai, and his family lives near Qinglianguan. His mother is a very devout pilgrim. She often goes to Qinglian Guanli, and is the only one who has bought a gas purifier.

Bohai himself doesn't quite believe this, but the old lady used to pay a few dollars, and he just closed his eyes and didn't want to make this embarrassment worse. He actually spent thousands of dollars and bought a name called "yin gas." The things of the purifier went back, and Bohai couldn’t sit still. In his opinion, this was no different from those of the old people who bought health supplements. So when they were on holiday, they took this purifier on Qinglianguan. coming.

Coincidentally, just in time to catch up with Mu Daochang’s lectures, the crowd of people was surging. He came to the door and suddenly attracted a lot of attention. Although Dao Tong promptly invited him to the temple, things have already spread. If things cannot be handled well today, it is estimated that the reputation of Qinglianguan will be dragged down.

Yuan Qing did not expect to sell a vaginal purifier to attract so many things, and quickly entered the hall, and worshipped the sea, asked: "This layman, I am the developer of the yin purifier, Yuan Qing, listen Say you are not satisfied with the purifier, what is the situation?"

Bohai has just sent a round of temper, but now it is calm down, only cold and cold: "Nothing, want to return."

This is the meaning of not cooperating.

Yuanqing is somewhat helpless, and returning is a trivial matter, but now many people are waiting to see the results. If you don’t make the reasons clear, people will only think that there is something wrong with Qinglian.

However, Yu Zhengdu has been able to calmly deal with various customer problems, and immediately smiled and said: "This gentleman, return is not a problem, but you have to give a reason, so we can improve."

Bohai suddenly saw a young man wearing a sweater with a style that was incompatible with Qinglian. Some people did not ask: "Who are you?"

“I am the future employee of Jinglu.” Yu Zhengdu handed over a business card. “The purifier is produced by our company and Qinglianguan.”

When Bohai took the business card and looked at it, he immediately sneered: "I said that Qinglianguan suddenly came out with such a thing. It turned out to be a cooperation with a liar company."

Yu Zhengdu has seen more of this situation. It is called calmness. Even the curvature of the smile has not changed. I am not humble and say: "This gentleman, if you have doubts, I can explain the principle of the purifier, please also Don't be so subjective and underground."

"You don't need me to tell me what principle." Bohai, who is familiar with the routine, kicked the purifier in the ground and said, "Your methods are clear to you, just say a few values ​​to the machine." It is the concentration of yin gas. After a while, the data is turned down, and it is said that the purification is successful."

He stood up and taunted: "But you want to use this to make money, so you can make the product a decent one. At the very least, make the above data index realistic. If you pass the quality check, then sell it, don't sell it. My mom is the same, the displayed values ​​are beyond the scope of the specification."

When the Bohai Sea came out, Yuan Qing was a glimpse. He said subconsciously: "Impossible, this purifier sold to the old lady is personally checked by me. The function is normal."

Because the purifier sold a total of two units, Yuanqing especially cherished these two hard-won customers, and checked it before shipment to ensure that there were no quality problems.

"There is less garlic." Hai Haixiao laughed. "This machine can have more than one data not set. Do you not claim that this thing can purify the yin? How did it put it in our house for a few days, the concentration index did not drop at all? Down, even my mom can see that there is something wrong with you. It’s really a laugh."

Bohai thought that he had left the money and left. As soon as he saw the Yuanqing defense, he suddenly came to the air again. This passage deliberately raised the voice, and those who were outside the temple heard it.

When Yuan Qing saw it, there were a lot of people pointing out and not knowing how much he listened. He wanted to explain it, but at the moment he couldn’t figure out what went wrong and he could only be anxious.

Wu Yuping was so angry that she was afraid of things getting bigger and bigger. She quickly came forward and accompanied her with a smile: "Mr. Hey, look at it, we will return it to you..."

Suddenly speaking, he said suddenly: "Mr. Hey, this situation is not necessarily a problem for our machine."

Bohai sneered: "What else can it be?"

Yu Zhengdu looked at him and smiled: "Maybe you are hitting a ghost."

Bohai: "..."

other people:"……"

When you say such words, can you not be so relaxed!

Bohai almost went wrong, and after thinking about it, he laughed again and deliberately went to the door and attracted a large number of people to surround him. This raised his voice: "You are too ridiculous in this Taoist temple. The old man bought this useless thing. Now it’s not easy to pick up the tail. Instead, I made an excuse for me to hit the ghost. Do you believe that I went to the Consumer Protection Association to complain to you?"

When he said this, there was a whisper around him. Some people who had seen the first half of the plot earlier enthusiastically gave the next person a popular science situation. In combination with the words of the Bohai Sea, everyone’s attitude has a tendency at once, although they are all The pilgrims of Qinglianguan, but they can't get used to the priests to collect money. For a time, everyone looks at Yuanqing and their eyes are a bit different.

Wu Yuping was so anxious that he was sweating on his forehead. He had to go up and advise the Bohai Sea. Yu Wei had already stepped forward and said, "Mr. Hey, I see, let’s go to your house and have a look."

Before the reprimand of Bohai, Yu Zhengdu added: "This is a free after-sales service. If it proves that there is something wrong with our machine, we will return it to you unconditionally, and publicly apologize to you. How can you tell us outside, we will I recognize it, how are you looking?"

In the heart of the Bohai Sea, I was actually unwilling. It was too much trouble to go back to the house to check out the goods. However, in order to make the face of Qinglianguan, he deliberately made such a large number of people in front of him. Sincerely, if this does not agree, it seems that he is guilty of loss.

Bohai thought, anyway, his family is not far from this. If you take a trip, you will take a trip. If you can kill it, you can just rely on the ground to rub the Qinglian view on the ground.

Wu Yuping is simply mad, and he said, "You are crazy? This is a joke about the reputation of Qinglianguan..."

Yu Zhengduo: "Wu Daochang, if this matter is not clear today, is the reputation of Qinglianguan all right?"

Wu Yuping was dumb, indeed, so many people have seen it, unless it proves that the purifier is no problem, otherwise the stain will not be cleaned no matter how good they are.

But in the end, the real problem is that there should be no purifiers at all.

Wu Yuping was so angry that she had a chest pain. It was very easy to be able to cross the battle. She exchanged a look with Shangyu and went out with Yuanqing and Bohai.

They walked out of Qinglian, and several people from the Eight Diagrams Point followed for a while and whispered privately.

"They really go?"

"It’s all like this, don’t go.”

"Then they have finished checking, will they come back to tell everyone the results?"

"What do you say? Eighty percent of the things that haven't been seen, the picture is on the face."

"How is this Qinglian view, how does Mu Daochang let the following people sell this kind of thing, is this to lose the reputation?"

"Oh, what's so strange, what Taoist temples are not commercialized now."

"That can't be so ugly..."

The Bohai Dabu meteor is ahead of the road, and I will not forget to add to them. I will give you some tips first. My family, relatives, friends, colleagues, and I have not died recently. Even the accident has not happened. I also I haven’t been to any evil place. The house has been in residence for more than ten years. It’s impossible to be a haunted house, and I’m never going outside to pick up things. In such a situation, you’ll have to make excuses to make a fuss. I want to see if you can make something new..."

It seems that Bohai did a little homework before returning the goods, and analyzed and eliminated all kinds of possibilities in the folklore.

As soon as he said this, the Yuan and Qing Dynasties were a little nervous. They whispered and Yu said: "In this case, there should be no possibility of attacking evil. Is it really a problem with our machines?"

"Do not worry." Yu Zheng took a shot on his shoulder, but there was some doubt in his heart. He whispered to him, "What is this person, is it really not a ghost?"

Shang Hao’s face doesn’t matter: “Take him, anyway, he must hit the ghost today.”

Yu Zhengdu: "... promise me, you don't want to go out."

Shangyu looked at him and suddenly evoked an imperceptible smile: "Yes, I promise you."

Yu Zhengdu: ... he noticed!

The Bohai Sea is still ridiculing: "Do you have any other situations in which you have sinned evil spirits? I will give you a reference in advance so that I don't have to wait for the specific situation of my family. It would be too embarrassing..."

At this time, they had already arrived at the gate of Qinglianguan. When Bohai said that he stepped out of the building, he suddenly stopped his footsteps and said: "No, we already know what happened?"

Bohai’s footsteps thought that it was his own ridicule that made them reluctant to retreat. The tone could not help but despise: “Why, do you give up so quickly? Or can you make other excuses?”

"No, Mr. Hey, we already know what evil you have hit." Yu Zhengdu looked at his feet and asked, "Do you know a yellow dog?"

Ouhai Wenyan frowned and asked: "What dog?"

Yu Zhengdu looked straight at a place at his feet, his hands opened wider than a posture: "A yellow soil dog, probably so big, there is a white spot on the right front leg, and the left ear is missing a piece..."

As he described it, Bohai’s face gradually showed an incredible expression. When he talked about his ears, he finally couldn’t help but rushed up and grabbed the wrist of Yu’s fight: “It’s a US dollar, you’ve seen it. US dollar bill! Where is it?"

Shang Yan reached out from the side and opened his hand and said coldly: "The bill is in the bank, don't move it."

There was a trace of sputum on the face of the Bohai Sea, but it was still difficult to conceal the excitement. The original arrogance also disappeared. He said: "The US dollar bill is a garden dog I have raised. I suddenly disappeared two months ago. I have not found it for a long time. Excuse me, where did you see it? Could you take me to find it?"

Yu Zhengdu sighed and his eyes still looked at the feet of the Bohai Sea: "It is by your side."

Just as Bohai came out of the door of Qinglianguan, there was a yellow big dog's sorrow rushing over and around him to turn around.

Look at this situation, I am afraid that this time, this big dog has been with the Bohai Sea, it is no wonder that the concentration index of the purifier will continue to go down.

In the Taoist temple, there is a divine belief in asylum, and the evil spirits can't get in, so when the sea enters the Qinglian view, the big dog has to wait outside to wait for him.

At this time, the big dog seems to have found that Yu Zhengdu can see himself, and screaming at him with his head screaming.

Yu argues that he is in front of the big dog, and he has a little pity in his eyes: "It is getting older."

If Bohai had some doubts, he couldn’t help but tear it down: "Yes, the US dollar bill is very old, and some people can’t recognize the road. It should be lost in this way..."

"Not lost." Shangyu looked at the big dog and said faintly, "I ran."

"Running by yourself?" A trip to the sea, no question, "Impossible, the US dollar has been with me for many years, and will not be willing to leave me..."

Shang Yang: "I don't want to be willing to give up, it's life."

The sea was dumb, and suddenly I understood it.

He has raised the bill for many years and naturally knows the dog's habits. Many loyal dogs will choose to leave the master before the end of their lives, and will not let the owner see that he is dead.

But I did not expect that the US banknotes were too deep in the mourning of the master. Before the end of the dying, they avoided the Bohai Sea. After the death, the soul was still kept by his side as if he was alive.

The tears in the sea can no longer stop falling: "US dollar bills, US dollar bills -"

Big dog: "Hey--"


In Qinglian Guanli, Mu Daochang just finished the lecture and came out from the main hall under the crowd of a group of people. Wu Yuping quickly followed up and couldn’t wait to invite him to the side and said something about the talent. He was very saddened: "Senior brother, you can't let the Yuanqing go so noisy anymore, or the reputation of Qinglianguan will be followed soon..."

Mu Daochang did not expect a purifier to make such a big thing, and thought: "Xiao Yuju Shi, their company is very professional, maybe there is a misunderstanding on the customer side, or wait and see..."

"How do you still believe in the two people, they are swearing and confusing people!" Wu Yuping must be anxious to die. "Brother, you didn't see how the squatter had just made trouble. It just ruined our faces. Do you have to take the opportunity to stand up and wait for the layman to come back, things can't be cleaned up!"

Mu Daochang was amazed: "Is it so serious?"

Wu Yuping smashed the iron: "It is much more serious than this. If you don't believe you look at the pilgrims outside, are you pointing at us?"

Mu Daochang looked out, and the outside was really a group of pilgrims coming over here, whispering around, faintly can hear words such as "purifier", "true and false", one face There is also the color of surprise.

Wu Yuping’s anxiety is a bit like this. It’s a gesture: “Brother, look!”

Mu Daochang’s face is awe-inspiring. His heart is naturally inclined to be a metaphor for Yu and Yuan Qing. It is not a simple question of right and wrong.

On the occasion of the war between the heavens and the humans, the pilgrims who spoke outside were suddenly separated on both sides, letting out a small road, and then seeing Yuan Qing lead the sea, and the sea could not live: "Yuanqing Daochang, Please be sure to arrange the best tactics for the US dollar bill..."

Yuan Qing nodded: "You can rest assured that my master is very deep..."

Looking forward at the seaside, when I saw Mu Daochang, I was overjoyed and shouted: "Mu Daochang, have you finished the lecture? It’s great!"

Wu Yuping saw a stretch of body, as if he was a big enemy, said: "Brother, this is the squatter."

Mu Daochang looked awkward and quickly went forward: "You are worried, you can discuss the things of the purifier..."

Bohai quickly interrupted him: "No, no, no need to discuss."

Wu Yuping suddenly became more nervous: "What do you want?"

"I didn't want to think about it..." The face of Bohai was a bit embarrassed, but the attitude of confessing was still good. He bowed respectfully and said, "Mu Daochang, this purifier you have is really good, it is high-tech. Technology, I will not retreat this one, and I have to buy another one to go back and give away."

Mu Daochang: "..."

Mu Daochang turned his head and looked at Wu Yuping doubtfully.

Wu Yuping: "..."

How can the young people now be so unshakable, and the position actually changes!

The author has something to say: Mu Daochang: I know that scientific monasticism can not be wrong!

Controversy: How did the boss talk so well these two days? ! 2k novel reading network

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