MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 32 Prefecture subsidiary

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Yu Xingdu said that the willingness is actually just a skinny. It is not just that his mother called to mention the air purifier with him. He did not resist the urge to marry the two leaders.

I didn't expect him to export. The two leaders didn't get caught by him. Instead, they showed a thoughtful look. Yuan Qing was even more stunned. He said: "Mr. Xiao Yu is a talent in the high-tech industry. The brain is flexible, I never thought about it before..."

Mu Daochang also deeply nodded and said: "If we can develop a gas purifier, then our believers can exorcise themselves at home, instead of having to ask people to come to the door every time. It is indeed a result that can make the monastic achievements. A good way to spread faster."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Wait, the two leaders, you used to think that this is not the case, can you not accept it so quickly and so naturally?

He silently turned his attention to the business, hoping to find a little resonance from the boss, and it was just that he was watching him. The two looked at each other. Shanghao immediately showed a proud smile: "It is our company's cto, This idea is very good."

Yu Zhengdu:==

Yu Zhengdu: "... Wait, when will I become cto?"

Shang Hao lifted his chin: "Now."

Yu Zhengdu: "...the line."

Anyway, the small company is a total of two living people, and what title is not the same job.

However, the attitude of the two leaders and businessmen made him realize that his suggestion that he did not mention it may not be realized. Although he only held a joke when he spoke, but after seriously discussing it, he still felt that there was still something. Feasibility.

Yu Zhengdu usually likes to study new things. He has extensive knowledge of new technologies. He also learned about smart home appliances when he was a university. He also has some understanding of the principles of simple smart home appliances. Therefore, he thinks a little bit in his mind. There are some ideas.

For example, the function of this negative purifier can fully utilize some of the principles of the current air purification technology. There are more than two kinds of light that he can immediately think of.

One is the adsorption purification type technology, which mainly installs a motor, a fan and a filter in a machine to circulate indoor air, and the contaminated substance in the air is adsorbed or removed through the filter to achieve purification.

The other is the active purification type, the principle is different from that of the adsorption type. It is free from the limitation of the fan and the filter screen, and instead releases the sterilization factor to the air actively, and through the air diffusion, it reaches the indoor corner to achieve sterilization. Purification.

Yu Zhandu talked about the knowledge he had learned and several people present. Yuan Qing immediately said the same thing: "Hey, I think this type of adsorption can be."

Seeing everyone seeing the past, Yuan Qing has been quite busy and said: "According to the principle of Yu Ge, this adsorption type mainly depends on the filter in the machine. In fact, we have many methods to eliminate disasters. As long as the instrument is slightly modified, the device is placed in the machine, and the fan is used to let the air pass through the machine. It is not natural to be eliminated by the device."

... This is called Yuge.

Yu Zhengdu is also not good at this time to remind him that his age is estimated to be smaller than him, just nod his head: "I think so too."

However, there are some sorrows on the face of Yuan Qing: "But this is simple to say. It is not so easy to achieve it."

This involves two characteristics of the Taoist implement. Once the implement and the filter are different, they are not so well produced. They must be installed on the machine like the filter. They also need to undergo rigorous research and design. Second, the Taoist method The device can exorcise evil spirits. In the end, it still borrows the power of heaven and earth and the power of ghosts and gods. This is the reason why it is really difficult to be copied. Because every time you borrow, you need the monks to carry out the Faculty of Law. Please borrow the gods.

Yu Yuduo listened, thought a little, said: "Look back, I try to write a startup program, and strive to let the user automatically realize the function of the ritual as soon as the program is opened..."

He said that he couldn't help but ridicule the two leaders: "If you open the app, you can sound the voice of Mu Daochang's own chanting..."

Mu Daochang: "..."

When they discussed the feasibility of developing a gas purifier, Yang Xin was silently drinking alcohol.

As a businessman who is good at entertainment and is good at socializing, Yang Xin is the absolute focus of this kind of occasion. Especially today, this meal is still made by him. Under normal circumstances, he must be guided by the whole topic.

But after waiting for a meal to finish, he couldn’t insert it in one sentence.

This is not to blame him. It is really a topic that is discussed by a few other people. It’s too sci-fi... It’s too scientific... ah, it’s not right...

Anyway, it is too hard core, he can't keep up with it!

Yang Xin’s whole journey jumped back and forth between metaphysics and science. At the end of the day, he looked at the original heart. He was prepared to inherit the path of Mu Dao’s long clothes. Chang Yuanqing couldn’t wait to take out his mobile phone and sign up for the online course of the principle of smart home appliances. And soft-hardened hard foam to let Yu Zhengdu promise to jointly develop with him, and Mu Daochang expressed great agreement on this...

Yang Xin felt that he had a new understanding of the world in a short meal.


After returning from Chuandong, Yu Zhandu’s work was one more – to develop a gas purifier together with Yuanqing.

However, this work he did not intend to do it himself. This is not the main business of their company. What they can't do is just to add icing on the cake. Secondly, there is really no time. After several discussions with Zheng Yan, he has designed the life and death. The prototype of the book program will soon begin formal development work.

He pondered that the development of the sulphur purifier work still has to recruit two professional people to do it, and the official development of the life and death book also requires more programmers to participate.

However, this time I can no longer use Luo Feng’s name to recruit. After all, Luo Feng’s limitations in hiring employees are too great. Let’s not say how difficult it is to recruit people who are willing to work with ghosts. The labor contract is also a big pit. It is a restriction on the laborers, and it is not for them. If you encounter an unsatisfied employee, you can't resign if you want to quit.

After discussing with Shangyu, he finally decided to register a subsidiary in his name, and moved all the business outside the main functions of the government to the subsidiary. The labor contract was also changed to two sides. The ghost and Luofeng signed the contract. Then sign in the subsidiary.

After setting the plan, Shangyu called Lu Lingxi to explain her related matters concerning the registration of the subsidiary.

Lu Lingxi listened to his face and tried to confirm with the boss repeatedly: "Where to register in the name of Yu Yudu?"

Shang Yan looked at her inexplicably and asked: "Is there any problem?"

Lu Lingxi: "..."

How is the boss so confident? Isn't the problem obvious?

She originally thought that the problem was very big, but when she was asked by the boss, the tone suddenly weakened and whispered: "The competition only signed a one-year contract with us, let him be the legal representative of the subsidiary. What should I do after the year?"

Of course, the business manager said: "Renewal."

Lu Lingxi: "..." She actually wants to ask, how do you know that he will renew his contract?

Besides, even if he can renew his contract, are you so confident in handing over the subsidiary to him?

Lu Lingxi had a stomach problem, but under the firm gaze of the boss, he did not ask one. He said weakly: "I know, I will do it."

Out of the Shang Yang office, she was still a bit uneasy, and ran to find Yu Yu to confirm.

Yu Chengdu’s answer is actually much more: “... The question is, can the company be able to take on this important task besides me, and other living people?”

There is no reason to choose him. But the main body of the subsidiary must be a live talent, so that the new employee’s labor contract is a contract between people. There is no risk of breach of contract. Now the whole Luofeng is The two live people... I want to come and think, Yu is still the only choice.

Lu Lingxi actually wants to ask: How is your dedication so strong?

However, she did not dare to ask for the exit. She only quickly completed the formalities, and rented another place in the Science Park as the office of the subsidiary, and then began to recruit people.

Because the company's value-added business unit began to make money, it was not as tight as the salary increase. Although it is not enough to save money, it is not too big a problem to ask for employees who can pass through several levels.


The business of opening a subsidiary is in full swing, and the business is not idle. Seeing that the company is going to be bigger and stronger, he only has to play games every day, and the days of managing more than a dozen ghosts are about to return. He is very I am motivated... I have reported an mba online course and started to learn the modern management knowledge systematically. I hold a small book at a fixed time every day and sit in front of the computer, taking notes elegantly.

He even does financial analysis reports!

However, Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu had not had time to catch their breath, and Chen Sizhen came to the door again.

Not long ago, Chen Sizhen’s father was riddled with the ghost, and finally Yu Yudu and Shang Hao shot, for him to set up a man behind him behind the scenes, but also won the demon road of the other party, rescued the detainee The ghost of materialist Hao Wentao.

After the help of Hao Wentao, Chen’s father countered the person behind him who was murdering him, Yao Ning’s boss, and Liu Ning’an failed to fight back because of the devil’s failure. He has lost his strength in the past few months. Chen’s father is very proud of his business.

Originally, Chen Jia thought that this matter had to be turned over. I didn’t expect that a girl with a big belly suddenly came to the door two days ago. She claimed to be the mistress of Liu Ning’an who was outside, and she asked Chen Dad with a tear in her nose. How to save her.

Chen’s people are all stunned. They don’t understand what it is all about. Why did Liu Ning’s foster mistress ask them to save?

Originally Chen did not want to care about her, but the girl did not hurry to go, after being dragged away by the security guards of the community, today went to the door of Chen Dad’s company to cry, a pregnant woman at the company’s door is like a non-stop Yes, Chen’s father had no choice but to take her to her home.

But the girl refused to say what happened to her. She kept saying that it was because Chen Dad’s fight over Liu Ning’an had only let her go to a dead end. In any case, please ask Chen Dad to let her go.

Where does Chen Jia know what this is? There is no way. I can only stabilize the girl first, and let Chen Sizhen hurry to ask for a dispute and discussion.

It’s also inexplicable to listen to this thing, but I thought that Liu Ning’s previous demon law was strong and strong, and there was no hesitation. He didn’t dare to care about it. He went to Chen’s car and went to Chen’s house. .

When I arrived at Chen's home, I saw a young girl with a big belly sitting in the living room crying. Chen Dad and Chen Sijie looked at each other and were a little overwhelmed.

When I saw them entering the house, Chen’s father suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up and greeted him: “Mr. Shang, Mr. Xiao Yu, you are finally here.”

The crying girl saw Chen Dad so solemn, she looked up and looked at the two of them. The eyes were a bit stunned. As if I didn’t understand this time, Chen Dad asked two young people to do something.

Yu Zhengdu and Chen Dad said hello, then crossed him to see the girl.

The girl is very young, at most twenty look up, looks very delicate, long and straight black hair draped on the sides of the pointed cheeks, the whole face is more slender, her body is tall and slender, arms and thighs Looking at a few flesh, only one belly is round and round, like a bowling at any time.

Yu is inexplicably, and she feels that her stomach is too big, as if a huge sarcoma is on her waist, the whole ratio is wrong.

Chen Dad introduced: "This is Miss Gao Yun, she said she is the victim of the failure of the law..."

The girl named Gao Yun looked over, a pair of big eyes swollen like a walnut, hands clasped on the sofas on both sides, cried: "Mr. Chen, what is the use of these two people? You let that person The master of fighting is coming."

Chen Dad was about to explain, and he saw Shang Shang casually glaring at her, faintly opening: "Off belly fairy."

Gao Yun had to complain, and as soon as he heard this, his eyes suddenly rounded up, his hands on both sides kept shaking, and he trembled and asked: "You, you... how do you know?"

Chen did not understand a few people, but he also realized that Gao Yun’s reaction was very unusual. Chen’s father suddenly felt nervous: “What?”

Shang Yan’s gaze fell on Gao Yun’s stomach and said indifferently: “In her belly, a baby spirit is closed.”

A few people in Chen’s family noticed that from the time they entered the door, the hands were always on both sides. Her stomach was so heavy and so heavy that she never hugged.

The author has something to say: The working principle of the purifier is from the knowledge of the investigation, and try to move closer to science...

But most of them are still compiled, so just look at it casually, don't be too serious!

Write this paragraph of my mood and Yang Xin almost, jump back and forth _ (: 3 ∠)