MTL - Natural Fairy Species-Chapter 236 Make it big

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  Chapter 236 Bigger

   "No, the disciples of Sword Sect must have a more efficient way to find the third-order flying sword... This kind of efficiency is too low, and there is no time at all."

  Bai Zichen stopped his hands, and hundreds of sword mounds behind him were dug up, all of which were empty.

  In the introduction about the secret realm of the Sword Tomb, no one has ever mentioned the secret of finding the third-order flying sword in the second floor.

  He soon discovered that this stupid method of digging through the past one by one seemed a little unworkable.

   "The fourth-level flying sword has a spirit, so it can choose its own master... The third-level flying sword has not reached that level, unless..."

  Bai Zichen raised his head sharply, and felt a chilling Gengjin aura coming from the east of him, rushing straight into the sky.

  Ding Ling clang, countless broken weapons on the ground were blown away, falling down like ears of rice.

   It seemed to be a signal, followed by several bursts of peaceful or fiery sword energy.

  The entire land of Sword Tomb was turned into a mess.

  Thousands of feet away, a crimson sword light soared into the sky, turning into a handsome fire phoenix.

  After going around the field, it returned to a flying sword with a slender sword body, layers of fireworks flowing, and a phoenix feather wrapped around the hilt.

  Bai Zichen pushed his physical strength to the limit, and his body showed a ghost.

   When he arrived, he saw the Fire Phoenix Flying Sword falling into the hands of a black-faced monk with a long beard.

   "Haha, I'll take a step first and wait for you brothers and sisters on the third floor!"

  The long-bearded black-faced monk was holding the Fire Phoenix Flying Sword, his robe was scorched, and his palms were smoking.

  Laughing loudly, a black flame rolled over, moving him away.

   "It turns out that Tianhe Jianzong still has this kind of method. No wonder more than 70% of the third-order flying swords in the secret realm for nearly a thousand years have fallen into the hands of Jianzong's disciples!"

  A foreign monk arrived a step late and shouted angrily.

   Although the second floor of the Sword Tomb Secret Realm is a place of absolute spirit, it is impossible to use any mana.

  However, Tianhe Jianzong has obviously developed a method that does not require mana, but can stimulate sword energy under certain circumstances.

  Through the sword energy condensed by Daoist Jiedan, the third-order flying sword hidden deep in the ground is stimulated to react.

  Bai Zichen ignored this person, turned and left.

   "Rely on external force, so what treasure can I have that can trigger the flying sword..."

   After checking all the items in the storage bag, he finally set his sights on the sea of ​​Qi in his dantian.

  Qihai Lingye is now overflowing with abundance, almost reaching its limit.

  The drops of liquid mana flowed slowly, almost as viscous as a slurry, not far from transforming into true essence.

  The two treasures of Ziwei Xuanlei Sword Embryo and Nine Suns Divine Fire Mirror were immersed in the bottom of the spirit liquid, but there was no trace of them.

  Only when the Leimang and small pieces at the corners are reflected into dark red spiritual liquid every once in a while, their existence can be proved.

"In terms of their rank, the flying swords in the entire Sword Tomb Secret Realm are not as good as Ziwei Dazzling Thunder Sword Embryo... Although they have fallen to the third level at present, as long as they can emit a trace of sword energy, they will definitely shake the flying swords hidden deep in the entire Sword Tomb. sword."

  A ray of sword energy from Daoist Jiedan can achieve the effect that Ziwei Xuanlei Sword Embryo, whose rank is far above it, cannot fail to do so.

  The only thing to worry about is whether or not I can summon Ziwei Dazzling Thunder Sword Embryo.

  Ziwei Dazzling Thunder Sword Embryo fell into Bai Zichen's sea of ​​energy for decades, limited by his shallow cultivation, the effect of warming it is very general.

  In the middle, because he was seriously injured, Ziwei Dazzled Thunder Sword Embryo was passively stimulated again, and he fell into a deep sleep.

   "I have to try once, I can't just leave empty-handed..."

  Bai Zichen made up his mind, the spiritual liquid surged in the sea of ​​qi, and rushed madly towards Ziwei's dazzled thunder sword fetus.

   Mana cannot be used outside, but it will not be restricted in its own dantian.

  The surface of the overflowing spiritual liquid lake dropped rapidly, and soon the Jiuyang Shenhuojian, which was on the edge, was exposed first.

   After another moment, the crape myrtle dazzled thunder sword fetus also appeared in front of my eyes.

  Compared to before, the rayman color seems to be brighter.

  At the same time, the spiritual consciousness kept trying to connect with Ziwei Xuanleijian, and passed on his thoughts.


   Right at the moment when the surface of the spiritual liquid lake was about to dry up and his mana was exhausted, Bai Zichen saw Ziwei suddenly turn over.

  When I touched my own spiritual consciousness, there was a feeling of laziness and unwillingness to move.

   It seems that there is still a trace of blame and complaint mixed in.

  A sword energy as thin as gossamer separated from Ziwei Xuanlei's body, and rushed out from his little finger along Bai Zichen's meridians.

   Completely ignored the spirit-forbidden law on the second floor of the Sword Tomb Secret Realm, and turned into a gossamer thunder light to circle around happily.

   Immediately, it dissipated into the air without a trace.

   "Is this the end?"

  Bai Zichen was taken aback for a moment, he spent so much effort, and the Ziwei Dazzling Thunder Sword fetus that he finally pushed came to such a result?

  But soon, he noticed something was wrong.

  After the thunder light dissipated, invisible fluctuations spread to the outside world, and the scope was beyond imagination.

  In an extremely far place, there was a cheerful sword cry.

   Afterwards, the entire Sword Tomb shook violently.

  All the weapons were pressed to the ground, and fell down in unison, as if they were welcoming their king.

   A touch of Yuehua that cannot be described in words appeared at the end of the line of sight, and the next moment Yuehua had crossed the entire sword mound and came to Bai Zichen's side.

  It was a touch of moonlight that was enough to cover the brilliance of the scorching sun, so that there was only silver in his vision, without other colors.

  Bai Zichen felt that the soft moonlight in front of him actually contained unimaginable power.

  I am like a solitary boat floating on the sea, which will be submerged by the stormy waves at any time, and I can't even stir up a splash.

   "The movement of Ziwei's Xuanlei Sword Embryo seems to be a bit big..."

  Based on Bai Zichen's state of mind, he was a little dumbfounded at the moment.

  I just want to see if I can unleash a third-tier flying sword, and how to directly attract the last fourth-tier flying sword in the secret realm of Sword Tomb.

  This appearance posture is similar to the aura that Yan Yuanzai vaguely felt on the Xingyao Sword in his hand.

  If by this time he still can't realize that the moonlight in front of him is transformed by a fourth-order flying sword, he is really a sword cultivator in vain.

  The moonlight in the sky shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a gleaming flying sword with no specific shape, which was thrown into his hands like a swallow returning to its nest.

  A very clear feeling of admiration came, that kind of joy, the joy of reunion after a long absence was beyond words.

   It's like a young child meeting his long-lost elder brother.

  Without refining, Bai Zichen immediately learned about the flying sword.

  Yuexuan sword, the whole body is white, the cold moonlight radiates, there is no specific shape, it depends on the user's mind.

  It can absorb the power of the lunar star, display the moonlight explosion, and freeze the soul in the middle.

   "Fourth-order flying sword, Yuexuan sword."

  Bai Zichen waved lightly, and the Yuexuan sword did not resist, as if commanded by his arm, he threw out a trail of moonlight.

  Although due to his cultivation, it is impossible for him to really use Yuexuan Sword now.

  But this kind of cooperation, even Yan Yuanzai, who has successfully formed alchemy, could not achieve it with Xingyao Sword after decades of work.

  Yuexuanjian's admiration was certainly not aimed at him, and his kendo talent was not so high that the fourth-order flying sword was condescending, so he ran directly from the third floor of the secret realm to the second floor to agree with him.

  Bai Zichen has a clear self-awareness about this.

  The source of all this can only come from the laziness in the dantian qi sea, and the crape myrtle dazzles the thunder sword fetus who dismisses it.

"It turns out that the ancient secret realm in Black Mountain and the secret realm of Beiyuan Sword Tomb come from the same source... Judging from the performance of Ziwei Xuanlei Sword Embryo and Yuexuan Sword, the secret realm in Montenegro is where the sword immortals of the upper realm really left their legacy .”

  In Bai Zichen's heart, the value of the ancient secret realm explored and harvested by himself and Lu Song has once again increased to a higher level.

  Try to put Yuexuanjian into the sea of ​​Qi, without any resistance, Yuexuanjian obediently obeys.

  It was so obedient that people couldn't believe that this was a living fourth-order flying sword.

  In the sea of ​​air, Yuexuanjian condensed into a crescent moon shape, obediently surrounding Ziwei Xuanleijian embryo.

  Bai Zichen felt absurd, at this moment Yuexuanjian was like a puppy jumping up and down.

  Ziwei Dazzling Thunder Sword Embryo just shook the sword body slightly, which was counted as a response.

   returned to the state of sleep again.

   At the moment when the Yuexuan sword merged into Bai Zichen's dantian sea of ​​energy, the entire secret realm of the Sword Tomb shook like the sky was falling apart.

  Especially the third layer of the secret realm, which is the core area, is collapsing rapidly.

  Ten black flames appeared and fell on each of the testers.

  The black light flickered, and there was no one in the secret realm.


   "The sword energy I separated was activated, hoping to attract flying swords of the same attribute..."

  Suo Qian's face moved, as if he had sensed something.

   "Brother Suo has really put in a lot of thought into his disciples. This method of separating the sword energy to escape the restriction of the secret realm will damage the natal flying sword, and it will not come back without ten years of nurturing."

   Tang Yuan shook his head lightly. He was alone, with no disciples or relatives, so he couldn't understand this approach.

   "Hehe, I'm not the only one... the few disciples who entered the secret realm, almost all of them begged for a sword energy."

  For so many years, Suo Qian knew Tang Yuan's character very well, and didn't take his words seriously.

   "Even if she is as cold as Junior Sister Song, because she owed the Gong family a favor back then, she parted the sword energy for the Gong family boy this time."

   Just as the two dan jie ren were communicating with each other, the stone sword standing in mid-air was violently shaken and fell a foot down.

  A large number of cracks appeared on the stone sword, and the stone flakes rustled and fell to the ground.

"what happened?"

  Child Yuan jumped up and exclaimed.

   "Could it be that the secret realm of Jianzhong has changed!"

  Although Tianhe Jianzong speculates that the secret realm of Jianzhong can last at least a thousand years, no one can guess the changes in the secret realm.

  An extremely slight parameter change may cause a difference of hundreds of years in the existence of the secret realm.

  Suo Qian is also facing a big enemy. For more than three thousand years, the secret realm of Jianzhong has been doing well, but when it was the two of them's turn to take charge, a big change happened.

   "No, this scene is not the first time it happened... I was by the side when Brother Yan got the Xingyao Sword two hundred years ago, the same is true!"

   "Could it be that the patriarch blesses some disciples who are favored by the fourth-order flying sword, so they take the initiative to vote!"

   No matter how much he didn't believe that there was such a talent for swordsmanship among the disciples this time, but the facts were in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it.

  (end of this chapter)