MTL - National School Prince Is A Girl-Chapter 1695 The first thousand nine hundred and fifty-two is her, the young thin nine

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The world is the first handsome fat?

These words made Zhao Sanpeng, who was going to enter the kitchen, a stiff back, and the already frozen chest, like something faint fever.

Zhao San’s fat fingers slammed, so tight, and turned back.

The shimmer just happened to shine in.

At that moment, the fireworks set off.

It seems that the light of the sky can be reflected in the black eyes of the man.

That person is still a teenager.

Wearing a courier's uniform, the figure is tall and slender, and the top of the head is pressed against the hat, revealing the silver inside.

There is also a black earring on the boy's ear, which exudes a faint awn.

The brim covers the angular side face.

Only the amazing arc at the chin was left.

I saw the man, the half-hook of the thin-skinned evil, and the sole of the foot seemed to be able to step on the Milky Way.

When looking at him, he was lazy and ridiculous.

"The trough, the trough!"

This is the first reaction of Zhao Sanpeng.

He was even excited to pick up the mask, and even forgot someone next to him: "Little spades! How are you! How come you come back?"

Little spades?

The girls who were eating there looked at this side after hearing this sentence.

I saw that the "courier" raised his hand and picked up the hat.

The silver hair falls like a piece of light.

The teenager raised his hand and pressed the silver hair behind his head, revealing the perfect face like a demon.

The eyebrows look good.

As originally, it was full of camouflage.

"I wanted to send a courier quietly. I saw you so handsome. I didn't hold back and showed up." The thin nine-mouthed mouth was slightly tilted, the left hand was wearing a trouser pocket, and the right hand was holding a small wooden box, like a demon deacon in a comic book.

The girls looked a little worried.

All actions seem to be slowed down.

Black, spades z! ?

Really spades z? !

Thin nine did not look at them, slowly walked toward Zhao San fat, and browed a little: "Fat, don't look at what I sent?"

"Wait a minute!" Zhao San fat looked at her behind: "Absolutely not you alone, my dead rival, Qin Xinji, Qin shameless? Where is he?"

The thin nine looks like a headache: "He has always left me down, and people like you who are single will not have the troubles I have."

Zhao Sanpeng: ...I asked you where he is, didn't let you come to tie my heart, he wants to throw people out now!

"But I really don't come alone."

There was a man carrying a small bag and went in, holding a pile of food in his hand, all of which were bought by her master along the way, which made the little villain want to sigh.

But because the face is beautiful, there is no emotion.

So it seems that only people feel that there is a kind of contrast.

"Small face 瘫 also came!" Zhao San fat is going to touch his head, to know that he likes little bey.

Thin nine one block: "Fat, this is my apprentice, touch the head, touch a hundred."

Zhao Sanpeng heard that his mouth was pumping, and the scourge could have been for thousands of years. The same was true for financial fans.

"Speaking seriously, what do you come back to do, is it..." Zhao Sanfa looked at the girls who were obviously out there and said: "Because of these?"

Thin nine also looked over with his gaze.

Suddenly smiled.

That smile is really a fascination.

"Fat Lord." Thin nine voices slowly, consistent evil: "These are in my eyes, but human nature is normal, there are people who play, people think that it is worth running for me? I am here for you."