MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2068 See Zhang Fei

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Latest URL: At this time, Wen Rensheng also encountered the same problem.

How should he eat?

After living so many worlds, this is the first time Wen Rensheng has to think about how to eat.

This is really a characteristic of the Three Kingdoms world.

Have a meal.

That's right, from the common people to the battles of the princes, all of them revolve around the issue of food.

Even several Wuhou Northern Expeditions, the fundamental reason for the failure was the difficulty in transportation of grain and grass, which made it impossible to stand for a long time.

This is why the right time is not as good as the right place.

Eating can be a big problem.

Wen Rensheng thought about it carefully, and searched for this body memory.

His father, surnamed Zhao, was a small landlord who originally owned 100 mu of land. His family lived in Anci County, Zhuo County, Youzhou, with six people.

Four sons, both parents.

He is the third eldest and is 17 years old this year.

There is also a fourth child who is not an adult and is only 12 years old.

The father took out 80 mu of land and divided it equally between the four sons, each of whom shared 20 mu.

The youngest son is not yet considered an adult, so for the time being, the old father will be the farmer.

At the level of the Han Dynasty, in fact, 20 mu of land, if it is their own, is just enough to survive.

One hundred acres of land, fifty acres of grain fields, and fifty acres of mulberry fields. Only in the Han Dynasty could people live comfortably.

The grain output in the Han Dynasty was like this.

Each stone is 120 catties.

If the land is irrigated, wheat can produce more than two stones, that is, 250 to 300 catties.

Chao Cuo once said: "Today, for a family of five farmers, there are no more than two people who can serve them, and the people who can cultivate them are no more than a hundred mu. The harvest of a hundred mu is only three hundred stones."

The mu here is 457 square meters, but the Jin in the Han Dynasty was 250 grams to a catty. This is the difference between the Han Dynasty and modern times.

So if you change to a modern unit, 667 square meters is one mu, and 500 grams is one catty, that is 257 catties per mu.

The premise is that there must be water, at least not continuous drought.

There are also canals to irrigate the fields.

If it doesn't rain for several months, it will be a failure.

When it comes to the mu and grain output of the Three Kingdoms world, Wen Rensheng will automatically convert it into the unit of later generations to avoid trouble.

In other words, his father's 100 mu of land is also the 100 mu of land for later generations.

In fact, he knew that the average person didn't know the distinctions either.

The basis of the evolution of the Three Kingdoms World is still based on the common sense of ordinary people.

In this way, 20 mu of land can produce 5,000 catties of grain.

It seems that there is a lot of food.

But first of all this land is yours.

Second, you have to pay taxes.

In the Han Dynasty, there were very few taxes, and the tax was one for thirty, so it can be said that there was none.

However, this does not mean that the burden is light.

Because there are local apportionment, poll tax, corvee, all these messes add up, if this land is completely yours, you have to hand over half of the harvest.

That is, there are only 2,500 catties of grain left.

It is said that if you have 2,500 catties of grain alone, a strong laborer will eat three catties of grain a day.

After a year, it is natural that there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and there are still more than 1,000 catties left, which can be accumulated and set up a family business.

However, once you get married and have children, it will soon be enough to eat.

And this is just a rough calculation, there are various other expenses.

Farming also costs money.

Farm tools will wear out, seeds must be purchased, and fertilizers must also be purchased, which is farmyard manure.

In the Han Dynasty, farmyard manure became the main source of fertilizer.

"The Book of Fansheng" records the use of human manure, livestock manure, etc. to make organic fertilizers. The treated animal manure is odorless and tasteless, shiny and black, rich in fertility, and has high microbial activity, which can loosen the soil and increase production.

These fertilizers have to be bought with money in order to have high yields, otherwise, the fields will fall fallow.

And in daily life, you have to buy necessities such as salt, and other clothes.

In case of any headache and brain fever, it will cost money.

Therefore, the 20 mu of land, after careful calculation, the weather is good, and the food and clothing can be maintained.

Once something happens, you have to work hard.

If you don't have land, you can only live on rented land.

Those who are good at renting children are 50% and generally 60%.

Why so high?

Because the population is too large, there are many people who rent and plant.

This is rolled up.

Even 80% to 90% of the extreme people basically have nothing left. The advantage is that taxes and the like are also borne by the host family.

That is to say, people work for nothing, and they have to order food.

It can be said to be rolled to the extreme.

Of course, this is the scene of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. During the Three Kingdoms period, this place has not yet been involved.

After all, there are still many mountains that can be reclaimed.

There are many people who escaped into the deep mountains for reclamation.

For example, Zhang Yan created the Black Mountain Army by reclaiming the valleys of the Taihang Mountains in Zhongshan, Changshan, Zhaojun, Shangdang, Hanoi and other places.

If you rent the land, it will be difficult to eat food, and you can only eat bran and swallowed vegetables.

Some people may never wear a new dress in their entire life.

What are consumables? This is pure consumables.

Consumables in the real world cannot be compared with them at all.

There is no comparison at all.

After Wen Rensheng sorted out his memory, he went home with a hoe.

He naturally knew that it was useless to do these jobs.

This is vision.

After returning home, I saw my father sitting under the eaves resting.

Long talk.

"When will it rain today?"

"When a man is alive, he should carry a three-foot sword. Why do you sigh like a child?"

Of course it wasn't Wen Rensheng who said this, but Xiao Huan who was rushing to answer.

"Third, you, where did you learn this?" Fortunately, Father Zhao couldn't understand this kind of expression in classical Chinese, or half understood it.

He only treated it as a young man learning from the big shots in the county and showing off at home.

This is the same as the children of later generations learn what the teacher speaks and learn to listen to adults at home, such as why the teacher does not allow smoking.

Zhao's father is less than 50 years old this year, and he has 4 children.

Also entered old age.

"I learned from a county lieutenant in the county." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"Sure enough, don't be greedy, have you watered the seedlings in the field? There is not much food at home, so if you have nothing to do, rest and save food." Father Zhao said.

"Well," Wen Rensheng said with a sigh, "Nowadays there is a severe drought, and we can't survive by farming. It's better to make plans early."

"Then what should we do?" Father Zhao looked distressed.

"We can only escape as soon as possible."

"Escape, where can I escape? It's good to be at home, but it's difficult to go out for a day." Father Zhao shook his head.

Wen Rensheng said earnestly: "Our family is located in Zhuo County, next to Zhuo County, there is a Zhang Fei Zhang Yide, I heard that he is a hero, we can rely on them."

Yes, Wen Rensheng wants to join Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Fei is a person who values ​​scholars.

I fooled around a few words, it's not a problem to mix some pork...

Although he has no reputation, at any rate, in the early days of Mr. Zhang, there must not be any scholars who looked up to him.

As long as you can talk about the general trend, Mr. Zhang is not bad for that pork.

What's more, Mr. Zhang was not so promiscuous in the early stage, killing people's children is like killing chickens.

The reason why he chose Liu Guanzhang is of course very simple.

One-third of the Three Kingdoms world is based on Liu Guanzhang.

Wen Rensheng believes that the world should follow the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Then vote for Mr. Zhang in advance, get through the famine in the early stage, and then you can successfully use the three knots to get on Liu Bei's line.

After the final stabilization, whether to stand on your own or continue to support Liu depends on the situation.

As for how to determine whether it evolved according to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, we just need to see whether Hua Xiong was killed by Sun Jian or Guan Yu.

If it is the former, it is Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In 191 AD, the Kwantung Warlords jointly attacked Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo sent General Hu Zhen to lead Hua Xiong and others to attack Sun Jian, who was the prefect of Changsha at the time, but was defeated by Sun Jian, and Hua Xiong was defeated by Sun Jian in this battle.

If it is the latter, it is Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

If you want to know whether a person has only read Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, just use Hua Xiong as a benchmark.

But now, if Wen Rensheng wants to live a simple life, the most convenient way is to seek refuge with Mr. Zhang for a living.

Moreover, he is a modern person, and some etiquette and dignity must not be the same as that of the ancient people.

For this, only Liu Bei can tolerate it.

After all, Liu Bei lacks counselors, and he himself has become a Yuzhou shepherd and uncle of the emperor, and he can still tolerate Zhuge Liang lying high.

Not to mention the earliest.

Early Jian Yong was also a dissolute person.

At this time, Father Zhao was overjoyed first, then shook his head and said, "He is a hero, we are just ordinary households, without courage, how can we value us?"

If you rashly seek refuge in the past, you can only be a tenant farmer. It is better to guard a hundred acres of land in your own home and wait for the rain.

"A few days ago, I got a book, gained some knowledge, and I am confident that I can get a job as a guest." Wen Rensheng said casually.

"Oh, then you go first, settle down, and come pick us up later." Father Zhao didn't have much doubt, and agreed directly.

Wen Rensheng was not surprised.

These years have been turbulent.

Many people in the same village are fleeing.

Father Zhao is not surprised.

Release one and save a mouthful of food.

"Okay, then I'll go." Wen Rensheng cupped his fists and left.

Of course, you can't go directly, but go to the kitchen to pack some dry food and water.

This trip, even though it is in the same county, will take two days.

Not long after, the second brother came back from work.

Then I heard my father say that the third child is going to the next county to eat a big family.

"How do you go to Zhuo County?" The second child hurried over and asked.

"There is a butcher Zhang in the next county. He is a hero and his family has a lot of wealth. In such a drought, he happened to take refuge and make a living." Wen Rensheng said the same thing.

The second child said: "Since the third brother said so, he would inevitably starve to death at home, so he might as well go together."

The second child is actually idle. Young people always don't like to do those farm jobs. Only when they get older, after they get married and have children, will they work hard to do these farm jobs.

Then the two brothers prepared to go hand in hand.

Wen Rensheng will not simply hit the road.

The wooden stick and the wooden armor were made in a hurry overnight.

It is to cut the wood chips and sew them into the clothes, although it is uncomfortable.

But it can resist ordinary people's slashing with a knife.

The strength of ordinary people is not great, and thick wood chips can greatly reduce the damage.

When future generations face zombies, they still suggest using books as protection.

They did not set off until the third day, when they were ready.

Sure enough, only 30 miles out of the village, they encountered robbers.

They said they were robbers, but they were actually people who fled from the next village.

As long as you don't know them directly, you can grab them.

"Hurry up and throw the dry food here, or I will kill you!" Several refugees waved their farm tools.

In comparison, it is not as good as Wen Rensheng's own wooden stick. At any rate, he has hammered precious iron nails into the wooden stick and tied the tip of a sickle.

"Hmph, if you don't want to die, get out!"

Although Wen Rensheng's body lacks courage, firstly he is a young man, and secondly, he has accumulated countless combat experience and his eyesight is still there.

Relying on armor (wooden armor) and long soldiers (long wooden sticks), it is still possible to do it with more than a dozen.


Wen Rensheng stepped forward alone, moved flexibly, first stabbed one person's thigh with a scythe, and then dodged quickly, injuring another person.

In short, try to move by footsteps as much as possible, create a one-on-one situation, open the field, and prevent them from surrounding you at the same time.

If surrounded, unless you have heavy armor, you can use 1 to many.

Even that is dangerous.

In case of being pushed down by two or three daredevils, the heavier the armor, the more unlucky it will be.

So there are also horses.

Only with speed can you massacre dozens or hundreds of people with 1.

But now, the second child has been dumbfounded.

He didn't expect this ordinary third brother to be so powerful after leaving the village!

Just like at this time, who would have thought that butcher Zhang would become the famous third master in the future?

"Ah, run!"

When Wen Rensheng injured three people, seven or eight refugees ran away in fright.

"A group of bullying guys!"

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

Of course he wouldn't be offended by anything.

It's just poor consumables.

A little bit of fame also started to spread.

After all, seven or eight escaped, and it was impossible not to go out and brag.

It is said that there is a Zhao Laosan in Zhaojia Village, who can fight ten people with one person.

Then the two inquired all the way, and soon found out where Zhang Fei was.

After all, Zhang Fei's family is a well-known rich family in the county.

Rich households these days are different from modern ones. They have a big family and a big business and are easy to find.

It's a pity that I came to Zhang Fei's manor.

After begging for an interview, the gatekeeper directly said with contempt: "If you want to invest in a farm, that's fine. You can become tenant farmers and rent 50% of an acre of land."

If we were here to farm, would we still come here?

Wen Rensheng smiled: "You are a disciple who sees people as inferior. I have heard that although your master is a butcher, he has great ambitions. What's more, the current general He is also a butcher..."

These words are a bit humiliating to His Majesty, even if the county magistrate hears them, he may use them as a punishment.

But it's going to be messy soon, so no one will care about it.

"You, General He..." Menzi obviously didn't know what was going on in the court, but he sounded very powerful.

"Go and inform your master, otherwise, look at my wooden stick!" Wen Rensheng directly took out the blood-stained wooden stick.

"You, you wait." Menzi decided to be cowardly.

"What, some people say that I have great ambitions and want to come to join me?" Zhang Fei's tone was very surprised, but also a little excited.

After all, it's exciting to hear.

He didn't know that these two came to eat and drink.

"Yes, that's what he said. He also said that the general is also a butcher."

"That's General He Jin." Zhang Fei was obviously educated.

He is a butcher, UU Reading naturally has money to study, and also has money to listen to some bureaucratic clerks in the county.

"Yes, yes, that's what he said. He said that General He Jin was also a butcher."

Then Zhang Fei saw Wen Rensheng and the other two at the gate of the manor.

"It's you two strong men?" He was a little disappointed to see that the two of them were not tall enough.

"That's right. We have heard that Mr. Zhang Zhuang has aspirations and that troubled times are approaching, so we come here to join us in great things." As soon as Wen Rensheng said a few words, Zhang Fei knew that he was not an ordinary farmer. .

Ordinary farmers can't speak well, how can they speak like Wen Rensheng?

Can you still know that troubled times are coming?

There is no Yellow Turban Uprising yet, and ordinary farmers certainly don't know about it.

At least someone above the county magistrate can foresee this.

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