MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 719 Missy's Contradictions, Longer's Family

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  Chapter 719 Missy's Contradictions, Longer's Family

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  Luo Qingzhou, holding an umbrella, came to the door of Lingchan Moon Palace, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

   Immediately, Bai Ling's voice came from the small courtyard: "Who?"

  The voice is crisp, but it sounds a little angry.

   Of course she knew who it was.

  Luo Qingzhou said, "Your uncle."

  Bai Ling immediately said: "Ah? My uncle? But, my lady is not married yet, where did you come from?"

   Then he said again: "Oh no, we used to have a uncle, but that was in the past. That bad uncle who has no conscience has already run away."

  Luo Qingzhou was embarrassed, but did not refute.

  When he was hesitating whether to leave, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the door, followed by a "squeak", and the wooden door opened.

  Bai Ling was wearing a pink dress, standing pretty in the door, looking at him with wide eyes and asking, "Why don't you talk?"

  Luo Qingzhou shrugged and said helplessly, "I have nothing to say."

  Bai Ling snorted, and pouted, "You don't want to talk to him, do you? We're having so much fun outside, why would you want to talk to us, hmph."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the courtyard angrily.

  The courtyard door is open.

  Luo Qingzhou paused, and Fang followed in.

  In the corridor, Miss Qin, dressed in a snow-white fox fur, was standing there picturesquely, quietly watching the snowflakes falling in the small courtyard, her face was cold, and she was thinking of something.

  Xia Chan held the sword and stood motionless behind her.

  Braun went to the flowerbed in the corner of the small courtyard, squatted there, pouted, looking at the flower buds that had just grown in the flowerbed, sulking.

  The flowers she planted grow very quickly, and they seem not to be afraid of severe cold.

  No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, there are flowers blooming in her flower garden.

  Luo Qingzhou held an umbrella, stepped on the snow on the bluestone slab, walked up the steps leading to the corridor, then walked in front of Miss Qin, bowed her head, and respected as always: "Miss."

  Miss Qin paused for a moment, Fang slowly withdrew her gaze from Xue Hua, looked at him, was quiet for a while, and said calmly: "Wei Mo asked you to come?"

  Luo Qingzhou said: "Yes, but I want to come too."

  Miss Qin glanced at him again, turned around and left without saying a word, and walked into the room with a cold back.

  When Xia Chan wanted to follow in, she said, "He's here to see you."

  Xia Chan stopped in her footsteps, two blushes rose on her fair and pretty cheeks, and she tightly clenched the sword in her hand.

  Miss Qin entered the room and disappeared into the darkness of the room without any sound.

  Xia Chan froze at the door, and when she was about to raise her heels to enter, Luo Qingzhou grabbed her and said, "Chanchan, let's go out and talk."

  Xia Chan lowered her head, blushed, shook her head and said, "No, don't."

  Luo Qingzhou clenched her cold little hand and forcibly led her down the steps.

  Xia Chan struggled, and said pitifully, "No, I won't go..."

  Luo Qingzhou ignored her, and still pulled her towards the door.

  At this moment, Bai Ling suddenly stood up from the flower garden, turned around and looked at them and said, "My lord, what's the proper way to gossip in public?"

  Luo Qingzhou ignored her and continued to pull Xia Chan away.

  Bai Ling immediately ran over and stopped in front of him, with his hips akimbo, and said fiercely: "Young master, you are not allowed to take my Chanchan away!"

  Luo Qingzhou stopped, glanced at her, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her.

Bai Ling was startled, and immediately jumped away like a frightened little rabbit, then stepped back a few steps, and said with a frightened face: "My lord, what are you going to do? It's not enough to rob Chanchan, why do you want to rob others?" ? My uncle is too greedy."

  Luo Qingzhou ignored her, and directly pulled Xia Chan out of the door behind her.

   Immediately he picked her up and quickly walked towards the rockery in front.

  Xia Chan struggled in his arms, begging: "Let me go, go down... I, I want to accompany Miss..."

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her tightly, entered the rockery, and said: "Miss is not a child anymore, so I don't need you to accompany her. You and my uncle haven't seen each other for several days, so I should accompany you tonight."

"no, do not want…"

   "Why not? Could it be that Chanchan has empathized with someone else and doesn't like my uncle?"

   "No, it's not..."

   "What is that for?"

   "You, you will, do...bad things..."

   "Haha, don't worry, my uncle is just talking to you, and he won't do anything bad. In such a cold day, you can't do bad things outside, or you will freeze to death."

  Xia Chan thought for a while, and felt that what he said made sense, so she stopped struggling, blushing, and looked at him shyly with dark eyes.

Luo Qingzhou carried her into the cave in the rockery, then put her down, lowered his head, stared at her dark eyes and shy pretty face for a while, then hugged her slender hands that were tightly grasped. waist, and kissed her small mouth.

  Xia Chan's delicate body trembled, her eyes widened, her long eyelashes blinked a few times, and then they closed slowly.

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her and kissed her for a while, touching her small mouth with his lips, and said softly, "Chanchan, do you miss me?"

  Xia Chan's face was hot, and she was hugged softly in his arms, against his chest, and whispered shyly: "I think, I think."


"elder brother…"

   "Called Husband."


   "Should I call or not?"

  Luo Qingzhou's cold hand suddenly reached into her clothes.

  Xia Chan's body trembled a bit, bit her pink lips, and Fang said shyly in an inaudible voice, "Husband...husband."

   "Called Xianggong."


   "Do you like to kiss your husband?"


   "Speak or not?"

  Luo Qingzhou's hands were dishonest again.


   "Do you want your husband and brother to love you?"

   "Think, no...don't...uh..."

  Luo Qingzhou suddenly blocked her small mouth, and while kissing, took off the hairpin he gave her from her head.

  A head of black hair like a waterfall fell down immediately.

  At this time, there was a slight sound of feet stepping on the snow outside.

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at the entrance of the cave, and suddenly took out the Jade Mouse, a flash of light wrapped him and the girl in his arms, then sank into the ground and disappeared.

   After a while.

  A head quietly protruded from the hole, looking into the hole...

  Luo Qingzhou held Xia Chan in his arms, performed the earth walking technique, and entered the ground.

  Xia Chan opened her eyes wide and looked at him in confusion, as if she didn't know what happened, with a silly, cute and cute appearance.

   The ground is much warmer than the top.

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her and found a space, then couldn't wait to kiss her up...

   Xia Chan stared at him blankly with big black, clear and innocent eyes, without any struggle or words. She didn't know if she was frightened or felt like she was dreaming.

  When Luo Qingzhou was forced to have a bridal chamber with her, didn't he also feel that he was dreaming?

   And there are more than one such dreams.

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her tightly, kissed her tenderly, and talked sweet little love words with her, unknowingly, he had already led her into a state of affection...

   Ling Chan Moon Palace.

  Bai Ling had returned to the small courtyard at some point, and squatted in front of the flowerbed in the corner, playing with the flowers he had planted.

  In the corridor, Miss Qin was wearing a snow-white dress. At some point, she stood there again, staring at the snowflakes falling in the small courtyard, in a daze.

  The thick fox fur on her body was not put on again, and the thin white skirt fluttered slightly in the cold wind.

  She doesn't seem to feel any cold.

  But her beautiful face, and her pure and deep eyes are as cold as snow.

   There was a long silence.

  Bai Lingfang stood up from the flower garden, turned around and looked at her and said, "Miss, do you think my uncle already knew about it? Did it on purpose?"

  The figure in the corridor fell silent for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

  Bai Ling sighed and said, "Can I tell him?"

  Miss Qin looked at the snowflakes that had been blown into the railing by the cold wind, she was silent for a while, and said, "I can't yet."

Bailing paused, walked near the railing, looked at her with distressed eyes and said: "Miss, make a decision early, your practice... oh, forget it, this kind of thing, only you can decide, after all, it depends on you." arrive…"

  She stopped talking and didn't go on.

When the atmosphere was depressed, she suddenly said again: "Chanchan is so pitiful, she has been bullied by the bad uncle for so long and has not been released yet. My uncle will obviously go to accompany the second lady, Xiaodie, Qiu'er, and Jiangli tonight... Cough, Miss is right, my uncle is so sweet, I can't accompany you too much."

   As soon as the words fell, the wooden door of the small courtyard creaked and was pushed open.

  Xia Chan came in from the door and saw that they were all there, her cheeks blushed immediately, she hurriedly lowered her head, clenched the sword in her hand, and hurried into the house.

   While running up the steps, his legs softened and he almost slipped and fell.

   "Poor Chanchan, she is so powerful that she almost falls down when she walks..."

  Bai Ling's face was full of sympathy, and then he pouted his mouth again, and said in a quiet tone: "Smelly uncle, bad uncle, perverted uncle, you bullied Chanchan as soon as you came back, don't you know how to bully others first?"

  Miss Qin glanced at her, turned around, and entered the room.

  Bai Ling continued to pouted in the small courtyard, muttering angrily.

  Snowflakes were falling on top of her head, but none of them landed on her body, but when her palm was lifted up, it fell on her palm obediently, one after another, pure white and flawless, never melting for a long time...

  Luo Qingzhou returned to Meixiang Xiaoyuan, first went to Xiaodie to have a conversation with Qiu'er, and then returned to Miss Qin's room.

  The two got into bed and talked under the covers.

  Miss Qin Er suddenly approached him, sniffed his scent, looked at the tooth marks on his neck, raised her eyebrows and said, "Whose is it?"

  Luo Qingzhou hugged her and said, "Guess?"

  Miss Qin Er had a sly look in her eyes, she pretended to think about it seriously, and said, "Could it be my sister's?"

  Luo Qingzhou's mouth twitched: "..."

  Miss Qin Er glanced at his face, immediately laughed under the covers, and said, "Brother Qingzhou, look what scared you, is my sister that scary?"

  Luo Qingzhou tugged at her delicate face, and said: "It's not scary, it's something I developed in the past... When Xiaodie and I came here, Xia Chan alone by her side scared me enough..."

   "But now, brother Qingzhou can bully Xia Chan casually."

"Weimo, the eldest lady has been kind to Xiaodie and me. If it wasn't for her, Xiaodie and I would have died in Chengguo Mansion by now. After we went to Qin Mansion, she was also very kind to us. So, No matter what happens in the future, no matter how strong I become in the future, I will always respect and appreciate her."

   "Brother Qingzhou, there are many people you need to be grateful for...Sister, Meijiao, Miss Longer, Uncle Shi, and Sister Yue, there should be more, right?"

   "Wei Mo, you should have taken care of yourself, right? Do you want your husband to love you?"

   "Think, Husband, Wei Mo thinks..."

   "Sleep if you want, sleep obediently, and when my husband is in a good mood one day, I will love you."


   "Then give you a kiss..."

   "How long are you kissing?"

   "Listen to the lady, kiss as long as the lady says."

   "Really? That person will spend the whole night..."

"it is good!"

  After Luo Qingzhou finished speaking, he immediately kissed her on the neck, deliberately tickling her.

  Miss Qin Er suddenly smiled and pushed him away.

  Luo Qingzhou took the opportunity to get out of the way and said, "This is something my wife forbids me to be my husband."

  Second Miss Qin covered her neck, pouted her mouth with a smile and said, "Brother Qingzhou is so cunning."

  The two quarreled in the quilt for a while, and the second Miss Qin Fang stuck to his arms and became quiet.

   After speaking in a low voice for a while, she closed her eyes dimly.

  She was originally weak, and these days she has been worrying all the time. She couldn't sleep well at night and was restless during the day. When he came back tonight, she finally felt relieved and could sleep soundly.

  After she fell asleep, Luo Qingzhou Fang took out the communication certificate and looked at the news on it.

  Xiao Meijiao: [I'm back home, the palace is very lively tonight, but I'm not happy]

  Luo Qingzhou quickly asked: 【Princess, what's wrong? 】

  He replied a few more messages to Zhu Yan.

   After waiting for a while, there was still no reply from the princess.

  He was a little worried. He didn't know what happened in the palace, but it shouldn't be the eldest brother's business.

   It should be the third watch at this time.

  He didn't wait for the princess's news, but Long Er sent a message: [Young Master, are you still busy? 】

  Luo Qingzhou replied: [I'm done, I'll be there later, is Sister Yue here? 】

  Little Dragon Girl: [No. Young master, if sister doesn't come, you probably won't come either, right? It's okay, Long Er can have the reunion dinner alone]

  Luo Qingzhou hurriedly said: 【I will accompany you】

  On the Yunwu River.

  In the cold wind and snow, Long Er was lonely, sitting alone on the boat with a lonely expression on his face.

  Until receiving his reply, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

   But she smiled, but her eyes fogged up and she began to cry.

After crying for a while, she wiped her tears and murmured dimly: "Young Master, thank you, from today onwards, you are Long Er's family... Long Er hopes that every year, Long Er can eat together with Young Master , unless, Young Master despises Long Er, don't want Long Er anymore..."

  She wiped away her tears, and when she was about to reply, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the dark and hazy night sky.

  A ray of pure white moonlight suddenly appeared in the snowstorm in the night sky.

   Immediately, a figure gradually became clear and floated down.

  (end of this chapter)