MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 582 Test each other

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 A group of people were talking as they walked inside.

 When we got to the corridor, it was naturally not that hot anymore, Aunt Xing breathed heavily and said.

"These days, there has been a lot of commotion outside because of the Master's transfer to the Ministry of War. At this time, if we continue to organize Zhao'er's marriage, I am afraid it will be even more troublesome. So I have had a headache these past two days. do not know what to do with it?"

Aunt Xing's concerns are not false. Even women like Du Jingyi and Gu Xiaochun who don't like to go out have heard about this matter, let alone Aunt Xing who is in the whirlpool.

The Xing family and the Yan family are now the two most powerful families in the emperor's harem. If they make a fuss, the city will naturally be full of trouble.

During the spring draft, the Queen's lineage stole the show, and then the Xing family's transfer of orders gave the family a lot of benefits. But now, if we want to talk about who gets the most benefits, it has to be the Dingping Hou Mansion. and Jia Guifei.

Hence, Du Jingyi could only comfort him.

"Don't worry, aunt. Things in Sui'an City will be lively for at least a month. There are a lot of powerful and powerful father-in-laws, and everyone has their own stories. So wait until cousin Dong Rizhao and Xia Meng come back. From now on, The matter has been revealed a long time ago, and we will do whatever we want to do with the marriage. We cannot wrong the two of them just because of the rumors outside."

After hearing this, Aunt Xing's mind was settled a lot, and then she nodded to Du Jingyi and said.

"What you said makes sense. Although we live behind closed doors, if this marriage doesn't go as planned, people outside may not know what they will say about my future daughter-in-law."

Many families in Sui'an City got the news that the Xing family was going to arrange a wedding. However, Xia Meng had never appeared at the banquet of each family, so they were also very curious.

At first I wanted to inquire, but no one could find him. I heard that he followed the Du family's caravan to Quanzhou. It's strange that such news should be spread by those talkative women.

Therefore, Aunt Xing has naturally heard about it, so she wants to be more public about the marriage, so that outsiders know that their family likes this daughter-in-law very much!

While talking, several people walked back to their respective courtyards.

Not long after Du Jingyi entered Xitang Courtyard, he sat down and was about to cool down with a bowl of ice cream when he felt a gust of wind blowing in.

As expected, Liu Xun appeared again without anyone noticing. Seeing this, Yingtao went out to guard the door to prevent outsiders from knowing what was going on inside.

 Seeing him coming, Du Jingyi was not surprised, so he hurriedly asked.

 “Have you found it?”

"Madam, don't worry, we found out. The Dingping Marquis Mansion has indeed captured Mrs. Pei (Wu Lang's daughter-in-law) from the fifth room. Now that the forced confession is over, we are waiting for an opportunity to borrow the fifth room and fall on us. .”

Since Liu Xun came back from Wangzhou, he has been making secret inquiries around the world, and he was really asked to uncover these conspiracies. For this, he also somewhat admired his general and his wife. As expected, two kinds of people can't sleep in the same bed. , are all alert in nature.

 Hearing Liu Xun's answer, Du Jingyi was not surprised.

The reason why Wu Lang's wife was let go was purely because of her loving mother's heart. After all, the child is innocent, so since she is willing to do these things for the child, Du Jingyi can also give her a way out for the child. Walk.

 But this way of life, if given once, will not be given a second time.

If the fifth sister-in-law really listened to the words of the Dingping Marquis and came to bite her, then she would not just sit and wait, so she thought about it and said to Liu Xun.

"Let Prime Minister Xing know the clues about this matter and let him investigate slowly. This time, Dingping Hou Mansion is plotting against them behind the scenes. It's not over yet. If our General Mansion is involved, I guess Mr. Xing has many tricks. Throwing back the dirty water of the Dingping Marquis Mansion." The most important thing is that their General Mansion is still "innocent", as long as they are not involved in these battles.

 “Yes, ma’am.”

Liu Xun had Liu Xun's way, so within a few days, Prime Minister Xing heard some rumors that Dingpinghou Mansion had gathered people to deal with the General Mansion.

In the study room of the Xing family, Mr.

Standing in the study were his subordinates, who couldn't help but said after hearing the news.

"In my opinion, let Marquis Dingping put this matter out of the way. Then we can unite with the General's Office and give him a reputation for excluding dissidents, so that we can win over the General's Office."

 Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Mr. Xing also felt that they made sense.

But years of vigilance as an official made him always feel that this matter was not simple. It was unknown whether it was a trap deliberately set by the Dingping Marquis Mansion, so it was better to be careful.

Thinking of this, he said to the person in front of him.

“Let’s be prepared. If the Dingping Hou Mansion decides to take this matter against the General Mansion, then let’s not let him succeed.”

 “What is the Prime Minister going to do?”

"Let Madam take the lead first and pass the news to Madam Nagu. I want to see how she will act before making other plans."


So, a few days later, when Du Jingyi saw the rare Mrs. Xing, he had some concerns in his heart.

It seems that this thorny issue was not kicked out. After a lot of trouble, it came back to her, but she still had to pretend to be calm and unaware, looking at Mrs. Xing with a serious face. and Aunt Xing asked.

“What’s going on? Madam’s face doesn’t look very good, but she’s suffering from the heat. Do you need to see a doctor?”

Aunt Xing had already learned about the intentions of the Dingping Houfu from the eldest lady, so she acted as the middleman and led her sister-in-law to see Du Jingyi. Therefore, when she saw that she still looked ignorant, she said in a hurry .

"It's all my fault. When the Dingping Marquis Mansion dealt with the Xing family, he even targeted your General's Mansion. Now that he has taken Wu Lang's wife, he will pour dirty water on your head."

 “What do you mean? What does he want to do?”

Seeing that Du Jingyi was still calm, Mrs. Xing didn't care about anything else, so she hurriedly explained everything that the master had told her.

"The people in the fifth house died tragically. Now that Mr. Jia has taken away Wulang's wife, he is about to testify that the matter is the work of the General's Mansion. When the master heard the news, he would be quite angry, so he hurriedly let him go. I'll send you the news, do you want to write to Shao Yu about this?"