MTL - My Stepmother is Soft and Charming-Chapter 20 gift list

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Chapter 20 Gift List

 Shang Qilang regards this brother who is more than ten years older than him.

 There is both admiration and fear.

He also felt that it was inappropriate for his mother to allow her uncles and grandparents, who had three rooms and five rooms, to make noise in the back house.

 But after all, it was his own mother, and even his son's persuasion had little effect.

 He will take the path of a civil servant in the future, so he naturally understands how important the power of the family is.

If it is really torn apart because of past events, I am afraid that merchants may not be able to continue to be prosperous in the court in the future.

 That’s why he boldly took this trip today.

Unexpectedly, no one took up what he said. He saw his sixth brother Shang Ji looking at him mockingly, and then he asked.

"Seventh brother, maybe you have had too many smooth lives, so you think everyone should be as pure and noble as you, right? When my Gu family died for the country, how did the people in this courtyard arrange their heroic spirits? "

"When my eldest brother and mother also died one after another, how did Mrs. Wei support her with her concubine? The widowed sister-in-law was weak, the nephew was submissive, the wife was not taken seriously, and the eighth sister was ignored. How did they live in Dongyuan? ,did you know?"

"What kind of Bodhisattva are you coming to me now? Humph, I am not a father, and I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. Don't let me hear what you said today a second time, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless, Luo Yuan, see you off!"

 After saying these words one after another, Shang Ji walked away.

 There is no brotherhood or face given to Shang Qilang.

 Luo Yuan is from the Gu family, so naturally he devotes himself wholeheartedly to the Gu family. Naturally, Shang Ji's order must be carried out, so he said to Shang Qilang with a sad face.

 “Seventh Young Master, please go slowly without seeing me off!”

He was trained through hard work in the military camp, and his tone and tone of voice are as hard as bones.

Hearing this, Shang Qilang had no choice but to stand up and leave with a disappointed look on his face.

Before leaving, I glanced at Luo Yuan, who had a serious face, but hesitated to speak.

  Because of his indifference, Shang Qilang couldn't say anything more.

 Finally, when Butler He sent him off, he explained to Butler He a little anxiously.

"Steward He, you know me. I didn't mean it that way. Brother Six misunderstood me."

 The annoyance was evident in his eyes.

 It can be seen that he is very concerned about accidentally angering Shang Ji.

 I am afraid that it will cause some trouble to the shaky relationship.

Steward He is an old man who has been working in the back house for many years, so his tone is not as tough as Luo Yuan's.

 There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, and there was a lot of calmness in his eyes when he looked at Shang Qilang.

Seeing the annoyance on his face, he opened his mouth to comfort him.

“Young Master Qi, don’t worry. The general has just returned to the house and has been made such a fuss about. Naturally, he is going to get angry and vent his anger. It will be fine when he gets over these days.”

“Do you think Sixth Brother will pay attention to me in the future?”

  "Young Master Seventh are worrying too much, aren't you? You still have to say hello when you meet."

He Guanjia said this, but he didn’t say it.

 Even if we meet casual acquaintances, we will say hello.

 But they are a family, so just saying hello would not be appropriate.

Thinking of this, Shang Qilang wanted to say something, but was declined by Butler He.

“This old slave has to go to Madam’s courtyard to deal with some matters, so I won’t talk to Young Master Seven. On your way back, be careful where you step.”

Hearing this, Shang Qilang knew that it was useless, so he could only sigh and turn around to leave.

 After he was far away, Butler He said to the two boys guarding the gate of Dongyuan.

“These are troubled days, and I’m keeping a close eye on all doors, do you understand?”

 “Yes, the little one knows.”

 After explaining everything, he headed towards Fuqiu Courtyard where the eldest lady was.

 He did not lie. Tomorrow will be the return of the general and the young lady. This is their top priority in Dongyuan.

 In the courtyard of Fuqiu.

Mrs. Liu has wiped away her tears, calmed down her emotions, and is carefully looking at the home gift list sent by Yingtao.

 Everything inside is in compliance with the rules and etiquette.

 If it had been sent three years ago, it would have been decent and reasonable.

  But that was three years ago.

Now that my brother-in-law Shang Ji has been promoted to a second-rank official position, these gifts seem a bit light.

So the eldest lady looked at the list and said to Butler He.

"Add 30% more to the gift list, and then add the Taihu Mountain stone screen pedestal that my mother left to my sixth brother and his wife. In the past, the Du family was just a merchant family and could not afford this gift. But now that the sixth brother has been awarded the title of Jin, the sixth brother and sister must also Soon, if a wife is born in the family, it would be perfect to place this screen base in the main room."

The stone screen seat in Taihu Mountain was the dowry of Mrs. Gu.

 Although it is not worthy of the city in terms of value, it is still a rare thing.

 It was originally meant to be reserved for the couple, so it is appropriate to add it to the gift list today.

Steward He nodded immediately after hearing the words. It was obvious that he agreed with the eldest lady's arrangement.

 After the gift list was put into the book again, Butler He hurriedly sent it to Xitang Courtyard.

By coincidence, Du Jingyi took a nap.

 Taking the gift, he looked at it with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Her natal family is just an ordinary merchant family, not an imperial merchant, and not an official merchant with connections to the powerful, so this gift list seems a bit too heavy.

 She thought for a moment and then spoke.

 “Sister-in-law is so generous, will this list be a little thicker?”

Steward He smiled.

"Young lady, don't worry, this is all according to the rules. Now that the general's status is here, you will naturally rise with the tide. Not only this time, but also in the future when you visit relatives and entertain guests as a rule."

Hearing this, Du Jingyi nodded.

 “In this case, it will be troublesome for the steward.”

Du Jingyi is polite, but Butler He will naturally not take Qiao.

 After saying this, he bowed respectfully and left.

 There were only three masters and servants left in the house.

Li Zhu is picking out clothes and hairpins for going home tomorrow, while Ying Tao is sorting out the accounts.

That thick stack of ledgers are all Du Jingyi’s dowry.

 A total of 194 shops and tens of thousands of acres of fertile land rented by tenants are all recorded in it.

 As your income increases every year, your income will also increase, so you need to be careful in sorting out this matter.

Cherry is the most suitable.

While sorting it out, Cherry said happily.

“If I see that the young lady has achieved such good results in the past three years, I will be pleased.”

 She didn’t quite understand most of the things in the ledger, but she knew a little.

The thicker the ledger is, the richer the private treasury of her young lady will be.

When it arrived, it was packed in a camphor wood box, less than half of it, but now the total is over 60%.

 Given time, she estimated that this box would not be enough. She would have to prepare in advance and find a bigger one.

Du Jingyi heard the maid Yingtao mention her father, and suddenly she thought a lot.

 (End of this chapter)