MTL - My Spy Years-Chapter 1002v3 Haozai Autopassword

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  Chapter 1002 Haozai Automatic Password Device

   "Che Luwang?" Haozai froze for a moment.

   "Wu Luchi." Cheng Qianfan said, "He used to use this name."

  To be precise, Che Luwang's real name is, but the most famous person in the "jianghu" is Wu Luchi's pseudonym.

   Hao Zai immediately knew who this person was.

  In the military system, Wu Luchi is well-known. There are two most commendable things about this person:

  First, he made great contributions in the operation of 'eradicating' Wang Yajiu.

  Secondly, he participated in the action of sanctioning Wang Jianhai commanded by Wang Tiemu and Chen Gongshu. Among them, Zeng Zhengmin, the general under Wang Jianhai, died at the gunpoint of Wu Luchi.

  These two assassinations alone are enough to make Wu Luchi a role model for a while in the military system that respects personal force.

   "How did he get exposed?" Hao Zai asked in shock.

   "Yeah, how could Che Luwang be exposed." Cheng Qianfan nodded.

this is the key of the problem.

  The best situation is that Che Luwang's own situation is not confidential, which has attracted the attention of the special agents of Japan, which shows that there is no accident in the Shanghai area.

  If not, the problem will be serious. It is very likely that important people in the Shanghai area have been arrested, and there is a high probability that they will be sentenced only to confess to Che Luwang.

  The person who can know that Che Luwang has come to Shanghai, and who can provide the exact address and whereabouts of Che Luwang, must have a high status in the Shanghai area.

   "You go to see Zhou Ru immediately." Cheng Qianfan ordered, "Call Chongqing in the name of the special situation team."

   "How to draft the telegram?" Hao Zai asked.

   "Che Luwang was secretly arrested on the 76th. Che called for help on the street. He was arrested by the police station and is currently in custody at the Political Department." Cheng Qianfan said in a deep voice.

   After a pause, he continued, "The inside story of this case..."

  Shaking his head, Cheng Qianfan revised his wording, "The inside story of this matter is unknown, and there may be unforeseen disasters. The Shanghai District should make urgent preparations and report to the Chief of the Bureau, Xiao Mian of the Staff Department."

   "Do you remember?" Cheng Qianfan asked Hao Zai, and then he frowned, "I told you to remember with your brain, not with pen and paper."

   As he spoke, he stretched out his hand with a serious face, "Bring it."

  Hao Zai handed the small book to Cheng Qianfan.

  Cheng Qianfan took a closer look, but his expression was strange, "What is this?"


   "Isn't it a donkey?" Cheng Qianfan frowned, well, it wasn't when he was wondering whether it was a donkey or a horse, "Well, what does this pony mean?"

   "Che Luwang." Hao Zai said.

  Cheng Qianfan blinked his eyes, and the pony represents Che Luwang, are these two related?

   "Pony, horse-drawn cart, cart has wheels, Che Luwang." Hao Zai said.

   "What about this one?"

   "This is a firetruck, call for help."

"What's this?"

"are you blind."

   "Blind man?" Cheng Qianfan frowned, thinking, "Blind man telling fortunes?"

   "As expected of Brother Fan, you can guess all of this." Hao Zai smiled and flattered him, "Blind people tell fortunes, accidental disasters."

   "This puppy?" Cheng Qianfan asked again.

   "Brother Fan, that's a leopard, report..."

  Cheng Qianfan stared at Haozai in a daze, "You read what you wrote yourself."

"Che Luwang was secretly arrested on the 76th. Che called for help on the street. He was arrested by the patrol house and is currently in custody at the Political Department. The inside story of this matter is unknown, and there may be unexpected disasters. The Shanghai District should make preparations urgently and report to the Bureau of Information. Xiao Mian from the staff department." Haozai said quickly while reading his transcript.

  Cheng Qianfan was stunned, he didn't miss a single word, he let out a long breath, and patted Haozai on the shoulder, "You are really talented, Haozai, really."

Although he knew about Haozai's "ability" three years ago when the "Baicaotang" pharmacy inquired about information, and later learned that Haozai has his own special way of remembering, but this time still made him "open". Vision' feeling.

   "Go." Cheng Qianfan said, he has nothing to worry about now, as far as what Haozai recorded, fortune tellers would shake their heads when they see it.

  After Haozai went out, Cheng Qianfan sat on the chair. He took out the cigarette case and took out a cigarette.

  He opened the drawer, and instead of reaching for the gold lighter, he reached for the matchbox.

   There was a stabbing sound, and a match was lit. Cheng Qianfan lit a cigarette slowly, flicked the match stick lightly, took a light puff of the cigarette, and exhaled the smoke gently from the nasal cavity.

  He is thinking.

   It should be said that he took advantage of the time point of the French National Day to create the "Clean Street" operation with a whimsical idea, which was originally "tailor-made" for the possibility of crossing the border into the French Concession on the 76th to arrest people.

   Without knowing what No. 76 intends to do and who the target is, his response is a stupid method, but it is the safest pre-set response that can be made without alerting the enemy.

  If it weren't for the "Clean Street" operation, the possibility of Che Luwang being taken away by No. 76 is extremely high.

   Now, it should be said that this coping method is quite successful, and its purpose has been achieved.

  Cheng Qianfan is thinking about three things in his mind.

First, the internal self-examination of the special situation team found that there were problems with three people. Among these three people, who was misunderstood, who was just a small mistake like desertion, and who did not commit more serious mistakes, and who was the real one? Is there a problem? And there is one thing Cheng Qianfan has to worry about - if there is a problem, it may not be that he has taken refuge with the Japanese, or it may be a comrade from the underground party.

  Secondly, Cheng Qianfan's intuition told Cheng Qianfan that someone must have had an accident in the upper echelons of the Shanghai area. Who is this person? Will the accident in Shanghai affect the Shanghai Special Affairs Team?

  Thirdly, he promised Li Bainian to go to Li Cuiqun at the Secret Service Headquarters to help mediate with "good words".

  However, this also made Cheng Qianfan even more worried about the future situation in the French Concession—

  From this incident, it further exposed the nature of the French who are fierce and indifferent. The French are becoming weaker and weaker in the face of the Japanese. Even now, in the face of traitorous spy organizations like Secret Service Headquarters, the French have begun to retreat step by step:

  Peter is a senior French police officer in the French Concession Patrol House who has always advocated a tough attitude towards Japan.

Although Pete's statement on this matter today is still advocating a tough attitude, but Pete himself agreed that Li Bainian came to find him, in fact, he tacitly allowed the police to ease the situation through Cheng Qianfan's relatively good personal friendship with the Japanese and Li Cuiqun , which in itself is a kind of concession and compromise—

  The pride in the bones of the French made them insist on maintaining their self-esteem, biting at them for the time being, and worried that there would be a real stalemate with the Japanese side.

  If this continues, the French will back down step by step in the face of the Japanese, even on the 76th, and the life of the Red Party, Chongqing and other anti-Japanese groups hidden in the French Concession will become more and more difficult.

After smoking the cigarette, he smoothed out the mixed thoughts in his head, and Cheng Qianfan picked up the phone, "I want No. 76, Jisifeier Road, who to look for, Deputy Director Li Cuiqun, who am I, am I Cheng Qianfan."


   About an hour later.

  Jesfell Road, No. 76.

"Student, if you are here to be a lobbyist, please don't speak up." Li Cuiqun personally poured Cheng Qianfan a cup of tea, "The patrol office must immediately release the staff of my secret service headquarters, and at the same time extradite Che Luwang to me immediately square."

  Cheng Qianfan took a sip of tea lightly, and sighed comfortably, "Li Bainian found me, so I had to come here."

   As he spoke, he took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette on his own, lit it, and took a puff. "Of course, there should be the meaning of the Political Department behind this."

  He looked at Li Cuiqun, "The patrol room doesn't want the relationship to be completely deadlocked, as long as I show up in the senior's office, that's enough. As for what to say, it doesn't matter."

   "The French think this is giving me face? Will it satisfy me?" Li Cuiqun snorted coldly, "Release him immediately, hand him over!"

"Senior, talk to the Fuxi district patrol room, talk to the political department, if it's inconvenient to talk, or you don't want to have direct contact with them, I can pass on some things." Cheng Qianfan was not angry because of Li Cuiqun's attitude , he said with a slight smile.

Li Cuiqun took a deep look at his junior, he understood the meaning of the patrol room in the French Concession, Cheng Qianfan appeared here, or Cheng Qianfan's role in this matter was to ease the relationship , although this easing relationship may only be symbolic and has no substantive effect, when the contradiction may be further intensified, Cheng Qianfan's role in existence will be reflected.

   "Che Luwang can not be extradited for the time being." Li Cuiqun pondered for a moment, then said, "However, our Secret Service Headquarters entered the French Concession to search for Che Luwang's accomplices according to the law, and the French Concession Police Department must actively cooperate."

  Cheng Qianfan's heart skipped a beat.

  Accomplice of Che Luwang.

  The one who can be called "Che Luwang's accomplice" in Li Cuiqun's mouth is naturally none other than the high-level military commanders in Shanghai.

  So, one thing can be confirmed now, the Secret Service Headquarters holds the list and address of quite important personnel.

   "I can convey this request to the Political Department on behalf of the senior." Cheng Qianfan nodded slightly, "Give the senior a clear answer at the latest, tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

   "It's too late." Li Cuiqun shook his head, he pointed to the telephone on the desk, "Student, why don't you call now and ask for instructions?"


  Cheng Qianfan glanced at Li Cuiqun hesitantly. He had an intuition that the arrest operation of the Secret Service Headquarters had already begun.

   "Forget it." Cheng Qianfan frowned, and said in a deep thought, "I am only responsible for conveying the meaning of the senior, whether it is successful or not, I don't ask."


  Chongqing, Luojiawan No. 19.

   "Brother Mingzhe, try the freshly baked golden bear duck." Qi Wu warmly greeted Zheng Weilong.

  Zheng Weilong squinted his eyes, twisted a duck leg with his hands, and started to eat it.

  Qi Wu secretly smiled in his heart, after Zheng Weilong was electrocuted by the Japanese, his squinted eyes were healed, but he got into the habit of squinting when looking at things.

   At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

   "Come in." Qi Wu said.

   It was Mao Shun who came in. He saluted Qi Wu and Zheng Weilong, and then stood aside.

  Zheng Weilong glanced at the folder Mao Shun was holding, and understood in his heart, he got up and patted his butt, muttering, "Go and relieve yourself."

   Qi Wu watched Zheng Weilong slap his **** with his oily hands without hesitation, he smiled and said nothing.

  After Zheng Weilong left, Qi Wu took the telegram from Mao Shun. He waved his hand to signal Mao Shun to close the door and go out. He himself went back to the chair behind the desk and sat down to translate the telegram.

  Qi Wu's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat in an instant.

  He folded the telegram, put it in his pocket, and patted it.

   Then he rubbed his cheeks with his hands, and soon a gentle and calm smile returned to his face. Then he opened the door and walked towards the deputy director's office at a leisurely pace.

   "Qi Wu is here." Dai Chunfeng looked gloomy, nodded, and signaled Qi Wu to wait for a while.

  He is listening to Lu Peichu's report on the Wuhan station

  Wuhan station current station chief Liu Gai, deputy station chief Kang Xin and secretary, both of them are veteran spies, if they can work together, they will be able to serve the country in the occupied areas of Wuhan.

  However, Lu Peichu, the special commissioner Dai Chunfeng sent to Wuhan Station for investigation, returned. According to Lu Peichu's report, Wuhan Station is now a mess.

   The root cause of this is the discord between Liu Gai and Kang Xin, the chief and deputy officials.

  The two had disagreements on how to engage in anti-Japanese activities in the occupied areas.

  Liu Gai advocated winning over the puppet army and mastering armed forces in order to cover intelligence work.

  Kang Xin believes that this kind of thinking is not daring to fight the enemy head-on, and it encourages the arrogance of traitors, which is quite contrary to the national policy of resisting the war to the end, so he advocates focusing on the work of fighting against the enemy.

  Since then, Kang Xin’s two assassination operations against the enemy have failed, and caused serious losses of personnel at Wuhan Station.

  Kang Xin accused Liu Gai of not cooperating fully with the action, and was even suspected of dragging his feet.

Liu Gai accused Kang Xin of "being incompetent, but complaining about Pao Ze". The two turned their faces completely. The Wuhan station was divided into two parts, led by Liu Gai and Kang Xin respectively. The other party can see the point of death.

   "Bastard!" Listening to Lu Peichu's report, Dai Chunfeng's face became more and more gloomy, and he slapped the table with his palm, "The people who should be united with sincerity, but they are like passers-by, fighting on their own, what are they going to do?"

  When Lu Pei saw Dai Chunfeng angry for the first time, he could only smile wryly in his heart and dare not speak.

  He knew that such a report would arouse Dai Chunfeng's fury, but the situation in Wuhan Station was so corrupt, if he didn't tell the truth, if something happened at Wuhan Station in the future, it would be Lu Peichu who would be in trouble.

"Secretary seat." Qi Wu waited for about two minutes, seeing that Dai Chunfeng was still burning with anger, he also smiled wryly in his heart, knowing that submitting the telegram from the Shanghai Special Affairs Team at this time would add fuel to the flames, but,' The military situation is urgent', he still dare not delay any longer.

   "Boss, Section Chief Liu has just returned to Chongqing. Look, let him go home first." Qi Wu said softly from the side.

Dai Chunfeng glanced at Qi Wu, even though his heart was burning with anger, he was also surprised that Qi Wu said "go home and have a look" at this time, but he knew Qi Wu, and knew that there was a reason for Qi Wu to say that .

   "Go." Dai Chunfeng waved his hand.

  Lu Peichu seemed to have received an amnesty, he glanced at Qi Wu gratefully, and hurriedly 'get out of the sea of ​​suffering'.

  Dai Chunfeng looked at Qi Wu, he needed a reasonable explanation.

   "Secretary, urgent call from Shanghai Special Affairs Team." Qi Wu took out the message and handed it to Dai Chunfeng with both hands.

   "Oh? Good news?" Dai Chunfeng took the telegram and asked casually.

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   People are participating in an event in Shanghai and going home tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)