MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1036 : Special acquaintances

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Sitting in the Rolls Royce, where Dulles-Gerard specially rented at a five-star hotel, Jiang Hai and others came to this hotel.

Dulles-Gerard came by himself, but although he was himself, he lived in a suite. This is what Chiang Hai asked. If he goes out to work, he is not bad at it. If he talks about a business or something, It’s too ugly to open a standard room, so no matter who it is, even if they are going to be Edward-Anderson or Robbins-Garcia, they are renting a five-star hotel suite because they are not bad. Jiang Hailai, naturally, wants to live in the presidential suite.

This is to install 13 and the second is to show their strength. Before Jiang Hailai, natural Dulles-Gerard has already booked a presidential suite. After Jiang Hai and others came, they went straight to rest. .

Consonson-Peters was rushed to the room of Dulles-Gerard by Jiang Hai, and the presidential set was naturally occupied by Jiang Hai, Azalina and Gorgeous Shelley. The two went in. After that, I didn't say that there was no bugs and cameras in the first round. After confirming that there was no problem, Jiang Hai began to study with confidence to see the customer's problems.

However, Jiang Hai did not make an appointment this evening. First, because Jiang Hai was a little tired of the plane for a day, the second was to air the other party. The business was about 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Because the wine race in Magong is over, Jiang Hai does not need to go to Magong anymore, just in Paris.

In the afternoon, Jiang Hai and the two sisters had a good rest together. Of course, during this period, did you eat some tofu? No one knows, whoever eats the tofu, no one knows.

Anyway, nothing happened in the afternoon, until the evening, Jiang Hai also went out to eat.

Jiang Hai is not too concerned about wearing clothes or cars. The car is good to open. The second is good-looking and tough. He doesn't like the kind of car or super-run. He has some big blocks. Those who run super-running will not be comfortable even if they are stuffed in, so there are very few super-runs in his car, basically some black technology cars, or his favorite suv, which is the battle shield. You don't need to talk more.

However, compared to clothes, jewelry and cars, Jiang Hai is very picky about food.

Of course, this is also a problem that has only been accustomed to after having been rich in recent years. He used to eat anything before.

When you arrive in a country, you naturally want to eat something that is characteristic of the country, unless he can't accept it.

For example, domestic insects, there are many people in the country who really like to eat bugs, but the highest limit that Jiang Hai accepts is silkworm cocoons, not the kind of small bee stings, but the big cocoon in the northeast. Other worms have some of them, but oh, right, and the cockroaches that were baked in a small time.

There are many people in China who really like to eat bugs. I don’t introduce many provinces here. Some people in the province say that Jiang Hai is black, but in some provinces, insects are a very common food. There is even a street in a tourist city that basically sells bugs, and those who go there to play will try it.

Including many people in the Northeast also like to eat insects. For a while, Jiang Hai’s hometown ice city’s food stalls and barbecue stalls are full of bugs, the **** beetle, which is the otter, now More famous is the legendary corpse, this is a close relative, there are bees, there are silkworms, some people still eat cockroaches, grasshoppers, scorpions, cockroaches and the like, because the ice city is no worms, so the bamboo coming from the south Insects, barbecue stalls in the northeast are rare, and the price is very high.

When Jiang Hai went to school, some students would take these good worms to the school as snacks. Of course, it was mainly to attract everyone's attention. After the worms were finished, sprinkle some spiced powder and fry them. Like peanuts, but Jiang Hai has not tried it, he really does not eat these games should be...

In France, although French cuisine has always been the dominant position in Western food, there are also things that Jiang Hai does not eat.

For example, snails, originally Jiang Hai is eating snails, conch, snail, he eats these things, but the French white snail, he has no interest, because they will not be very familiar, compared to snails, He can also eat foie gras.

But what he ate tonight is a French snack, called a cheese fondue. Just like the name, it is not much different from the hot pot. It uses a high level of white wine and is cooked with cheese. After the cheese has been cooked, use some pieces of bread, vegetables, fruits, sausages, and meat slices. Put them in for a while and then take them out.

The special fragrance, Jianghai also eaten when he came here once. Now it is natural to have a good taste.

As for the liquor, it is brandy. Western countries also have different liquors, such as the Russian Vodka. Of course, the Soviet Union drinks vodka, the British is whiskey, Cuba is Rum, and Mexico is the dragon. Tequila, gin is produced in the Netherlands, but it is carried out by the British.

Of course, what is said here is the main origin and source, and other countries produce nature.

And France, it may be true to the grape, their red wine is the best in the world, and white wine, that is, brandy is also one of the best in the world, at least one of the most expensive to sell, like The legendary xo, Louis XVI is all brandy, where xo refers to the premium brandy, so there are many every year, Louis XVI is a brand.

Jiang Hai has no interest in these, because he does not like to drink wine. He used to have no money and could not afford it.

Now it is rich, drinking is not used, because he has passed the level to go to the arty, and now it is someone else to come to the arty taste of their own taste, what is a successful person? This is all right.

When I arrived at a cheese hot pot restaurant, Jiang Hai had a good meal, because they were not far away, so they didn't need to drive any cars. At about 8 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Hai went back to the hotel.

Here, Jiang Hai also wants to explain, go to Paris to play, don't go out at night.

Among the capitals of all developed countries in the world, the law and order in Paris is the worst. There is no one or one of them. It is the worst. The Parisians, to be exact, the French, have a very good character... Anyway No one looks at Jiang Hai’s words, so he is not afraid to offend people. The character of the British is so good that you are arrogant. After all, it’s the day when the empire is not falling, you’re going to listen to it, it’s 13 It's the kind of feeling you want to see him when you look at him.

The French, you listened to it, it is elegance, after all, romance and art capital, you are hard to listen to, is the second.

Belong to that kind, what do I want to do, don't ask me why I am doing this, I am an artist, and you have nothing to say about ordinary people, so you look at the country, really do things when you are inexplicable, think of one is one Out, there is no position and fundamentals, like when he was holding the Olympics in China, he screamed.

However, after a few years, I went to the search and went forward. It is hard to say anything, because their thinking is really hard to understand.

Central and Eastern Europe have not been very peaceful in recent years. Therefore, when countries are closed, France has begun to recruit refugees. Although it is a humanitarian matter, it has also offended those horrors. You have taken people away. Where do they find someone to fight? In addition, many of these refugees are not good cakes.

Therefore, the crime rate in Paris is extremely high. It is precisely because of this that the local people in Paris do not go out at night, and the night is extremely depressed. Together with the horror - the masses have been mainly staring at France. After all, they have offended them, so come from time to time. Get it all, it’s a bit scary, Jiang Hai, their team is a 13-story cow, and their personal fighting ability is extremely strong.

But they didn't have to go with these desperados, so after eating dinner, they went back to the hotel early. They didn't want to wander outside, and they didn't have much to go around. They knew that it was not flat. The shopkeepers also closed the door relatively early, back to the hotel, Jiang Hai is ready to go back to watch TV and rest.

But when he walked into the lobby, he suddenly heard someone quarreling there. He looked at it and found that it was two black-haired, yellow-skinned people who were talking at the front desk, and the man was always arguing, and the woman Then he is blocking him.

Jiang Hai is not a nosy person, even if these two are Chinese, Jiang Hai is not prepared to gossip, but when he sees the woman's long image, he can not help but stunned, because this woman, he actually understanding……

"Han Jiaren?" Looking at the woman, Jiang Hai couldn't help but look at the brow. To be honest, there have been many people who have had relations with him in recent years. Apart from the people living in his house, the people who have memories are not. Too much, but this woman, he is remembering.

This woman is not a Chinese, but a South Korean. When Jiang Hai went to South Korea’s 13th, she met her. There were some things that could not be described. After he thought he was gone, he might have lived this life. I won’t have any connection with this woman anymore, but I don’t think so, I’ve encountered it here... I don’t know what expression she would see when she saw it.

"What is the situation there?" He grabbed a waiter and asked Jiang Hai to him. (To be continued.)

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