MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 16 impossible

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A jade chess piece was gently tapped on the chessboard by a delicate little hand.

As the piece fell, the scenery on the chessboard began to change slowly.

Just when this scene was about to take shape, there was a light sound on the chessboard again.


It seemed that a thin crack appeared on the chessboard that could reflect the mountains and rivers.

The girl who had just dropped the chess piece had obviously never encountered such a situation. Her big watery eyes widened, but she was stunned.

Opposite the girl, there was an old man with immortal aura.

At this moment, the old man also had a solemn expression on his face.

"Yingtianyu is broken, could there be a catastrophe in this world..."

As soon as his words fell, a light appeared in the distance.

After a while, Dun Guang fell in front of the two of them, revealing a middle-aged figure.

If there are monks in this world here, you can recognize this middle-aged man as Li Zihua, the top monk in this world and the contemporary suzerain of Yuxuan Sect.

The girl who just got into trouble, after seeing Li Zihua, suddenly burst into tears.

Like a frightened little white rabbit, she jumped directly into Li Zihua's arms and cried:

"Father, Yingtianyu, it's cracked..."

Li Zihua's original words were suddenly choked back.

He turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he saw a crack across the entire chessboard.

Li Zihua's pupils shrank slightly and said, "Could it be that the doom of this world should be on him?"

The old man was in a fog and couldn't help but ask, "Who should it be on?"

At this time, Li Zihua only remembered his intention, and he said solemnly: "Elder Qian just sent back the news that the Heavenly Demon of the Heavenly Domain was born!"

The old man's pupils shrank suddenly.

He murmured: "No wonder, it turned out to be him..."

The girl who was hiding in Li Zihua's arms and crying just now, saw that neither of them had any intention of blaming her, and the expression on her face suddenly became active.

Her eyes swept over the two of them in turn, and she said curiously:

"Father, Master, what are you talking about?

Is that monster powerful? "

Li Zihua only noticed at this time that his daughter was still here.

His face sank, and he planned to let the little girl leave.

However, the old man in front of him waved his hand and said, "It's okay to let her know about this, tell her about it."

When the girl heard this sentence, her face suddenly showed joy.

She turned her head suddenly and looked at her father expectantly.

However, Li Zihua's face became extremely ugly.

He suddenly looked at the old man and said, "Master, how could this matter be related to Qingzhu?"

The old man sighed and said, "I was playing chess with her just now, and after the Qingzhu chess piece fell, Yintianyu split in response..."


Li Zihua's mouth opened and closed slightly, but he couldn't say a word.

At this time, Li Qingzhu also discovered the abnormality of the two, she was a little scared and said:

"Why don't you talk anymore, am I in trouble again?"

Li Zihua gently touched Li Qingzhu's head and sighed:

"I don't blame you this time. Don't you want to know how powerful that devil is? I'll tell you now."

Although Li Qingzhu felt that his father's tone was a little weird, he didn't think about it.

Because of her attention, she was quickly attracted by what Li Zihua said.

"Since it was recorded in the Canglang Realm, there have been three heavenly demons in the world.

These three demons were born in different eras, but they were equally famous.

Wherever they have passed, the immortals and demons are easy to change, and no one dares to block their sharpness. "

Li Qingzhu was a little surprised and said, "Father, didn't you say before that our spiritual practice is incompatible with those demons?

When the three demons were rampant, what were we spiritual sects doing? "

Li Zihua smiled bitterly and said, "When the three demons were rampant, all the sects were like ostriches.

They buried their heads in the mountain protection formation one after another, for fear that they would make too much noise and lead to the destruction of the family. "

Li Qingzhu's mouth suddenly grew bigger.

Ever since she can remember, she has always felt that spiritual practice is the most powerful thing in the world, and these words simply subverted her cognition.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she said incredulously: "What about us, what were our Yuxuan Sect doing at that time?"


Li Zihua was choked by this sentence.

On the other hand, the old man on the side said open-mindedly: "Our Yuxuan Sect is also one of those ostriches.

Your teacher and I are the largest of the group of ostriches! "

Although the old man said this sentence with a smile, it was like a dull thunder in Li Qingzhu's ears.

Since she was a child, she regarded her master as an omnipotent existence, and felt that all demons were vulnerable in front of him.

Now that she heard such words with her own ears, she only felt that the whole world was collapsing.

Seeing his daughter like this, Li Zihua had to go back and add:

"Our Yuxuan Sect is different from other sects.

At that time, most of the sects were so frightened that they closed the mountain directly.

There are only a few sects that dare to open their doors, and my Yuxuan Sect is one of them. "

Hearing this, the old man nodded and said, "Yes, although I am also an ostrich, I still occasionally look up.

From this point of view, we are indeed different from other sects. "


The corners of Li Zihua's eyes jumped, and he didn't know how to keep going back.

He had to pretend that he didn't hear it, and continued: "Among the three demons, the Heavenly Demon of Peerless Realm was born the latest.

Until a few decades ago, he was still active in the Canglang Realm.

During that time, the entire Canglang Realm was in a panic, for fear that one accident would lead to disaster. "

Li Qingzhu stared at her big watery eyes and said, "Father, at that time, wouldn't anyone be able to suppress that devil?"

After pondering for a moment, Li Zihua nodded and said, "Yes!

When the Heavenly Demons were rampant, only the Qingxuan Sword Sect could stand against them.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, when the founder of Qingxuan Sword Sect flew to the upper realm, he left his personal sword in the sect.

It was only by relying on that divine sword that Qingxuan Sword Sect was able to stand up to that devil.

It is said that not only the Heavenly Demons of the Absolute Territory are afraid of the Divine Sword, but even the Heavenly Demons of the previous two generations dare not face its sharpness.

Ever since the Heavenly Demons of the Heavenly Domain returned to seclusion, Qingxuan Sword Sect has been known as "Three Demons in One Sword". "

"Shut up!"

As soon as Li Zihua finished speaking, the old man beside him quit.

He cursed and said, "When the Heavenly Demons were rampant, that old fellow Li Fenku was no better than me.

That is to say, after the Heavenly Demon of the Heavenly Domain returned to seclusion, the word "One Sword Kills Three Demons" came out.

Now that the Heavenly Demon is born again, let him show me another one! "


Li Zihua's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't speak anymore.

He could only turn around and say: "Master, after the two previous demons returned to seclusion, they have never been born again.

This time, the Heavenly Demon of the Territory was only reborn after decades of cessation, obviously something was wrong.

Moreover, Elder Liu said that the Heavenly Demon of the Territory claimed to have turned into a spiritual practice.

You said him, will he have broken through Ziyun and entered the realm of Taixuan? "

Hearing this, the old man suddenly raised his head and roared, "It's impossible!"