MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 14 That's it?

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In Lu Shenzong.

A small group of cultivators with various modern communication equipment on their bodies shuttled in and out of Lu Shenzong's mountain protection formation, gathering and dispersing from time to time.

After some interspersed, they finally reunited in front of a middle-aged man.

One of the young people said: "Boss, the big formation outside has been arranged!"

The middle-aged man said solemnly, "Have you checked all the corners?"

"Boss, don't worry, a single spirit stone is not bad."

The middle-aged man nodded, then set his eyes on the other person, and asked, "Is the helper in place?"

The man who was named replied: "Already in place, two prison-breaking realms and one empty realm.

Even in the top sects, they can be regarded as elder-level characters.

In order to invite them, I almost took out my old bottom. "

"well done!"

The middle-aged man moved his gaze to the other person again and asked, "Where's the tentacle, has it been placed?"

"Boss, I've already checked it three times, and there's no chance of anything going wrong.

As long as the prey comes to the door, I can definitely find it in advance. "

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with this attitude.

But he didn't have a seizure, but looked away again.

The last person didn't wait for him to ask, and then took the initiative to say: "Boss, the bait has already been placed.

Put the top bait, and it's three servings.

As long as the prey gets close, it will taste the taste of overclocking catastrophe..."

He said this, and said with some pain: "Boss, who are we going to deal with this time?

In order to set up this trap, we made a lot of money. "

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "It's an existence that almost brought down Huancang Technology.

It is because of him that Huancang Technology has to cooperate with us.

This time, no matter how much it costs, as long as this bug can be eliminated, we will earn it. "

The middle-aged man's voice was extremely serious, but the young man in charge of baiting still had a painful expression on his face.

He whispered: "But in case the prey doesn't come to the door this time, wouldn't all the things we set up go to waste?"

His words instantly resonated with others.

Someone immediately echoed: "That's right, I heard that this information was obtained from a mentally ill mouth.

I don't know if the brains of those in the intelligence department are broken.

They made us make such a big fight with just one psychotic nonsense. "

The middle-aged man said with a sullen face: "Although the information this time was provided by the intelligence department, the battle plan was formulated above. Don't talk nonsense!"

The rest of the people were really anxious when they saw the middle-aged man, and immediately closed their mouths.

But the expressions on their faces were a little ugly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man could not help frowning slightly.

Just when he was about to say a few words to appease his team members, a bracelet on his hand suddenly glowed faintly.

The middle-aged man's face suddenly brightened, and he said, "The prey is here!"

The young people in front of him suddenly looked at each other in dismay.

Someone muttered in a low voice, "That mental illness actually brought the target?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "Stop mumbling, you all take your place immediately!

In addition, let the technical support team be ready to overclock to start the catastrophe at any time, and don't begrudge consumption.

This time, be sure to take down the prey beautifully! "

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to the young man in charge of the tentacles, and said solemnly, "Report the prey location immediately!"

The young man still said lazily: "What's the hurry, the prey has just arrived at the periphery.

He... eh! ? "

Just halfway through his words, as if he suddenly saw a ghost, the whole person jumped up.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw this, and he quickly said, "What are you doing, report the location of the prey!"

The eyes of the young man in charge of the tentacles jumped and he said, "Prey... The prey is already on top of our heads!"


The middle-aged man looked up in amazement, and sure enough, he saw a figure standing by Lin Xu.

His pupils contracted suddenly, and he shouted in an almost broken voice: "Quick! Overclocking Heavenly Tribulation!"


Without waiting for his words to fall, a black cloud instantly condensed in the sky.

Compared with the several thunderclouds Fang Mu had seen before, this time the scale was significantly larger and the clouds were lower.

The lightning rolling in the clouds also turned black and purple in color.

This piece of thunder cloud condensed and was not released, and it already exuded a deep death, as if to destroy everything in the world.

Fang Mu raised his head and looked at the black and purple thundercloud, and his eyes couldn't help showing a little surprise.

This group of monks from other worlds brought him another accident.

Even he had to pay attention to the power emanating from the thundercloud.


The group of people obviously did not intend to give Fang Mu too much time, and almost at the moment when the thundercloud formed, a purple thunder fell.

At the same time, a giant beast appeared in Lu Shenzong's mountain protection formation, rushing towards Fang Mu from bottom to top.

The cultivator in the hollow state in the great formation finally discovered Fang Mu's existence.

"The evildoer will die!"

With a loud shout, he directly sacrificed his flying sword and slashed towards Fang Mu.

In that instant, Fang Mu was besieged by several top-level techniques from the Canglang Realm, and he seemed to be in a desperate situation.

However, the expression on his face did not change at all.

Fang Mu clicked with one hand, and the lightning above his head deviates from the original route, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com directly smashed the giant beast transformed by the Hushan Great Array and trembled slightly.

As for the flying sword that was slashed towards him, Fang Mu didn't even look at it.

The Void Realm cultivator in the distance has never been so despised before.

He was suddenly furious, and used all his strength to command his flying sword.

However, no matter how he envoys, the flying sword could not get within ten feet of Fang Mu.

Fang Mu continued to ignore the flying sword beside him, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and gave a false grip to the thunder cloud in the sky.

The thundercloud, which had been rolling endlessly just now, was instantly misfiring.

However, Fang Mu was still somewhat dissatisfied with this.

"Get me down!"

Like a tug of war, he suddenly pulled down.

boom! boom! boom…

Thousands of purple thunders fell in an instant.

Because these purple thunders were pulled down by Fang Mu's 'brute force', the power of a single lightning bolt was much weaker than before.

But no matter what, it's a thunderbolt.

With so many thunders falling at the same time, the power has far exceeded the limit of Lu Shenzong's mountain protection formation.

The mountain protection formation, which has been passed down for thousands of years, was penetrated into a thunderbolt far beyond its endurance limit in an instant.

It exploded directly like a toad that was full of gas.

Lu Shenzong was instantly turned into ruins under the double bombardment of the Mountain Protection Array and the sky-filled purple thunder.

And the thunderclouds in the sky were also hollowed out by Fang Mu, leaving only a thin layer, rolling weakly in the air.

Fang Mu raised his right hand still, ready to draw down the last trace of power in the thundercloud.

However, after looking around for a week, he found that there was no one alive around.

"This is the end?"