MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 222

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Every time they see Wu An. They were like seeing a ghost. They could run as fast as they wanted. This is too exaggerated.

"These people are afraid that the captain is not describing a human being."

Van Oka gloated over the misfortune, few people could describe the captain so badly.

These people are really weird, too weird, obviously they haven't seen anything, they just say they have noses and eyes.

"no way."

Wu An sighed. Although he didn't care about his image, he would be a little unhappy if he was blacked out like this.

Those who escaped just now ran to a place far away from them, patted their chests, and were almost scared to death just now.

In the face of all this, Luo was very calm. They didn't know him, and he didn't have a wanted order.

He is a very ordinary person. Of course, in the eyes of others, Wu An would not think that he is ordinary, otherwise he would not have spent so much effort. If you want to know his news, give him to him.

Pull over.

It is nothing more than that he has the fruit of the operation. Luo is thinking, if this secret is known to the Tianlong people, they will not let him go, and even spend a lot of effort to arrest him.

But he won't keep him like Wu An, he will most likely be killed, and then they will take away the fruit. Tianlong people are famous for their brutality.

Otherwise, he would not have been hiding all the time, and now they will know about it. What the consequences would be, he already knew very well in his heart.

"to bar."

Wu An said in a muffled voice, these people are timid as mice, what is there to fear about him, and they say that he is a murderer, these people are even more excessive.

Don't think about it, you all know that this news was spread by human traffickers, and if you knew it earlier, you shouldn't have let them go.

It is very helpless to describe him like this, so that the people who eat melons don't know why.

This made him how to win people over in the future, these **** human traffickers, if they did something wrong, they just wanted to smear him.

I really don't understand what they are thinking, obviously what he does is justice.

262 Spread the word

Can't they see it?

This is a puzzling thing. In the face of these people who are running fast when they see him, they still decide to go to the bar.

"Will the guests of Aunt Xia's bar be scared away?"

After Xiaoba finished speaking, he shrank his neck, as if something terrible happened.

Wu An's footsteps paused, and it was right to say that, he would never admit it.

"Don't worry, the bar's guests are not so timid."

Wu An forced himself to make excuses, Fan Oka's exaggerated shoulders were shaking.

Xiao Ba wanted to say something, but when he met the warning look in the captain's eyes, he couldn't say anything for a moment.

He admitted that he was very afraid of the captain, especially the angry captain. At this time, he should not provoke him. On the way to the bar, Wu An kept suppressing his anger and said something bad, but he passed him into a big devil. Let "697" make him very upset, is he so scary?

In Xia Qi's bar, an old customer of Xia Qi looked at Xia Qi mysteriously, and sat down at the bar, looking like she had important information.

Xia Qi packed up the things next to her and put the prepared wine next to her. The information on this guest has always been accurate, and she has a good relationship with her. She has always told her any information at the first time. In return for her, she invited him to drink for free. This kind of Xia Qi was still affordable.

"What's wrong? What important information, so mysterious."

Xia Qi asked curiously what the information in his hand would be.

"This information is very important."

The visitor was wearing tattered clothes, with a beard and a hoop on his face, and the top of his head looked more like a chicken coop. After taking a sip of wine, Xia Qi didn't bother him and looked at him

This picture makes me very dissatisfied. If it weren't for the sake of their friendship, they would definitely not let him into the bar. It's too destructive.

However, for the sake of information, she still endured it. She really wanted to know what information he had. Xia Qi had always been very patient with information, but she didn't have so much patience with other things.

"It's a big deal this time."

After saying this, she took another sip of wine to suppress her shock, which made Xia Qi almost panic.

Fortunately, she held back. She said before that she was patient, which was good. It was only good for a minute, but now several minutes have passed. If he doesn't say anything, Xia Qi will beat him if he is not good enough.

"Do you know the Demon Lord of Hell?"

Xia Qi listened to his suddenly lowered voice and nodded expressionlessly, of course she knew.

"Do you know where he is, the big devil, the devil of hell?"

Xia Qi looked at his expression and shook her head in cooperation, which made him very satisfied. There was panic on her face. Who does not know the name of Hell Demon Lord.

It's almost like coming out of hell.

"What's up with him?"

Xia Qi thought that something had happened to Wu An. Wu An had told her about the Hell Demon Lord before, and she was also prepared. Knowing that the Hell Demon Lord was Wu An, there was not much emotional ups and downs at this time.

The visitor thought that he was frightened and stupid, and spoke with satisfaction.

"The Demon Lord of Hell is here."

After taking a deep breath, he drank the rest of the wine without suppressing the fear in his heart. For him, it was really terrifying.


Xia Qi thought he was talking about the bar, looked around the bar and found nothing.

"Not here."

The visitor seemed to have lost to Xia Qi. Of course, it wasn't in the bar. If it was in the bar, who would dare to come.

She had been scared away for a long time, okay? Xia Qi's expression was very confused, and she didn't know what he meant.

"In the Chambord Islands, the Demon Lord of Hell has come to the Chambord Islands."

He looked around for a week and whispered the information, Xia Qi was startled, so he knew about it, so didn't everyone else know it?

The identity of Wu'an Hell Demon Lord was discovered like this?

Looking at his terrified look, he knew that everyone else was afraid of Wu An.

It's very likely that I can't wait to get out of here immediately.


"Of course, the five old stars have all intervened. It turns out that the Wu'an Pirates are the Demon Lord of Hell and his crew."

Xia Qi heard what he said, her face was still expressionless, she lit a cigarette and started smoking, the smoke shrouded Xia Qi's face, covering Xia Qi's face, in the smoke, it was not very clear, Xia Qi's expression .

The visitor looked at Xia Qi and was deeply attracted, but he knew that Xia Qi must be boring to him, and he was not an ordinary person who could afford such a bar.


Xia Qi was flat and unresponsive. Although the visitor was strange, she didn't say anything.

After drinking, I left. I was afraid that if one step was slow, the Demon Lord of Hell would come to this bar. After all, the trafficker met him by coincidence.

Xia Qi didn't care about his departure, but this time, it must have spread. If you want to hide it, you can't hide it. For a long time, there will be panic here.

And they can't do anything, and the five old stars will soon find out about them. This is a problem. Xia Qi is thinking about how to help them. After all, Xiaoba also participated, and there is a reward order. Can't help.

I can only wait for them, come here, and think about other countermeasures. These guests can only let them leave first. Xia Qi is thinking about how to let them leave without causing trouble. This is a big problem.

It's best to let them pay and leave. Xia Qi never forgets money. After all, only money can guarantee her and Rayleigh's life, otherwise, what to eat.

Xia Qi knocked on her head, and she had to be tenacious in the face of such a thing.

Don't think about free bills or something. In her dictionary, there will never be two words free bills.

Just what are these people going to do? to leave?

Before thinking of the countermeasure, Xia Qi's eyes suddenly caught a familiar figure, isn't that Wu An and the others?

When Xia Qi saw Wu An and the others, she quickly greeted these 3.6 customers.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm in a hurry today, so I won't be open for business. Everything you consume today will be free of charge."

After Xia Qi finished speaking, she looked at them apologetically, the purpose was very obvious, and she hoped that they would leave now.

Who can know the heartache of her saying the word "free single", no one understands this feeling, obviously a lot of money, and now I haven't got a single one, Xia Qi concealed it very well, so that they didn't let them find out. The single thing that scares her even more is that because of the arrival of the Demon Lord of Hell, these people will never dare to come again. This is the most deadly thing. She will have no customers in the bar in the future. Bad ideas, get them out as soon as possible.

These guests didn't bother too much, since they have already waived the bill, no matter what, they are taking advantage of it, if they are still messing around.

263 Put an end to bad reputation

This bar owner is not a vegetarian.

"Next time I won't leave so easily."

One of the guests laughed, and Xia Qi's decent smile hung on her face, of course.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Xia Qi thanked them loudly. Seeing them all leave, she was relieved. Fortunately, they are all gone now, great!

In the future, the business of the bar will still be there, and it will not be without business.

Looking back at Xiao Ba and the others, they consciously entered through the back door. Xia Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn't enter through the front door, otherwise they would have really scared these guests.

"Did I say Aunt Xia?"

Wu An couldn't understand it. Xia Qi smiled brightly and didn't explain it to him. Of course, if those customers knew that the bar still had contacts with Hell Demon Lord, would the bar's business still be necessary?

This is a very important thing, don't be sloppy.

If he didn't say such words, he was afraid that Wu An would be violent. Xiaoba understood Aunt Xia very well and knew what Aunt Xia thought. He drank water silently.

"Okay, don't be so bitter and hated."

Xia Qi patted Wu An on the shoulder. She had just heard about it, and expressed her sympathy for him, but there was no way.

"Why were you so scared just now?"

Wu An asked in dissatisfaction, Xia Qi looked left and right in a guilty conscience, obviously not answering him.

"It's not scary, you think, who doesn't know your name? If they see it, this bar will be scrapped."

Xia Qi sighed, with the ability of those guests, they couldn't bear it at all.

How many people have the guts to come back to the places where the Demon Lord of Hell has visited, isn't this a joke?

Wu An was silent. Regarding all this, he had nothing to say. He was obviously here to rescue them from the dire straits, but he was said to be a big devil who killed people without blinking. He didn't know what their eyes were. .

"You must be careful these days."

Xia Qi reassured and warned again, this is not a joke, the Five Old Stars will soon receive the news, and there will be countless capable people to arrest them.

"Don't worry." Wu An reassured her that if it was a big deal, she would just hide. If they couldn't fight, they would run away. Not to mention that they were all gang fights. A manly man, able to bend and stretch.


Xia Qi was very afraid that he would fight to the end and fight against them. Fortunately, Wu An was not such a person. He knew the pros and cons, and he knew how to avoid them.

She doesn't have any opinion on this if she can't beat it, and it's the best way for now.

"Why don't you fight them directly, it's not impossible to fight."

Xiao Ba's violent temper came up again, Xia Qi gave Xiao Ba a helpless glance, why he couldn't understand it, in fact, Fan Oka didn't understand either, but he didn't say it, although it was a little awkward to let Xiao Ba speak. Too authentic, but there is no way.

"It's not cost-effective to fight them. They have endless navies to fight against us, and I only have you people. If you are going to be injured, even if you kill them, it will not return your health."

Wu An looked at Xiao Ba and spoke very seriously, hoping that he would not be arrogant in the future, but would take his own life very seriously, except for them, no one can replace the crew of the Wu'an Pirates.

Wu An is not as important to them as they see it. If they have an accident, even if they kill the Five Old Stars, it will be difficult to quell their anger and put them in danger.

, which is the first element.

Xiao Ba was taken aback by what Wu An said. Why did he meet such a good captain? Her eyes were a little red, and Xia Qi was also emotionally infected. She was happy for Xiao Ba to find such a captain, and would follow him in the future. There must be no danger to life.

It can really deceive people. This sentence is naturally Luo's idea. He is not so stupid. He said his true thoughts, and he did not express any opinions about Wu An.

What's more, there is no need for him to express this opinion.

Wu An didn't have time to care about Luo's thoughts. In short, one day he was his crew, so he had to listen to him. This couldn't be changed.

"Anyway, just be careful."

There were only a few of them left in the huge bar. Wu An looked at the business of the bar. At this time, it was empty, and he felt a little sorry in his heart. He didn't want to believe that it was all because of him.

"Don't blame yourself so much, it's me who let them go, not to mention it's better than chasing people out yourself."

Xia Qi laughed and said, Wu An nodded, all this started because of him, and it will end because of him