MTL - My Girlfriend has a System-Chapter 73 How is it so much?

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The shelf is the biggest level of the novel, the results are good, the recommendation comes from a steady stream, the position of the **** is stable, the income is considerable, the fans gather...

Even if you put a novel on this novel, this is not good, it will fall.

Don't forget that I stared at the computer tightly. Although I have already proved my position, I can't sleep peacefully every time I go to the shelves.

"My grades should not be bad. Whether it is a collection or a recommendation ticket or a book review, it is more than the previous one. The first day subscription should be above 5,000." He comforted himself.

In the previous book, he made the first five thousand!

But even if the heart is comforting, how can the data be reassuring, he does not dare to take it lightly.

The next day will be able to decide the efforts of the previous two months. How can he not worry?

A day fails, the previous pay is paid for!

He is not a newcomer. He has seen many old authors because of a bad grade in a book, his mentality explodes, and then his **** is degraded, he never gets up again. In the end, he even degraded himself and gave him a gunman...

This is the reality of the web!

Helpless, cruel!

Everything speaks by strength!

He took a deep breath and the chapters on the shelves were already written, and they could be released at regular intervals.

As soon as he was prepared, he knew that he had no mood code words, so he prepared a lot of manuscripts. Now it is easier.

"Look at other people's books." The data is not going to change because he looks at his eyes. This is also clear in his heart.

In the plan to inspect the enemy first, he turned to the page of "Breakthrough."

"Hey, he also sent a testimonial?" Don't forget me snoring, a smirk in the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, I have to see what you can do."

This does not know the so-called Xiao Baiwen, actually want to grab his recommendation?

The slogan pen, the ordinary plot, even a little life philosophy can not see...

Why should this book compete with him?

“Is the editing of the dots an idiot?”

I complained in my heart, don't forget me to open the testimony of "Breakthrough".

Generally speaking, this kind of thing, the author praises the past, unites the present, shows the future, inspires the readers, and then asks for a wave of subscription.

This is a book with old books, and the old authors of the fan team can use it, and newcomers often have no fans, no fans can encourage them, so they usually choose a method - crying and selling.

Simply put, it is pitiful. He even saw a few shameless faces. He said that his legs were broken in a wheelchair and he was alone in the bridge...

Well, you are so miserable, how come the computer with the code word?

However, the readers can't find the author's home verification anyway, and they can edit it.

"If this guy is also selling miserable..." Don't forget my face with a disdainful smile, but he really wants to see the author who almost snatched his recommendation, how to cry...

The subscription won't give you, but you can cry a few more times, and I can feel a lot better.

With this mentality, he opened a new chapter and fixed his eyes.

Then - his pupil instantly zoomed in and exclaimed.

"Is there still such a shameless testimony?"


At the same time, readers are also watching Su Shi's speech.

They were dumbfounded and then smiled.

"Haha, handsome and funny!"

"Very good, look at your hard-working face, I will come to an automatic subscription for your book."

"Deep mountain training for 20 years... Niubi..."

Other authors are also stunned. Some of them write books longer than forgetting me, selling tragic words, determined words, and gambling subscriptions...

But they have never seen such a shameful testimony!

"I have never seen such a brazen author!"

Even the Maple editor who has been paying attention to "Breakthrough" has seen this testimony for three minutes and sighed deeply.

"Shuada....... It’s a bit..."

Then he suddenly glimpsed and suddenly found a fact.

Su Shi’s author name is – a handsome author!

Is there such an author's name, is it not normal to send this speech?

For a time, he didn't know how to comment...


The next day, Su Shi went to school without any heart.

Anyway, my own text is like this. Now, if you think about it, your grades will not change.

However, compared with his calm, not forgetting me, editors, and other authors have moved.

Pointing up the data network update is the next day, showing the first day of the subscription, curious authors have been waiting.

"What do you say about the results of "Breakthrough"?"

"When you look at the recommended tickets and collections, should you get more than 5,000 first-day subscriptions?"

"Five thousand? That is just a very ordinary white paper in this article! He is just a newcomer!"

"But he recommended it very well. You see, his home page is pushed together with Sanjiang. What other authors are you so fierce?"

"But you have to know, there is a strong push and don't forget my god! At the same time, there are limited people who see the recommendation, there is no forgetfulness, and the effect of strong push should be average."

"More importantly, he is just a newcomer. How many newcomers can get a 10:1 booking ratio?"

"But you see his data..."

"Cut, do you still remember the brushed book of last year?"

"Amount... Take money to buy recommended tickets, collectibles, and collect 50,000 on the shelves. The result is only 500, and the next day is the eunuch?"

"Yes, I think he may be..."

Similar talks are everywhere, the author group, the Dragon Air Forum, the author private chat...

Even the editors secretly glanced at the maple tree. If they were not looking at the editor behind them, they all wanted to use the editing authority to take a look at the data of "Breakthrough".

Don't forget my editor's purple night, brush out and don't forget my data.

"咦 Don't forget my ordering this time than it looks like... Is it strange that I told him about it?" The purple night brow wrinkles, the gods grab the recommendation, Maybe it will affect the author's mentality.

But in a blink of an eye, he did not care.

"But even if his mentality collapses, there should be more than 5,000. There is no problem in tying a new person."

Just thinking about it, he saw the maple tree suddenly stood up and his face was dignified.


"Well? What happened?" The chief editor of the blue jujube frowned.

"I want to ask the technical department to check the data of "Breakthrough"!" Maple's face is dignified like water.

"what happened?"

"Is it a bad score? Well, I said that a small white text can't be up, it should be the author's brush."

"Even the technical department did not find out that he brushed... It seems that the author of "Breakthrough" is more capable of hacking than his writing ability."

The blue date is also in the bottom: "Is it wrong to say that my decision is wrong?"

He sank in his heart and walked to the computer of Maple.

Suddenly, his eyes were condensed.


When I came home from school, Su Shi first threw the purchased vegetables and meat in the kitchen. Rarely did not immediately open fire to cook, but returned to his room.

"It shouldn't be rushing..."

Before I came to the computer, I decided to see the results, and his heart suddenly fell out.

However, when he saw his subscription results, he was still a bit dumbfounded.

He regularly released 10 chapters, the highest chapter, subscribe to 29174!

Average subscription 27822!

Su Shi exclaimed exports.

“How could it be so fierce?”